Milton Hershey: The Chocolate King | Full Documentary | Biography

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in the long years of the 19th and 20th  centuries in which milton s hershey lived   america was a growing industrial giant in  a brutally changing world a hapless rural   population was displaced to grim factory towns as  cold-blooded men climbed a power on their backs over those troubled times improbably incredibly  in the shadow of the poverty scarred appellations   a shangri-la grew its families found steady and rewarding work  its children found good schools good sport and   good futures all citizens have the chance to  find a sweet life in a fantasy candy kingdom   the odd man who built this unlikely pennsylvania  town was milton s hershey often shy distracted   and reserved he inspired bountious love and  loyalty he was a multi-millionaire uninterested   in society or spending himself and a resolutely  thrifty man who never let anyone he saw in need   go unhelped scarcely educated and contemptuous  of book learning he founded a great educational   system though he seldom wrote or deeply  read he built a fabulous business empire maybe the god smiled so consistently  on the works of milton s hershey   because of the billion moments of  harmless happiness he brought to the world   with the beneficent wonder with  which he immortalized his name chocolate that milton s hershey over his 88 years was  born worked and died inside the same few   miles of pennsylvania countryside says much  about both man and countryside in this lush   beautiful setting he found not only the abundance  of rich farm ingredients that would propel his   business to greatness but the human and emotional  riches that are the main wealth of a simple man the house he built as a man of great fortune  was handsome and comfortable but would have   fit easily into the reception fourier of some  of the great homes of newport and long island   but its main feature was where he built  it he didn't run miles away to distant   hills and seashores as the others did  to be with their aristocratic like   he chose not only to stay within view and walking  distance of the business that was his life   but of the people that were its heart and soul the  people among whom he had risen in his beginnings   in the middle of the 1800s  the people of bury township   dauphin county pennsylvania many of the mennonites  proudly followed a rock rib devotion to god   and his injunction to gain a living  by unending sweat of the brow henry hershey who was to be milton  hershey's father was most untypical   of the plain people he would pass traits to his  son half-hazardly henry was a dreamer though he   never had much formal education he had he was  well-read and just had a great love of books   and always was looking at the new he had  dozens of ideas many of which came to pass   but henry just didn't have the perseverance or  the money or the connections to make them happen   veronica snavely known as fanny was  the daughter of a mennonite clergyman she was a strict intensely focused and  humorous woman who met and fell for the   charming henry hershey quickly married him and  quickly regretted it as she saw his alien ways it was only the birth of a son at  the hershey homestead on september 13   1857 that held them together henry met a friend who just had a  baby what do you call him he asked   milton was the reply oh that's a good name  said henry that's what i'll call mine in 1860   henry took the family to titusville pennsylvania  hoping to cash in on the country's first oil boom   it was only the beginning of his  failures fanny counted 17 of them   despite the happiness of a daughter serena born  in 1862 henry's failures began to grate unfannie   in the mennonite faith wealth is a sign  of god's grace and that you work hard   because that's a way of showing devotion to god  and if you're financially successful that's simply   a gift from god milton passed his school  days at a series of one-room schools   his mother approved of his vehement distaste for  books which she blamed for ruining her husband   milton left school happily at age 13. so crippled  in literacy he would leave almost no written   records in 1866 henry hershey moved his family to  a rundown farm at nine points in lancaster county fanny hated it calling it that little stoney farm   henry and milton loved the variety  of hills streams glenns and people in 1867 milton's sister serena died at the age  of four with henry away roaming fannie with her   husband now largely vanished from her life was  content to be thought a widow with an orphaned son   about the relationship between fannie and henry um  it was it was an unusual one for the time period   i think um they they did separate early on in  in milton hershey's life don't think we don't   know exactly when that all happened but they did  they went their own ways what made milton hershey   so successful was his creativeness his ability to  envision what could be he got that from his father   henry was not a successful person and when  his father would fail he would just say well   that happened let's move on you know it's not  going to stop me milton hershey got that from   his father when milton failed miserably as  apprentice apprentice in lancaster fannie   stepped in and took charge of her drifting son she  insisted he make something tangible and in demand   and that meant something to eat milton perked up  remembered his notable sweet tooth and expressed   an interest in making candy thus beginning  a career that would take his name around the   earth joseph royer was a master confectioner his  ice cream garden on west king street was a mecca   for the students of nearby franklin and marshall  