MD-11 Runway Excursion in Mumbai

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hi everybody very welcome to mentor and yet video podcasters always so hope you're doing absolutely fantastic today on the video guys we're going to be talking about the FedEx slide 50 33 which is an MD 11 that had a runway excursion in Mumbai yesterday and I'm gonna give you three different reasons why aircraft normally have wrong excursions so before we start guys I just want to mention a few things so you know how I always say that I don't want to talk about ongoing investigations and I don't want to talk about things basically they don't know anything about so why am I now sitting here talking about something that happened yesterday well the reason for that is that on this occasion we had a runway excursion but there was no injuries there was no damage to the aircraft there was no damage to the airport so I wanted to use this as an example of things that can happen and I wanted to talk to you about this increasing safety trends in the aviation world which is runway curtains and what is being done about it what wouldn't know about them so that's what we're gonna be focusing on today but just to give you some synopsis guys what happened yesterday was around midday in Mumbai there was md-11 which is a stretched version of the dc-10 a try jet aircraft that came in for landing around with one for in Mumbai International Airport from one for is a long runway it's 2900 meters long but this happened during the kind of onslaught of Cyclone nice ariga which meant that there was quite gusty strong crosswinds and partially tailwind for this runway and also a varying amount of rain so it went from light rain to heavy rain as it off during this kind of weather phenomenon so the aircraft comes in does what appears to be a normal landing from all that we can see and there is a video showing the last part of the landing role where the md-11 comes in you can hear the engine noise from the truss traverse is starting to die down and then it suddenly goes up again to full reverses and you can see how they armed eleven is common in kind of a cloud of water vapor and comes to a full stop after slight left turn just before the end of the paved part of the runway so if it stops within the paved part of runway why is it called the runway excursion well the fact is that the runway excursion happens or deemed to happen whenever you exceed the available landing distance so even though there might be a paved safety area beyond the the threshold of the runway that is not really made to be used for landing it's not part of the available landing distance and if they have to roll out over that in this case they used about nine meters which is about thirty feet of that area then it's still put into the statistics as a runway excursion even though there's nothing wrong with the aircraft there was no holes in the runway and no injuries right the aircraft came to stop there and it was subsequently pulled away from that position and the runway was closed for a few hours before it open up again I think that the reason the closed runway was because of the the bad weather that was passing over right so this is what happened and this is kind of the the visual evidence that we have so then let's go in and talk about runway excursions so elements in the rumbling excursion is when you use more than the available landing distance it can happen during the take-off it can also happen during the landing and you can also veer off the side of the runway that's also a runway excursion a rumble excursions is one of those very few areas in modern aviation where the safety trend is negative as in we are seeing more runway excursions and not less of them what all of the other kind of dangerous things that happens within aviation is constantly decreasing it's becoming safer and safer for some reason we're seeing more and more runway excursions and there's been plenty of them during the last a few years I think it was about 130 in 2019 so why is this well basically you can divide the reasons for runway excursions into three different areas the first one is environmental right so that has to do with what kind of weather and conditions that the aircraft is coming into so for example yesterday we were already been talking about the winds so on the landing here the winds were about 0 to 0 degrees at 13 gusting 23 ok and if you go in and you look at the crosswind and the Italian components there you'll see that with the goths you had a crosswind varying from about 13 to 20 knots straight from the side and you have a tailoring component which is about 7 to 11 not depending on where the gust happens now these are not extreme winds they're well within the capability of a modern aircraft to do but they do poses challenges the tailwind would definitely increase the needed runway distance for landing and the crosswind would make it just a little bit more tricky alright but this is something that we practice all the time in the flight simulator to them actually when we land on a day to day operation it's almost always a little bit of crosswind so that's from an environmental point of view wind then on top of that you have precipitation rain so rain if it's just a wet runway the way that the runway is built is that it's built kind of like this all right that's for the rain to be able to fall down and then quickly run off the the wrong way so that it never really becomes a flooding issue but of course depending on how much it's raining it there's only so much water that can actually kind of evacuate the runway so on a normal day-to-day basis if it's raining when we do our landing calculations which we always do before we start a descent by the way we see that there's a wet runway that will have an effect on a landing distance but it will not be that bad it's breaking action good ok but if there is a lot of you know rain coming in suddenly well then we might have calculated our landing distance in a wet runway but what you end up having is a flooded runway and a flooded runway is something completely different because if the runway is flooded which is it's more than three millimeters of water on it then there is a chance of aqua planning aqua planning can be very very dangerous it basically means that we're coming in we're landing and because of the amount of water because of the speed we're coming in with the Tigers cannot penetrate the water fully it builds up kind of a cushion of water and the tires are sitting kind of surfing on this cushion and there's no