Medicine Interviews - Dealing With an Angry Patient | Role Play Scenario

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hey guys the video that you're just about to watch was taken from my online medicine interview course which consists of a number of videos to help you guys do well in your medicine interviews if you guys would like some more videos on how to do well on the interviews there are a ton of free videos over on my online course the link for that will be in the description down below so feel free to go check them out i've been giving interview courses over the last two years so i really do hope you guys enjoy the course and find it beneficial without further ado let's go ahead and get started with this video hi is it mr smith yeah yeah that's me hi can i start by confirming your name and age just to make sure i have the right uh patient here yeah that's just uh sam smith um i'm about 58. probably thank you um so i i've just um i've just had a quick chat with one of the doctors and i don't know your story entirely but i was i understand you've been waiting quite a while here in uh in the alien since i was alright it's all right yeah yeah no yeah you know i just had a word with um there's a doctor there oh brother even with the receptionist then i just i'm just baffled you know i could be having a very big emergency and i've been waiting for like two hours now yeah yeah you know and nobody's explaining to me what's going on and it's i just don't think that's it's just not on yeah yeah yeah no i i completely understand this is why you'd be frustrated um so i wanted to to come and personally apologize from behalf of me and the rest of the team and yeah unfortunately today we've been a bit understaffed and i know it's not an excuse but um yeah today will be a bit understaffed and it's um it's been a bit tough and i can absolutely assure you that all the doctors including myself for all putting in as much effort as possible to to have you seen in time and i know that you're wasting a long time and that isn't acceptable um but it's something we're trying to we're trying to work on today and um i hope that you will be seen soon i i have spoken to the doctors and i have reminded them that you are here and i will ensure to to continue to do juicing until you are seeing um but yeah i want to personally apologize for that yeah you know i i am aware of the you know the pressure you know all over the nhs but again you know it's just you know again it's just a case of you know if i'm having an emergency you know yeah yeah you know i can't i can't possibly feel safe having waited this long just to speak to someone yeah you know yeah now i really understand that your concern but um to kind of explain to you how it normally works mainly is it's on a priority uh basis and i understand what you're going through is um it is uh difficult as well right but if you you know if like you mentioned if you were to come you know with a heart attack or something that is um extremely dangerous then you would be the first hundred percent but um you know it does work on a priority basis and not necessarily first-come first-served it's it's based on who has the highest clinical need so when you when you came in i'm sure you may have been triaged by one of the nurses just to assess your severity and um it is a good thing to let you know that you know you you you are on the list um but you're not the number one thing a number one priority which is actually a good thing because it's it goes to show that you're not um uh immediately uh unwell and we can manage you in the in a good amount of time yeah does that make kind of make sense yeah no that makes sense yeah um is there anything i can kind of do to make your time here waiting more comfortable at all well you know just you know i just have you know things to do at home you know and obviously you know i haven't eaten and i came here you know just thinking okay let me you know jump down to a knee like i'm always advised to if i have a problem and you know get it sorted before it becomes a much bigger thing um but yeah okay yeah i'm sorry teddy you you haven't even had one yet um is it what i will try to do is to maybe speak with a canteen you know maybe we might be able to to sort you out a sandwich or something like that but would that be something you'd be open to yeah yeah yeah we can do that yeah yeah i'd appreciate that definitely i'll go speak to cathy artists and see if we can arrange some food um do you have any other concerns at all that i can i can address or help you with well i mean the main thing that i came here for was you know lately i've been feeling um you know i've been feeling you know a lot like vomiting a lot and i've been getting headaches you know so i was a bit concerned because obviously you know online i saw yeah yeah you know somewhere that it said you know headaches and you know vomiting is usually associated with something um you know quite bad going on yeah yeah cancer you know so yeah yeah well you know as a medical student my knowledge is quite you know it's not as a specialized as a doctors um but i understand it's so concerning to you and um i will pass this on to doctor you know who's uh who i'm shadowing and i'll see if uh if he has any concern of that and if he does i definitely um you would have to will come and deal with you and do concern um in regards to vomiting and headaches i'll you know i'll speak to him about whether or not we can give you something to help with that you know maybe some paracetamol um some anti-sickness pills that may at least make you more comfortable while your age does that sound yeah reasonable yeah yeah i think that sounds reasonable yeah okay yeah yeah well thank you for understanding and um as i said i will make sure you get seen and um if i can help you any other way at all please come and find me yeah yeah so as i mentioned my name is kendri so all right thank you no thank you kenji i really appreciate it yeah otherwise cheers okay so now let's have a look at the angry patient scenario which is one of the most common scenarios that comes up in the multiple mini interviews and medicine interviews in general again sean is going to be acting out the patient who is upset and we'll see how i i managed to control him and make you feel better about scenario so let's get started hi is it mr smith yeah yeah that's me hi can i just start by confirming your name and age just to make sure i have the right patient to yeah that's just uh sam smith um i'm about 58. okay so the first thing i