college milton was apprenticed to roya at age 14. on june 1st 1876 eighteen-year-old milton  hershey began his first candy business   in the great city of philadelphia with a hundred  and fifty dollars borrowed from his aunt martha   snavely he called her aunt maddie she funded  his operations uh considerably not only did she   fund uh not or work along with milton hershey in  the operations but gave of her own money to these   the new candy business was set up in an eight  by ten foot space on unfashionable spring garden   street all he would have to show for it after  five years was a habit of back-breaking labor   that it was not unusual for him to go into the  work area and spend 15 16 hours go home sleep   for four or five hours and then come back and  start again a new day and i think it was because   it was something new and that was something that  milton hershey really thrived on he knew unlike   his father that if he was going to succeed he  had to put every bit of energy that he had into   the business at this time milton came across what  he described as some kind of taffy called caramel   each hand wrapped piece included a corny poem like  roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and   so are you named french secrets their rousing  success called for his first business associate   he was harry lebkicker a tall sour  bulgy-eyed civil war veteran and   lumberyard clerk who saw something  in young milton visible to few others   leb unwavering support would help milton  hershey through approaching disasters   in 1880 with the philadelphia caramel business  slipping under and maddy wrote repeatedly to a   parsimonious brother abraham on her nephew's  behalf one letter read in part milt wants 400   more he must stop if he don't get it  for he don't get anything on trust   grudgingly the money came back and so did  milton's father henry the old schemer and dreamer   milton put him on the payroll at four  dollars a week until and maddie insisted   that the cost be jettisoned henry undaunted as  ever disappeared toward the colorado silver rush   by 1882 henry hershey had been  joined in denver by his son   the work and the reluctance of others to invest  more money in his business had broken milton   physically and economically what riches  he found in denver didn't come out of the   ground when milton hershey went out to denver  we understand that he worked for a confectioner   and at that time that confectioner used fresh  milk in the product and what that tended to do   was to the way it was used was to extend the shelf  life of the candies and this had pretty tremendous   impact on on milton hershey because in those days  of course they were just you know shipping the the   candies locally and and there wasn't need to to  preserve them for any longer periods of time now   milton broke away from henry again and by way of  chicago and new orleans arrived in new york city   working by day for a candy manufacturer he toiled  by night at the kitchen range of his rooming house   making his own convections to sell on the street  his first shop in new york was at 742 sixth avenue   smelling another adventure  henry arrived to lend a hand even with everyone working day and night the  book showed milton falling steadily behind   and when some kid stampeded his delivery  wagon and scattered his wares he was broke after the failure of his new york candy business  milton hershey returned to lancaster to find   that his relatives had given up on him they not  only withheld further financial aid but they did   not offer to take him in afterwards none would  benefit greatly from his coming fortune milton   never forgot failed loyalty or forgot when loyalty  was rendered as it was now by harry lebkicker he   not only took milton in but paid for all of the  candy equipment shipped from new york he did it   not in a business sense but as a friend milton  hershey never ever forgot that kind of kindness   and when he comes to up to hershey to build  his new factory lebkecker is with him and   he has a place of importance within mr hershey's  inner circle years later at harry lebkicker's   funeral a tearful milton hershey would say  we've just buried the best friend i ever had   with only his mesmeric ability to obtain credit  in small packets to sustain them milton along   with fanny and aunt maddy struggled day and night  to get the candy business going in a church street   store he wasn't afraid to experiment and try  and recognize the fact that he had a risk factor   but certainly the successes that  i think that he's brought about   have been because of his unique ability to  rise up after falling down a number of times   people loved hershey's  chewy new milk-based caramel he would soon need money for expansion as the  fates bestowed their first smiles upon him   at this moment an english importer named desis  noticed the quality and shipping stability of   hershey's crystal a caramels and took a big load  on consignment but months went by without further   word then a 90-day note for 700.00 pledged against  aunt matty's house came due from the lancaster   county national bank so he goes to the bank and he  says i can't pay this and i need even more money   because i need to buy more ingredients and the man  who he was talking to was the cashier of this bank   his name was brennaman he takes brennaman back  to his work area and it wasn't very impressive   but brennaman was very very impressed with milton  hershey i really believe in this man so i'm going   to put my own name to this loan he does that and  about five days before the loan that second loan   comes due milton hershey receives payment from  dc's is able to pay off a loan and from that   point on it's a matter of about four years before  he's one of lancaster's most successful citizens   the lancaster caramel company  was incorporated in 1894.   