Mechanic Parts Cannon FAIL Cost Customer A LOT! Let's Try This Again

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hello and welcome to the Car Care on our Channel and welcome to something that makes my heart sad people going to repair mechanics and they spend money and they try to get their car fixed and they're back to square one and the worst part of that is when the original problem was never fixed and you go back to the shop and just fixed your car even though they didn't really fix it and they ask you to spend even more money and most people look at that as like are they trying to rip me off or do they even know what they're doing unfortunately this 2010 Toyota Camry went through something similar to that and in this video we're going to talk about what that is what happened to this car and what the shop did and why is it now in our shop needing actually a lot of work none of it has to do with what was actually done to this car let's get started so this car has a check engine light and the other concern kind of bigger than a check engine light a severe lack of power and at a certain speed it just won't accelerate anymore and to the customer's explanation right around 60 miles an hour it just it becomes so lacking in power that it won't go past that now I drove it sometimes it does that sometimes it doesn't check engine light is constant and that's what we're going to look at but before we do that this car was in a shop recently let's take a look under the hood usually when I see this car was just in a shop looks like nobody's ever been here in years and years nobody bothers to clean anything just at least wipe something down check fluid nothing that's fine let's pull the engine cover which is just sitting here not even clipped in and would you look at that site brand new parts aftermarket ones I see the evidence of them somebody's been here and this is usually what mechanics like to call the parts Cannon this is the identification of a parts Cannon let's start let's kind of go back to the beginning and diagnose this car we have a check engine light let's grab our scan tool and let's go take a look let's see what our scan tool is going to say let's connect to this car so this is Camry without Smart Key this is a tmmk tmmk is Toyota motor manufacturer in Kentucky it's made in Kentucky let's connect to this car and see what kind of codes we have here kind of starting from the beginning all over again let's go to engine so we have a bunch of codes try to put a screenshot of those codes so you can see them so it looks like somebody's been doing some stuff some testing whatever the case may be because I have some permanent codes permanent codes they will erase on their own as long as the problem doesn't reappear so the first thing when I have multiple codes like that we're going to do something I'm gonna try to erase them now that I know what these codes are the main code we have that is current is p0013. and erase these codes nothing we have a hard current code this is the first thing we're going to look at we have a hard code this is simple diagnosis it's when you have intermittent problems is when we have really the difficult diagnosis but when you have hard code like that you haven't even started the car it's already said this is an electrical code because when the engine is not running how does it know the timing is not working or the timing components the engine is not running right now all the computer is doing it's testing continuity basically it's making sure that it sees all these components all the stuff various sensors and everything we have a hard code for camshaft position B actuator circuit open bank one it's engine only has one bag let's go exploring a little bit so camshaft position B is actually exhaust a is intake B is exhaust let's go take a look at what we have here camshaft actuator is the vvti gears themselves they look like this by the way but what controls them electrically is the oil control valves and this is where the parts Cannon comes in somebody looked at this code even though it is hard code what I mean by hard code is you don't need to run the engine oil control valves when they're bad you need to run the engine and drive it where the computer commands the oil control valve to do something and it's not doing it then it will set the code but when I haven't even started the engine and it sets the code my problem is likely not component unless this component is open circuit but here's the best part now we've diagnosed this car already but I'm going to walk you through that process how we arrived at the diagnosis they not only replaced the exhaust one which is this is exhaust side that's the intake and actually replace the other one just for good measure it's very it's going to be very hard to see but they did actually replace the intake one as well but this is the parts Cannon why do you replace the other one when it's working perfectly fine and the best part is I just found the markings on this part and how cheaply horribly it looks this is an aftermarket part you put an aftermarket oil control valve on a Toyota we have problems even if this fixed the car you do not put an aftermarket oil control valve on an engine period worse take the perfectly working oil control valves throw them to the garbage put these and not fix our problem our problem is very simple watch this we have the scan tool we have p0013 if I do this just unplug the sensor that is for the exhaust the action the oil control valve sorry not the sensor if I unplug it if my problem was with this now we should set a different code but let's go take a look now everything is live keys on scan tool is live I have the same codes hmm that's interesting isn't it well let's go do something else let's go see what should happen if you unplug this with your car live I'm going to unplug the intake one which is right here it's exactly the same I'm going to unplug that let's go see what happened now I immediately set another code p0010 that means the other side is good so mistake number one with the parts Cannon why did you replace the other side if it's perfectly fine wow for good measure right while you're doing your good measure at the cost expense of your customers possibly food on their table which is the case here people are on a budget then problem number two did you actually diagnose the car or did you get this car this is how unfortunately there are probably a 50 50 split of mechanics 50 of them they'll get the car they'll read the code first component that is vaguely described in the code oh this will go replace that that's the part Canon mechanic did you actually check you