PROBLEMS with the adventurer's BACKPACK | Functional Fandom

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as the lord herald of wearing weapons on your back there is one item that more iconically goes on your back more than anything else that i haven't actually covered yet and that is the backpack which makes sense that it goes on the back because it's a back hack and one of the things that people have raised when i was showing because i've lots of things on my back spears bows swords and people have said well shad when you actually wear a backpack you're not going to be able to wear the swords and all these other things on your back really i beg to differ [Music] greetings i'm shad and as the cold opened in this video kind of mentioned there's one item i haven't really analyzed yet in regards to practical and realistic loadout for an adventurer that really deserves to be covered and that it is the humble backpack now the first thing that kind of should be addressed is should an adventure actually wear a backpack yes and no there's actually a bit more to it than you might think which is why i want to discuss it with you why i'm making this video because one of the first things i'm already noticing is the backpack when it's actually weighed down and you know packs tight and everything is decently encumbering and i'm not wearing a big one this is actually a more modest sized backpack and doesn't reflect what the medieval you know look should be we're talking about fantasy adventuring and so there can be a little bit of you know skewing in design first off first of all backpacks absolutely did exist in a medieval period but this is what they look like they're more look like rug sacks on a wooden frame oftentimes a lot of times they're actually kind of wicked baskets that they just wove straps through and put them over their shoulders and so yes backpacks did exist in the medieval period but they weren't exactly what you know more modern backpacks kind of look like so it depends on what level of authenticity you're wanting to reflect in your fantasy setting so if you're wanting to go full medieval this is kind of what that would look like these are direct references from the medieval period but if you're in a fantasy setting you can kind of just say well you know if the demand of you know backpacks are a bit higher you you could see that some people were probably going away to make them a bit more useful extra pouches need to hang on the back and they could start to reflect somewhat what more modern-ish kind of backpacks kind of look like and so that's where this one you know it works works for what we're trying to show here for an adventuring setting not saying this is exactly medieval yet having said that just wearing this backpack what i'm wearing right now and this isn't like a full on large you know one as large as what we see in the medieval period with those you know wooden frames or even as large as certain hiking modern backpacks look like even this more modest one is surprisingly cumbersome now i can still walk move and everything i'm going to be doing some examples and some brief kind of tests to see exactly how encompassing a backpack would be but i want to go back to that question i was starting out with do you would you really want one would this be your your first option and it would depend on the resources you have available and the length of trip that you're going on if you are traveling between villages and settlements where you can find food and shelter within a day's you know daylight day so not full 24 hours but like in the length of time that you have down you can actually walk around with these uh if you can walk between those you actually don't really need to carry too many rations if you can get food where you're going and shelter you need to start to pack items when you're traveling into the wilderness where you don't have food and shoulder that's when it really starts you have to carry items that are more useful for just surviving and then it depends on how long because you could actually carry you know a day's and we'll look we're looking at hearty rations a day's hearty rations and say belt pouches right here okay um lunch dinner breakfast and if you get food items that are small but dense in nutrition stuff well you'd be looking at jerky maybe certain types of dense cheeses and things like that dried fruits you can actually fit a decent amount in just pouches and yes medieval people had pouches quite often some type not necessarily always look like there's oftentimes actually on a band-aid actually we've got a good example oh so meanwhile come here this is oz the meme or also also fantasy uh wizard sorcerer i forget yours change pronoun doesn't matter to me okay but you're wearing a pouch sir i am this pouch is actually quite reflective of what a lot of ones look like in the medieval period look how stylish that's a model show it's off there look look at how stylish that couch is there you go you see so that often what they look like and sometimes over a belt over the shoulder kind of shot thank you you can go now so don't worry i'm gonna need my knights with me a bit later on in the video so if you could fit what you need in couches well you don't need to be over encumbered with a backpack the next thing if you actually are starting to get the point where you need one of the one of the more important items would be a blanket and a thick woolen one can actually uh keep the water off it and if it depending if it's wax it's not