Meditation Techniques & Basic and Advanced Yoga by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana @IIT Delhi - Session 4

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[Music] [Music] [Music] see before you go further in this knowledge I just want to give you a story to illustrate few points hmm you must understand the power of your attention and the power of mindfulness then only I can go into the techniques of meditation meditation you will understand its relevance to your life see the story is like this it is the story of a Japanese Samurai and a young Monk a Japanese Buddhist monk so Samurai Samurai in feudal Japan there used to be those Warrior ah some of them were monks also monk Warriors sort of who were very well trained in martial arts so now this Samurai was he was not a monk he was just trained in well-trained in the martial arts and he could fight very well so he is also a young man and then there is a young monk who not very well trained in the martial arts but very very concentrated very beautiful personality so once this Samurai came and challenged the people of a village that anybody can fight with me if you can fight with me I will know that you people have some substance I don't think anybody in this Village can fight with me so the Zen master there sent this young monk hmm you go and answer him so the young monk went and said yes we can fight with you but we prefer not to because we are non-violent people then he said no no you show me if you can fight show me that you can fight so then this young monks also stood and the samurai also stood now please see the this that Samurai is a much older person and he is a fighter he knows his job very well and he knows he's an expert at martial arts and this is just a young monk some 18 20 years old who has mastered the art of attention so both of them now the first fight is about sword sword fighting um now this monk does not have experience that person has so much of experience so all the crowd the whole village had gathered and all the club crowd was actually cheering the young monk but he didn't have experience so many of them subconsciously they thought that he will lose where is he compared to the samurai but you know this monk had learned his lessons very well although he did not have expertise with sword fighting he had learned what his Guru had told him very well and his Guru had told him see my son if you want to know what is in the other person's mind or even what action he is going to perform you must first empty your mind you know there is something called being Mindful and being mindful just now our mind is full to the brim all sorts of things foreign you remove the Clutter you will become mindful automatically which means you will start living in the present moment and you will become deeply aware mindful only thoughts are going on uncontrolled awareness this is default state for most youngsters mind is full but if you become mindful then what will happen whatever is happening in other Minds will reflect in your mind so you will know what your opponent wants to do automatically um the young monk remembered standing there his teacher had told him look my son if you only focus on this word you will get carried away by this word if you only focus on the opponent his eyes and his anger and his Fury will carry away your mind you will get the same emotions within you if you focus on his feet his the swiftness of his feet will carry away your mind but if you empty your mind you will not be carried away by anything and what the other person is thinking or wants to do will reflect in your mind and you will know what to do are you guys catching this point if you empty your mind your mind will reflect what what is in front of you perfectly because it has become mindful mindful not mindful and it will reflect what is going on perfectly and you will know what to do so he had learned this lesson well so he was full of mindfulness that other fellow was full of ego mindful so both clashed and in a matter of five minutes the young monk defeated him not because he was an expert at martial arts because he was mindful this is the power of attention if you have an uncluttered mind do you know how much you can achieve if you have a cluttered mind how little you can achieve if you know that that at least that much you will know how an uncluttered mind how much you can achieve you must learn to empty mind periodically this is what meditation techniques are about just a refresh button in your apps like that something like that mind is a app you must refresh it from time to time and the cleaner you must run the cleaner otherwise all sorts of files will get accumulated viruses will get accumulated and then it won't function meditation techniques huh that's the refresh button so you will renew your Energies you will renew your attention when you refresh isilia meditation technique says you see this monk one not because of his expertise but because of his awareness because of his mindfulness so don't think intelligence means being mindful intelligence means being mindful so you must learn the art of mindfulness there are various techniques to it is generating mindfulness through concentration of on breath like this there are various ways of generating mindfulness I am now going to give you a list of techniques treasure in our spiritual Heritage by which you