Paramedics Rescue Overdosing Couple After Girlfriend Calls | Inside The Ambulance | Real Responders

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okay [Music] there you are all right we're back on shift inside the ambulance it's on it's on let's go with more medical emergencies is that a little bit better now and more cameras let's turn you on yes we're taking you back to the heart of the action it's a sharp scratcher there are some new faces this could potentially be quite hazardous and some old friends seriously oh that's disgusting [Music] body mounted cameras record every moment nice and slow to show you what goes on behind closed doors caroline can hear me sweet okay that is a chunk you'll be on the front line with the ambulance crews from west midlands ambulance service i reckon you could do this job you know take a big deep breath and hold it for me never a wasted moment when i'm being paid by the ambulance service as they deal with three thousand emergency calls each day there's nothing to worry about that's not too bad petal is eager to come into the it aren't you cheeky step inside the ambulance i love this job [Music] i feel like i've like moved into this truck yeah you just feel like a home from home now doesn't it you get back in and go are you and there's an idiot or also known a future customer [Music] i'm out my way oh and i know you made me do oh he's going then why i'm better driving here what is consistent of a better driver is it the fact that i'm faster and smoother than you your driving's terrible when it comes to smoothness i mean you would honestly i'm a better driver than you i didn't say anything i didn't bring it into it would you just say that start the conversation did it it's 20 past five in the afternoon and gaz clark and liam dale are coming towards the end of their 12-hour shift right that's what i most enjoy about the job is probably hearing all the different people's stories like you know when you go to people the older generation and they've just got so many great stories to tell you such variety yeah like meeting the people have been like prisoner of war camps and things like that and it's like that's a completely different world to me i think the diversity the jobs as well the amount of different jobs my least favorite bit of the job is this bit right now where i'm trying to get out of this junction and no one's letting me out but there's no more time for chitchat a call has just come in another job it's to a young man who's taken an overdose oh he's got me that one this we're going to male 16 plus private address unconscious noisy breathing showing two minutes away as well please liam [Music] when they arrive they're met by the patient's girlfriend 18 year old katie right what's been going on her boyfriend has drunk a harmful liquid right do you want to come out the way so i'm getting and he's done it on purpose yeah 22 year old chris is on the floor not moving right come on open your eyes you can open your eyes for me you are conscious okay so what have you talked now we can talk to me come on talk to me chris drank the harmful fluid after a row with his girlfriend talk to us dude right okay so that means you can be talking to me you've got normal breathing you're flicking your eyes underneath you're not going to gain anything by not talking to us so start responding and talking to me chris mate not being funny just stop messing around talk to us let us know what's going on that's 96 absolutely because he's obviously panicking a bit now yeah are you going to sit up to him take your coat off otherwise we have to cut it mate yep come on sit up for us i take it and normally walks around he normally walks around normally yeah sit up but not only has chris swallowed dangerous fluids he's self-harmed too but on his right we spot the looks on this which side it's very awkward when you've got a patient that does require our assistance he has took some kind of an intentional overdose so we need to treat him you need to talk to us chris [Music] when they're not cooperating at all and they're making it awkward for us then it's hard to actually help that person so whether he's gaining that trust by doing a nice softly softly or sometimes it needs to be that firm hand tell them to stop messing around sit up and help us otherwise we're in a very awkward position well you need to come to hospital with us please you do i don't man right either cooperative with us or we get the police here mate you've took a liquid to intentionally harm yourself that is not classed as normal behavior so if necessary we'll actually get the police to enforce your removal from here to hospital because we've got a duty of care so you either come cooperatively or under the mental capacity act okay which we'd rather not do let me just get this off your arm okay although chris is now cooperating gaz discovers he's not the only patient after their row girlfriend katie took some tablets which led to chris drinking the harmful fluid you've took some tablets as well at the end of the day you've took an intentional overdose tablets yeah so we need although you're absolutely fine now we need to get you up there and it's going to make you feel crap yeah it really is so we need to get you checked out at the same time we need to get him checked out we'd rather do it all yeah no no but both can come together yeah but we'd rather get everything sorted out now nice and relaxed nice and remarkably do have checks get you off the hospital get it sorted out now with two overdose patients on his hands gaz wants to get