depends what you're on with the blanket but wool can actually cause water to bead off of it and can be like waterproof to a certain extent and so it would be good for shelter but also warmth and other things like that so like a good blanket is going to be high on the list and then food supplies now you could go into more extravagant kind of uh items and stuff like do you need a lantern do you need rope do you need grappling hooks yeah i got the adventuring gear can get rather extensive i'd actually suggest this excellent video done by a friend of mine dylan from doradia productions he's made a whole video kind of exploring what an adventurer would carry so that's worth taking a look right now we're going to be focusing on backpacks and so if you're getting to the point where you're you're needing enough supplies to warrant actually wearing a backpack the question is would you actually want to carry one because if it's on your back there are some issues that are going to arise and you could avoid all those issues if you just get a pack horse or a mule okay uh you can carry a lot more on them it doesn't encumber yourself you can just focus on the weapons the items that you're gonna need for potential whatever and then you could carry just a day's worth of rations or maybe even two in into belt pouches and you might be much better off but you might not have enough money and so when you don't have enough money for like a pack meal or horse but could you hire one you know there's an option uh then you might especially if you're on your own and you don't have those things then we come into the classic backpack so now i want to experiment a bit or to walk around with this backpack with my weapon loadout to see how encumbering encompassing it is uh pull out a weapon see to what level of combative compatibility i retain with all these loadouts so to do that i need to venture forth into a fantasy world where i might see some monsters and uh this is a bit of a secret i haven't revealed on chat adversity but some of my nights have already started to find out that uh my castle specifically the door is actually a portal into some fantasy worlds and so we're gonna be going through that door uh into uh maybe not i go to the shedlands a lot but this time we might go into the realm and to do that we need a classic adventuring party knights come and join me we have ozzie is our magic user okay very good we've got our tank sir ben all right and then we have our priest cleric so nathan and i'm i am the ranger such leader leader of the group so i assume we're going to the shadowlands there not this time we're going to something something special now i know you haven't seen this before but um because it i'll let you guys in on the secret so just a minute i checked to go to hell have you guys been going in here that was me hang on all right good we're going to go to the realms we're going through that yeah we're going through this this is actually a portal to different routes shut i can't go through that don't take me through there guys we can't go through there's danger all right let's hold up you see monsters shad where are we all right where are they no where are we oh oh where are we can't remember this is your world yes it's hard to remember everything you put into a world it's very detailed stuff yeah um i've stepped in crap oh crap and so it is i can look it up what type of crap is this shad i can look that up too how can you do that campfire blanks yeah um wait when you're well good and make the thing you get k5 blaze helps you keep track of all the details all the backstory interactive maps so now i can look up where we are surely you can't do all this hey we're near silverthorne i heard actually heard that the castle silverstone's gone missing ah they must be using a virtual private castle these are really good i've heard about them um okay so the pooh so what i can fire blaze it also lets you look up um any world building sorry carry up creatures feature backstories hey enchanted items enchanted poo yeah maybe ted poop important characters uh lord saric crow is the lord of sword reform um it's got it's got the whole history there i stepped in lord sarah's point you see it's so easy to look things up really no not lord sachs don't worry we'll find out what through that is i just need to keep walking but what's really useful i can look at things so quickly like look well sarah crow's backstory hey it's interesting all right sorry creatures were you on creatures oh no that's the timeline feature thanks oh do you mind i just need to quickly i need to pay for the month well you don't have to do monthly subscription but if you want you can do monthly subscription and only pay for what you use only pay for what you use wow that was so convincing he does i hope so campfire blaze i use it for everything but seriously k5 play is actually really good um you can pay for what you want or and it could be a one-off purchase or a monthly stream so it could be his little one um all right all right you have stepped in sulfur or oh no that that one was me sorry guys better out that in i always say oh oh dwarf oh [Music] war poo is explosive um particularly because of the alcohol matrix ah so i should uh tread lightly don't step too hard otherwise so if i step really really hard right now we'll explode basically are you are you delicious well i'm gonna hop everywhere i go then hang on what's that noise it's an airplane oh there's that too [Music] body arrows like that one that's actually not an