braking action all right no matter how much we're pumping our brakes and how much pressure we put on it because of that PLO huge basically just skidding like you were on wet ice alright so aqua planning can be a real problem with flooded runway which is why we avoid landing and flood the wrong way wherever we can right on top of that you have other environmental things that can happen as well for example ice and snow obviously that's not the case yesterday but you can also have rubble deposits now Robert deposits a little bit trickier right so what tends to happen is that we when we come in and land as the wheels hits the runway they will accelerate very quickly and they will leave a deposit of Robin Robin on the runway right actually done a video about why you don't spin spin up the wheels before landing you can check that out if you want and when it does so that rubber deposit if that gets wet it becomes really really slippery okay and obviously you were going to have that deposit primarily in the touchdown zone on each runway and so that means in middle of run where there's not much rubber but in the end there might be that is being removed on a regular basis but if it hasn't been done and it's a lot of rain on it you can have an area which is almost like ice very very slippery so that's also worth taking into account alright so that was our environmental reasons now the second and I would probably argue one of the biggest reasons that we have runway excursions are the human factor okay it's either pilot or ATC so what I mean by that is that the pilots our landing technique in a way that we do our landings is extremely important one of the biggest reasons for wrong-way excursion due to human factors is and the landing happens after an unstabilized approach all right if you don't know what an ounce SS approach is I did a video about that last week so you can click the link up here and get a full explanation of it but if you're coming in and trying to land after an approach that has not been stabilized the likelihood of uux kind of getting a runway excursion is much much higher that's because you might be coming in at a too high angle which results in a hard landing which might be a bounce landing which might lead to you eating up much more runway than you expected or you coming in with too much speed to high energy and you end up floating and while you're doing that at that height speed you're also eating a lot of runway ending up landing maybe halfway down the runway now you only have half the available landing distance that you have calculated with and you won't be able to stop okay so coming in and having a stabilized approach before the landing is crucial for a safe landing then you have faulty landing techniques right I was talking a little bit about the crosswind landing technique the fact is that as we're coming in and we're doing crosswind landing technique we we have to the squat lot of skill simple like you have to come in the correct speed with the correct crab angle and then you need to decribe during the flare and you need to touch down in the crab porch they would cross control and as you're doing that you might be a little bit late with take a look trust reverses just because you're so concentrated on handling this has happened okay but I'd say except for the unstabilized approach reason the second biggest reason for humble excursions due to human factors is the inability to use our kind of braking aids right our deceleration aids and we have three so by for the the biggest kind of deceleration aid we have is our wheel brakes now we'll break to normally set a auto brake selection so the brakes will automatically start being applied at a set deceleration rate on each landing and when we've sitting you know before we start our approach and we've been calculating our our landing distance then we would have calculated with a specific auto brake setting so we set our out the brake setting right now if the outer brakes fails to work we need to recognize that and apply manual braking and we'd get notified by that in the 737 I should say buy an auto brake disarm light okay that means we need to apply manual braking order to stop the second system that we have is our flight spoilers and our ground spoilers these are these big panels that you see coming up in the wings soft landing and what they do are two things they add drag to the aircraft but the biggest thing they do is they spoil the lift of the wings so the wings are not producing and lift anymore with those things up it means that the full weight of the aircraft falls down on the brakes on the landing gear which means that the brakes will become more efficient so those two together is going to make the aircraft accelerate a lot however if you end up in a situation where you have very poor braking action due to ice so due to aqua planning or due to rubber on the runway well that it doesn't really matter how much flight spoilers you have or how much wheelie breaks you have because we have an anti-skid system the other skid system is there just like the the kind of ABS system on your car to make sure that the wheels doesn't get stuck if the wails stops and they start to skid it means that their ability to decelerate the aircraft is great reduced so these are the skid system is there and it feels every individual wheel and feels when the brakes are applied if the wheels start to come to a stop it releases brake pressure make sure that keeps spinning and then it reapplies and it does these in sequences and depending on how slippery it is it will slow down the sequences and try to apply as much pressure as possible but every time that this wheel comes to a stop but it does immediately if it's really really slippery just release break pressure so no matter how much you try to break this aircraft how much you try it doesn't matter you just hauling down the runway okay now that brings us to our third system which is the thrust reverses at the end the 11 has three engines and it has three thrust reverses and the thrust reversers is going to be the only thing that will get the aircraft to stop in case you're coming in onto a very slippery situation this has been proven to be one of the biggest reasons for runway excursions during slippery runner operations this that the aircraft comes in it lands the pilots are so focused on trying to get the aircraft to the center of the runway and fight crosswinds whatever they forget the trusty vs. and when they realize it's too late takes a while for the trust of us to spool up properly