HOW IT'S MADE: Old Hershey's Chocolate

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There used to be a Hershey's plant in southern Ontario, I think in Smith Falls, that my gran would take my sisters and I to, and the site was built so there were halls outside every room with big windows, and they could give tours of the place. You could watch the Reese cups and kisses and all that other stuff get made at your leisure, and of course they had the gift shop with every kind of chocolate they have at the end of it. I once bought a 1-pound bar for my mom and it lasted her a year. Last I heard, after it closed some medicinal dope company started a big grow op in there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's strange that watching other people perform boring jobs is so interesting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cha1upaBatman88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

At what point do they add the vomit aftertaste ingredient?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lukewilliam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

It surprises me how many people hate Hershey's chocolate. Maybe I've just been devoid of "good" chocolate my whole life as I was born and raised in the US, but I personally think it tastes fine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CodingAndCaffeine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Even though I think Hershey's chocolate is garbage, I enjoyed the shit out of this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/immaculate_deception πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watching this reminded me of the opening scene from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. At then end when they showed Hersheypark, it reminded me of the scene in Beverly Hills Cop 3 where Axel is climbing on the ride to save the kids. This documentary sure did make me think a lot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/digit0lpenguin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit I'm watching this, at Hershey park.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

19:30 rotating nazi device

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Distant_Past πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn't watch video, but holy shit do you guys get a weird satisfaction or enjoyment from watching machines "machine"?