airplane that is a dragon letting wind while flying he's crop dusting oh now that the flagellating dragon is passing ahead we can let's see i i heard something for you here what makes people make sense i can't remember what i i can look at my notes and campfire blaze this is a useful program guys it's like actually it is all right oh crap run run i never run i have slayed demons and goblins and beasts oh crap fairies i bet they're pretty cute no no they're not cute they'll eat your flesh well i hope so because you understand that you'll drink your blood i've had worse dude that will grind your bones hey did i mention campfire blaze has its own word processor i do honestly recommend it ah thank you for cam five blazers props in this video there's a link in the description below if you're interested thank you thank you fellow knights the game nights in fact if you want to see more of the game nights you can check him out on game night uh link in the description it's my new youtube channel we've got great content already hey thanks fellas i'll see you on the next adventure shut the door get it so what i've been finding in regards to wearing weapons with a backpack is that it works surprisingly well like um you see these are pretty secure a couple of things of course is that i'm kind of using a a special loadout one of the things i do need to mention to be able to make this work to wear a backpack and you know all these weapons uh you do need some well not all special things anyone can make a uh a uh nail catch and i literally i'm just using the same nail catch and this time i'm hooking it on the backpack itself to hang there works works pretty good so bow there and i can just feel where it is and grab it when i need it so the nail catch which i got here uh video there works really really well now i haven't made an actual proper attachment i've just been hooking it on the backpack and so i've just been throwing it together quickly now i actually usually need help to hook it on to the correct part but if i just loop it down like that that actually holds it pretty good and that's the nail catches you just catching on the backpack actually where is it attached to a point oh it's through the loop it's through the loop just through the loop i practice makes perfect people you just need practice okay um i'm not sure i'll be able to get it every time but uh there's a loop there that the now catches on to and it hangs really really decently so you can do it with the nail catch and that means you could do it with the spear you could just hook the spear onto your backpack what you also noticed though is that's my backscaven the shabbat the upgraded one i'm able to do this because it's so modular so credit to blades and blazers we can adjust the distance where it's hanging um and so we can push it further back to the side make the bottom strap underneath pull it towards the actual uh backpack and then with the sword hanging on the side it can be a simple matter of pulling it out just like that and you're good to go so you can wear like weapons with a backpack actually how many so this is i'm going with a minimal adventuring loadout here which is primary weapon and for me my secondary weapon or sometimes primary is my longbow okay but that means i could have a spear here maybe i could hang or saying a shield i still have room on this side i could actually have an additional weapon if i wanted i already got the dagger right there and then i could this could be mace axe long sword and i still wouldn't be overly incumbent now as to being out of fight well i already kind of did some experiments with with the weapons you can carry but i'm just going to quickly just go through some motions here now i'm not going to be able to do some high spin things because i'll hit myself my bow but in terms of fighting you know do a still block still fight still cut so you know still have a decent amount of versatility so the question is of if you can fight with a backpack on and weapons yes and this isn't too bad because everything is secured pretty well and look moving around and stuff you still fight and still do big cuts it's so this actually works decently well with a backpack constant there's another important thing that we need to consider about backpacks in the lens of adventuring because in the discussion so far we've been really thinking about the stuff that you take with you but what about the stuff that you find and take away from your adventure in actual fact in a lot of my adventures apart from like rations i'm usually leaving an adventurer with more gear and loot hopefully than what i arrived with and so a backpack especially and like by the way a pack horse would be new or whatever really useful in this situation is to carry a loot away and if you don't have a horse or a mule or something like that this is where a backpack would be really beneficial and so you actually might bring an empty backpack that has nothing in it and you just have enough supplies maybe if it's a day's journey whatever in you know your pouches or whatever and the backpack is there to fill it up with loot now gold my goodness like this is one of the issues about adventuring that we don't really consider because in video games you can just load up your inventory to whatever and yeah there's like weight encumbrance things but you can sometimes move in your camera and they're very generous as well and other things where in reality if you found a chest of gold that would be so insanely heavy like you're not carrying