Should you clean your Throttle Body and How to clean it on Toyotas

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hello and welcome to the car kerala channel so in today's video i'm going to show you guys how to service the throttle body on your toyotas but before we do that i want to explain to you why we are cleaning the throttle body why does idle drop down what's going on how does this thing work so we're going to briefly address that first and then i'm going to show you how to clean it what to do what not to do and everything in between but before we get started if you're new to the channel welcome consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos if you're a returning subscriber well thank you so much for watching another one of my videos without further ado let's get to work so before we go clean the throttle body we i'd like you to understand why we're doing it and what's going on and how does this thing work briefly bear with me this is important right around 1998 toyota started with the drive by wire systems in the 100 series line cruiser it was not exactly a drive by wire but it was the closest thing to it just has a throttle cable going all the way to the throttle body you press it that cable operates a little sensor and that actuates a motor and that's how the throttle opens and lets air in remember engines need air gasoline compression and ignition to run in order to let the air in throttle body opens to control how much air is going in now right around 2002 with the 2azfe in the 2002 camry toyota started with full on throttle by wire and this is a system that is important that you clean the throttle body on now that system is very simple gas pedal you press it it's just a sensor has one connector a couple sensors here tell the computer how much you're pressing the gas and how fast and then there's our throttle body here it is it has electrical connector no cable connected to it most of them will have coolant going to it so it wouldn't freeze in the winter when you leave the car that all that coolant does is warms up the throttle body and keeps it warm now if you look at the body of the throttle body there is a motor right here and that's what actually opens the butterfly let's talk briefly about that when the engine is off the throttle plate is closed just like you see here when the engine is running at idle at fully warmed up idle this will be open right around 16 keep that number in mind now it's open as 16 16 let's say is a small opening as you drive and as oil and debris and all kinds of nasty stuff happens in the intake you start getting carbon buildup on the edge of the throttle body so what happens is the computer is always scanning looking at the idle it's not making micro adjustments like it would with fuel trim it's actually looking at the broader picture is the car idling within the range that i wanted to idle in when it's not it's going to keep watching the next key cycle is going to change a little bit it's going to change a little bit the more you drive it it's going to adjust so as your 16 is this much open as you start adding carbon and stuff that opening of the 16 becomes smaller and smaller so the computer starts adjusting okay well to achieve my desired idle i need to open that throttle body more it'll still say 16 but 16 in reality becomes a larger amount of throttle open well the thing with throttle bodies is when you go wide open throttle and the throttle is fully open just like this when you have debris that's actually less and it starts creating a turbulence you're not going to notice this driving but you'll notice it after you clean it things will be a little bit smoother but the problem and the reason we're cleaning throttle body is for idle for the smoothness of idle the thing is that value of how much we're compensating to keep that 16 within the correct idle number that the computer wants that's a learned value you disconnect the battery and this is a common thing you disconnect the battery all of a sudden your car idle is very low it dies and all that because now it went back to the factory spec that this is a brand new throttle body and there's nothing to compensate for so that's why you need to regularly clean your throttle body it'll keep things running smoothly it'll keep your acceleration smooth it'll keep your idle smooth and life is good a few things about throttle body cleanings and a few misconceptions about this every manufacturer will be different work strictly talking toyota lexus and scion products in this video nissan is different honda is different we're focused on toyota just wanted to make sure make sure you are aware of that toyota does not have a calibration process when you clean these when you take them off when you disconnect them there is no such thing there is no computer here there is this black thing that you see it's just like a little control board for the motor and sensors for throttle position and that's it there's no computer here this is all controlled by the engine computer so when you clean the throttle body the only thing that's going to happen is initially your idle will be higher you're going to drive the car until the computer makes its micro adjustments slowly over time and it'll settle back down that is normal when you disconnect your battery and reconnect it and also on the car is almost dying and you clean throttle body you went back to the base to when the car was new so many of you will ask well should i just disconnect the battery every time wouldn't hurt but i wouldn't recommend it because remember there are other learned values that you don't want to lose now somewhere around 2014-15 disconnecting the