Meal Replacement Taste Test

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tl;dw schmilk wins

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/threkar 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2016 🗫︎ replies

Some commenter on YouTube:

Schmilk: Shake + milk


Mind: Blown

Let's pretend I thought of that myself! :)

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/axcho 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2016 🗫︎ replies

"It has the consistency of pudding"

Well then mix in more liquid. Why do so many reviewers do this? So many dismiss a product for this reason, and it just leaves me not knowing if the product is good or not.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/I_Pick_D 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

Great now /u/axcho will be even more overwhelmed.... the schmilk would have probably been better if they mixed it right... they should have used whole milk instead of almond milk and it shouldn't be that thick.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/tekgeek1 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2016 🗫︎ replies

Congrats /u/axcho & Super Body Fuel great to see another win.

Seriously cant believe how much they stuffed up, but guess now we can enjoy Christmas every day, haha...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/primalkind 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

Wish they had tried Keto Chow!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JohnnyRockets911 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2016 🗫︎ replies

Just a funny taste test of various meal replacements with some decent info of each for those just starting into it!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/historymomma 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2016 🗫︎ replies

Great video! Though I would have liked to see the nutritional contents of each meal also be a part of their total score.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/divine_Bovine 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

They mentioned Soylent a long, long time ago in another video they did.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/inquirering 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2016 🗫︎ replies
would you replace all your steaks with shakes let's talk about that [Music] good mythical morning okay we have established on this show before that I am somewhat of a prepper I'm always thinking about the apocalypse and trying to be at least casually prepared yeah adding to my stash from time to time and there's this the latest craze of course is meal replacement drinks the idea that you might be able to completely replace your diet with just something that you drank intriguing and I thought well you know we're gonna have a difficult time me and you and our family is trying to scavenge for food and scraps during the apocalypse and wouldn't it be great if we just had a bunch of liquid nutrition that was their life and so well none of these that we're gonna be talking about today are necessarily advised you're not advised to just replace all your meals with them you know what in extreme circumstances either your pockets you might have to so we're gonna be figuring out today what are we gonna stock our bunker with for this when the time comes it's time for which drinks should be drunk in my apocalypse pump earth so for each round we are gonna be drinking some of this life elixir if that's what I'm gonna call mine that I'm gonna develop haven't done it so we're not gonna taste it today we're gonna be writing them in three different categories to determine which one goes in the bunker first intake how much of this do we have to drink in a given day if it's all we drink to get the calories we need we're basing on 2600 calorie diet that's the active male in our age range yeah like running around an apocalypse you're gonna be very active got a shooting people gotta get like that lots of calories second one is cost how much is it gonna cost now to stock up that much for then and we've got those ratings already pre-prepared but the one on it return it right now is the taste because that's the one that really matters doesn't it actually we've equally weighted it with intake and cost but we're gonna be just saying how well it does it taste let's get to it okay this one is called aura gain which is not made of organs from humans or anything else it's the combination of the words organic and gain those that are powder form like this when we've actually mixed with almond milk yes lots of almond milk be squeezed during the apocalypse this was developed about dr. Andrew Abraham who is also a cancer survivor himself back in 2008 this is vanilla bean flavored and it does come in powder form we need ten servings of this to reach 2600 Cal okay that gives us an intake rating of six out of ten the cost is a dollar eighty four per serving eighteen forty per day for this stuff all right gives us a eight cost rating before we drink this I just want to bring our attention to a couple of reviews because the jury is still out Stephen s on Amazon said amazing with coconut milk when I drink these I'm thinking to myself is this real life sounds pretty good right ALK gave it a one-star though he or she said the taste was terrible my toddler once shoved a poopy finger in my mouth and this was worse oh come on that didn't happen I only had two sips and I've been painfully bloated and gassy all day I've been sitting on the toilet most of they trying to ease the cramp seriously this is where I am right now well do we want to pass on this