Medical School Interview MMI - The ROLEPLAY Station

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hi andre here from the msag team this video in our interview series covers an mmi station designed to put your communication skills to the test role play scenarios let's explore how to get top marks answering questions from this common mmi station timestamps in the description below many medical schools who use the multiple mini interview format also known as the mmi format of interviewing have turned to role plays as a way to assess candidates communication skills why do you think it's such a popular examination format doctors need to be strong communicators they must have the ability to remain calm under pressure and remain empathetic towards a patient needs as no interview questions can find out if a candidate possesses these qualities this is exactly what will be assessed during a role play scenario therefore regardless of the scenario that is presented to you there are certain generic things that can be done to ensure you present yourself as a worthy candidate for medical school in this video we will give you some top tips on how to approach role play stations as well as show you some live examples of what a poor and a good role play performance can look like let's start by looking at a simple example of a role play have a pen and paper ready at the end of the role play we would like you to pause the video to write down the things the student did well and the things the student could have improved on so kate i will now explain to you your scenario after i finished and when you are ready please begin the role play with mr mandavia you are the manager at a local bank you have been tasked with the job of speaking to mr mandevia who has recently applied for the loan at your bank you need to inform him that due to your poor credit rating his loan request has been rejected hi mr mandeva i'm made to talk to you about your loan okay um hello hi nice to meet you so unfortunately your request for loan has been rejected i can't give you any money sorry sorry who are you uh have we met before oh i'm kate i'm the manager of the bank okay and you said my my loan's been denied yeah i'm really sorry we can't give you the money oh my god that that's awful news i mean i desperately needed that money how could this have happened well we work it out using your credit rating it's very complicated and and it came out that yours wasn't good enough and we can't give you the money i don't really know what to do now um do you have any suggestions of how i can go about this or um no as i said it's all it's all very complicated if we put it in a computer and it gives out this number and it's said we can't give you any money oh my god um of course quite shocked to be honest i really wasn't expecting that at all um what do i do next um well i don't think there's much that we can do really about that and i i definitely we can't give you a loan here just you can't do it okay and i've got to go now i've got a meeting all right well thanks very much okay all right how do you think this role play went pause the video and jot down some feedback like we mentioned before think about what the candidate playing the role of the bank manager could have done differently what would you have done if this was you pause the video now welcome back how did you do there are several things that the candidate was unable to demonstrate here which can be used in almost every role play scenario let's go through some tips and tricks on how to approach any role play stations tip number one always read the role play scenario carefully you never get a second chance to make a first impression it is therefore important that in the pressure of the interview you do not misinterpret the information given to you tip number two where appropriate always start by introducing yourself to the actor it's important to give a handshake look the actor in the eyes while doing so and smile if appropriate explain your name and job title or role and ask permission to speak with them where appropriate this helps you build a rapport with the patient it is also important to bear in mind that non-verbal cues are very important here comes tip number three use open body language throughout the role play like this remember to maintain eye contact and alter the tone of your voice depending on the type of conversation you're having although there is a strict marking criteria there is always an element of subjectivity portrayed by your non-verbal skills also note part of being a good communicator is being a good listener active listening through head nodding leaning in towards the patient and acknowledging their concerns are important non-verbal ways to demonstrate this trait do not feel uncomfortable if the actor talks for prolonged periods of time this is a good method for obtaining information from the actor which may benefit your cause ask open-ended questions initially these are questions which allow long explanatory answers such as how do you feel or tell me what's going through your mind you can ask closed questions later on which will help you guide your actions towards the end of the role play closed questions often have short answers often even just a yes or no examples of closed questions include would you like me to make a telephone call for you or have you got any other questions for me right we are on to tip number four which is to remember throughout the role play that a large proportion of the marks are likely to be guided by your empathy towards the actor so what does empathy mean empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others there are several ways to demonstrate empathy as we already mentioned non-verbal cues are important but also do not be afraid to apologize to the actor if appropriate even if the cause of their anger or sorrow is not your own fault using key phrases such as i can only imagine how you must feel or i'm very sorry i know this must be very