MeatEater's How To Clean A Catfish

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[Music] if you had to break it down between what you play primarily flats blues channels are you playing everything play everything right now we're getting more channel than where our Blues channels are trying to spawn I'm getting a lot of flathead as well cuz they're spawning and then just soon as the Blues goes fine well then we'll start doing more blues changes throughout the year it's correct yeah or you cut them all the same way yes do it as fast as you do it if you were doing a hundred and you were on your 10th one you got to remember this is my first fish of the day yeah up nose dude I'm just a little bit slower on the first one there you go my damn right they're gonna come around that pan yeah just people keep the knife in there if you look under there to almost see something oh you're not you take it right down the spine on bolsa yes and then gosh I come right past that last rib so you're not leaving any little strip of skin up in there I'll show you what I am leaving I'm not leaving anything there yeah that's that right there's nothing but fat yeah so then I start right here I pull the high to me until then what I have to do I'll trim that off bring it back over and see how much fat's right there yeah I mean I do see it now it's like and I think at all long little kid okay normally then after that process is done then I take it and I'll cut it well so you cut them through the fryer right yes everything takes place right here it's beautiful now man and if this fish had a bone left in it he funded the bones would be running this way and this way I'm filling for bones as well when I'm when I'm cutting it up [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're just floating that blade yeah what's right just you'll feel a little knots oh you're lifting so the knots it doesn't work yeah so I would go like this yes right yeah pull the height - yes you done yeah but I would wind up with with kneading - oh no I'm not on him he don't have a lot of fat probably now I'll show you what's left damn that's nice-looking flea a man like that I'll this sit right here for right now so I swung at school
Channel: MeatEater
Views: 273,906
Rating: 4.8100929 out of 5
Keywords: steven rinella, meateater, cleaning a catfish, catfish, fishing, meat eater, steve rinella, meateater netflix, meat eater netflix, fish cleaning, how to clean a fish, fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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