one all right we've been we've eaten a lot of things on this show okay here we go it smells like vanilla it smells a little pasty thank you I'm drinking frothy now this is the only one that has purely organic ingredients if you look through the ingredient label everything says Organa in front of it I kind of feel like this is like you got one of those old paint buckets that you've left out and they've been cleaning paintbrushes in it and you're in you take a sip of it don't you think in a good way though cuz I kind of like it you like I don't hate it it actually has a maple leaf kind of a flavor to me maple Gloup Gloup yeah yeah yeah nice it's like maple you can't give it more than a five can I bring you up to six selfie can we give it a six up we'll go with six a six taste for a total score of 20 definitely just had it like a frothy burp come on nothing be ashamed about look at yes I'm pretty excited about this one because this one has gotten a lot of press this is Soylent that's been in the news because it was the largest crowdfunding campaign ever for this type of product and one of the largest ones ever come on three million dollars in a month whoa when this guy Rob Reinhart decided to get people in on this idea that they could replace their meals with Soylent and of course it is a little bit of a play on the idea for the movie Soylent Green which was made from people but this is not made from people it's made apparently from the nutrition that you need to get through the day and I've seen billboards for this in hipster neighborhoods well the whole ad campaign is pretty hipster but before we get to that I will tell you its original flavor I don't know what that means it's totally vegan this gets high score in intake in amount of calories because it gets six and a half servings to get us to our 2600 goal so we're gonna give it a nine for that 269 is serving 1749 a day we're gonna give that a nine out of ten doesn't get much better than that so on it's off to a good start writer Josh Helton lived off Soylent for 30 days and he wrote a little journal as he went through this day one my farts are awful mmm day 21 seriously my farts are really bad day 30 I let out one of my best crop dust I've ever felt John and Jess simultaneously fell over and covered their noses I'm not sure I've been more proud of myself in the last 30 days that's when you fart and walk yeah around your friends so this one apparently will give you the farts if you drink it exclusively for 30 days mmm but there's quite an ad campaign raised a bunch of money a lot of hype around this one it smells just like the last one and it smells a lot better than the last one I feel like it smells similar but it feels like a good version of the last one thank you drink it it's much more drinkable I don't know man it still tastes like glue to me it doesn't taste as good as organ to me I just kind of feel it they all hit the same note it's a note that I don't think there's a nutty kind of frothy thing this one's not nearly as thick as the organ which is only one I have to compare it to so like that I don't have to mix it though we're gonna get the farts man I've had three so how many sips of you four I can't stop drinking it man put it out you're drinking way too much of it I like it but it doesn't taste as good as the or game I'm giving this a taste I'll survive takes it so we'll give it a 5 for a total of 23 bariatric advantage what that really rolls off the tongue doesn't like it it's banana flavored it comes from a powder which is why we have it in the mythical jar we need almost 14 servings in a day but if it's good that's the myth to reach our caloric intake and that's gonna cost us $23 and 53 cents per day so in in tainting and cost we're giving them a rating of a 4 e Herbert said that it tastes nasty holy crap does it taste nasty okay that's all I need let us be the judge of that a habit have it have it take it it's got the consistency of pudding definitely pudding me mmm I like it and I also like it after oh no oh oh yeah after chase whoa what downhill that banana rotted on the way down I was getting really excited cuz I don't even like banana and then I was I was about to say well I've been 12 but then you're like oh and I was like oh maybe if you drink it and then you wash it out see good you get the good Barry I took advantage and then you get rid of the bariatric disadvantage yeah I think the disadvantage might come later too because it causes nausea and diarrhea according to Deborah ordered it I got rid of it I washed it out is that the technique you have a cup of water at all times we're gonna have those in the pock don't shorten we have all but time in the apocalypse you don't need to come up with abbreviations man I'm just trying to make friends with the apocalypse I'm gonna give that a 12 as the beginning yeah off the scare yeah I was working that but the aftertaste was a one not a one was it Halloween I would say aftertaste is was still tolerable therefore okay so we give it an 8 for taste yeah man it's still the banana wins ok 8 for taste giving us a total of 16 okay this is Schmidt which right off the bat great name is the kind of word that I want to say during the apocalypse because you're looking for ways to entertain yourself it sounds like an insult I look face but that just means a person who's well nutrition eyes in the apocalypse so you won't have to be a fresh milk face so you're supposed to put this with milk it is a powder and we did put it with almond milk so it's Jewish milk so what is this part it's Shin amman flavored shittim and melon manaman schmira minimun it does