How Does a Toyota Engine with 300,000 Miles Look Like On The Inside?

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well do you ever wonder how does a 300 000 mile engine looks like on the inside this is a 2009 Toyota Camry with the 2.4 liter 2A zfe which burns oil but this Camry has 305 000 miles it is manual transmission and the owner loves it because they don't make a camera in manual transmission anymore so in this video we're going to remove this engine and fix the problem with oil consumption and in the way we're gonna see how does a 300 000 mile Toyota engine look like on the inside after all these miles and years let's get started foreign well let's settle down let's maybe pour ourselves a cup of coffee or some tea which is my favorite and let's talk about this 2009 Camry as you watch this engine being pulled out so this Camry is owned by the original owner who bought a brand new in March of 2009. so they paid and this is the best part because this is an annual transmission it is a CE which is a very like below base model basically doesn't have any really big options they paid fifteen thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars for this car back in March of 2009 they traveled very far they travel out from Illinois all the way to Florida to buy this car because they wanted a manual transmission believe it or not this was the last years of the manual transmission in the Camry at least in the US so something about this car that the owner noted because it's a manual transmission because it's really doesn't have any options it's the lightest weight camera you can buy they get a range of 665 miles on the tank this car averages 37.5 MPG at 70 miles an hour with an 18.7 gallon tank these were information from the customer themselves the cost of ownership the total cost of ownership and this is a very detailed cost of ownership this is an owner that kept records of everything every little thing the total cost of ownership over these 305 000 miles was sixty seven thousand dollars some people Hearts just skipped a beat but let's see the math that the owner actually did for this car so gasoline 305 000 miles he's going with an average of 28 miles per gallon that's combined City and Highway it's a lot more in the highway but that's the average he went with 10 900 gallons at three dollars per gallon average over the ownership time that he had it is thirty two thousand dollars so really the biggest cost is gasoline this car I've had four sets of tires at 400 each that's eighteen hundred dollars insurance for 14 years the owner chose to have liability only it's 400 a year that's fifty six hundred dollars this car have had two clutches one of them is actually pretty recent at 1800 each that's thirty six hundred dollars oil changes the owner did the oil change himself twenty five dollars each oil change 60 oil changes done at 5 000 miles each fifteen hundred dollars and then this car I've had three batteries each one is around a hundred dollars that's three hundred dollars license and registration for fourteen years at a hundred dollars a year is a one thousand four hundred dollars then there has been miscellaneous repairs is what he noted them forty five hundred dollars over the 305 000 miles two Drive belts breaks twice once twice without rotors with rotors once so a total of three valve cover gasket was replaced alternator has been replaced the power steering return line was replaced water pump once which you'll see later in the video we did not replace it because it was recently replaced and then a big cost 100 quarts of oil due to the defective Pistons which is the reason why we are pulling this engine out a hundred quarts of oil this engine Burns a quart every 150 miles toward the end of it and you'll see exactly why when we take it apart cabinet air filters five of each and that's it that's all this car I've had in its entire life nothing with the suspension nothing with the steering other than the power steering return line for the power steering the fuel injectors are original the current tires according to the owner have over a hundred thousand miles on them the transmission fluid have not been replaced per the customer request it might have been replaced when the clutches were done which I think is the case because you don't want to have fluid go all over the place when you pull the transmission but other than that this is the maintenance of this car which if you really do the math it's not a lot and here is the engine coming out on this car for the first time in 305 000 miles and the only reason we're pulling it out is because of the oil burning which is something that this engine was born with not really something that does happen with Ace to this engine otherwise and here's uh the engine almost out we are fighting it a little bit because there's very little space and I'll show you that in a little bit once the engine is actually out of the car but this overall is not a too bad of a job we'll talk about costs of this job in a little bit here is that original flywheel coming out which is pretty interesting this clutch has been replaced like we've talked that's why we're not doing anything with it in this video and uh we're about to set up here and we'll go back to the live video that we'll talk about the cost of this job so the engine is out this was not too bad I expected a lot more casualties there was actually none which is good this engine doesn't have a lot of oil leaks majority of them looks like they were spills like you see oil this oil right here these are spills because there's nothing leaking this much and it's way too clean for oil leaks on this side same thing that that oil probably just gets pushed back but otherwise it really doesn't have any measurable oil leaks that we can speak of it's in good shape not too rusty this is an Illinois car but again one owner took care of it doesn't have a lot of rust the one thing on the manual transmissions they're usually tougher to pull out of the car because you have the nose of the transmission the input shaft you could see that right here so normally as soon as you in the automatic transmission as soon as you get it off you can just pull it straight up but you have the clutch in the way and you have to clear all this then go up that's why I removed the the water pump in the car the tensioner to give us as much room as possible and it is