battery actually does not erase the learned memory anymore that changed you have to go through the scan tool so your best bet after cleaning the throttle body is just drive the car the latter will be a little high it'll be a little strange we'll give it a few days it'll settle and life is good the only other note i will add to this in case you're ever dealing with throttle body issues there is one fuse that is notorious to blow up when you jump start the car when it's completely dead it's called the ects fuse it's a 10 amp fuse it actually controls the throttle body so the common concern is my car doesn't accelerate past 10 miles an hour or my gas pedal doesn't do anything always check your 10 amp ects which stands for electronically controlled throttle system check that fuse is your first thing and actually set codes check on july will be on and that's how you'll know you have an issue and of course you press the gas pedal nothing happens i think that's an issue everybody will notice so always check that fuse first when you have problems with throttle body these things are pretty trouble free they don't really have a lot of issues the only issues they'll have is when they have excessive carbon buildup or they've been introduced to water how do you introduce a throttle body to water well very simple drive your car through a big puddle of water like a giant standing water puddle of water and you can actually suck water inside the engine and this gets wet and starts corroding and that's the end of that very dangerous when this guy gets corroded because you could basically have a throttle that gets stuck it's like the olden days where the cables used to get stuck having said that let's go to the car and we'll talk about how we're going to clean this guy safely without issues without causing harm and some do's and don'ts so first things first the truck that we're working on today is a 2005 toyota 4 runner with our beloved 1gr fe this will vary by car but the basic idea is you want to remove the intake going to the throttle body few notes on that most of these cars are extremely simple some of them are laughably simple the only ones that are a highlight for being slightly difficult is the 2ar and the 1ar fe engines the 2.5 2.7 example is 2012 to 17 camry 09 to 18 rav4 that's just one example it's used in many other models those are a little difficult some of them will have a clamp some of them will have a 10 millimeter bolt for the clamp those are going to be a little difficult but take your time the idea is you want to remove the intake hose going to the throttle body so let me go ahead and do that on this beautiful forerunner here which i'd like to give a compliment to the owner because this is extremely clean let me take this off and we'll start cleaning all right so here's the throttle body here's the butterfly now for reference this throttle body is considered pretty dirty you see how much carbon is on the butterfly and on the opening might be a little hard to see i tried to get the best shots for you guys so a few do's and don'ts as you've seen i've pushed the butterfly with my hand that's the speed you want to push it at for reference here's the other one don't push it with force like this don't do this you want to push it slowly do you hear that sound you don't want it making that sound because that's not good because remember when you spin a motor you're going to generate and that electricity is not good so you push it slowly where it doesn't make that whining sound i hope you can hear it well don't do that open it gently and you're good do not use screwdrivers to open this and hold it up do not turn the car on and push the gas pedal down to open it that is extremely dangerous be careful you want the key off you do not need to disconnect the battery for this you just need the key off put the key outside the car to prevent accidental turning on the key or worse starting the engine and then you can push this butterfly by hand gently just don't go with force the cleaner i'm going to be using today is a toyota throttle plate cleaner one thing i want to tell you about this do not use brake clean do not use other solvents degreasers because remember those leave a residue and that residue ends up inside the engine and then could damage your catalytic converter that's the whole idea you could use carb cleaner although i recommend you use a dedicated throttle plate cleaner now this is a toyota branded one you don't have to use this one and you're definitely not going to use this whole can because this will last you a lifetime basically in a shop this lasts months and months of cleaning multiple cars you're going to only use a small amount you're going to get a towel preferably a sharp rag or a very fine microfiber towel that also works you're going to spray a little bit on the towel and then this is the difficult bit because you're going to open the throttle body hold the top with your finger just like so to open and then you're going to go and clean the bottom look at that now let's continue cleaning the basic idea here is you're trying to clean where the butterfly contacts the body you're not going all the way in to clean the intake and all that you just want the area where the butterfly contacts the body to be clean and a little bit behind it as well now that looks pretty good i'll get you a close-up shot later when we're done but let me continue cleaning and then when you're done with one side you're going to clean the butterfly itself it's very hard to get it 100 so do your best to clean it as best as possible now that we're done with the bottom let's do the top top is a little easier on the butterfly side on