smell good those melons like Christmas in there it smells like cinnamon like a candle oatmeal cinnamon oatmeal which would be a good candle and you could drink it while it was burning okay they were gonna give this a six out of ten for intake of calories because we have to do 11 servings of this gotta do 11 of these everyday but cost it's only 1625 a day we're gonna give that a 10 out of 10 so we can really stock up on sh milk milk it the shmulik is pretty news there's not a lot of information out there about it in terms of people's reviews but we did find a review from Nicolas who titled his review milky goodness who said no does it work I went two weeks on nothing at all but pure sh milk I had zero side effects lots of energy focus was normal no jitters or anything like that just wasn't hungry it did his job just fine of replacing food Nicolas is just very you know he just gives you the facts man let's appreciate that all right and you know it's putting these two lot of cinemas so strong it's it's like if you took cinnamon oatmeal and just minced it up just Cuisinart into heck out of it this is like something I would want to have like on the side yeah there's another one this is like saying it comes around every holiday of the hot business Christmas time Christmas in the apocalypse was an apocalypse just offers milk it's like sunken spice latte everywhere you know at that time of yours you're gonna lose complete track of time in the apocalypse when shemesh milk comes back around you know it's Christmas you know it's Christmas but somebody's keeping up with is this apocalyptic Christmas give yourself the gift of SHM ilk but I do like it I wouldn't want to like it a lot a meaning I wouldn't want to like it very often yeah that's it eight yeah I was gonna say nine well let's do nine man let's do now nine nobody nobody's gonna tell us we can't do it milk malt liquor right here we're gonna give it a nice just push milking the lead for the 25 what and now we have complete which is miss spelled with a k we're not gonna hold that against him because we too have done that at times this is from Kate farms the packaging is very fun very fun you know you got a look what's fun about it well in the apocalypse you're gonna start finding a lots more fun in a package right you're right you're right oh this is fun it's like a milk carton but multi-facet okay it is a little fun it's like diamond cut milk carton you know what there's lots of information on here 21 super foods gluten free soy free they should have spelled chocolate with two K's too they should have gone all the way you know let's just drink it but first here's they okay so we give this a seven for intake cuz you got a drink eight point four serving eight point for these a day which is doable but we give it a 7 in terms of cost twenty seven dollars and sixty cents for that amount but you don't have it if you find two in common you'll have to find water or a milk source now Bruce h-his reviews that stuff was like drinking wallpaper paste okay I know what that feels like cuz we've been doing it all day okay dinky drop it it tastes like a bad yoohoo tastes like a naughty yoo-hoo it tastes like all the you who that's gonna be in you didn't silly now Yakub but it's not the first time I drunk are you who I was like something's wrong here and then once you understand what's happening in the you and you think that your new phrase be chocolate milk right and then when you understand if I'm not a drink right when you understand that it's not milk its drink then you can enjoy it heartily I don't mind this at all the more I drink it the more I like it yeah oh definitely and you're gonna be drinking a lot of tea protein for the wind I do not mind this I'm giving this a tenon I'm get ready to tendon taste too bad but I still put you're way behind with a total of 19 and there we have it Wow so we have puts milk at the front followed two points back by Soylent so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna gladly say I'm going with this milk for the holidays I'm going for Soylent for the main meals this for the dessert and just for Christmas this to me this is breakfast oh this is launch and a sensible dinner and this is holiday got you gotta have something look forward to I think we've got our apocalyptic bunker figured out link and our breath will smell like wallpaper paste and our farts will smell like the devil thank you for liking commenting and subscribe you know what time it is hi I'm Ivan I'm jet-lagged in Bangalore and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you watch good mythical crew tomorrow morning on this channel you can see the crew develop their own DIY meal replacements tree and the best one we are about to taste in good mythical more so click through to that oh I think I have enough room for another shake but one of the crew made freeze frame [Music] yeah horse in it a lot of be a lot of horses during the apocalypse and you're not gonna be able to ride you're not gonna go to ride all of them say yeah right now there's stuck it there's not gonna be enough people around to ride off
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,485,587
Rating: 4.9432344 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, meal replacement taste test, taste test, tastetest, rhett and link meal replacement taste test, gmm meal replacement taste test, meal replacement taste test gmm, meal replacement taste test rhett and link, meal replacement taste test good mythical morning, rhett and link taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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