and then you run off the end of the runway okay so it is crucial that all three of these systems are being engaged as soon as you land when you touch down the weight of wheel switches together with the wheel spin up is going to raise the the flight spoilers right the aircraft will now sink down onto the landing gear alter break should kick in almost immediately it takes a few seconds for it to kind of feel where it is and then it's going to start accelerating if not you need to apply manual braking and you can do that you can override the auto brake system if you need to and as you touch down you select the trust reverses to the first interlock that means that the trust reverses will kind of start to deploy and then as its deployed and you get the green light in reverses you will feel it as well there's a mechanical lock that stops you from accelerating the reverses before they've deployed properly and as you deployed then you can use either the first attempt on the 737 again or wood which gives you about 78% or full reverse thrust which is about 82 percent okay and you can use reverse thrust all the way full reverse thrust until the aircraft is stopped on the normal circumstance of storm when you feel that you have the aircraft deceleration under control we start to put them down to idle and around 60 knots ground speed but do not you never ever ever take away the trust of us as in stole the trust of others until you are perfectly sure that you can stop the aircraft the reason for that is because you need to if you come into a situation where you suddenly lose braking action towards the end of the runway for example you might need very quick get access to the trustor versus again and this is important guys it's very important that you keep the cross reverse is open until you down to taxes speed because if you think about it if you're landing during wind drops conditions for example the kind of plows and the brushes and brushing cars they will be very effective in the centered mid part of the runway but as the starting get close to the runway and especially if it's sleep really gonna start slowing down they're gonna start turning and it means that the braking action can actually get much much worse toward the runway ends right and also remember we talked about the robber deposits there is a possibility that the robber deposit might be that worth day on the runway or they might be standing water there there might have been a rain shower that just came in locally and covered the end of the runway with standing water and the reason I'm saying this guys is that if you watch this video you can clearly hear how these guys have coming in you can hear the trust of horses you can also hear the trust Reverse is starting to decelerate and then all of a sudden they go up again right so that would be a possible indication that they have been starting to stow them I'm starting to to decrease the rows because they're feeling quite confident with the deceleration and then all of a sudden hit the brakes they're in this area of poor braking action for whatever reason but realize it doesn't work they've reapplied full reverse trust and they managed just to stop it within the paved area right so this is important in any condition especially during heavy precipitation or in icing conditions or in some slippery runways for whatever reason that you get yourself down to taxi speed and you do not cancel your reverse trust until you're absolutely sure that you don't need it but these guys they did not do that they have the trust reverse as available to them and was lucky because you can clearly see that that is what's stopping the aircraft towards the end and the third point that I want to take up is failures now seeing technical failures of the aircraft so that will be a failure of the brake system failure of the anti-skid system failure of the hydraulics for example that you know might decrease the amount of flight spoilers and ground spoilers that we get up on each wing so those technical malfunctions that can be dangerous if they happen during landing role but most of the cases we know about them when we're airborne and we take that into account when we do our landing calculations that's all I had guys like runway excursions continues to be a problem it's something that we in the industry needs to be really really aware of we need to be very careful when we do our landing distance calculations you need to always err on the side of caution as and if you have varying runway report for example of weather reports then take the worst weather and make sure that you have the landing distance available for that worst case can scenario be vigilant with your landing technique make sure that you always always always fly a stabilized approach and that you get those trust services and those spoilers and those brakes working as you get down on the runway yeah and just be careful guys that's that's pretty much what I wanted to say with this video because it is a statistic problem and if you have a severe runway excursion it is a very potentially dangerous thing to do okay guys I guess you have questions about this I hope that I have earned a subscription for you if you like these kind of explanatory videos then make sure that you've subscribed to the channel and that you've highlighted little notification bar so that you know when I do live streams interviews extra videos like this one and also if you like the kind of merge these kind of t-shirts and stuff go in and check out teespring there is links to it here below in the video and right now if you see this within an hour or the release or so there is a 20% discount going on today so go in and check it out and wherever you are out there have an absolutely fantastic day and I'll see you next time bye bye right guys I 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Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 293,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: md 11, runway excursion, FedEx, FedEx md11, runway overrun, Mentour pilot, mentour pilot Boeing 737, Boeing 737, DC10, Boeing 787, Boeing 747, Airbus 320, Airbus 380, Airbus 350, Mumbai, Mumbai overrun, How to become a pilot, Aviation news, Breaking aviation news, Aviation facts, Mentour News, Pilot life, Fear of flying, 3flying explained, Fear of flying help, Nervous flyer, Nervous flyer tips, nervous flyer course, landing, Flooded runway, Aqua planning, reverse thrust
Id: 2qxU6lWvs1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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