katie and chris to hospital to be fully checked to make sure there's no long-term damage on any one of those seats in the left man what started as a lover's tiff has spiraled out of control i'll jump in the front right yeah i'll give you a shout in a minute when are we ready to go partner to take it yes right [Music] you don't mind me asking what was the argument [Music] [Music] i'm not going to say anything that's happened today stupid because it isn't because you've had your own reasons for doing it and if you've got reasons for doing something those are your reasons i might think it is not wise but i'd never call somebody stupid okay but you need to talk to each other so taking the tablet thing sorted anything does it has it escalated the situation and it's made it worse doesn't it with the couple now more relaxed father of five gaz is keen to share some relationship advice with them the real little niggly thing is really annoying the hell out of each other leaving a cupboard open uh what really annoys me about my wife having half a cup of coffee and just leaving on the side by the thing this points out the hassles it is living together god i hope people don't kill each other i don't know and if every people are going to get married i think you need to live together first to find out whether it's ever going to work it's the most stressful thing yet [Music] yeah well it's not going to be easy but come on in let's get you out let's get you in that'll be the next argument by the way the mess you made in the bathroom name come on [Music] i see you were giving some uh relationship oh god yeah i was doing me daddy my dad left you that's it here comes my dad lecture and then when she said a day to birth and that i thought she's about three months older than my daughter actually was she yeah 18 18. [Music] every time i go inside here i'm having that uncle bulgari give me that uncle bulgaria and she almost agreed what what is this uncle bulgaria her womble [Music] what's the mumbles oh is that like the like hedgehoggy type things like are you serious you never heard of the wombles of wimbledon i think so but they've got like the long snout yeah it was like the clangers no no it's the rumbles also a little buttony nose oh okay i used to love the wobbles when i was a kid [Music] it's 10 30 and ash bolas and gary beasley have just got their latest call out it's a four-year-old female with a heavy reaction hopefully they can communicate with her that would be good yeah gary and ash have been called to a young child who's bleeding from the head did she say the mother was gonna get a word yeah [Music] okay the crew's body-worn cameras capture everything okay anxiously waiting for them our parents sarah and danny hello so who's this thing ellie and what's happened to ellie she's coming out of the kitchen okay four-year-old ellie seems dazed she could be concussed from the fall so dad's just rang because you've had a bit of a fall okay are you okay it's okay ellie's parents think she's unusually quiet is she normally fitting well yeah she was wearing that always running about normally fitting well so she was running from out of the outer picture out of the kitchen on the laminate onto the corner of the door the door frame right okay oh dear me how do you feel a bit sore okay ellie's very withdrawn gary has five children himself so knows he needs to win her trust before trying to assess her injuries have you got a doggie in there yeah what's his name snoop what sort of dog is he do you know what sort of you don't know building rapport with the child is to show that we're there to help them and trying to uh cotton on to something that they're interested in whether that be a toy to try and uh create that bond do you mind if we can put a little little plastic probe on your finger is that okay just to see what your oxygen levels are is that okay so i'll show you how it works look it's a lit it's like a little crocodile like a crocodile clip yeah so i'll just put it on there just to lose any consciousness or anything like that through it just like just falling asleep you shouldn't not like knock herself out or anything no okay falling asleep after a head injury can be a sign of concussion how are you feeling now is it okay [Music] gary wants to check ellie's reactions so look at my nose can you see a spot on my nose you can she can you can see a spot on my nose right is there spot moving on my nose is it moving no of course it's not okay can i just have a look at your this little cutoff that's lovely it could just be pulled together okay does that a bit sore is it yeah is it a bit sore so there's a couple of options we have really um where really we could just pop some glue on right and a little steri-strip which is like a plaster like where they glue the head it'll come together quite nice just a slight smear across there um it stings a little bit do you mean and it's just like a plaster does that sound good okay ellie's going to have to go to hospital to get her cut treated okay all right we'll be back in a bit oh where is that i'm gonna sit here is that okay okay gary keeps ellie chatting to check for any signs of concussion who cooks the dinner daddy cooks the rivers my mom's checking in yes what's your favorite dinner pizza so what's your favorite on the pizza [Music] pepperoni yeah issue pepperoni mud and what's your favorite drink lemonade right okay daddy like lemonade yeah yeah he likes lemonade or does he drink beer yes sometimes okay and he drinks some lemonade he water does he water it down a little bit yes yeah so