How to Fillet Channel Catfish Quickly Without Skinning

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I guess the anok Michael back with you and today we're going to show how to fillet a channel catfish quickly without skinning and the first thing you need to do is acquire a channel catfish and we like to remind people to pray when they go fishing because God has promised in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 that man has authority to rule over the fish of the sea the birds of the air and the beasts of the field and so on so to work with the Lord we ask the Lord for success when were fishing and today he provided us with this channel catfish which is going to be delicious so I like to start with a sharp Destin rocks Dexter Russel fillet knife that we sharpened with a simple sharpener here 10 or 15 swipes on the coarse side 10 or 15 swipes on the fine side and we're ready to go alright so you want to find the rib cage you just feel with it find the rib cage right along there and we make our first cut down along the rib cage essentially separating them the meat from the rib cage you know I ended up a little too close toward the belly I felt the right spot and then I got too close so I'm gonna just move it a little further up the fish and now we're separating the fillet from the backbone so first down the ribs once we'll slice and then down the back room now sometimes we go ahead and cut it all the way through and sometimes we just flip it over if you cut it all the way through pair of pliers is handy to hold the fillet but if you just get it like we just did you flip it over and then just separate away from the skin with the fillet knife alright now sometimes we leave a little meat along the skin and that's actually not a bad thing because the meat in the full a real close to the skin actually doesn't taste so good so if you can get a little distance just a millimeter or two as you're doing that that actually it's a little less meat but it's higher quality meat because the meat that's real close to the skin sometimes just isn't the best so it removes off flavors when you you don't scrape too close to the skin because that's where some of the more fish year flavors are it depends on what your family likes if your family likes a little more meat and doesn't mind those flavors it's straightforward to to keep the knife a little closer to the skin all right so now we again feeling for the ribcage the second thing and the others do the same thing on the other side so find the ribcage their first cut down along the rib cage turn knife separate the fillet from the backbone flip the flake over and now we're working the knife just separate the fillet from the skin all right there we go two nice channel catfish fillets all right so these are our two channel catfish fillets and with the techniques shown there's not many there's not much bloody meat at all not much red meat in there and you know all I've done since off camera was i rinsed them off for a while now this time of year in the spring sometimes channel catfish I'm not sure how well it comes out on the video but the meat at the top of the fillet ends up with a little yellowish or a little orange hue and that's because the fish have stored a little fat and it's a little already more oily meat here and here in the fillet and that part of the filet is gonna taste a little more full-body their little fish ear especially if you depending on the recipe if you don't have it spiced strongly if you don't deep-fry it so depending on the recipe you may want to trim that out and you lose a little more meat but you gain a little milder flavored meat when you see this hints of yellow in the channel catfish filet but in any case that let's go ahead and give thanks Heavenly Father we thank you for the catfish and for the catfish fillets you've provided for dinner in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Jesus Professor
Views: 73,432
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Id: QfapcPVDLz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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