a very very tight fit I mean it comes up just touching the body here you can see a few lines here where we remove it it touches the body right here and then it's literally just coming face but you can remove it it is tough you have to lift the transmission a lot higher than normal so you can give you that angle so you can go up and this car have had rodent damage at some point see it right here it's uh interesting to see what's hidden behind the engine but it's not a big deal not a huge issue it's just uh have had some rodents living here at some point doesn't seem wires were all good so we've already boroscoped this engine from before that's when we set the appointment probably two three months ago this needs a short block and the owner kind of I told him I am borderline on the short block it does have somewhere we're going to see it where we tear it apart but we're getting a short block but while we go through it let me give you a sneak peek of that short block this is a gasket kit new spark plugs we're not doing a water pump because it was done recently and I can see it's a newer water pump we're doing four ignition coil connectors because they're broken or just replace them while we're there while we have the harness out and then the short block let's take a peek you haven't even opened it alrighty oh dude look at that beautiful sight this is a brand new Toyota short block 2az Fe it's not always necessary and I told you guys majority of these two azs you can reuse the block just put new pistons and rings when they burn oil but in this case with the miles with the slight wear on the cylinders and this car just to give you a perspective it burns a quart every 150 miles that is excessive that is way too much I'm surprised it lasted this long haven't said that let's tear into this engine we're going to tear it completely apart I will take a few of the Pistons out so we can take a look at the crank the rods I mean just kind of get a general feel of how does an engine that has 300 000 miles actually looks on the inside let's talk about the 2az Fe in case you have one you want to know about this engine we've talked about it before in other videos but let's do a refresher this engine came out in 2002 it's actually one of the better engines in my opinion they did have a few issues at the beginning with threads pulling out of the block when they overheat and whatnot but at this stage in 2009 they really don't have any issues other than what Toyota did to this engine in 2007. low tension Rings which ended up causing a lot of problems and now we have oil burning they did a campaign to fix these a limited time campaign but of course this one is asked it actually the owner of this car did take it to the dealership at the time and it passed meaning it was not burning more than a quart and a thousand miles but of course as it aged that changed and things went downhill from there but the thing about this engine is it's actually a great engine other than this problem and you see it here 305 000 miles you're about to see it there just don't come apart that much these engines are really well made well engineered anything that's well engineered with good care may last and they this one truly lasts if you take care of it people have had their Pistons replaced the defective Pistons they've went extreme miles and this engine just runs and runs and runs they just don't have issues and this is the beauty of this engine doesn't make a lot of power it's nothing exotic or anything it's just basic simple good engineering it works and it works very well for a very long time I know it's ironic to say that when pulling that engine apart let's just remind ourselves this engine has 305 000 miles it's actually not a very difficult engine to take apart some cars are more difficult you know Corolla Scion tC but in the camera is relatively actually DIY to a point if you're at an advanced DIY and pretty soon we're almost done tearing it apart here you'll take a look inside we'll talk about everything and then later when we're assembling the engine back up we'll talk about costs of this job and some other considerations if you're ever in this spot so it's all apart let's take a look and this is the reason the first thing is the block this is the reason why we're replacing the short block just look at the walls at the cylinder walls I mean if you come around there you have to show them this side the crosshatch is completely gone here you still have reminiscence of it on the side but otherwise the cylinder is completely worn if you look here you can see some of the crosshairs probably very difficult to see there's a little bit of crosshatch here but here is nothing this is worn completely solid you do not see any crosshatch same thing here no crosshatch here and over here if you come look at the side like right here you can see the shiny area that's cross hatch and the rest is just gone so this is why this engine is burning oil these are two cylinders we took out this is what I saw when I did the inspection I mean this is bad this is very bad the reason it did that is that because it has 300 000 miles believe it or not it's because this engine had this problem from day one these rings are just this is solid it's not moving at all the bottom one and this is what really scraped the cylinder walls but the interesting thing is this engine Burns an excessive amount I mean you cannot believe how much oil this engine Burns we're going to look at the rod bearings 305 000 miles look at this rod bearing this side is perfect this side has a little bit of wear and you can't even feel it with your fingernail I mean this would keep going folks this is a quiet engine it did not come in knocking or anything this is a normal wear if we take this engine apart we see we're like that yeah we're going to replace them but if you continue to go on them they're fine and that's the scary part here this is how well these these engines are made and let's look at the other the rod cap see this one has a little bit more wear but we're not talking about wiped out bearings this is just very very minor wear here nothing crazy I don't feel that with my fingernail and then let's flip flip the engine around let's look at the the crank generals now now that we saw that way over there so look at this crank Journal again nothing I don't feel anything with my fingernails here this is perfectly