can remain in charge of yourself you don't have to be carried away by this and that so let me show you the techniques such an uh you know only small bit I have put here see these are the techniques of meditation available to you in The Vedic period the main techniques I have put them here you see nididhyasana The Vedic meditation technique what you hear that you must think again and again and you must meditate on it whose meditation and there were various types of meditation given see today you are hearing about this all this if you think about it repeatedly when you go to your room it will be Manon but if you sit quietly for five minutes and try to bring this knowledge into your mind it isan so is a practice karna this will help you digest the information that you are constantly taking in otherwise I told you know over cluttered mind it will do anything just like that it will become impulsive so niridhasan is a practice to do this first you get acquainted with the practices then second is see this was actually meant for self-knowledge foreign no are you the object in your pocket your mobile and no it is your object but you are not the object isn't it and are you your spectacles are you no now you are your T-shirt no then like that only your your body you are wearing the body by why you know it is an object of your perception if you are the body how it could be object to you think you know my logic is correct or wrong if something is object of your perception it is object so which means you are different from it you can also objectify your thought s you can find out which means you are separate even from the mind How can I am I right which means body and mind also are objects to you objects of your experience but the fact of your experiences they are perfect objects to your perceptions body you can your objective fire and Study Medical Science um mind you objectify and study psychological Sciences are that only so then who are you if you are not body and mind if they are objects of your perception I am not this I am not this I am not this when you keep doing this you come to ethi then I am that means I am apart from that I am something else finally it will boil down to Pure awareness I am only self aware that is the fundamental experience of life foreign I am not my perceptions I am not my memories I am not my emotions however nice it may be I am not that I am not my anger I am not my resentment I am not my love I am not my joy then who am I you will finally come to I the awareness I am experiencing all this in my mental firmament it is an object of my experience object is not subject isn't it are you getting my point see these are all classic vedantic techniques for you to understand your own real nature essay thought process what is my real nature then you know when thought is very bad gloomy um negative thinking and then it will automatically deplete your energy so you feel very bad that time you should practice the Sensei am I that thought is mine but I am not the thought they say t-shirt is you your T-shirt you are wearing is yours but you are not the T-shirt like that your thoughts are yours but you are not the thought you are thinking those thoughts because you have conditioned yourself like that distance up it is a perfect object of your perception your cognition so then you will understand only awareness I am not offward hey not awareness of something pure awareness just being you are pure awareness which does not have to be aware of something in yourself self awareness is what defines you but in that when a thought process comes in you feel you must become aware of something to be there yes it's a it's a huge Theory Descartes postulation that I I am only when I think is this true suppose you are not thinking when you are not thinking meditation practice I will put you into the state of shunya empty mind that time you must only tell me whether you are still there or you are not there at all what I'm telling you is whether thought is there or not whether emotion is there or not you are there you are right there mister don't worry your awareness is always there thought can come and go is disidentifying with what you are not so that you remain as what you always are you are pure being pure consciousness you are that self difficult because if I use the word Atma again the core truth about your existence your own Consciousness pure Consciousness that is called the Atman so you are that functioning through a body mind complex with a little thinking you can understand this you are not your thought or due to your conditioned mental mechanism it is going on and on and on and on check this out and see OK yes experiments thought experiments hey check out for yourself okay he has become very concentrated and very very alert our next class yes distance yourself and see for yourself do you remain over when you are distance from the thought process find out and tell me yes then what did you find it's a mental no no see if you do it yogically you do it as it is done in meditation you will find that whether there is a thought or no thought in your mind you as awareness are always there any one of you do you ask the question um why you are awareness in your awareness through a thought process you identify with body and mind objects senses everything but self-awareness is fundamental find out for yourself if this is true or