within six years it took him from grinding poverty   to immense wealth give them quality hershey said  that's the best advertising in the world all his   life he felt that this quality and his name on  the wrapper were all the advertising he needed   out into the world went superb candy is under  names like jim crack mcginty's roly-poly and lotus   but it was his crystal a caramels that formed  the bedrock of the new hershey bounties the factory rapidly expanded outward  upward and into other buildings   branch factories and offices appeared outside of  lancaster west and east soon there were thirteen   hundred employees he was working so hard that  he couldn't stop to think about um who he was or   whether he had friendships or not that he was just  sort of paddling as fast as he could to keep his   head above water while he was no backslapper or  wisecracker hershey earned his employees respect   by his constant willingness to peel off his coat  and work beside them in the midst of the runaway   success of his caramel company his restless  long-range vision took his attention overseas   to an item that had begun to fascinate  him the delectable bean of the cocoa tree   it could be roasted ground and broken down into a  sublime liquor that formed the basis of chocolate   in the early 1900s chocolate was really a luxury  item that was only affordable by the economic top   of the of the ladder in our country and i think  one of the keys to milton hershey's success   was that in the back of his mind  he saw making good chocolate   at an affordable price for the mass consumer  and he wanted his product distributed   everywhere i think he was the first of his  kind certainly in the confectionary industry   and in a sense in a small sense i think he was  to chocolate what henry ford was to automobiles it was in 1893 that hershey visited the  great colombian exposition in chicago   what he saw there would transform his  life and his career while he was there   he saw a demonstration of chocolate  making machinery that was on display   from germany was fascinated by that machinery just  fascinated milton hershey as well as the new and   the untried and he saw chocolate as that the  exposition's chocolate machines were in operation   and the site of the process exploded a new  determination within him he said excitedly to   a companion caramels are a fad but chocolate  is permanent i'm going to make chocolate   by 1894 hershey had brought the chocolate  making machinery of the dismantled colombian   exposition back to lancaster and the hershey  chocolate company was soon in full operation from these lines poured a conucopia with  names like cuban cigars hero of manila   ladyfingers ozark sticks and  lobsters 114 chocolate items   with money pouring in hershey began to indulge in  a little unmennonite round of feeling his oats he   started to spend on horses stables and carriages  and joined the high falutin lancaster tallyho club   he spent a then prodigious 708 dollars for what  the invoice called a 24 tune cylinder music box   with bells and drums and inlaid table he bought a  gold watch that could not easily have been made to   cost more uneasy at milton hershey's new ways  a factory girl who visited highpoint said the   grandeur appalled me hershey would tell a friend  that the day came when he looked into a mirror   saw a diamond-covered fop in a loud suit and  remembered the plain family from which he had come   he said to himself m.s hershey you're a  damned old fool and never wore jewelry again   in 1898 at the age of 40 milton hershey presented  his family and friends with a shock her name was   catherine sweeney and she was 25 he called her  kitty she was described as being very witty and   gay just full of the joy of life milton who has  been spending so much of his life involved in his   business must have been very attracted to someone  who saw that joy in life and the story goes that   his mother was complaining to him that he  never spent any weekend home and he said well   i'll be home next weekend and every weekend  after that i'm getting married this weekend   pride and vanity mother hershey sniffed when the  spirited well-dressed young new york catholic   invaded the home she shared with her son she  asked waspishly were you ever on the stage   it is the first million that's  hardest to get her she said   he would get that million with the surprising  sale of the highly profitable caramel company   that had built his fortune yeah milton  hershey sold his lancaster caramel company   for a million dollars in 1900 to his biggest  competitor and uh many people think that   that's that's quite a risk that he was taking  he decided just to go entirely into chocolate   by this time hershey was working to perfect  a milk chocolate formula he decided to   take his new capital and build a chocolate  factory in the rolling hills of pennsylvania in what was perhaps the great decision of his  life milton hershey selected a site in the green   fields of derry church pennsylvania and began  construction of what would be called the factory   in the cornfield a huge chocolate plant surrounded  by a staggering idea one born at the great   colombian exposition here was the great white  city as it was called the new jerusalem completely   built and fabricated on swampland near chicago  and here was a grand idea of what a city could be in the lush countryside bordering his ideal  factory hershey would undertake to build the   ideal town where the ideal workforce would live  play do business and prosper as they delivered a   matchless chocolate product and we have a map  uh in the