Pilots landed at the Wrong Airport!! Mentour Pilot explains

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hi everybody whenever come to mentor Internet video podcast as always I hope you're doing absolutely fantastic today on the video guys aircraft landing at the wrong Airport how does it happen is it dangerous and what can pilots do to make sure what doesn't happen stay tuned guys before I start this video I want to say a huge thank you and a big shout out to all of the members of my patreon crew you guys know who you are you're extremely important to channel my patrons are helping me to preview my videos look for mistakes that I might have made help me choosing thumbnails and also you know sometimes welcome titles to put on videos basically they're involved in making sure that I deliver quality content on the channel if you guys are interested in joining my patreon crew well then go down there's a link here in the description of the video and once again a huge thank you to you guys share ways flight headed for düsseldorf in Germany has landed in Edinburgh by mistake after the flight paperwork was submitted incorrectly the passengers only realized the arrow and the plane landed and the welcome so the reason that I'm making this video is because yesterday a wdl flight operated on behalf of British Airways took off from London City Airport and landed in Edinburgh instead of disel Dorf right there was a huge shout on social media obviously I've gotten a lot of questions about how this can happen whether or not is dangerous did they have enough fuel things like that so what I will do in this video is I'm going to try to explain why this happened if that was dangerous or not and at the end I'm also going to talk about when this actually is very dangerous why pilots might choose to rely on at the wrong Airport and what we can do to make sure that it doesn't happen so make sure you stay tuned so anyway yesterday this this wdl flight is a German airline with you on behalf of British Airways had a morning flight and they they set everything up asked for clearance they got clearance to Edinburgh which they were expecting they might or might not have been roasted to fly actually down to Dusseldorf instead I don't know exactly how their rosters look but in any case the flight guns they had the air traffic control clearance they had probably the briefing they all did in the crew room said Edinborough okay so they might or might not have done an initial PA that depends a little bit on whether or not they were on the time pressure maybe they had a slot to depart from londo City maybe they did a very early PA or maybe since this being a German airline there was a little bit of accent that people were tired in the morning and didn't really pay much attention right we don't know exactly what happened here but in any case the crew flew the flight plan route it went into approach in an edible the land in Edinburgh and they made the welcome and PA to Edinburgh and that's when all of the passengers started looking at each other's like are you going to Edinburgh I'm going to dis alors and they soon realized that all of the passengers on board were intended to fly from London City to this alors and not to Edinburgh which is a completely different direction completely different country everything now the question here obviously is how can this happen and the answer is that this is a organizational error all right there's probably been a mistake made either between British Airways and wdl or most likely by the flight planning team at wdl so the crew had previously done similar rotations where they had flown from this North to longer city a lot of city up to Edinburgh and back to Lenoir City so this is something this is a route that they were used to flying they actually flew up to Edinburgh back just the day before so it is a very high possibility that WL just filed a flight plan up to Edinburgh by mistake okay whether or not the cabin crew was aware of this because this is the reason why cabin crew normally checks all of the the boarding cards and you know how annoying it can be in some airlines will you need to show your boarding card at the gate and the boarding card at the air aircraft this is the reason for that and if they didn't have that procedure it's possible that they just welcome to the past years on PA might or might not have been done the crew thought they were going to Edinburgh so there's nothing crazy wrong there and then only off the landing this mistake was made so very embarrassing quite funny obviously if there was people on board who had something important to do in this a war that was time critical that's not funny at all but from an organizational point of view it's a little bit funny the passengers only realized the era when the plane landed and the well welcome to Edinburgh announcement was made is it dangerous though no not at all and the crew operated a flight plan which had all of the fuel for Edinburgh which had all of the clearances for Edinburgh the flight planning was correct all of that was correct okay so there was no nothing dangerous at all but this is just embarrassment for the companies that were involved the crew like I said they thought they were going to Edinburgh they were surprised when the passengers said they were going somewhere else so that indicates that this crew had full operational situational awareness even though the company might not have had it all right so that that kind of ends all of that discussion exactly how it happened