there you go uh so the kids always tell the truth yeah they always tell the truth reached your destination [Music] after initially being wary of the ambulance crew it seems like ellie's found a new friend in gary come on there he's very cold isn't it can't cope with change back don't do change get a bit twitchy when change comes around even if like one of my mates changes my plans i'm like that why what we're doing why we changed it i can't make today i'm really unwell so what am i going to do instead then connie slay you are terrible i'm a lovably terrible person lovable road it's 9 20 p.m and stuart punter and adam naylor are coming towards the end of their shift when they get a call out to the telephone cost telephone kiosk near shoe zone on dudley high street 999 mode activated [Music] before becoming a student paramedic six months ago adam worked in the control center as an emergency call taker and is used to getting calls from telephone boxes usually children that have run off that's what i used to get in control and you could tell it was kids yeah because it would always be about half three always near a school yeah which you can always see on the map as well just a minute later stuart and adam arrive at the scene in dudley town center arrival actually we're gonna see if we can find him first or don't take all our stuff with us because that's the telephone chaos yeah we'll go down that luxury yeah so it's probably the best idea they begin their search all right there's a gent there standing in the market yeah is he with someone no he's on his own isn't it didn't even get a name did they nope i think there's another telephone kiosk down there as well i love hello mate you call for an ambulance at all have you called for an ambulance no no okay okay he doesn't look like he needs us anyway stomach pain does he even though this is starting to look like a wasted trip adam and stuart need to be absolutely sure we'll have a look at all of them i don't mind gonna be thorough haven't having searched the length of the high street with no luck frustration is starting to set in i can't understand what jewel you would get ambulance i can't think of any more um telephone chaos well it was near shoes with nothing more to be done they head back to the ambulance well yeah another life saved all in a day's work but then control comes through with an update the caller may have been found so they believe that it's a regular so we're gonna go through the dress the man they think may have phoned is known to the ambulance service and lives just one street away from the phone box where the original call was [Music] made i'm using this block of flats here oh i think i'm a victim less than a minute later they're outside the suspected callers home [Music] adam and stuart go to investigate but have to turn off their cameras [Music] getting to the top of the stairs there's a man waiting for them [Music] for an ambulance you haven't no not at all not from the telephone kiosk you don't need an ambulance was it either wrong though yeah yeah it was okay welcome to the life of an ambulance crew every year west midlands ambulance service receives over a thousand hoax calls wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds after 30 minutes of wasted time all that's left for stuart and adam to do is update control we have gone to the property uh he did answer advised that no ambulance was required but he did call us and he's feeling fine now refusing the observations or if he used any assessment so we'll clear it soon oh we've got another job it's quarter to three in the afternoon hannah meredith and claire mccullough have just started their 12-hour shift it's um breathing problems heart failure oh bloody cardic bradycardia is a slow heart rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute the normal for an adult is between 60 and 100. waiting for them is 74 year old john who's experiencing heart pain and difficulty breathing steve what's what's the problem sir i suffer with art value right heart failure is a serious condition which can't be cured for john it means he has limited mobility he lives alone and his breathing has become so painful he can barely move hey what did you i got shortness of breath since sunday i can't life less would you feel did you feel like you're getting suffocated from your life like brain is very very shallow right he looked like a cardiac patient as any he did look a little bit gray didn't he he did yeah sort of sweaty and and bothered and those are kind of big telltale signs for us that something cardiac is going on it's now becoming clear to claire and hannah that john's chest pain is caused by his escalating heart condition you called an ambulance because you were having the shortness of breath and things like that yeah i also didn't really like the right headache you know i couldn't couldn't walk okay um we're just gonna pop some dots on your chest if that's all right john has already been to hospital for chest pain today since being discharged his breathing has got even worse do you have any pain at all in your chest and you want to move just when you move so and it goes away when you're sitting down yeah sometimes when i get the palpitations so you get palpitations as well yeah you've got a belt around your chest claire wants to see if there have been any changes in john's heart rate since it was checked at hospital earlier this morning i went tonight what's he put on yeah and what's happening and then started panicking you know that's what's matter and she's got a low heart rate and they sent