not yes because it is your own experience which escapes your confused mind out for yourself you are very capable of it um but you must do it with a little yoga practice I am telling you because mind should be stable to conduct an inquiry like this if mind is morose depressed or very unstable you will not get the right answer are you getting it um so this is one another next method nathi nathi which means not this not this I am not this not this so then you will remain over as what you truly are then there are vidyas vidyas are Vedic meditations which which are very beautiful actually there are a number of vidyas like madhu Vidya akshar Vidya chandalia Vidya each is a meditation of the realization of some Rishi ekrishine experience through his meditation if you meditate on that experience you will get the same experience like for example in madhubidya the Rishi has experienced everything is pouring dripping with bliss The Sky Is Bliss the ocean is bliss the waters are Bliss the vegetation is bliss these animals around me are blessed these trees are dripping Bliss each grass is dripping with bliss because he has awakened to the supremely Blissful state you just have to meditate on this madhubidya and something of that you will catch universities maybe is practicals we have put that you meditate on this and you will get something of that same how beautiful must be that State of Mind where you are feeling everything is dripping Bliss yeah vidyas are like this very powerful techniques today we have lost a large part of this literature only because this did not come to you generation go out of touch with this you will lose that bit of knowledge so now you have to reverse the gear and come back and understand this this very profound knowledge about your own being research so you have to do this at least understand what the how profound it is what they are trying to say then you see there is Mantra meditations in The Vedic Age whatever you find in The Vedas are themselves called mantras what is a mantra freedom Yes actually Mantra means which means that is a mantra it is an Insight which a Rishi gets which becomes a mantra first person means by yourself you realize something it will become like a mantra to you that this is the law of existence here physics there are insights into the nature of physical existence these are insights into the nature of human existence about life about consciousness this is that's why this is science of consciousness so mantras are powerful meditate you can get the experience of the Rishi this is this meditation foreign why do we do it because the experience of the Rishi who gave out that Mantra should become our experience that experiences one of Awakening of the awaken my higher intelligence that I may know your nature you who illumine the three worlds this is the prayer of Gayatri foreign give me that intelligence by which I can know your Supreme Being which illumines this universe it was also given here we did a practical on Gayatri here you know a course May punch courses in one course we did gayathri here each and every student did it they were so interested because Gayatri is a mantra for higher intelligence so that your intelligence does not remain stupid it's a it's your actual prayer is so that your intrusion starts sparkling after that eight ten years it is given so um this is month regarding mantras mantras are very powerful don't take it like that when it is being used in this sense it is something very valuable it is an insight into the nature of existence so it is valuable to human life you must pay that respect so this is regarding Mantra meditations in The Vedas then there are inquiry based meditations I told you know vedant means existential inquiry trying to logically discern the nature of human existence this is vedant existential inquiry it is not some foreign it is very scientific many birds are upanishads and I'm telling you it is one of the most logical processes to super fine higher experiences its scientific koi belief system see they don't ask you to believe something they don't ask you to be like this or like that it is not a kind of Dogma or a Doctrine it is not a belief system it is not a faith it is a way of life because it is existential inquiry trying to understand the nature of your own existence this is vedant and all the meditations that is where inquiry based not faith based don't worry so you see kohham meditation it is inquiring who am I don't you want to know who you are every one of us wants to know who am I is per meditation array if you have not read Rahman mashi you don't know what you are missing who keeps some of this literature in your room Vivekananda Chote books available hey please the the small life of sriram Krishna for deep inspiration you can keep talks self-realization is a book and an introduction to his life keep these books in your room you will see the impact on your mind you will live a life at a deeper level so his main method was this kohang who am I and you know the conclusion he came to as a result of this inquiry my existence is evident with or without thought my existence is evident with or without body so I am the self Beyond body and mind functioning through a body and mind he came to this realization through Kohan so that is why I am telling you these are all very very profound techniques to help you live at a at the deepest level