you know it's likely that we will never know it was most likely an individual mistake made somewhere right but it's not a dangerous one now there are times where pilots have landed at the wrong Airport where the comms dangerous and basically anytime that pilot loses their situational awareness as in think they're doing one thing but what they're actually doing is another that is always dangerous because we worked on having full situational awareness being able to plan ahead and being able to come up with contingency procedures in case something doesn't happen and all of that goes out goes down the tube if you're actually for example go doing an approach into a runway that is different from what you think you are and how can this happen that what this has been well-documented several several cases within the last decade where pilots have have gone in and ended up actually landing at the wrong air this generally has to do with badly planned and badly executed visual approaches so a visual approach is something that a pilot do when they decide that they have the landing runway and the whole area in sight and they decide to instead of flying a you know potentially quite lengthy and complicated instrument arrival procedure they just tell air-traffic control we have the runway in sight and they go in to do this visually executed maneuver where they basically just fly to watch the airport configure at different distances from the from the airport in the candana land okay this is very common it's extremely common in places where you might not have radar coverage for example and the alternate is doing a very long and lengthy arrival procedure while if you see it visually you can just come in and maybe shave off ten minutes of flight time and a lot of fuel but the problem here is that sometimes in some places you have airport which have very similar Airport close to them it tends to be one maybe main civilian Airport and then could be a military airport that might not be on our shorts or it could be a private Airport that has similar runway directions but a completely different you know runway length and runway width and things like that but the problem with that is that you have you know two runways which are very close to each other and we have something that we're aware of kind of bias that humans always face which is called confirmation bias confirmation bias is the way that we humans tend to once we have made a decision about something we tend to search for clues that confirm our initial idea so instead of like a proper scientist always questioned your your decision-making you instead try to find things that confirm it so if you go in like in this example and you see one runway and then you think this is the one I'm going to learn that you start looking for visual cues maybe there are lakes maybe there are you know terrain features that confirms it and your brain says yeah great you're doing great job you're doing do you going exactly where you are while there might be a ton of different things saying no it shouldn't be a lake there you know the mountain range should be much further down route this this is doesn't make sense but our brain cognitively disregards that and concentrate only on the thing that confirms it even though there might be you know much more things it should be much more things that are showing that this is incorrect all right so this has happened like I said on a few occasions there is one example of a soft Southwest Airlines flight that was supposed to go to Branson national in the US and ended up landing at grayham Clarke downtown Airport instead alright these two airports are only about six nautical miles apart but there's a huge difference between the two while the Branson national is about 2,200 meters long the grey hem Clarke downtown Airport is about a thousand and 140 meters long so very big difference in landing distance right this aircraft came in landed he noticed that it was a very short runway slammed the brakes managed to get the aircraft to stop within the available run the distance passengers were complaining about being a very rough landing and they would unbossed to their original destination right so that was an example everyone was fine no injuries still an extremely serious incident air traffic control might or might not have radar but you know given that these airports are very very cool support maybe they didn't see on the radar screen how that these aircraft were the lines on the wrong runway and in any case once the once the pilot calls runway in sight the air traffic control is likely to take the pilots word for it and not monitor it that closely right there have been other other examples that are very similar to this but there has also been examples where there's been a very unfortunate loss of life and actually just a few months back in January 2019 a Saha Airlines flight that's an Iranian state on the airline landed in a runway close to Biscayne which cake in Iran the problem was that they didn't land at the fish cake runway they actually landed in in an airport called fat which has similar runway interactions father M Airport has runway three one left which they landed on and the fish cake runway is runway three zero it's only one runway there but the difference in runway distance is huge so while cake has three thousand six hundred and sixty meter of runway the fat runway is only a thousand and seventy meters okay so what ended up happening is at 707 landed they didn't notice even when they landed I didn't notice that they