sent you home yeah he says oh well it does drop to 70 sometimes she said 38. what's that at the moment uh what about 50. yeah it's sort of hovering between 50 and 60 at the moment okay if you could just keep nice and still for me just nice and relaxed no moving or talking for me yeah it's a it is a bit on the slower side i definitely think it's worth a trip up the hospital yeah yeah i think last night i thought it took me that's red because you were lying down yeah yeah right and i'll throw it to yourself let's put this in your hair i can't carry it unlucky you know no you're quite right and i found me soon i said no million ambulances i don't like burning them i said they've got enough to do he said that's what the bloody there for exactly what i say to most people is right with the head the heart or the lungs you don't mess around you've got a chronic condition okay and so you you're the type of person that when you're unwell you need an ambulance you call us that's what we're here for i'm gonna get the wheelchair because i don't really want you to walk because your shortness of breath i mean you got a little bit about a breath just standing up we'll get the wheelchair he did have that sense that you know this was it now this was going to be his last sort of few breaths or whatever and i think because of his medical past i think it did concern him largely that now his heart was just going to give up completely i had perfect right to feel the way that he did it would have been very scary for him having all that knowledge claire and hannah decide that john needs to be taken to a and e to have his heart examined by specialists car look at this muscle woman you know well then aren't you yeah she must have eaten books this morning all right you pop yourself on here that's it swing your legs up all right let's have a little listen to your heart sounds now okay [Music] okay have you ever mentioned anything about a leaky heart valve they have i can hear it so it's wear and tear and lifestyle choices because of the wear and tear smoking drinking you know working in pubs or working in heavy industry you know dust so there you go as john is 74 he's been told by doctors that he's not eligible for a heart transplant operation consultants for a weekend i had a good analogy for that right so a surgeon took his car to a garage to have his engine fixed right and the mechanic turned to the surgeon and said why is it you get paid all this thousands of pounds for fixing somebody's engine i'm a mechanic i fixed the heart of your car and the surgeon said to him but do you fix the engine whilst it's still running there's the point these people are highly trained and your heart is simply in their hands and i think that surgeons deserve every penny they get [Music] right just going to unplug you for all this bits and bobs john's low and erratic heart rate will be investigated by doctors in a and e [Music] he said the only real thing that that would help is having a heart transplant which they're not going to do because he's too old now it's quite sad though isn't it when you're kind of being told that it sounds like he has a good family though yeah i think he's he's gone daughter was it yeah i can't imagine him pushing the hoop around yeah exactly to be honest i can't imagine pushing the paper around it's gonna be a lovely day i can't handle the heat it's maybe ginger skin oh i got back how was your sunburn horrific it's um uncomfortable let's put it that way how did you get so sunburned all i did was cut the lawn and shooting the bush i couldn't have been out that's more than half hour i've got a petrol lawnmower liam like you know what i mean it's easy yeah i was only out there for 25 minutes or so that's like my levels of like i just it's got worse as i've got older factor 50s where it's at [Music] stand well clear it's 12 43 p.m hannah simkins and michelle mcnulty have just dropped off a patient at hospital when another emergency comes in a suspected dislocation uh male in his twenties some sort of trauma patient went down and felt left kneecap go to the side i haven't had any good dislocation in a while [Music] they've been called to a workshop at a college their patient is mechanical technician 22 year old josh hello all right friend isn't he he sprained his knee i fell over yeah and my knee kept popped out and it slid all around there and then i rolled off and lot seemed to pop back in but it really powerful i can't move it oh really have you tried to move it or are you just feeling too nervous to move it up and move it up and down it's really really painful where is it paying for all around there okay then it might still be slightly dislocated that's the arc of unique capital and it should be about there it is really painful yeah i've had gas in there before nah some people i've been told it's i'll wait until my mix wasn't over but i have some now okay very cool put this mouthpiece in your mouth make a tight seal around it okay nice slow deep breaths it might be a bit drunk a bit lightheaded if it's sick yeah okay i'll see yeah if it does stop taking it and it'll wear off okay just inhale there you go when you inhale it opens the belt put your teeth on it like gritty like you're trying to that's it that's it what we'll do should we go and get our bed all right we'll get you onto the bed and then we'll take her to the ambulance and do all the checks out there mate [Music] yeah you have to go to australian hospital and have an x-ray to make sure it's in the right place okay yeah [Music] you're looking at me like you're a bit