did which i recommend you guys do is just confirm you have the right patience even if it's not a patient even if it's like a random person you're told to talk to especially if it is a patient however make sure you start by asking them can i just confirm your name and age just to make sure i have the right person in front of me that'll really impress the interviewer and show them that actually you know you do have what it takes to be a doctor because that's what doctors do so let's carry on lovely thank you yeah um so i i've just um i've just had a quick chat with one of the doctors and i don't know your story entirely but i was i understand you've been waiting quite a while here in uh in the alien since i was alright it's all right yeah okay so i started with a brief introduction as to who i am and also telling him you know why i'm here and also just you know confirming with him um the information i've been given is actually correct so saying to him that you know what i've been told you've been waiting here for a while and one of the doctors is that correct and this is just to level the playing field and to make sure that we we know exactly what we're going to be dealing with and also to broach the topic of dealing with the situation yeah no yeah you know i just had a word with um there's a doctor there or brother even with the receptionist then i just i'm just baffled you know i could be having a very big emergency and i've been waiting for like two hours now yeah yeah you know and nobody's explaining to me what's going on and i just don't think that's it's just not on yeah yeah no i i completely understand this is why you'd be frustrated um so i wanted to to come and personally apologize on behalf of me and the rest of the team and yeah unfortunately today we've been a bit understaffed and i know it's not an excuse but um yeah today will be a little bit understaffed and it's um it's been a bit tough and i can absolutely assure you that all the doctors including myself for all putting in as much effort as possible to have you seen in time and i know that you're wasting a long time and that isn't acceptable um but it's something we're trying to we're trying to work on today and um i hope that you will be seen soon i i have spoken to the doctors and i have reminded them that you are here and i will ensure to continue to do so until you are seen um but yeah i want to personally apologize for that yeah okay so the way that i approached it is first off by just apologizing and saying look i'm sorry i understand what you're going through to really show understanding and then give a bit of an explanation as to why you know he's been it's been taking so long for him to to be seen and not to lie you know um if they do tell you some example like you know you're understaffed or maybe there's been some cancellations and the doctors aren't showing up then you can use that as a reason and say look i'm so sorry and the reason why is this and then finally also provide some reassurance and say you know what i promise you that i will try my best to make sure you're seen i'll remind the doctors as often as i can and try and give some reassurance that he will actually be seen in time now you know i i am aware of the you know the pressure you know all over the nhs but again you know it's just you know again it's just a case of you know if i'm having an emergency you know yeah yeah you know i can't i can't possibly feel safe having waited this long just to speak to someone yeah you know yeah no i really understand like you're concerned but um to kind of explain to you how it normally works mainly is it's on a priority uh basis and i understand what you're going through is um it is uh difficult as well right but if you you know if like you mentioned if you were to come you know with a heart attack or something that is um extremely dangerous yeah you would be the first to see 100 but um it does work on a priority basis and not necessarily a first-come first-served it's it's based on who has the highest clinical need so when you when you came in i'm sure you may have been triaged by one of the nurses just to assess your severity and um it is a good thing to let you know that you know you you you are on the list um but you're not the number one thing a number one priority which is actually a good thing because it's it goes to show that you're not um uh immediately unwell and we can manage you in the in a good amount of time yeah does that kind of make sense yeah no that makes sense yeah okay so the next thing is that he expressed his concern that you know what if i was having a heart attack is this the same treatment i've been getting and i i then moved on to expecting actually you know the reason why you haven't been seen first is because it's on a priority basis and of course if you were you were having something severe like a heart attack you would be seen first right now you're not the um the number one uh on our list and that can seem quite hard so to deliver it in a nice way i said to him um and there's actually a good thing that you're actually being seen first because it means that you're clinically well you're not in an emergency situation and this is the reason why um you haven't been seen first so i'm giving him the truth i'm giving him facts but also providing him with some reassurance you know and that's really important to do to try and address any concerns that he might have say um is there anything i can kind of do to make your time here waiting more comfortable at all the next thing that i did is something that's really important is to ask him and say look can i how can i make you more comfortable is there anything that i can do to to make your your time here more comfortable and if you're in any sort of scenario like this and you're dealing with some sort of patient who's upset or unwell do you know see what they have in mind you know it makes a lot easier if you just ask them straight up and say how can i make you more comfortable what else can i do to help you and that really makes it so much easier for you because they will normally tell you exactly you know something you can do to make it more uh more bearable for them well you know just you know i just have you know things to do at home you know and obviously you know i haven't eaten and i came here you know just thinking okay let me you know jump down to a e like i'm always advised to if i have a problem and you know get it sorted before it becomes a much bigger thing um but yeah okay yeah i'm sorry teddy you you haven't had a lunch