difficult for you are good ways to demonstrate empathy tip number five would be to be aware there are many situations in role play where you're given complex pieces of information remember who the actor is portraying try to avoid jargon and simplify terminology where appropriate number six is to offer solutions to any problems which may arise it's important that you never fabricate or make up information or possibilities however if there are reasonable solutions be able to demonstrate good problem solving skills for example in our scenario with the bank manager it would be inappropriate to say that the loan request would be passed if you made some additional payments this information you do not have and would qualify as fabrication however it would be reasonable to say that you could go away and trying to find out why his loan request failed and arranged providing the correct information at a later date can you see how this information could potentially provide a solution to the situation without fabricating information it's important to remember that throughout the role play you may be put under some pressure don't worry remind yourself that this is not occurring because you're performing poorly but rather to assess how you handle pressure remain calm and reasonable and do not be pressured into making rash promises or raising your voice instead try to continue the conversation with the actor and come to a solution together my final tip is to thank the actor for their time if appropriate at the end remember introductions and conclusions make lasting impressions so do make them count having gone over some of the basics of role play let us revisit our scenario and put some of these tips and tricks into action once again at the end of this section we would like you to pause the video to see if any of the elements which were missing from the first role play have been addressed now kate i will explain your scenario after i've finished and when you are ready please begin the role play with mr mandavia you are the manager at a local bank you have been tasked with the job of speaking to mr mandavia who has recently applied for a loan at your bank you need to inform him that due to his poor credit rating his loan request has been rejected hi is it mr mandavia yes it is hi nice to meet you my name is kate manager of the bank hiya yes i am i was just wondering if i could speak with you about the loan application you submitted yes yes i was interested in talking about that today yeah i'm really sorry i've got some bad news about the loon ah right okay uh what is it so on this occasion the application you submitted hasn't been granted and we're not able to give you the money for the loan oh my that's that really has come as a bit of a shock actually i desperately needed that money i'm really sorry that must be really difficult for you yeah yeah it is quite yeah i mean i'm a taxi driver and i needed that money for a car and that was what i was going to spend the money on and this has kind of changed my plans a fair bit i'm really sorry about that i understand that must be really stressful yeah i'd really like to help you if at all possible yeah do you know how this could have happened i mean i feel like maybe a little bit embarrassed that this has actually been rejected so the way this is done we calculate something called your credit score yeah and we look at your personal finances and we put it together and think about whether you can afford the loan at this time and maybe what i could do to help if you're happy for me to do it is i can take away your information and go through it and we can see exactly which bit of it is the bit that was the problem in your application to try and work through it together and see if maybe we can help you get another one yeah i mean i think that sounds like a good idea at least that's that's sort of a plan for the next step um is there anything else that i can do at this time do you think um at this time i'd like to take the time just to to go through all the numbers it's just a little bit of time for me to do that so maybe we could arrange another meeting for you to come back okay yeah another day that seems like a smart idea yeah i'd really appreciate that yeah have you got any other questions at all about it at this time um no not really actually i just think it's much better now that we have a plan in place and maybe i can get that money someday yeah okay so i'll do that then yeah going forward so i'll have a look at your information and then we'll see you again sometime next week maybe and go through it all okay well thanks so much for your help okay and if you do have any questions between now and then yeah do you just get in touch i'll give you my number at the back and we can speak it through okay that sounds great thanks so much nice to meet you cheers i hope now you can see broadly the difference between a good and bad role play scenario and put into practice the key skills to score highly in these types of stations in this video we have given you some top tips on how to approach role play stations as well as showing you some live examples of what a poor and a better role play look like hello again and thanks for watching we hope that with this structure the role playstation is less intimidating can you think of any challenges that this station might present if your interview is online instead of in person let us know in the comments below and we'll give you tips on how to address it if you found this video helpful please leave a like and if you want to see more medical school admissions content then subscribe to our channel we put out new videos every week best of luck on your admissions you
Channel: theMSAG
Views: 12,976
Rating: 4.9551821 out of 5
Keywords: medical school interview mmi, mmi, multiple mini interview, mmi interview, medical school interviews, themsag
Id: _-SBrZzqKgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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