didn't the bottom line and usually as a customer you need to know that when the diagnosis came about in less than five minutes sometimes we have a problem now in some cases the diagnosis will take five minutes which it actually took 15 minutes here because it's it's not difficult and we're gonna I'm gonna show you exactly what we did step number one I know there's something electrically wrong but we're going to take it one more step I'm going to activate the valve oil control valves with the engine running what happens with oil control valves is when you activate them full Advance it's going to kill the engine or at least it's going to run rough let's do that for intake and exhaust and see what happens if it's a little loud we got the exhaust hooked up to the car let's start it we're gonna go to active test very simple active test you can activate the vvti system we're going to go to vvti system ank1 we're going to activate the intake now it will work if everything is working right this engine should stumble and potentially stall let's try it that's a working vbti system on the intake now let me reset this and we will test the exhaust sight let's restart this engine still on there we go [Music] all right we're back you see all these engines just not happy it's not having it it shouldn't be doing that let's go to the exhaust this is vvti exhaust activation when you activate it you full Advanced it should do exactly the same thing possibly at a lesser scale so this engine might stumble but watch when I do that nothing so at this point Euros ocv valve is potentially commanding things and nothing is happening the vvti system is completely disabled on the exhaust good so at some technicians at this point will turn on their Parts Canon that's okay and they'll say well let's put an ocv valve but my problem is Euro CV valve is non-existent well did you know that intake and exhaust on this particular engine are the same so here's what we're gonna do I already know if I unplug the intake one we set a code that means that circuit is alive and well so let's do this since our circuit is alive and well that means if we have an issue with this one we don't have any the same issue with that one so here's what we're going to do we're going to unplug the intake and I'm gonna plug the exhaust one to the intake just the connector we're not going to start the engine because that would be very bad if this was the component that was bad right now I should be reading good because they're exactly the same part in this case let's go erase our codes well now I have even more codes that over codes because we ran it was basically trying to advance the timing but it sees nothing it's actually set that code but my other code is still there that's the key thing here so basically at this point we know for a fact there's no problem with with the oil control valve electrically because our problem is not mechanical our problem is electrical so there is our diagnosis from here on out becomes super simple we recently released a video on the series on electrical diagnosis if you guys have been watching that I highly encourage you to watch that because I really want to share with you guys how to diagnose these electrical systems and right now you're going to see a live demo how that's done continuity very simple you just check this wire from here to there or we remember we talked in the series about high resistance sometimes can be in the form of a weak connection broken wire corrosion that is high resistance so we're going to do something here very simple keys off let's reconnect our stuff the right way and my problem is between here potentially in the engine computer if we have one of these two wires that connect this oil control valve are broken that's your problem basically the computer is not seeing the oil control valve electrically it's not seeing its resistance it's not feeling it it doesn't it thinks it is like this unplugged so here's what we're going to do engine computers at least in the more modern Toyotas they will have two connectors big one and small one small one is the body these are the kind of the body functions of the engine cooling fan interior stuff gauges whatnot the big one is the engine one so this is the one that actually connects to all your sensors and all your engine wiring if you would this is the big one so basically all these sensors that you see here your coils your cam position sensors your oil control valve your knock sensor everything that is directly connected to the engine will end up here or majority of it some of it might go to Power like if we're just powering a component but all the sensor inputs and the important vital things that the computer controls or takes from they end up here so here's what we're going to do we're going to do a very basic continuity test here are these two wires that end up here are they good or are they broken if they're broken we found our problem if they're not then we move to the next step okay so we're going to use our voltmeter here we're going to do a very basic continuity check now this is where learning how to read diagrams and figure out which pin out of these are it I already know it's a six pin because we already looked at this car so one two three four five six this is one of them we're going to connect our voltmeter to it on one side and we're going to set our meter to resistance continuity on Resistance checks will be zero remember low resistance equals a bad problem so first thing you want to do is check your meter make sure your meter is reading correctly when I touch the two leads we have 0.1 ohms that's the standard so if I see 0.1 ohms elsewhere or very close to we have continuity Swire is healthy so now we're connected to one of the pins there we go I have 0.1 Ohms on one of the wires 0.2.1 that's fine that's continuity we're good now I'm gonna add just for testing is this is how you want to test it because if these are shorted together they could also be a problem test the other one I see nothing ol out of limits that means the resistance here is so high the meter can't register it which means there is no continuity now let's go check the other pin here's the other pin connected to it let's check our resistance here bring that meter so you can see that there we go 0.1 ohms check the other side nothing oh well out of limits so what does that tell us that tells us only one thing wait I plugged in a known good part which is the other side it's very simple we just did that in front of you you're plugged in and known good working part to the wire and it's not picking it up as a component the wires going from here to the computer