Mean Kids Kick Girl Off Tik Tok Dance Group

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Hello friends it's me and today is the first Darman Monday of the new year and today we're going to be watching a video where Mean Girls reject this one girl from their Tick Tock dance group like it's such a privilege to be a part of the Lamborghini forget a cop car with a pistol on my hip like I'm a cop have you ever met it seriously again how do you keep forgetting the move I'm so sorry seriously Laura how could you forget I feel like you kids can watch a tick tock once and your brain just slurps it up memorize immediately where me on the other hand I can watch a tick tock like 40 times and still not know what they're saying let alone have the coordination to do any kind of dance how are we going to be famous kid talkers when you can't even do the dance rights let's just do this on our own guys if we if we get tough Trends guaranteed Fame the next Charlie demray don't even have to go to school anymore Who Needs school when you could do a little jig please just give me one more chance no having you in a group is seriously the worst mistake ever you should just give up Laura your Dad's here maybe you can get him to be your new dancing partner hey you know what that's not a bad idea daughter dad dance Duo that has a better chance of going viral than your stupid little dance group what happened we were learning the dance called the rock star and I kept messing up on all the moves now my friends don't even want me in their dance group anymore well maybe you should just grow up like my parents would literally not care they'll be like why are you trying to join a dance group you go to school to learn don't be stupid not do a little dance oh I'm so sorry I suck at dancing I'll never be Tick-Tock famous I don't want to do it anymore oh I'll be Tick-Tock famous anymore that's great now you focus on your studies the best thing apparently the world needs less tick tockers and more doctors honey you should never give up on something you really care about you just keep trying and eventually you'll get it I feel like you read that off a fortune cookie or something like you just had that ready just keep trying and you'll eventually get it I would talk to her straight up If You Think You Can Dance find something else you're good at whatever dad you don't understand let's just go do you want to be mad outside of crying either way can't make okay watch them no dad I don't want to talk about it I just want to be left alone look sweetheart I feel really bad about what happened earlier so why don't you and I do the dance no dad you don't even know the dance well clearly you don't either give him a chance parent tick tocks always blow up brand new Lamborghini not a cop car I'm pissed on my hip like I'm a cop have you ever met a real bad rock star oh my gosh you know the dance yeah I know it better than you but I don't understand why did you learn it girl did you go on and hit your head because not only can you dance you don't even have a clue you can't even put two and two together okay so we can do it with you duh I learned the dance for you you see when I was waiting for you in the car I saw a bag of friends that treated you and broke my heart knowing they didn't want to dance with you anymore oh so he learned it from before their little interaction she's probably like how's my daughter getting this wrong we come from a long lineage of dancers and she can't get this right my dad would have learned the dance just to rub it in my face and be like are you stupid look how easy it is I'm doing it and he could be doing it completely wrong and still make fun of me so after we came home I practiced for hours learning to dance so that you and I can do the dance together instead expect hours practice again I've done this but I spent I think an hour max trying to learn a dance it's hard especially when you got zero coordination so you see honey so you see I learned the stands for you so are you gonna be grateful and do the dance with me or you're gonna sit in your room and scroll through tick tocks and cry because I never want to see you give up on something you really care wow you did all of that for me what a flex having a dad that actually cares so what do you say should we do our first click clock together it's tick tock dad and sure why not are you on the click clack again Tick Tock the Tic Tac [Music] I'm a cop photoshopped a million likes I can't believe how many views she has yeah and she already has three million followers that's crazy don't you feel silly don't you feel stupid look there she is with your dad and oh my God you guys are the cutest oh my gosh Laura Laura G underscore 143 I feel like your biggest fan ever hey wait that's not the real Laura G is this our villain origin story why do we get a pick of course not [Music] so much my friends are gonna freak when they see this wow so you really are like famous now uh yeah I have like three million followers peasants yeah how'd you end up becoming such like a dancer if you thought you'd just give up well I was gonna give up but then someone told me to never give up on something I really care about I love that and actually we were wondering if you'd want to be back in our dance group yeah things haven't been the same since you left really you know what no thanks I already have the best dance partner in the world I thought she was actually gonna say yeah like they're really nice about it and actually genuine I mean they could have been me my dad good luck ladies [Music] good luck can't you at least film a tick tock with us please just shout me out please tag me I'll do anything for a drop of clout hey how was school it was great oh and I found a new song quest to dance to I'll teach you when you get home that sounds great sweetie Tic Tacs aren't gonna pay the bills oh my goodness imagine if it was that easy do a few little Tick Tock dances one every few weeks get paid quit your job profit life isn't that simple but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button number there are any videos that you guys want me to react to comment below and let me know and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,812,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: sstBswwVUYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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