fine and let's look at the other one again nothing this is how well these engines are made folks they really last a long time totally the 2az in a previous video we did a Corolla one I told you these engines they're really good engines but just had the problem of the Piston design and the piston rings once you update them they could really run forever and here we are the only reason we're not putting pistons and rings in this and possibly rod bearings is because the Thunder walls are worn this has been going on burning oil and with these T strings for a very long time and this is the only reason we're putting a short block here obviously some people at this point will stop wait a minute why don't we send this to get it machined why don't we do the look by the time we buy Pistons Rings rod bearings we send this out which you're not supposed to machine in but hypothetically let's say we machine it we send it out and we polish the current we do that you're already almost at the price of a brand new short block that comes with everything brand new from the factory with the updated Pistons already and updated rings so this was a call that I gave the customer the option I told them look we can go either route I highly recommend we go the short block route and I'm glad that they went with it but now let's look at the cylinder head because this is getting reused folks you notice the oil on this is like ditch dark people will say well this car is not maintained that's actually not the case because when you look close all this oil is just standing there it is not varnished into it all this oil right here this is all just standing oil if we wipe it down it's a clean engine it's not in bad shape same thing with the cylinder head we do have a little bit of varnishing here but it's not heavy heavy varnish I still see plain color look at this when I wipe it down that's not too bad this car did have very good service history and the reason the oil looks this dark is the same reason you should change your oil every six months we're not going to get into that debate too much but when this engine Burns this much oil it is also low on compression the Rings are not holding well and you have all kinds of fuel making its way into the oil that's why we end up with this there's a lot of combustion gases and fuel making its way into the crankcase that it just gets the oil this dirty so all this will clean up perfectly fine you won't even be able to tell anything let's look at the front of the cylinder head let's look at the valves obviously this engine Burns a lot of oil we have all kinds of carbon caked up so we're going to go ahead and clean all that but you notice combustion chamber is actually relatively clean otherwise other than this area and surprisingly the Pistons as well when you look at this piston as much oil as this engine Burns this side is clean this is clean you got a little bit of carbon here I mean this is very impressive how clean this is which tells you this car is driven properly it is not driven short distances always I mean look just by me wiping it down it almost looks new here this is a car that's driven properly not short distances and bad habits good habits driving this car the other thing we're going to look at are the cams and the cam journals there's another area where with the two with the two AZ you'll never have issues so let's look at the cam drones I mean this is probably the worst one right here but I can't feel this with my fingernail nothing this is just the surface scratch if that and they're all basically the same way this is completely normal we're now going to go and replace an entire cylinder head for this again some people say machine them I will remind those people that this is a vvti engine you don't replace them camshafts the journals again we have the same story if you come see this I have nothing nowhere at all 305 000 miles is this still in good service this is a serviceable part this is a part that's going to go in and continue service because if it ain't broke don't fix it we go back to the same thing something that is common with these is this gear wearing out this one looks perfectly fine we got per pretty good teeth usually these teeth wear out although it's more common on the 1az these are fine vvti gear is fine we don't have issues with it it I believe I have reason to believe this might have been replaced at some point but I'm going to consult with the customer and see timing chain this is where y'all are gonna have a laugh my paint marks are there very clearly this chain is actually good and this is the best part guides same thing you do visually see that they have a Groove but it's actually a Groove you cannot feel your fingernail and clean it up a little bit so you can see it visually it looks like it has a Groove but I can't feel that Groove this guide is perfectly fine the other guide same thing it has different appearance but I don't feel this is my fingernails perfectly flat so this guide is good the other tensioner this is for the smaller chain this chain doesn't really have timing on it and again this guide is perfectly fine does have that appearance but it's not a Groove folks just color change difference and the other chain also has color this secondary chain is not as it just turns the oil pump doesn't really do much so here is that that's going back in these big jobs you can't just go oh we're going to get new everything no you have to also watch your customers money for example vbti gear if this after two years goes out well then we'll replace it if a cams wears out after three years from now well then we'll replace it but we're not gonna go and double this build replacing Parts just because I'm not a partial Placer here we're only replacing what needs to be replaced which is the principal problem this engine Burns oil if this engine did not burn oil we would not be doing this this would be still in the car ready for another 300 000 miles that's the bottom line here with Toyota engines you have to switch your mentality of thinking when you're rebuilding these engines or you're doing this kind of work don't go replacing everything in your way that's just not cost effective you're going to end up going with inferior Parts aftermarket aftermarket this aftermarket that and you end up with worse Parts than what you had this is the problem I see all the time so having said that