are good so what is left scar needs a computer folks this is something surprising because Toyota is usually do not really go through compute engine computers at all this one however is an exception when I say they don't do that a lot doesn't mean they never do that there's only one thing left for us to check and we already checked that check the pin fit we tighten the pin Connections in case there is a pen that came loose but that is not the case here and basically if this customer that already spent by the way if I remember what they told me six seven hundred dollars already into this car if they would have had somebody just diagnose this car spend a little bit of time I mean this video is not that long we basically diagnosed this car and we already know what's wrong with it if you would have just spent that time that 700 would have went towards the computer not stuff they don't need this is the problem with the automotive industry and this is how this is an engine where you just diagnosed a bad computer here folks people scared of computers scared of electronics this was not rocket science this was just common kind of Common Sense logical diagnosis and it's very simple this car needs an engine computer and why is that because my wire is good my component is good the computer internally has an opening on those two pins now why did that happen this is where I draw the line because I have concerns that at some point something might have shorted and this is what we're going to do kind of The Next Step here we're going to make sure that I don't have shorts in these wires so we're gonna kind of reconnect our meter and we're going to do a different test just to be 100 sure because I've been in the automotive business long enough it is the worst thing in the planet when you buy a very expensive component you plug it in and it immediately fries up because you did not do your homework and you missed something and you just fried the new component that is very bad so let's do something else we're gonna go again one two three four five six here now I'm gonna switch my voltmeter to volts DC I'm going to check two things let's unplug this and I connect it to ground nothing the meter is just hovering around I'm going to connect it to power nothing the meter is just hovering around and that's what we want this means this wire does not have a short to ground or short to power Let's test the other one nothing here nothing here now we know for a fact we don't have a short to power short to ground but let's do one more thing I'm gonna turn the key on in case some other component is doing this only with the key on we're still connected to one pin I have nothing here nothing here let's connect to the other pin nothing here nothing there we're done at this point that's it this needs a computer we know that for a fact we've done our due diligence it did not take a week which this is what happened with this shop the diagnose this car they threw their power to Cannon the first time didn't work out customer went back they kept the car for a week why would this diagnosis take a week is beyond me but that's fine you know I'm trying to make it right right then they came out with a conclusion hey you need an engine computer it's going to cost a small fortune but now the customer doesn't trust them and I don't blame them this is the problem folks diagnosis is so important and it's not complicated you gotta spend time on diagnosis I have people all the time call texts and emails I have this code what is the problem I don't know because we it could be in this case it could be an oil control valve could be a mouse chewed on this wire and destroyed it could be this connector is corroded it could be the computer I don't know we have to do the due diligence and diagnose it this is this is why codes engine codes when you have trouble codes check engine light is on they're not the computer telling you what to do and how to fix it that code is telling you what the computer saw is wrong in this case I don't have electrical connectivity to my oil control valve that's what the computer is saying it doesn't know why because the computer is not capable this is not some super NASA computer it just sees I don't see my old control valve with the key on set the code we're done that's all it says same thing with O2 sensors signals too high signals too low heater is not responding I'm commanding the heater on after a certain amount of time it's not getting to that temperature I that's the that's what I see the heater is not responding they don't tell you what's wrong exactly precisely the computer does not tell you go to place a part but here's what DIY mechanics fall into this one and unfortunately professional mechanics sometimes do the Parts Canon they read a code mass air flow oh let's go replace the mass airflow I've seen this so many times on this engine here's what happens you get a mass airflow code people go to place the mass airflow because that's the Parts Canon would do and then they they were so focused on the mass airflow that they missed that this little Muffler loves to fall on this engine This falls and you basically have an open here and that's what sets the mass airflow code I see this over and over and over in this industry folks you got to spend most of your time in diagnosis and if you don't know how something works how are you going to fix it and if you don't understand how Electronics work how are you going to fix them I hope you learned something from this experience we're going to have to talk to this customer about this computer and unfortunately they are on a budget so we'll see what options we have which at this point we normally have a lot at least the car is drivable you know they can drive it relatively around town but not really higher speeds because it it's basically working on half the vbti capacity this is not good but folks I hope this video is helpful informative I hope you learned something new if you like it consider giving it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some of our videos and until the next video folks may the Lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 367,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parts cannon, mechanic fail, parts cannon fail, bad auto repair, bad mechanic, good mechanic, car repair, car diangosis, car diy repair, mechanic fails, mechanical nightmare, p0013, p0010, the car care nut, car care nut, tccn automotive, scotty kilmer, car wizard, south main auto, rainman ray, the car care nut camry, car care nut camry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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