collections of the of the museum   that actually shows how he purchased the land uh  in in order the numbers are on the blocks of land   and then it shows hershey all laid out and  there's the chocolate factory big block of   land as you can imagine and the streets are all  laid out but there are no houses on them yet as he planned his factory in town hershey had  taken note of the excellent rail service into   the area and its rich supply of good clean  water his business would need in abundance   and then there was the bounty of his  principal need tons and tons of fresh   wholesome milk out of the finest stock  grass and dairy men in the country to bring his workforce to him more easily his  plan included a widespread system of trolley lines   that would spoke out through the  countryside toward the distant cities   mr hershey had a very strong vision of what  he wanted not only for his chocolate company   but for his workers and the kind of  environment that he wanted to provide   and that was a very far-reaching view that he had  certainly uncommon in his day and age what do you   think of my little project hershey asked one of  his executives the man gulped and said bravely   my opinion would be that your friend should go  into court and have a guardian appointed for you   the man kept his job and hershey kept on in his  dubious dream of perfecting a town built on all   the sweet things of life hershey's new chocolate  world continued rising on the open countryside   of dairy church on a scale that would have  daunted the pyramid builders engineers battled   to coordinate railway sightings water main sewage  systems trolley lines parks streets and buildings   all incidental to the construction of the great  factory that was its reason for being milton   hershey's real strength was in experimentation  the unknown and he approached that not on a   scientific basis but on a hands-on basis by  just trying things and seeing what happened   he didn't want to know whether it was possible  he wanted you to try it and if you failed well   that was fine the trying was what was really  important the new factory was modern in every way   the very latest machinery eliminated the cost and  tedium of hand wrapping and hand making chocolate hershey painstakingly developed the procedures he found ways to get rid of the excess butter  to accommodate the incompatibility of milk   and liquid-resistant chocolate to cut the hours  of heavy expensive grinding to wear away lumpiness   things like plow machines chases and melange  appeared to blend mixer portion and smooth when he had a success hershey's  voice would ring out we've got it the milage of other hershey product lines began  thinning down to make way for the irresistible   force that was the milk chocolate hershey bar  catherine would say proudly see what my little   dutchman can do he loved mass production told  that the product of a famous watch company   was handed down from grandfathers he shouted  think of it only one profit in three generations   always in the vanguard hershey  introduced the automobile to his town   his driver liked to boast that he and  milton had not had a single accident saying   the carriage is easily handled if  the operator decides to keep his cool   hershey's father was enjoying himself asked what  he was doing while shopping he chirped happily   spending milt's money in 1904 shortly  after cheerfully proclaiming he would   live to be a hundred henry or she died  suddenly to be greatly missed by his son   oh papi pappy mourned fanny hershey and burned  the books she felt had driven him from her   hershey took special care in the building  of the houses his workers would live in   as renters or buyers he was in the vanguard  of the first rigorous suburban zoning codes   assuring that houses were a comfortable  distance from the roads and one another   the streets were named for all things bearing  on chocolate and where the cocoa bean was grown   resulting in not just chocolate avenue but  thoroughfares called cocoa caracas and java the winning entry in the contest to rename the  town was hershey cocoa chosen above beansdale   beats all and saint milton but cool heads  prevailed and the town was named yes   hershey he had to battle washington for the  post office that would bear the town's name   he had to impel the philadelphia and reading  railroads to build a new hershey railroad station   a prosperous town needs its own bank and he  organized chartered and built the hershey   trust company he also built the first-rate  department store needed by a first-rate town   and in the interest of moral  rectitude he gave land for churches founded in 1903 hershey has endured over  a century and retains an astonishing   amount of the charm and livability  that its founder had envisioned   but way back when the new century was  gaining momentum events still held much   that was dangerous and undecided in the matter  of milton hershey and his chocolate factory in 1906 in the midst of creating  an entire factory in town milton   hershey somehow found time to start building  a long deferred house for himself and kitty   highpoint had few rooms no bar and no swimming  pool the staff was minimal housekeeper   house man and housemaid the furniture was sturdy  but store-bought kitty hershey was like as not   to greet guests at the door in an apron milton  hershey loved his gardens and indulged himself   by endlessly moving its fountains to new locations  and he now had a place to entertain the housefulls   of business and personal guests that visited  ipoint the house satisfied him perfectly and   gave him his first taste of building for someone  else his beloved kitty together they would find   quiet pleasures in its peaceful vistas