we're done pretty much I don't see any other damage that we're gonna do we're gonna get the short block set up where you still got to remove a few things because the short block comes with very little parts thermostat's been replaced that is one thing we talked about and we got a swap like brackets knock sensor this coolant bypass pipe and we'll get the new short block here I'll start assembling this engine we'll talk about it before it goes back in the car and then we'll get going till we hear the start in this video let's talk about the cost of this shot so the main probably the biggest cost is a short block itself and you're about to see that short block get installed and we'll talk about it short block is a brand new short block from Toyota you already showed you that but you also you see it outside short block comes with everything pre-assembled ready to go crank Pistons everything ready to go it's like you see it here very nice and shiny now the question is does this block has the updated pistons and rings yes it does and that's the main thing I remember the time when this was happening and they switched to the new pistons and rings you could actually not get the short block because they pulled all the current short blocks and while they manufacture more short blocks they have the new updated heart there's actually a shortage of them I'm talking this was years back not today today they're readily available and the price for the short block part from Toyota you can walk in any leadership and buy it it's right around twenty one hundred dollars gasket kit was right around 400 just over four hundred dollars this is a gasket kit that has everything every single gasket you need to do this entire engine rebuild two gallons of coolant at right around 55 dollars tube of sealer right around twenty dollars the ignition coil connectors which I will leave a part number in case you want them they were right around ten dollars nine quarts of oil we did a double oil change two oil filters and then some cleaner and then four spark plugs labor on this job was right around 20 hours a little bit elevated it is a manual transmission there's a little bit more work it's Tighter and the other thing that elevated the labor a little bit is more stone that had work we needed to check it more extensively lap the valves check everything spent actually quite a bit of time on this cylinder head just to make sure it's perfect because we told the owner I don't think we have issues with the cylinder head but we won't know until we take it apart so I wanted to make sure that this cylinder head is going to be in this car for at least another 300 000 miles but we're not going to have issues with it of course nothing lasts forever but we did our due diligence everything checked out fine I'm happy with it other than standard cleaning and valve guide seals we didn't see any other issues so that was good because I was not expecting to add more cost to the owner so I'm glad that went the way it did grand total for this job was just over five thousand dollars and some people's hearts will also skip a beat right now but I can somewhat understand the logic of this owner see this owner doesn't want fancy features doesn't want the fancy cars he just wants his car he's happy with it it has served him very well and yes he could have gotten rid of it and gotten something else and moved on and got a more technologically advanced car but he doesn't want that he flat out told me I don't want cars with options because I'm not going to pay more for a car for options than I'll never use and I understand everybody has their preference with options I personally like cars with options I like technology and I like to check it out but that's not everybody and that's not even the majority he likes manual transmission cars actually these other cars are beautiful a second generation Tacoma I really like that Tacoma it's really in good shape and you'll see it in the channel in the future rust free manual transmission again with a four cylinder which he really likes and wishes that Fortuner was actually in this car but this engine is actually a good one what do you do if you find yourself in this situation you have an older car it burns oil and you're faced with a large repair like this we're talking thousands of dollars here and you're wondering is this car worth it well the first thing is when I got this car you know the owner knew what it needed because you watched another video that I did and he liked the way we did we do work around the shop and you wanted to us to do it but the main thing I looked at was not the engine most people will be consumed by the engine most mechanics actually we'll be looking at the engine what does it need what actually I spent not a lot of time in the engine the engine is coming out anyways we're really not going to get 100 of the picture until we tear it apart I was focused on the rest of the car is it Rusty what does what else does it need does it need a lot of work is the rack and pinion leaking and the struts are shot and the brakes are horrible and the car has holes on the floor and the interior is all shot and everything that's what I was focused on not really the engine the engine is getting repaired this is how you determine if this is a car that is worth keeping they're fixing making it right or is this a car that is too far gone and we're done the main thing is at least in our area maybe you don't live in the Rust Belt and this is not a consideration for you but the main thing is is it Rusty do we have fatal things that would kind of shortened the life of this car afterwards because if you spend five thousand dollars now and then five years passed before you have to do anything big I think you were doing pretty good at that point but if the transmission is slipping let's say this is an automatic transmission if the transmission is slipping and the power steering is all gone and it's going to need a complete overhaul of the suspension and then it has rust all over the place and it's going to need a new exhaust and it's going to need this and it's going to need that and this doesn't work and that doesn't work well perhaps this is not a good idea to be putting money in the engine but here's a car that literally if it goes to a shop and nobody shows you the miles and tells you do a full inspection on everything you will not find a