the butterfly you're also only cleaning the edge some people will go overboard with this and that's okay but you actually don't need to because it doesn't do anything you're only cleaning the contact surface then we're going to clean the top of the throttle body which is a little bit more difficult because you're going upside down some of these throttle bodies depending on their mounting location can be easier this one being one of the easier ones now when you're done you're going to give everything a quick wipe and push outside in case you got any loose pieces of of carbon or buildup or whatever you are you got there dirt make sure you get it all out with the plate closed at this point i think we are pretty good that looks pretty clean as clean as you're going to get it a little bit on the top plate it's very hard for me to see this with the camera because the camera is taking my eye vision right now so i'll have to clean this off camera so you get the basic idea clean it don't go overboard with it but clean the areas that you need to clean not going overboard too much you can if you want to make life easier for you take the throttle body off and clean it from the back you get a pretty good shot from the back however you do need to replace the gasket we don't want to over complicate things you clean it like this life is good now let me clean it a little bit more off camera so i can see and i'll show you the final result in close up so you can have a reference for you so here's how the final results gonna look like i hope you can see that it's really difficult to catch it on camera but you can see that where the where the throttle plate contacts the body it is clean and the same thing with the top really hard to see it and it's actually casting a shadow but you can put your hand and you actually feel a ridge where the carbon used to be make sure that ridge is gone same thing with the bottom but if you get your throttle body this clean where the plate contacts do you see where the plate contacts right there i'm trying to get it as best as possible you see where the plate contacts right there right right this place keep your eye on it you see how it's clean now that's where you want to get to if you get your throttle body this clean that's good remember this is not a table for eating it's never going to be a hundred percent clean but that's okay we just want to get as much as possible out and life is good a few notes before we wrap up this video here's that can again you can folks you can buy this at any toilet dealerships some dealerships will use generic stuff from whatever it doesn't matter that you have to get the original one this is basically made by somebody else with a very expensive and fancy sticker on it that says toyota just buy it from your parts store it's the same thing for you diy if you don't have a lot of cars and you're not going to be doing this every other day don't buy a can like this because this is too much this will last you three lifetimes you're not using a lot of this product and as a note because i've had some viewers ask me you will not use the entire can on one car that is excessive that is way too much please don't do that the other thing i wanted to bring to your attention is you want to do this every 25 to 50 000 miles for ideal results yes like the struck behind me the owner has informed me that it has been only 191 000 miles since it has been done now the truck runs fine everything is good however this is diy where car care nuts we'd like to keep things just one step above grade so do this every 25 50 000 take it as an opportunity to clean the engine cover clean everything around check everything while you're in there and life is good and a small note before we wrap up this video after cleaning your throttle body like this as a reminder because i told you about this in the beginning you're going to start this car it's going to idle very high probably go up to 2000 rpm that is completely normal however you drive this car for a day or two or three it should settle down and be very smooth and nice and calm if that doesn't happen go back check for vacuum leaks something that you left unplug because vacuum leaks will actually increase your idle so i just wanted to let you know that so when you go started you don't freak out that all of a sudden it's idling super high so now you know why you're doing it how to do it and what not to do while you are cleaning your throttle body i hope this video was helpful informative i hope you learned something new i hope this was not too difficult this is very diy this is something i encourage you to do and save yourself some money any mechanic of course will be able to do this for you but so simple i would try it myself just like replacing an air filter or whatever now you know all the precautions and life's good if you like this video consider giving it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos and until the next video folks may the lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 321,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: should you clean your throttle body, throttle cleaning car, toyota throttle body cleaning, toyota, toyota throttle body relearn, toyota throttle body reset, toyota throttle body service, toyota low idle, toyota no throttle, toyota diy repair, car repair, car diy repair, throttle body cleaning, throttle body service, toyota repair videos, the car care nut, toyota maintenance, lexus throttle body, lexus throttle body cleaning, scion throttle body cleaning, diy car repair videos
Id: 3B-a8WJtd8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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