of existence to really enjoy life otherwise you are missing life I am telling you getting caught up in a hundred meaningless obsessions the mind stop in a career if you don't remain in touch with these things so this is koham then mahavata which are uh it will require two more classes so I will not go into this it is a very profound something see mahavakyas are actually uh very pity statements you will find in upanishads which directly tell you the equation between U and Brahman you and God like aham brahmasi in four different upanishads if you just meditate on this and analyze them there is a way to do that because it takes time you will get a thorough understanding of your Consciousness and how it is related to the Supreme consciousness this is then you have panchak or shavichar which is analysis of the different bodies you wear yes sir this is the only body I am wearing this is what is called body isn't it hmm this Flesh and Blood this is called body but you know in vedant even the pranmaikosh is a body you are wearing the vital energy sheath where does your prawn flow other is fine prawn you won't find if I slice those wires do you think I will find electricity you won't find why it it exists at a certain level you cannot see it can you see electricity anybody anybody has seen lightning you have seen you have not seen electricity you see the manifestations of electricity so also you see the manifestations of prawn you do not see prawn foreign where does your mind exist here in physical space no so where your mind is functioning the plane of thought that is called monomicosh so you are wearing so many bodies you see not just physical body then there ish which means where your intelligence functions your awareness and will come into operation that is the beginning the Bliss or causal sheath the self so this is called panchakosha vichara in the in vedant is just analyzing the all that you are wearing you will finally come to who you are without all this that you are wearing are you the clothes you're wearing no you are wearing your cloth so also you are wearing these bodies what to do you have identified with the cloth you are wearing many fools are doing this isn't it my style defines me my cloth defines me so you are allowing matter to Define you what to do so the point is this through all this vichars you see techniques of inquiry you can go into the real nature of your existence these are The Vedic meditations a Buddhist Meditation there are many more years so many types of vichar are there maybe at the end of this course I will give you sample of vedantic inquiry how profound and Powerful it is so many types are there you can take up any one and practice it but here we will this just sample what I am giving you then the Buddhist types of meditations are there where was Buddhism born Indian it is also part of the Indian tradition isn't it Buddha was a Hindu badmin he went against The Vedic Dharma so it was called Buddhist it became Buddhist but he was born a Hindu so it these are all systems of for ah of religion their religions basically but they give you systems of meditations and inquiry which will lead you to self-knowledge so yeah Buddhist meditations may be here they care shamata mindfulness mindfulness I've already told you isn't it it is not being mindful but being just mindful uncluttered mind where you are fully aware is mindfulness you are at the present moment hmm so this is a very we pass now all fall under this category um then there is meta which is meditation on loving kindness you know Buddhist monks they practice this so much and so beautifully once there was an experiment conducted I think it was a New York university only jaha per they they put electrodes on many Tibetan Monks and try to find out their state of what ah waves they radiate EEG tracking what waves they radiate in the state of meditation so electrodes and then they were asked to go into meditation so one monk went into a state of deep meditation with the thought of loving kindness practice just thinking of Mercy compassion loving kindness and you know his entire prefrontal cortex ignited he is radiating very high waves alpha waves and theta waves because just the thought of loving kindness has ignited his own whole brain as it were and Blissful the entire demoner became full of bliss a different energy is radiating as it were so you see the practice of meditation Will Make You Like That Just one thought and Spark this is these meditations so powerful yeah actually experiment Hua Dalai Lama only had sent these monks so they understood you know the the people who were measuring the scientists They concluded he must be the happiest guy on the planet he must be a very lucky guy they said so the third is vipasana vipassana are also techniques for you know focus on breathing to develop self-awareness then contemplations of various kinds are there see I can't go into that we don't have time then Reflections on this pratitia it is actually a philosophical concept which means dependent origination we don't have time for that this will also take one class if I go into that then there are post Vedic meditations like shabda upar Oaks see meditation on mahavakya will bring you insight into what it is stating it will bring you that is called shabdapor Oaks when the mind is ripe enough just that hearing of mahavakya from the words of the Guru