that i'm sorry you were like you could fit a couple of pouches in the backpack granted but a chest you need a mule or a horse to carry that okay and if not like ah dungeon master whatever adventure if you're all playing it might just be yeah good luck carrying it like you'd have to imagine carry even between two people like a full chest of gold you're so heavy but you're like you might actually have to just hand wave we put the gold in a safe spot bury it maybe go back to the village get horses and then pick it up later after the fact because sometimes the loot you can find but okay if it's just low level what if it's an enchanted dagger maybe new sword or weapons or stuff like that all those things actually would work really well with a backpack and again you don't need to do a more modernish one like me you could have the medieval kind of ones with the wicker baskets or the rug sacks on a metal frame or something like that um and so you can actually have like the disassemble frame that you can just tie stuff to put it on and then trudge back out with all the loot you find this loot's important there really is a conditioning part to backpacks because i don't wear them often and i have to tell you like the weight on the shoulders is that oh they're getting sore but i know like obviously people get used to it military hiking and things but it's a good point to consider like with the adventures is there a bookish kind of wizard in your party who does not wear and carry things very often all right well he'll be lagging behind a bit there i'd say i should say there are situations in which you could take off your backpack quicker okay and there are ones made that are more i guess easily detachable than others this one actually has kind of very small you know shoulder straps and so getting on a bit of stretching and stuff and then because i've actually connected to the baldrick a bit um especially with the signs scattered that means that it takes a little bit of fiddling to get on and off and i this setup doesn't have a quick release and so my only option would be to fight with it on but there are other backpacks that are very much similar where it takes too long to get in and off and in a pinch and if you're waylaid by monsters and stuff you're just gonna have to fight with it on but then there are other ones which you can get off easier and uh depending on if your weapons are connected to the backpack or not that's gonna actually honestly make it uh either easier or usually harder especially if the weapons are attached to take the the backpack off ready for the fight so i do want to emphasize just how secure this all is okay like i can actually you know jump up and down and stuff run um but i can run with it pretty darn easy uh everything is remarkably secure and even like the boat okay the bones that i mean the funny one but taking off so quickly and shooting and look how quick i can do it in this other video here so the bow has always been the interesting kind of can you actually you know wear a bow but solve that one too with uh the nail catch see my new pretty nail catch isn't that nice so i have to admit i am gaining a little bit of satisfaction out of showing that you can have a basic adventuring loadout certain number of weapons i've got a full quiver of arrows right here with a backpack all being secured tied and you can do the adventuring stuff my hands are free i can climb and everything with this okay and running with the sword on the back i i've always found more secure than sword on the hip by the way um it's also surprisingly secure maybe it's the weight that's making this less flapping around because it's so full one thing that we should experiment with can i shoot a bow with this you know fully stretched back and everything so it's only one way to find out oh look i don't need to shoot honestly all i need to do is test drawing if i can get full draw on it with the backpack on and everything i'm not putting it on the string the arrow is actually off the string here okay and uh i'm not wearing gloves so it'll hurt my fingers a bit more but uh let's have a go yeah that's not bad honestly i didn't get it for as far back as i can because this arm is pretty sore and tired the weight on the shoulders is affecting my arm strength and pulling the sword um has done it but uh i reckon i can still get it back further i get down into a proper stance that's better yes you definitely shoot uh there's a hundred pound longbow so a warbo level category thing definitely shoot a longbow with a backpack and other weapons on your person at the same time there is an important thing that would impact an adventurer far more so that should be taken into consideration and oftentimes it's just overlooked in fantasy when we actually role playing or in video games and there are other things that fall into the same category where we just happily ignore it i mean one which isn't the thing i'm gonna mention but you'll be able to get an idea what it is uh ammunition okay we just kind of take for granted that we're always gonna have enough arrows you know on them and there are a couple of games that actually have ammunition limits and you always have to replenish them but it becomes a bit of a drag it's annoying and there's a reason why in games they just ignore it now and usually when you pick up a bow you have unlimited ammunition but of course that's not how the real world works you would have like limited ammunition so what am i talking about it's weight and fatigue of course