yet um is it what we'll try to do is to maybe speak with a canteen you know maybe we might be able to to to sort you out a sandwich or something like that would that be something you'd be open to yeah and sean gave me a hint you know he said he hasn't eaten so he didn't directly say to me actually the way you can help me is by getting me a sandwich gave me some lunch he dropped me a hint saying actually you know i'm hungry and you know in your stations it's really important to be creative you know if he does say that he's hungry just come up with an idea and say you know what we have a canteen here i can i can maybe see if i can get your sandwich you know even though it may not be possible the interviewer will see that actually you know what you're being creative you're coming up with ideas as to what you can do to make the patient as comfortable as possible and that's really really key thing to do yeah yeah we can do that yeah mm-hmm yeah i appreciate that definitely i'll go speak to cathy artists and see if we can rent some food and as you can see he accepted my offer and he said yeah that'll be really nice and that hopefully calmed them down a little bit and brought you some more time do you have any other concerns at all that i can i can address or help you with well i mean the main thing that i came here for was you know lately i've been feeling um you know i've been feeling you know a lot like vomiting a lot and i've been getting headaches you know so i was a bit concerned because obviously you know online i saw yeah yeah you know somewhere that it said you know headaches and you know vomiting is usually associated with something you know quite bad going on yeah yeah cancer you know so yeah yeah well you know as a medical student my knowledge is quite you know it's not as uh specialized as a doctor's um but i understand it's so concerning to you and um i will pass on to doctor you know who's uh who i'm shadowing and i'll see if uh if he has any concern of that and if he does i definitely um you would have to will come and deal with you and do concern um in regards to vomiting and headaches i'll you know i'll speak to him about whether or not we can give you something for to help with that you know maybe some paracetamol um some anti-sickness pills that may at least make you more comfortable while your age does that sound yeah reasonable okay so there's a three there's kind of three points to erase it the first point that he said is that he's feeling sick and he um he has some headaches as well and that's again another hint of something you can do about it you know as a medical student you can say you know i can go and see if the doctors can give you some some painkillers or some and sickness pills that's the first thing i did the second thing he mentioned was cancer you know he's scared that it could possibly be cancer and it's really key here to not go in and say actually you know what headaches and and vomiting has nothing to do with cancer don't worry about it you'd be completely fine and provide them with some false reassurance because you're only a medical student there's already much you can do but what you can actually do and say to him you know what i will pass this information on to one of the doctors and if they do believe that it's something like that then we definitely will let you know the last point i want to raise here is that every time i make a suggestion i always follow it up with would you be okay with that or what do you think about that and you know it's really important to show the interviewer that you actually are considering the patient you know you're considering their view what they want rather than saying okay don't worry i'll get your sandwich i'll give you some painkillers i'll get you some anticipated pills and i'll be fine and we'll be on our way that's very much like a dictator and it's very important to work with your patient and say this is what i think might be best for my opinion what do you think about that and that really shows the interviewer that you are involving the patient in their care yeah yeah i think that sounds reasonable yeah okay yeah yeah well thank you for understanding and um as i said i will make sure you get seen and um if i can help you any other way at all please come and find me yeah yeah so as i mentioned my name is kenji so all right thank you no thank you kenji i really appreciate it yeah it was okay yes okay so to conclude something like that it's really important at the end just to say is there anything else that i can absolutely help you with if you feel like you have addressed that concern so far things go in the right direction and you feel like there's not really much else to say just conclude by saying is there anything else i can help you with and if that said the actor will say actually no you've been very helpful thank you so much and if they have anything else they need to add in other things another task that you need to get done in this station they will hint again and mention exactly what you need to do so that is the dealing with the upset and angry patient scenario as i said it's very common that this station is asked to give you my conclusion try and you know keep the patient calm and find out exactly what they want try to address their needs ask them straight away you know what can i help you with if you'll be confused and you don't exactly know what's going on just say how can i help you you know is there anything that i can do for you and again try and pay attention to all the hints they give you you know sean gave me a few hints here he said i'm really hungry you know i have i'm feeling sick and i have headaches as well you know he's giving me hints as to what i can do to help him and lastly make sure you know you be creative if you can go to the canteen and get a sandwich offer to do that you know come up with ideas on the spot and be very creative to try and show that you actually care about them you actually want to help them and if you do those very few you know simple things i guarantee you'll do very well in the station so let's move on to the next one
Channel: Doctor Kenji
Views: 21,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medicine interview, medicine mmi interview, dealing with an angry patient medicine interview, medical school interview, how to prepare for medicine interviews, medicine interview questions, medicine interview tips, med school interview
Id: X0HW___WC3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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