from the mouth of the guru will lead to this state this is called shabd apparox it's a very elevated State it's a ah you can say the culmination of a lot of practice it gives you direct insight into the nature of reality just the mahavakya techniques you see in The Vedas are full of these techniques these are also meditation techniques but post Vedic Age they were practiced all the more so we have put it under post Vedic itself means catching the arm what is aham I so how do you catch that I who am I through this these techniques upasana to catch the aham isana how do you catch it through meditations like imagine a point of light in your heart that is the light of your awareness but you will now identify with that point of light not with this body and mind and your meditation will proceed like that gradually you will understand that that light which is me is nothing but awareness this is you are identifying with something and calling it a hum which leads to directly into self the knowledge of the self so I am giving you small bites of what you find in all these meditations practice one new world will open I can tell you that then there is yogic meditations see the word yoga comes even in the upanishads even in the katopanishad you will find which means although it it in the shirt darshan it developed as a different philosophy apart from vedant as a psychological philosophy but you will find the yogic techniques in as part of Vedas in the upanishads so they sort of develop together in a sense yoga and vedant are you getting the points are a yogic techniques of dhyan developed in the post Vedic Age they have their roots in The Vedas in The Vedic Age and they developed in the post Vedic Age the common practices of they are all from here Phil Kashmir shaivism no you hear about Kashmir only for this spiritual tradition enormous techniques they have Kashmir shivism has of meditation of Stillness of a shaivism the the philosophy of Kashmir shaivism is so profound and come so close to advaith vedant that really great yogis were produced out of this at some points you will find the tradition going on so Kashmir shaivism the beauty of it is very profound very close to vedant and great proliferation of techniques in Kashmir shivism foreign then tantric meditations also a number of meditations are there the Paradigm I gave you chakra model that is also from the Tantra um then Kundalini Yoga this is similar to that almost the same um all these were tried to understand the way your own system functions to understand the equations between Vitality vital energy and awareness to understand how to unfold the highest awareness all these techniques were developed then you have pratik upasana you know it very well Mojo meditation on om heavy so use of symbols like om Idols we worship shivling worship that is also a symbol of Shiva which is the Supreme State of Consciousness please see it's all symbolic natural objects all of these were used as symbols for the highest when you worship them and focus on them you will be introduced to the consciousness of the highest so this is all medium like so so many meditation techniques you see then you have Reflections and contemplations on Thousand objects you will find in Hinduism isn't it almost anything can be worshiped in Hindu way of thought if you look upon it as a manifestation of the Divine are you getting the point it is not ideal worship as they say you are not worshiping the stone there you are worshiping God as the stone manifested as the stone because that is your way to approach God it's a means you are not worshiping merely the stone so you must understand you must understand this first of all henna is a lot of confusion will rain in your mind then you have modern techniques of meditation essentially means worshiping god with attributes straight away so you will have no idea ideation will stop so is not difficult means you start thinking of the great Noble qualities of God now your concentration will be easier this is when you are able to get into the in touch with the nature of God then you don't need to think about mere attributes they say now if I see you only as a good person or bad person nice person or not so nice person I am only thinking of attributes but if I see you as a piece of soul as a as a as a life as awareness which wears a body and mind which can be differently conditioned variously conditioned then it is a different way of seeing you were saying completely nirgun manlo without attributes then that is called nirgunu pasna you worship him as he is as pure Brahman pure being but usually people can't conceive of this is you think of him as with attributes um you think of him as being so you even give him a form and having all these Noble qualities of having full of love full of Power full of compassion and then you relate no that's why all these upasnas are there vipasana has branched out into very many things so it is also a part of modern meditation technique then you have sakar dhyan why because you are also in an occur and identified with it so you need to worship a god with form before you can transcend it when you your Consciousness transcends your body you will be able to worship him as he is as nirgun mirakar are you getting it um as long as we are confined to this body Consciousness and identity of me being this particular individual you can only worship god