restful  architecture and familiar and comfortable corners when it became clear that he and an increasingly  unwell kitty would never have the children of   their own they so desired they began what was  to become the capstone of their lives a home   for orphans i think this really ties into milton  hershey's sorrows about his own childhood about   the time that his parents were separated  and he feeling like an orphan he spent a   lot of his childhood moving around quite a  bit and he wanted to create a more stable   environment for boys were being raised similar  to that he had been raised hershey would say   i would give everything i possessed to be able to  call one of these boys my own it was known as the   hershey industrial school an institution for  the residence and accommodation of orphan boys he saw it developing while he was alive and  he protected the future of it by the unique   trust system that he set up and to the  extent that all of us who have come after   him are able to do so it is our clear objective to  shepherd along to protect and enhance the legacy   that he established long ago in the schools  that i went to as a boy before coming to hershey   an orphan was someone that people pointed out  and said you know he's different when we came   to milton hershey school we were all orphans so it  became a non-problem you could forget about that   and get on with your life and this gave us  a confidence and a real feeling of assurance   that if we use our talent we could make something  of ourselves and mrs never let us forget that without direct ears hershey would perpetuate  the school with all of your stock in the company   are then staggering 60 million and it would grow  into a showcase facility that would widen its net   and turned out generations of graduates  to go on to lives they could never have   dreamed of most students live in the grounds  in comfortable homes with caring house parents   each student absorbs the lessons of a loving  society as well as those of the workplace   over the years the hershey school has grown  beyond even its founders fondest dreams   it is a living tribute to  milton and catherine hershey if they were here today i wouldn't know what to  say to them because they've changed so many lives   the town of hershey continued to grow in 1909  milton opened hershey park that brought 100   000 visitors in a single summer only  his onion ice cream would fail here   his open air theater arrived in 1911 and hershey  took it as god's approval that it did not rain   once all season in the spring of 1912 finding  it necessary to hurry home from a trip abroad   he cancelled the reservations he had made  for a later trip on a fast new ocean liner so   the titanic went down without milton hershey  with kitty sliding steadily deeper into a fatal   neurological disease the hershey's traveled  the world to distract her increasingly she   sought the services of non-traditional healers  milton personally bought roses for her each day   found kitty quickly while they were returning  home through philadelphia she felt desperately ill   on march 25 1915 her heart stopped of milton an  attending nurse would say he was like a madman   after kitty's life played out the joy  of high point would leave with her   thereafter he would wander the  stairs and studies once again   the austere duty-driven being he had  been before she had come into his world later he would turn the  mansion into a golf clubhouse   and live in two rooms he took the death of  his wife badly and from that point on he   really focuses his attention on his businesses  and on the community fleeing his grief milton   hershey turned his personal and business  attentions to cuba the sunny island would   not only soothe his aching heart but bring  exciting new dimensions to the hershey empire with his beloved catherine gone a grieving  milton hershey turned his energies toward his   new interests in cuba a hershey presence on the  subtropical island was a way to build a stable   cheap seemingly uninterruptible  source of the sugar supplies   that had bedeviled his company from the  beginning near santa cruz del norte he   built first-class refineries and began to mill  in refined sugar and haul it on his own rail line   as at home he provided handsomely for his workers  in the matter of housing schools and medical care   creating for cuba a utopian town he had  his failures when the wrigley company began   putting their name on a chocolate hershey  retaliated by introducing a new chewing gum   since wrigley owned the chicago cubs baseball team   hershey now tried to buy the philadelphia club to  contest wrigley on all fields the purchase failed   and so did the gum i never lost my temper  hershey would say but i lost money on it in 1920 as fanny hershey lay dying  another disaster was overtaking her son   mr hershey in anticipation of a shortage of  sugar bought on margin a tremendous amount of   sugar futures in order to have adequate sugar to  run his plants the sugar market collapsed and of   course he had to make good on his margin accounts  suffering millions of dollars of loss at that time   mr hershey has quite a bit of money board  from the national city bank in new york and   to protect their interests they had a supervisor  an administrator here in hershey for quite a bit   of time and he watched things pretty close but  we almost had to ask him when we could put a   extra pushing stamp or letter going out mr hershey  didn't like to operate very well like that and   he said i'll be happy when we get these bankers  back in new york hershey bitterly described the   bank administrator as a man who would walk in  with spats sit on his tail and direct everybody over the next two years he drove