Essential Items for the Apocalypse

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like I'm gonna give you some stuff to help you make it to the apocalypse let's talk about that good mythical morning as we established in yesterday's episode the world is going to end and you need to be prepared for it now if you've been a watcher of good mythical morning for any length of time you may know that we talked about this from time to time and about how we have aspirations to be ready for the end of the world uh well you do yeah you you talk about it and think about it a lot I honestly just kind of nod my head and I'm like yeah I should think about that some but I don't but I got to admit that while I've talked about it a lot I've never really taken any steps to be ready for the end of the world and or if just you know things hit the fan yeah and we're not just talking about the end of the world we're talking about if things get real bad real fast and people start eating each other's eyeballs and stuff like that uh uh you know anything can happen you need to be prepared for these kinds of situations now I am your friend if not your best friend right yes right you're my best friend you're my best friend too linked it need you make me say it and so when I took a little trip on the Internet to buy some stuff to help me survive the end of the world I thought of you friend best friend and I went ahead and just bought you some stuff to so I'm gonna start by really yeah yes you like early Christmas yet you and your family are now prepared for the end of the world if you do the stuff that you need to do with the stuff that I'm going to give you now and you're gonna literally give it to me I see stuff over there oh yeah buddy I got a whole box now I'm gonna give you this stuff and I'm gonna start with the stuff that I bought both of us so this is the stuff that I give it to you that means I've got one at home waiting for me okay okay first thing water storage okay these are stackable water containers you fill these up five gallons apiece now this aqua pack this this will take care of your family are we sponsored by any of these things we're not show up here you don't even need to say aqua fact you say just water can generic water can't rain can container aqua pas so anyway this is pretty simple boring stuff water storage pretty great there's no water in it you gotta supply the water buddy now water is important you know what else is important length food I got you a whole freaking bucket of food now it says on the front says you ordered this on the internet right yeah it says beef stroganoff it's actually got 29 meals it's got beef stroganoff it's got lasagna it's got chicken teriyaki with rice it's got noodles and chicken it's got beef stew and it's got granola with blueberries you just add water huh I got the water here twenty nine meals this will take you and your family through probably maybe a week or so well I was gonna ask what am i what is my family cuz this is I eat this you share this with your wife and children yeah if they're minding me yeah right yeah Wow assuming that your gas is gonna be off and I don't mean your personal flatulence I mean the I mean the natural gas that comes into the pipes uh personal flashes I got you a folding stove also got me this and so if you waited a little bit this could've been a Christmas present you're believing it is yeah camp camp heat this is this will help you boil the water that goes into the the meals there some sterno and look at me though if you have to go and now i've got listen water is the most important thing is the thing that's gonna be the hardest to come by I've got a company already got that it doesn't get you've got ten gallons of water yet ten gallons of water is gonna be gone before you know it and I don't want you coming over to my house looking for water you gotta look after your own weight I don't not necessarily gonna build a fort together keep you I can hear you may keep your voice down okay this is where these are that's what this is about this is to keep me off your back I don't want your pop you showing up with all your children and your wife insane listen you took care of me I want you to be too I want you to be taken care of okay so the first thing I got for you is a life straw I actually got you to live straws this one's in the pack you can go up to basically you could go into the LA River and just suck the water out of that and you'll be totally fine your filters are in it there's water in the river you know right here the water in the next in my house there is two concrete pond you can go to Bao boy like any any body of water you can just sip the water out as much as you want and and then if you want to collect the water that you run out of and you want to treat it I got you some water purification tablets how long did this last I think it can pump like a thousand gallons of water you don't like this right filters up to 1000 liters of water really yeah it feels like there's nothing in it yes just a filter man this is considered to be one of the best inventions of modern time I'm not making that up you look up LifeStraw we used to have one room we had one in my car for a long time then we lost it yeah anyway yeah you got one okay this is what this is all you got that's all I got for you you got water you got food you got a way to go you got a way to cook it now I bought my didn't want to splurge too much cuz you got to pay me back for this stuff what what huh