people can condition themselves to be able to carry heavy weights on their backs we see in the military we see it in hiking and other things and so you could just say adventurers they have that they just are conditioned to be able to do it but over how long what waits and when you actually get into combat this is actually a more lightweight setup yet it still is quite fatiguey and cumbersome okay i can fight with it but could i fight for long could i try i especially have to say i've traveled a full day with this thing on your back never done hiking isn't it glorious when you just take off that way and you're like ah so imagine after all that hiking and your way laid by monsters and you need a fight okay my preference would be if i could ever get away with not wearing a backpack honestly i would choose that i would always happily carry my weapons because at the moment i'm carrying my weapons and additional weight on the back obviously the the weapons still add a weight but they're far more manageable than something on top in addition to it and so i really think the primary thing if an adventurer always had the option it would be a pack animal okay like a mule or something where you can tie things to there's a couple of other interesting things because what about when you're adventuring say you have a backpack okay your other option is you've been track traveling heaps and everything and you're gonna explore some ruins there's a dungeon i have i have a conflicting feelings about dungeons they can work but generally i don't like them anyway so there are obviously things can substitute for done just like categories and stuff so if you're going to a place where you know you're going to be doing an adventuring type thing okay obviously when you're way laid by monsters suddenly you probably don't have time to take off the backpack and everything but if you do have time i think you would always take off your backpack okay put it in a safe spot and then take only what you need this is interesting because the adventuring gear sometimes people just load up all these crazy things and then they would need a backpack with them of course but if you could just get away with couches rope you know grappling hook some odds and ends are just useful things and put down the backpack absolutely if you had a mule you'd do the same with them you wouldn't you wouldn't really take a mule into a dungeon i mean look at lord of the rings when aragorn and the fellowship reach moriah like mines aren't a place for a pony even one as brave as a bill i can't remember the pony's name even on as brave as i forget this name so biologically it makes sense especially steep stairs and like you can't really take a pack horse with you so it also depends depending on the terrain that you need to go through if you can take the horse or pack animals with you interestingly enough this very thing did come up in the recent role-playing campaign that i've been doing with some of the other creators in the community of the sword this is scholar gladiatoria lindy bage modern history tv metatron it's over on game nights and a situation where they come to steep stairs and one of the characters matt's character of skull gladiatoria had a pack animal with all these supplies and couldn't really take him with it things happen and also that was in silver thought and so the reference in the city i like crossover stuff so all important things to consider and i really would think by the level of i guess restriction and weight i carry i would not choose to take a large backpack like this into a dungeon uh or if i'm uh it's very much case by case because if you're in a dungeon you don't really need shelter so do you need a blanket you need food supplies you put them in pouches um it depends on how much you're carrying but if you're going in to uh judging that could potentially take weeks uh if it's a long tunnel like mine's a warrior or something like that well then you probably would need a backpack oddly enough aragorn doesn't really wear a backpack he's got a rug sack doesn't he but it's just a sword it's funny i always look to lord of the rings but backpacks are an interesting topic and so the main takeaway that i'm finding with my own experimentation it is very case-dependent the preference would be not to wear it in my opinion if you could get away with it and other small supplies but you can't you absolutely can wear it with all the weapons everything can you can fight to a level of effect i think a uh some type of negative for encumbrance would make sense just even with because even with one small like i said it's actually being a bit restrictive but it works it does work and and again from the first thing you can definitely wear weapons on the back on the side you can actually wear a decent loadout with a backpack as well what are your thoughts is there anything i miss or any considerations you might want to uh talk about regard in regards to adventuring backpacks and whatnot i'd love to hear them in the comment section below and i also look forward to seeing you in the next video here on shadowversity so until that time [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 340,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medeival, fantasy, medieval, adventurer, backpack, sword, swords, pack, bedroll, party, dnd, dungeons and dragons, d&d, lord of the rings, game of thrones, the witcher
Id: 5N-iXqZvLls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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