single thing that it needs the only thing that this car needed and actually the owner will be bringing it back to the shop we usually when we do engines like that we ask the customers to bring it back after 500 to 1000 miles break an oil change and then it gives us an opportunity to double check are all the hoses good zero leaks no issues before they go on anything we ask them to take it easy on the car during that time just in case because I'd rather fix a small coolant leak here from an old hose or something then have the customer go the full 5000 miles and then something happens to the engine where now we're tearing into it again for something like that it's just a good good practice revisit the engine make sure it's everything is good everything is a hundred percent before we give them the go ahead to take long trips drive it normal and be just treated as normal now nothing happened so this car needs for your brakes that's the only thing it needs and actually we do have that scheduled and the owner actually wanted to redo the parking brake the shoes are Rusty we tried to adjust it it's not working I told him look let's you you use the parking brake a lot because this is a manual transmission let's redo the shoes let's put new hardware and everything will be good parking brake will work perfectly we check the cables cables are good but other than that this car that has 305 000 miles is unbelievable the condition that it's in you know you see it here you know the headlights are yellow this or that but not cosmetically mechanically speaking scar needs nothing the only thing that even the owner at some point wanted to why don't we just do it at home I don't see a reason to the catalytic converter and I'm surprised it didn't fail at this point or get clogged or something because this car was burning a lot of oil and that's the first victim's catalytic converter but not this car catalytic converter is fine and usually when cars get a cloth as slightly clogged catalytic converter from oil burning you'll drive it it'll hesitate and you'll feel it like not it's not opening up it's like choked this one drives perfect and usually I have to remind customers when we do jobs like this don't be tempted by these cars I remember the owner of a Corolla we did a while back we did pistons and rings same engine he was tempted to drive fast but I told him the first Thousand Miles take it easy remember there's a break-in period for these engines and but you're very tempted you've been driving this car kind of compromised low on power because it's burning so much oil and all of a sudden here's a brand new short block or new pistons and rings and the compressions back up you're very tempted to do that don't do that and this applies the same to new cars by the way if you're ever in this situation where your car needs large repairs large amounts of repairs or a single large repair like this one if it needs a collection of things you could always section it out do one thing at a time when you have a single large repair the first thing you look at is not the large repair the rest of the car is this car worth the investment is this car showing signs that we're not going to have issues in the near future that's the first thing you look at and in my opinion that's the only thing you look at to make your decision and do the right thing for your yourself and with that let's go start this thing see if she comes to life all right so we have arrived at the moment everything is hooked up fluids are in already started for the first time but before we started I left the crank position sensor off so we can crank this engine prime it before we started this is going to prevent it from starting so without further Ado let's go ahead and do that since this is a manual transmission I actually have to hop in the car and press the clutch do that all right now this battery is really not having it we're gonna have to charge it but oil light went off let's see if she has enough Force to get us started here crank position sensor is plugged in let's do this well it's running again when you do a new engine it's going to take a minute you notice it's not very smooth it's going to take it a minute to smooth out [Music] well I don't see any leaks sounds pretty good she's alive this is an extremely happy moment for every mechanic when uh you've done all this work you started it runs sounds healthy now it's kind of only going to smooth out from here on out so folks there you have it this car after this job we're hoping we're gonna get another 300 000 miles out of it this was a lot of expense and I appreciate that the customer trusted us to do this job it's an opportunity to take an engine that has 300 000 miles but uh runs good sounds good so what we have left on this car of course more cleanup there's a lot of fingerprints and whatnot we gotta check it more extensively for leaks and put all the covers back and then we're gonna take a quick Spin and then we're gonna do another oil change in case there's any debris left behind we can take care of that before the car goes back to the customer and more importantly we have to clean the shop this was too messy you can see the floor this is already driving me nuts here but uh we also got to clean the shop get ready this is actually Friday over here so uh this is the Friday project we're gonna wrap it up drive it one more time Monday and she's ready to go back to the customer hopefully ready for another 300 000 miles of service and that's that folks I hope this video is helpful informative I hope you learned something new if you like it consider giving a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos and until the next video folks may the Lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 4,697,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyota engine, 300k mile engine, toyota 300k miles, high mileage toyota, toyota worst engine, toyota best engine, toyota engine rebuild, toyota engine oil, toyota engine teardown, toyota engine overhaul, toyota engine assembly, engine rebuild, engine removal, mechanic, toyota mechanic, the car care nut, car care nut, scotty kilmer, car repair, engine burns oil, toyota burns oil, toyota 2.4l engine, car wizard, south main auto, toyota maintenance, toyota repair
Id: ug--U5FkTTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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