McDonalds Vs Burger King Burger Wars [2019]
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Channel: The Scottish Man
Views: 185,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Britain, Fat, Fattest, Nation, Europe, West, Western Europe, Super, Morbidly, Morbid, Obese, Morbidly Obese, Struggle, Food, Control, Fattest Nation, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England, English, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, United Kingdom, Health, Diet, Healthy Living, Fit, Trainer, Personal, Woman, Man, Kids, 2019, Channel5, Documentary, Destiny, Choice, Burger, McDonalds, King, Burger King, Burgers, Irn Bru, Suger, Non-Healthy, Whopper, Big Mac, Cheese, Salt, Greece, Fast, Fast Food, Chicken, Drive Thru
Id: W8NdvQCnS54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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