MMI Interview Examples | Breaking Bad News | Medic Mind

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[Music] hey guys welcome to make Minds video series on common MMI stations this involves us going through stations which have actually been tested by universities in the past for those of you don't know me I'm Anika and I'm a fifth year medical student studying at UCL so this station is all about breaking bad news and apologizing for a mistake this is something we practice a lot at medical school as future doctors we'll have so many difficult moments in which we have to inform patients when relatives are passed away or just on someone has been diagnosed with the terminal illness this station is testing of communication skills and your empathy obviously you're not required to perform this at the level of doctors but the university wants to see that if you have the right skill set to manage this situation well in the future being sensitive remaining calm and being honest is the way forward let's now show you the information the candidate gets at the beginning of the station [Music] how about you pause the video now and have a go at the station either by practicing by yourself or asking a family member or friend to be the actor [Music] let's now watch this candidate and have a go at the station I will be giving my analysis at certain points in between names Rohan on one of the f1 doctors okay you've been looking after my my mom yeah been looking after your brother okay sorry just remind me the name again my name's Matthew Matthew okay just um just take a seat for a second sure so I just kinda wanted to explain exactly what's happening so how much do the situation do you know so far okay so the candidate starts very confidently they introduce themselves with their name in Brawl which is a really nice way to start the station they also check in step consent to make sure that they're dealing with the right patient this is very important as you could end up speaking to a relative another of another patient and therefore break confidentiality let's continue I know that she very poorly and you know I've taken time off work and I've been living off as much second but I just don't know how conditions getting worse and worse what's going on doctor so she's been brought in quite recently and she'd been born from a previous condition but you know you know that she's a diabetic diabetic yes time to yes um and I'm really very sorry to say than fortunate there was a Mis mistake sorry with the prescription or the able to declare a mistake mistake yeah okay so the candor establishes what the actor already knows which gives them a good baseline of what further information to give the candor then apologizes immediately using the phrase I'm really sorry is allowed the candidate is extremely direct that there has been an issue and does not beat around the bush let's carry on watching to see how the candidate deals with the actor becoming angry mistake by who exactly who's part of the exactly where the mistake was wait I'm not quite sure exactly yet but essentially what happened was that you dude are you familiar with incident your mother yes my mother's been on in seen in a long time yeah unfortunately there was a mistake with the dose so so she made a mistake there was a mistake in terms of from the hospital your team has made a mistake to my mother there was a mistake how is she right now first of all I so currently own good question good question she's currently stable we're doing all that we can to be able to understand she's an incident GP is better mentor than everything how can this go wrong exactly again I'm not I don't want to give you a false answers I don't know exactly disgrace absolute disgrace the actor is becoming increasingly angry now and it's very important that if you're unsure about anything not to give any false information by saying I don't want to give you a false answer there are avoiding confusing the situation even further we pay taxes after the data just do this I'm paying my taxes but is NHS the big mistakes to my mother it's not so what as in disorder president I think so again and don't know exactly what the situation this company's NHS really I'm really very sorry about exactly what's happened but what you have to be sure that whatever is happening to your mother she will be a she okay she's not having she's stable right now she said what disabled means her stable means that she's not getting any worse and the exactly situation she's in I just wanted to see her and she's okay but we need to make sure this doesn't happen again and I'm sure yeah so does that to my mom again yeah it sure doesn't happen to your mum doesn't after anybody else the act is becoming increasingly frustrated but the candidate maintains their composure and does not raise their voice throughout there showing quick empathy and they are doing this both verbally by using phrases such as I understand and also non-verbally by making good eye contact at this point they're talking about the next steps let's see how they deal with this how can I be sure of that so what we're going to do so what we're gonna start as a minister by the process of auditing so what that'll involve is that means that we're going to take on obviously this could this is a serious incident it's a very serious complete Connolly this a completely boo-boo so this is serious incidents might be reported it's going to be reported and then locked and then what we're gonna do is that we're going to start in Bethel it's going to be investigated into exactly what happened why it happened and I call my solicitor exactly I mean as far as that's where I'm sure that you can do whatever you need to do first what we I think the main thing that we want to get involved in what effect is that we want to be able to actually make sure that this one situation does happen again and I'm sure that you'd agree hmm what is happening right now and what can you do now pause I'm so sorry I know I'm sorry I'm taking my ground you know I'm a society that is completely understandable sorry I just me being angry don't worry about no my mother beaten the colada but I think that anyone in your situation will react exactly the same way so I don't blame sorry very a current I don't take it personally understand oh so that's the end of the station overall what the candidate did well was he stayed calm maintained eye contact showed verbal and nonverbal empathy he was reflected like when he said I can see you you are upset being open and honest and finally showing the next step by saying things like what can I do for you and let's try and work on things together here is my examiner's card pause the video now and have a read [Music] here the candidate clearly scores two marks they introduce themselves as the f1 doctors and clearly explain the relationship to the patient the candidate does this in a very sensitive manner some candidates use in accusatory tone which is inappropriate the kandy explained the timeline of events very well and clearly outlines what has happened unfortunately the candid did not give a warning shot in an ideal world a model candidate would ease in the news they could use a phrase such as unfortunately I do have some bad news for you the candidate does openly admit to the mistake and is very apologetic this is very important and you should be as direct as possible in the situation as the candidate was the candidate also explains what the actual mistake was it is important that the family understand what exactly went wrong and the consequences of it the candidate alludes to the further treatment but does not go into sufficient depth they therefore score one mark here out of the two the candidate clearly uses verbal cues by saying things like I understand they also make great eye contact and maintain an open friendly body language the candidate maintains their composure well throughout the process the candidate explains the process of auditing and the next steps thereafter the candidate mentions that they will document everything and clearly explains what the patient's family member can do to investigate the situation and file a complaint the interview ends well and the candidate does thank the actor for their time that's the end of our video this is the second of our series on our mice please subscribe to watch some more thanks for watching click here to sign up for one-to-one tutoring with inside a university knowledge guaranteed improvement and a personalized experience get your medicine offer today
Channel: Medic Mind
Views: 88,382
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Keywords: mmi examples, mmi interview, mmi example, medicine mmi breaking bad news, multiple mini interview, mmi interview medical school, mmi, tips for mmis, mmis, medicine mmi interview, mmi interview medicine, medic mind, mmi stations, medicmind, tips for medicine mmis, medicine interview mmi, medicine mmi interview uk, medicine interview, kharma medic, ali abdaal, mmi tips, medical interview, medicine interview questions, medacine mmi, medicine mmi, medical school interview
Id: Yg6Rh-Qgw40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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