with form actually psychological law hey um so that is why you have sakar dhyan not that God has become has become sarkar and standing it is your necessity your constitutional necessity and he will manifest in that form and lift your mind um you know very well thinking of his Divine Play of the Divine attributes of God of the lives of incarnations these are all very practical aids to keeping your mind at a higher level foreign you do so that those attributes are coming into your life now if you shift your attention to something divine lives of great people I told you keep these books in your home so your attention is on that naturally those attributes will come into your life into your mind naturally so yeah it's easy thinking of the life incidence of great personalities if you are inspired by the great you will become great if you are inspired by the chip you will become cheap are you understanding this law so be careful then vignan bhairav vignan bhairav is an actual technique for reaching Shiva consciousness shivoham it's an actual technique I can't do it here but I am telling you it's a it's a tremendous technique then of course transcendental meditations are there Mahesh Yogi Khan so those meditations which take you naturally into the Transcendent State of Consciousness so all these are the techniques of meditation available now I will go to the final portion of this Theory you see how does yoga see the human problem see you must catch this point okay how does yoga philosophy actually see the human Problem whatever problems we have how do they say it they see the human being as a coming together of purusha and prakriti which means purusha means consciousness name our own Consciousness which we are actually and prakriti is everything that is not consciousness which means our mind it means our body it means all the senses and motor organs it means this world of objects 24 Cosmic principles everything is prakriti only Consciousness is the purusa everything else is prakriti now when these two come together purusha and prakriti you have the manifestation of life so Consciousness has got mixed up with that which is Jada not conscious so yoga actually means the separation of purusha and prakriti which means you are extracting Consciousness from the jadavastu from the mind ah so when purusha and prakriti come together avidya is generated this is how they will put it ignorance comes why because the conscious and non-conscious has mixed up it will lead to clashes clashas are the afflictions of your mind asmita anger attachments here rag means actually attachment rag dwesh hatred abhinivesh fear fear of death and all this and then asmita ego avidya ignorance all this will come into your life because purusha and prakriti have come together you are mistaking mind to be the self you are mistaking body to be the self so self-knowledge is not there the knowledge of purusha is not there you are mistaking prakriti to be purusha so that is why the clashas have come this is how yoga sees the human problem so then what is the remedy ashtang yoga when you practice these steps of yoga and come to samyama what will happen you will be able to separate Consciousness from that which is not consciousness the result of ashtang yogis samadhi it is called samadhi matram in by patanjali which means that samadhi which you get as a result of ashtang yoke but which is not the end you know this is only the basic scheme of yoga sutras is but to get this basic only so difficult in experience but you must have a general knowledge that is why I'm giving you these slides see if the question is how does yoga see the human problem this is how it sees it the coming together of purusha and prakriti Consciousness and that which is non-conscious by itself see your mind now I am saying is non-conscious by itself because mind is prakriti henna so it is a non-conscious by itself according to all these philosophies you must remember Consciousness is always apart from mind but reflects in the mind so mind appears to have become conscious because your mind is always not conscious to the same degree it fluctuates that itself means Consciousness is not its property it is borrowed property foreign so Consciousness is only the self it belongs to the purusa and mind borrows Consciousness and becomes conscious that's why you have various degrees of Consciousness you know now when you go back to your room after all these classes you will be so exhausted only partially conscious then for some time unconscious then again tomorrow morning when you wake up again conscious so if Consciousness was a property of your mind these states would not occur the fact is consciousness reflects in your mind to the extent mind is clear it will reflect that much consciousness after sometime it won't be like that isn't it so are you getting the point intrinsic property means what is always constantly with the thing Consciousness is not intrinsic property of your mind please note this foreign with all this figurative language you know this is all it's your own experience please check and see so this is the basic scheme of patanjali Yo sutras purusha and prakriti came together generated avidya so the the basic density of our mind no Clarity on full of unnecessary thought so many worries unproductive worries and a very busy mind which I can't stop this is avidya fundamentally it leads to clashas