spaced already any good yeah right then josh what we're going to do is you're going to bend your good leg put all your weight on your good leg okay straight ready there we go i'm going to pull the back that's it that's it that's it all right yeah right big breaths josh ready bump josh ready [Music] there you sorry so you've never dislocated anything before right have a couple of deep breaths on that gas josh because i need to just try and feel where your actual kneecap is okay josh texts his pregnant girlfriend to let her know what's going on while hannah investigates i think it's actually back in place josh it's just the amount of swelling that's gone round here it's just ballooned out which is why it's as painful as it is at the moment right when obviously the kneecap dislocates it's not just the kneecap that moves everything goes with it so your muscles get damaged sometimes your ligaments and your tendons can get damaged because they're always fighting to keep everything in place so unfortunately the first thing that happens is you not only get pain because in the injury you also get pain because you get a rush of fluid to the area that's carrying all the the right stuff to be able to fix it but then obviously it makes your knee or your ankle or whatever three times the size that it would be normally all right how's the pain now 18 if you could score it out of 10 what would you score out at the minute probably about an eight or nine would you like something stronger what's stronger can't resist tomorrow is that stronger than things so what do you do here then do you i'm teaching i'm gonna train to be a teacher hopefully right josh nice and still for me sharp scratch hannah wants to give josh paracetamol through his vein as it works more quickly all right then josh we'll get you some paracetamol set up mate and then we'll pop you to the hospital tendai josh's friend tendai accompanies him to hospital this is your seat you've only come to get up early takes about 10 minutes till that fully works into your system production all right but it should give you some sort of like long-term pain relief when they're moving you when they're messing with your leg and stuff and they'll probably do some more into knocks and then something stronger when you get there as well all right but the time being just keep puffing away on the gas someone's stronger i'm already off stones but although josh seems to be enjoying the gas and air his knee is still hurting him but should it be this powerful or it will be yeah it will be how long we're talking for if there is it varies to be honest it depends how bad a dislocation is for two to four days out of thought because once it's back in place you obviously have to build the strength back up in it the longer that you're off it for ever take your crutches in lay the sympathy throughout and then you won't have to go up and [Music] but when you go in the waiting room we're going to leave you and going to our dinner and we're going to take the guests with us [Music] sorry what would you ask me you'll be last meal yeah anything i want i'll be honest my mrs max's chicken and mediterranean vegetable pie seriously you would have something you've had before well if i try something new what if it's really crap and it's my last meal and all i remember to remember anyway i just had a crap meal what would you have then what would i have yeah well i probably have fish finger sandwich with cheese on because apparently that tastes really good yeah if you're gonna die you don't like fish fingers apparently it's really nice but it's really horrible yeah but what if it was like rank and you couldn't actually eat it because it's like a last taste of something and that tastes not going to be very nice i've got to think about this one but we won't be something i've had already no i've had it like twice in the past and that's all you need is that pie out of this world i'll probably have that then penis i've never done it before i'll try it you'd have that as your last meal [Music] it's 8 30 p.m and paramedics hannah meredith and claire mccullar are on route to their next emergency call it's to a 28 year old mother who has scalded herself with boiling water she's got a burn on her groin from a cup of tea from a cup of tea oh bless her should we ask if she had a rich tea with it technically that would be a good question they're because biscuits have got sugar in them oh yeah and sugar sugar sticks the steam when it's very good so you know actually how many sugars does she take in her teeth and what did she do exactly yeah that's a really good question time is of the essence to prevent the burn from causing long-lasting injuries to the woman's skin oh i hope she's not burning too bad i mean what an idiot to get a breakfast i mean i burned sword anyway but in a nice soft tinder you just want to start fish on the bed for like a week wouldn't you that's true why was she mama 4 adrienne has been unable to get off the floor since she burnt herself hello that looks quite sore so what happened a cup of tea yeah adrienne's husband had brought her a cup of tea in bed but she spilled it on herself okay my name's claire this is hannah all right [Music] did you put cold water on it yeah you're cold yeah okay it looks like it's just on the surface all right if did the water go anywhere else has it gone down into your groin or just all the way it does look quite red and painful yeah i can see right okay what we're going to do is sam we're going to open this up and we're going to put something to on top of it to cool it