himself in  what operations he controlled beyond a point   where even a robust constitution  could be expected to survive   his workers caught his purpose in spirit  at the earliest moment he paid down enough   of the loan to the national city  bank to get rid of their watchdog on the day the loan was discharged hershey  requested that the man promptly remove himself   from the premises he called it one of the happiest  days of my life the great stock market crash of   1929 introduced the hardships of depression  as business fell to a whisper everywhere   and breadlines grew milton hershey determined  that the troubles would not touch his paradise   instead of firing he would employ  instead of retrenching he would build   mr hershey had a unique perspective during the  time of the depression and in fact we are clearly   the beneficiaries of a major building campaign  that took place at a time when the rest of the   country was having very very severe economic and  financial difficulties one depression project   was a hotel and what a hotel its inspiration  had come comically off an egyptian postcard   featuring a small 30 room hotel hershey handed  the car to an architect and asked for a 200   room version a later scaled back to a mere 170. a  wonder of the world when it was completed in 1933   the delightful hotel hershey would retain  every bit of its magnificent eccentricity   sitting on a hill selected by  milton and catherine decades before   it became hershey's magnificent ground down  looking down on all the chocolate could create it featured marble corridors royal sweets  and vista approaches as though the depression   had ceased to exist the grandiose fountain  splashed central court could become outmoded but   never ungracious the dining room is  round because hershey had observed   in some places if you don't tip  well they put you in a corner   now it was impossible allegedly he was  walking through the lobby one day and   asked the general manager of hotel hershey  how many room nights had been reserved   the night before and the manager reluctantly  said mr hershey 12 rooms and he said 12 rooms   well we've got 150 here let's make certain  those 12 people have a very unique experience as hershey looked out on some steam shovels  during the hotel's construction the foreman said   those machines could do the work of 40  men take them off hershey said hire 40 men   because he was so mindful of the welfare  of his workers he was stung in 1937   when some of his employees engaged in a sit-down  strike of the plant one described as a civil war   in utopia he felt betrayed they were striking  all over the country was really in bad shape   they're not only hershey but they finally hit  hershey which was unthinkable because everybody   at hershey was doing a good job and we all  loved our jobs this led to the formation of   a loyal workers group and they were soon joined  in the public meetings by the local farmers whose   milk market was then gone and they came across the  bridge and you could see them coming in the wave   and the first thing you knew you saw  stones flying all over the place and the   farmers went in and kicked out all the sit-down  strikers and it was quite a melee that they had the year of the great strike coincided with  hershey's 80th birthday at a huge party held   in the arena the former strikers turned out  on mass to help him celebrate he wept happily milton hershey's last chance to serve his  country came in world war ii when he oversaw   the development of the high-energy chocolate bars  carried in their field rations by gi's serving the   war zones we had three bars for a daily ration  and they each were somewhere around four ounces   in size and they contained 600 calories the  bars were favorites of the gis and made a   great gift to the starving the non-melting  tropical bar was thought a minor miracle he was immensely proud when the field rationed d  bars won four army navy e for excellence awards   hershey spent a peaceful 88th and final year  still experimenting with new confections   and testing them on his nurses he puckishly  tried celery carrot and potato ice creams   his beat sorbet was a surprising success he hung  on to see the end of the war and just a bit more his 88th birthday party was held  in the homestead where he was born   with his old cradle behind his chair his plans to make 90 visit cuba  and see a new plant completed   were not to be hershey's fighting  heart gave out on october 13 1945. the quality of life in the community was  unusually high due primarily to the foresight   and generosity of mr hershey but i think that's  the strongest point that i can say his school   his school his school is the greatest aspect  of his life if mr hershey was here today   i would get down on my knees and thank him  for the good that he had done in my life milton hershey was buried in the hershey  cemetery beside kitty henry and fanny   the old team was together again in the  heart of the gentle and prospering town   they had built on the sweet  and simple joys of chocolate you
Channel: Biography
Views: 321,471
Rating: 4.8562636 out of 5
Keywords: history, bio, biography, writer, chocolate, hershey, candy, milton hershey, sweets, hershey bar, chocolate king, mini biography, full biography, bio channel, biography channel, biography tv, documentary, biography documentary channel, the biography channel, full episode, biography documentary, biographies, biography channel documentary, biography a&e, documentaries, biography of famous people, The Chocolate King, The story of Milton Hershey, chocolate candy empire, story of Milton
Id: cQab8WDXxss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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