I got myself I got a piggyback I got myself some other stuff you didn't you this is the first thing I got myself this is called the Bushmaster no the Robo Knight it's a Rambo knife now I got a compass you pop this compass off and I got mom there's matches in there aren't there there is waterproof matches in here nice to have one of those as a kid yeah well you should have kept it I got waterproof matches and I got fishing line and then in this part right here I've got whoa watch yourself I got a flashlight I've got a snakebite kit I've got a animal snare for catching little animals to eat I've got a sharpening stone for this thing and you're definitely going into infomercial movement I've also got wait there's more military can opener now this is all mine you can play with it now but in the apocalypse I'm holding it I'm not playing with it I'm I also got this an axe I see that that's a hatchet so I can to fist a zombies double fisted zombies see and I can cut down tree also got for myself this is sleek how much was this dude does it matter we didn't buy me waiting paying for survival doesn't matter do you look at the prices magnesium fire starter so I'm gonna be able to start a fire anytime I want you just by just hitting this stuff together so making sparks I don't need matches man you just like to buy stuff that's all this is coming down to I got a flashlight that you turn a crank on and make it come on so when you're over there in the dark with your little family you'll have water and food but you'll be in the dark with your little sterno stove well why didn't you get me one of these this is pretty I didn't think you deserved it okay I mean how much could have this been I can add it I can carry my water around with me cuz I've got are you serious a canteen and the last thing I've ever heard of a water probably the most important thing you know there's gonna be trash water bottles laying around you guys fill out I got a survival handbook SAS now your cell phone is not gonna work but you can do smoke signals and ask me questions if you can figure out a way to start a fire you can do some oak signals from your sterno heat ask me questions I can't from your house and then I'll sing you smoke signals back like if you have a question about get ask me a question about something actually just let me tell you um you're so excited about this I don't want to burst your bubble I am thankful do you want me have to tell you how to treat a facial injury wait is that a threat mouth of mouth otherwise known as the kiss of life that's mouth to mouth from mouth to mouth there's two men kissing each other one of them has a mustache is that it is that a mouth guard that's a man saving another man I would do that for you I would do that in the apocalypse I would not do that in normal everyday life and then plexiglass in between us you wouldn't buy a knife but you would do anyway listen man I got you know I got a lot of stuff for myself that I didn't get for you because I your cheapskate and I know you got to pay me for this stuff I got you the other thing Jess is me paying for it I got you because listen the gift that I gave you is me taking the time to go through this stuff you would have never done this what's going to happen is something's going to happen they're going to like the terrorists are going to blow up an EMP somewhere over the Midwest and all of its going to go out and then you're gonna be over there and you can be like what are we oh yeah I've got this beef stroganoff everything's gonna be okay and then if you want to make you to put that down while you're talking to me if you want to make your way over to my house I'll give you a nice little shave with this and we can go kill some rabbits or something with animal snare well thank you Rhett what's what's my total rights I mean it's like a hundred fifty bucks probably yeah small price to pay for life you know what time it is I'm sure from the other side of the river it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you're liking us on Facebook you know why because there's exclusive content over there we're making special videos that you can only be found at Facebook where I just post another stuff over there we're posting exclusive video content on Facebook and pictures we make a video with that knife yeah we will rhett and Link join the fashion police oh how is your dough knock how are you how's your donor well I don't know I I don't have it down oh good we're at the doughnut shop yes where are we from I'm from I don't know man okay now it's changing a little bit okay hey find that dude over there when the turtleneck yeah let's kill him no I got I'm on my break man I'm a doughnut shop I'm gonna go kill that man in the turtleneck cuz you shouldn't be in the turtleneck and but you should arrest him you shouldn't kill him you eat your doughnut and I'm gonna go cut this man's throat would you be interested in me reading aloud a segment of the survival handbook entitled gasps balls
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,276,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apocalypse (Quotation Subject), the end of the world, supplies, survival tips, water tablets, survival, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, apocalypse, essential items for the apocalypse, apocalypse gear, prepper, preppers, end of the world, end of the world gear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2013
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