down a little bit okay does it feel like it's still burning at the moment yeah adrian's children are playing in the next room unaware their mum has hurt herself where's the worst bit here is it yeah i think you'll probably end up with a little bit of a blister going on there once it heals up a bit [Music] once we've popped that on okay what we'll do is we'll get you to set up on the chair because i think you your bum might be going a little bit numb on the floor and then we'll plug into our machine and do your blood pressure and everything like that okay hannah applies a cooling pad to prevent the burn from causing further damage this stuff's really really good it's really nice yeah it's very good it really helps soothe it sorry if it stings so we just need to smooth it down just so it goes right in okay once it's been on for a couple of seconds it'll feel loads better okay there you go okay and so you've got it sort of here and round here but yeah it didn't go anywhere else okay that's fine um do you think that you'll be able to sit in that chair [Music] how many children have you gotten four keep your hands full then yeah with burns unfortunately there's nothing that we can do immediately to to fix them or anything like that um but cool them down it's important to cool that right down as much as we can and then pain relief really adrian's scald was more like a surface so a superficial burn um and it was so painful because of that if it were a deeper more serious burn she may not have felt as much discomfort but because of where the nerves are and everything because they're so close to the top [Music] they're a little bit exciting shouldn't they be going to sleep so silly question if you were to give us a pain score out of 10 10's the worst pain you've ever felt and zero is no pain what number would you give us an eight okay in some ways that's a good thing because if you couldn't feel the pain it would mean that the burns a lot deeper so it just that just means it's just on the top of the skin which is which means it will heal by itself okay you just need to keep it nice and clean and dry [Music] are you working at the moment at all no full time mum that's a job isn't it normally [Music] oh wow okay so if it's a fresh baby then okay okay so all of your observations and everything are absolutely fine okay so don't drink tea in bed and leave that on for another 10 minutes and then take it off all right if you get a little bit worried um in a couple of days time if you think the leg is going funny or it's even more painful you can always contact your doctor or one one one okay and they can give you some advice over the telephone but you need to give it a couple of days to try and start drying out hello boys you're right is that you making all that noise playing on the ipad were you ah dad thought he was just doing a nice thing making his very tired wife a cup of tea fresh out the kettle and so it's not his fault it's not his fault it's just one of these things see you later boys behave from mum take care with adrian not needing treatment in hospital and after just 24 minutes in the house hannah and claire are now ready for their next emergency call [Music] yes so that dead looks yeah and it's going to be painful don't get me wrong but you're a little bit stuck you just got to stick it out haven't you that's going to hurt for [Music] for a good few hours i mean i know it's like just getting a burn off the iron or the oven or something like that motherhood's probably going to laugh at that statement when i say iron because you'd be like what iron this i don't think were you using an iron [Music] chris and katie who both took overdoses after an argument were sent home from hospital the same day after a full checkup thankfully there was no long-term damage done the couple have now been together six months and have moved into a new flat gaza's relationship advice seems to have worked as they say there have been no more arguments [Music] four-year-old ellie who slipped and cut her head had the wound glued together at hospital although she lost half her eyebrow in the process the cut has completely healed and ellie's eyebrow has now grown back [Music] john who was taken to hospital due to his low heart rate gave even more cause for concern when it plummeted to just 32 beats a minute he's now on new levels of medication and back at home enjoying visits from his grandchildren an x-ray confirmed that josh had actually popped his dislocated knee back into place himself however his knee was still very swollen and was put in a brace he spent a month on crutches but is now back to normal [Music] and adrienne who spilt a cup of tea on her groin and burnt herself has made a good recovery unfortunately she's left with a large scar but she's hoping it will fade with time she and her husband and their four boys are all doing well [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 1,164,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ER personnel experiences, Real Responders, accident response team, ambulance cases, ambulance incident response, ambulance reality show, ambulance shift, ambulance team, critical care techniques, emergency medicine, first response team, heroism at work, life-saving paramedics, life-threatening situations, medical emergency footage, medical emergency program, medical first responders, paramedic emergency cases, paramedic experience, paramedic on duty, saving lives in England
Id: yDgWZ1XPfQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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