were on the wrong Airport until the runway suddenly just stopped they ran through a perimeter wall of the airport and into a an area of houses where the houses were torched the aircraft was engulfed in flames and fifteen out of the 16 people on board died it was a cargo flight so there wasn't more passengers than that so how can we stop that from ever happening well there's a few things that have to that has to be done first of all whenever we do a visual approach and now I'm talking for the procedures in my airline a visual approach has to be treated with respect it has to be briefed as a non-precision approach and in my airline a non-precision approach is has something called a double brief detected to it that means that the pilot flying is brief in the palate monitoring exactly what he or she is going to do when they're gonna configure what kind of nav aids are gonna be using if any and what to look for what the threats of or okay including in this briefing when we're flying into airport that have similar runways around we have something called an a an airport brief in the airport brief among the threats that will be stated that do not mistake this airport for that airport so only by briefing that there is another airport around you can break the confirmation bias because you will now start to question yourself when you're on a visual approach you look at the airport you would ask okay so there was supposed to be another airport here as well it looks the same so you started looking for it and you know all of a sudden your brain is not just confirming your initial bias it's actually looking for other clues and that will hopefully stop it in its tracks so a proper briefing at the early stages when you normally a plenty of time is essential if you know in our airline we're not allowed to do visual approaches unless we've done a brief we can't just decide to go visually you have to briefs it before that's number one the second thing is the role of the pilot monitoring the product monitoring is supposed to be constantly monitoring what the aircraft is doing so if there is another another Airport close by he or she should be looking out and you should be looking for it to make sure that yeah we are on the right track and should be using all of the available nowadays comes in to point number three which is don't just go visually back it up with all of the Navitus or PSA's of information that you have on the 737 for example we have our navigation display now that has already from the beginning of the flight being programmed with the destination that we're supposed to go to so if we're looking at the navigation display and you see that you're off the program track well that is a clue in itself that something is wrong all right that together with the fact that we have been you know setting up our instrument landing system the ILS system to show where we're supposed to be that means that we have a localizer and the glide slope indication so even if we're flying it visually looking out at the runway we're still being able to go in and verify our instrumentation to make sure that we are indeed going not only towards the correct runway but that we are at the correct altitude that we have the correct speed everything like that so never take away things like flight directors things like nav aid use whatever aid you have in order to aid you to get to where you're supposed to go this is extremely important guys it's not much so to disconnect everything and just show look look how well I can do this without any help help no that's not what the passengers are paying for the passengers are paying you to get as safely as possible to their destination however you can do if you want to try to do that you can rent your own aircraft and go out and fly visual approaches without any AIDS yourself right I want to really emphasize this good so to summarize proper briefing pilot monitoring monitor situation use all the available aids to your help in order to get your safely as possible down that's all I had guys I hope you have questions about this as always you can contact me on my well Instagram Twitter Facebook but what I really want is to discuss this with you inside of the man radiation app so coming there now just tagged at to mentor and you can talk directly to me or all of the other engineers air traffic controllers or professional pilots or pilot students that are already in the app we're over 4,000 people using the app every day now it's growing rapidly and I am going to start adding things like forums and all other nice features very soon to the app so stay tuned have an absolutely fantastic day wherever you are I'm gonna go and take perche and possibly Molly out for a for a walk depending Molly's not much for walks but I hope you're having a great time see you next time bye bye [Music] you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 685,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot error, Pilot mistake, wrong airport, Edinburgh, Dusseldorf, British Airways, Mentour, Mentour Pilot, Landing, Takeoff, Aviation Fact, Boeing, Boeing 737, Boeing 737MAX, Boeing 787, Airbus 320, Airbus 380, Jumbo jet, Grounded, Pilot school, Captain, First officer, Southwest airlines, Short runway, Fear of flying, Fear of flight, Aviation phobia, miracle on the hudson, latest news, british airways first class, fear of flying hypnosis, boeing 737 max 8, aviation safety
Id: c4WxF2gYWWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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