all sorts of emotional afflictions and mind is flitting from thought to thought all clashes attachments fears worries everything so the remedy then is a strong yoga is we discussed those who missed out the last class please see the video then you go to the the result of ashtang Yoke the final destination is samadhi as a result you are able to separate purusha and prakriti as a result of samadhi which means such Total Focus on the goal that you understand your own pragnya is generated you know you understand your own nature is pure awareness it is not the mind so with the experience of this samadhi matram pragnya Rises higher awareness Rises so that is why the yoga after this is called some pragnyaath yoga so that is part of the advanced scheme of patanjali yoga sutras because how can yoga is a enormous system I am telling you in four or five lectures you can't conclude it but somehow I am trying so that you don't miss out on the Essential Knowledge so you see the next slide it will oh sorry yes this slide is the advanced scheme of patanjali yog sutras once pragna is generated by samadhi you enter some pragnyath yoga the result of some pragnyaath yog will be ritambara pradnya which means an even more deepened version of that pragnya which it is actually called Truth bearing intuition it will give you insight into the nature of the purusa your own being pure consciousness as a result you develop vivekyati look at the diagram there vivekyati means your ability to distinguish between awareness and buddhi buddhisattva your ability to distinguish between your own real nature as awareness and the higher intelligence that is reflecting it and claiming to be I so is in tremendous State of Consciousness please understand may I say simple words my Ballroom then as a result of vivekyati you enter Assam pragnyaath yoga which means you have gone far beyond the ordinary pragnya and as a result you get the complete knowledge of self of the purusa self-knowledge is God so you leave behind prakriti separation of purusha and prakriti is what is called Liberation in the sense the self is liberated from the clutches of prakriti this is what is called self knowledge or mukti traditional terms of is self-knowledge the self is now liberated from prakriti what it is not but it got identified with from that it is liberated you go to the Rural Life of India you will see find people who will tell you yes so elevating and so high that that only can be the goal of human life this is the filter rate of our great spiritual traditions that even the common man is able to say that Mercedes Mercedes can be on the way so the point is this the what they are speaking of here is the highest level of your own existence you are capable of this is you are just getting introduced to it a little bit of yoga you will understand it better but you must have some knowledge of the great spiritual traditions of India yoga is the way to penetrate into your own being to get self-knowledge and who is not wanting self-knowledge tell me the problem is let anybody who wants it let them have it you know 100 years back this was not there neither the technology was there nor the tendency to do this was there this was very esoteric knowledge Himalaya why everyone this knowledge should be available to everyone you will only take and use as much as you can just like how you if you have a whole 10 course meal in front of you you will only take as much as your stomach will fill this should be available to everyone Vivekananda started this please understand you don't know the contribution he has made to your nation this knowledge was considered very esoteric and not available to the common man at all occult kind of idea is there about yoga it does nothing occult about it there's nothing superstitious about it there is nothing unscientific about it it is purely scientific logical rational and something you can do in the first person only you can understand these things through practice but the theory you should know this is the whole point so today's class we will stop here we have come to the end of what exactly the aim of yoga is and how it is studied what the techniques are you can do your own exploration on this ah find out things for yourself tomorrow onwards we will be going into mind management techniques and the practice of pratyahar and dharana this is what I want to do for you before in the next two sessions so it is something you have to do and practice even when the classes are not there mind management techniques will be given to you and practice of pratyahara and dharna will be given to you the more you practice the better knowledge of this you will get is this clear so practice this is another thought construct you know like a British of physics and Mathematics and nuclear physics so if practice is there this will stabilize and you will understand it is part of life it is not a philosophy of life it is a way of life a way of a better life towards a better life so we will stop the class here
Channel: NRCVEE IIT Delhi
Views: 30,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meditation techniques, Basic yoga, Advanced yoga, Pravrajika Divyanandaprana, NRCVEE - IIT Delhi, Session 4
Id: z5CEe89-nwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 34sec (3394 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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