Is there a subreddit where people just post factory machines doing machine stuff?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/glennis1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
the taste of milk chocolate is as popular as ever and the business of make product is as fascinating as ever is a happy flavor it's America's favorite and it blends happily with other natural flavors there are probably hundreds maybe thousands of different ways we can enjoy chocolate in foods we buy at the store or make it home [Music] when Milton Hershey build his factory milk chocolate was a delicacy enjoyed primarily by the wealthy but by developing his own special formulations and manufacturing techniques he proved that milk chocolate could be made and shipped all over America and a price most people could afford choosing this site was no accident mr. Hershey knew that to mass-produce milk chocolate he did milk and lots of it so this location was ideal the rich dairy farms here could produce many thousands of gallons of fresh milk every day that's still true every day rain or shine all year round stainless steel tank trucks visit dairy farms in the region to pick up fresh whole grade a milk her she buys the entire output of more than one thousand farms amounting to over 1 million pounds of milk a day and we also find vast fields of sugar cane unlike most crops which are grown for their fruit or leaves or roots it is the cane itself the stalk that is important here when the cane is ready harvest crews work seven days a week to bring in the crop the large knife they use is called a machete a universal tool in tropical agriculture sure she uses sugar from many different parts of the world including cane and beet sugars grown in the United States here in the tropics as in the States it's impractical to transport bulky loads of cane over long distances so small sugar mills are usually scattered throughout the growing region for immediate processing the cane is squeezed and ground under tremendous pressure releasing the juice which is caught in trucks under the grinding wheels the fibrous woody waste is removed by a conveyor belt to help fuel the mills boiler initial processing transforms the raw juice into a thick brown sugar syrup in subsequent refining procedures impurity ISM liquid are extracted to produce the white crystals of sugar we're all familiar with sometimes within a few miles of the cane fields other farmers are cultivating very delicate very special trees usually planted under taller varieties of trees to protect them from direct sunlight these are cocoa trees and their seeds are the basis of all cocoa and chocolate products the seeds called cocoa beans grow within these pods which are about six to ten inches in length the correct scientific name for this fruit is Theobroma cacao which means food of the gods these unusual trees thrive within 20 degrees of the equator and have a continuous growth cycle the fruit seems to be attached haphazardly because the tiny blossoms grow directly from the trunk or main branches instead of at the ends of smaller branches this is nature's way of protecting the heavy clusters of ripened fruit which needs solid support it takes five to six months for the pods to reach maturity and harvesting techniques vary from region to region from farm to farm in many areas the growing and marketing of cocoa beans is the prime source of income and the small independent farmer like his counterpart in other agricultural areas of the world depends upon a good harvest but since the trees have a continuous growth cycle there is no one week or month when an entire crop is ready the pods are cut down as they ripen in some larger operations the pods are collected and taken to a Central Station for opening often as in this case they're opened in the field with razor-sharp machetes working side-by-side father and son efficiently stripped the wet beans from the pods on to handy banana leaves an expert worker can open seven or eight pods per minute each one containing thirty to forty cocoa beans surrounded by a white pulp beasts of burden still play an important role in many cocoa growing regions as small farmers bring their beans to a central area for fermentation and drying here payment is made by the plots a volume measurement that's equal to about 30 pounds of wet beans the cocoa beans are then heaped into piles and allowed to ferment natural fermentation causes a chemical change in the pulp which helps develop the color and flavor of the cocoa bean it also hardens the skin of the bean into a protective shell which will be removed later in the factory the piles are covered with plantain or banana leaves to help contain the heat during the five to six day fermentation process the fermented cocoa beans are then spread out to dry in the Sun for six to seven days they're turned over regularly and these drying platforms are built on tracks so that in the event of rain they can be rolled under tin roots for protection the dried beans are less susceptible to disease and mold and they are now ready for shipment overseas a tropical port is a busy place with a variety of agricultural produce being exported and an even wider variety of manufactured goods being imported in larger ports railroad tracks go right out onto the docks the dried cocoa beans now packed in 140 pound bags are transferred from a boxcar to the hold of an ocean-going freighters destination the United States of America cocoa beans on route to the factory in Hershey will arrive at one of our large East Coast ports of entry often Philadelphia the beans are quickly offloaded in the first of a continuing series of quality assurance tests and inspections begins right here with a device called a thief samples are taken from each incoming shipment for laboratory analysis car loads of beans arrive at the factory throughout the year from the world's great cocoa growing regions beans from Ghana and Nigeria from Brazil and the Dominican Republic from New Guinea and Malaysia actually from more than a dozen different countries and because each region produces a being with its own distinctive flavor each is delivered automatically from the rail citing to individual storage silos the total capacity of this facility is 90 million pounds and if you want to figure it out you'll find that'll make a lot of chocolate pies there's a constant flow of incoming ingredients and acres of warehouse space are devoted to this storage of peanuts anomalies Hershey uses huge quantities of almonds some of them coming from the company's own groves in California peanuts arrive in even greater quantities thousands of tons a year from our southern and southwestern states pass through this warehouse to be used in a variety of products in the research laboratories this panel plays a significant role in determining how ingredients will be used which new product recipes will actually go into factory production being a member of the taste panel is an unusual job and a great responsibility identifying and charting subtle differences in flavor fragrance texture of course some formulations remain unchanged year after year and the details of all of them are highly guarded secrets factory production schedules determined the quantities of specific ingredients that will be drawn from storage on any given day since five or six different types of chocolate may be in production at the same time scheduling the flow of cocoa beans is especially complex beans are withdrawn from the storage silos according to type and origin in an elaborate cleaning and sorting machine currents of air and a series of sieves remove foreign matter then they are routed by conveyor belt to a storage tank which supplies the blending department here proportions for specific recipes are programmed into the automatic blending machines each station introduces one type of beam to the continuous flow blending process precise quantities are measured in pounds per minute in an extension of the continuous flow process the blended beings travel through huge ovens the result is a free-flowing liquid traditionally this has been called chocolate liqueur although it has no alcoholic content our products made in the factory begin with this liqueur however back before Milton Hershey went into business it was discovered that chocolate beverages tasted better when the cocoa butter content of the liqueur was reduced so in making cocoa and cocoa products today these giant presses squeeze most of the cocoa butter out of the liqueur [Music] the footer is drained away and will be used in the making of milk chocolate the dry cake that remains after the butter is squeezed out is pure cocoa so the basic difference between cocoa and chocolate is the amount of cocoa butter present the cake goes through several grinding and refining processes until it's ready for packaging as pure cocoa or is blended with other ingredients in another section of the factory whole milk is being condensed the first of many complex procedures in the making of milk chocolate when almost all of the water content has been removed and the milk has reached the consistency of taffy chocolate liqueur and sugar are added and the mixture looks good enough to eat right now however many more steps lie ahead the mixture gets drier and drier until finally it is conveyed as a coarse powder to another series of mixing tanks the blending and mixing our computer control and from this consult additional cocoa butter is introduced to make the finished chocolates richer in flavor creamier and texture the mixture is now in the liquid state and from this control center the floor is directed to one of many conching machines the name conch began years ago when the machines were shaped like the sea shell today there are a variety of shapes and sizes in use inside constant stirring and low he developed the flavor of the mixture which is now called chocolate paste this reverie action conch is preferred for some types of chocolate while other chocolates benefit most from longitudinal konchem techniques the chocolate paste entering a conscious thick and visibly course in texture in a back-and-forth or reciprocating action large granite rollers rubbed the paste over a corrugated granite base after 72 hours of conscience this chocolate has reached a rich mellow consistency with flavor to match if you were a member of our camera crew you'd agree that chocolate in the conching stage smells just as good as but it isn't quite ready for cooling and packaging not yet one final and important operation is required and these men are preparing to pump the chocolate paste from the conch to the refining department in the refining process massive steel rollers reduce the particle size of the blended ingredients making a fine paste even finer really a velvety smooth and texture while the chocolate paste is being refined the peanuts and almonds required for some products are prepared for roasting after cleaning an electronic sorting machine inspects all peanuts by color automatically rejecting any better below standards almonds must pass equally rigorous inspections as they are cleaned and slipped prior to roasting this has got to be one of the most aromatic departments in the factory peanuts and almonds are roasted in these stainless steel ovens in an automated process that develops and enhances the natural nut flavor the result of this special process is a flavor that is deliciously different a flavor that blends especially well with milk chocolate in the finished product as the nuts are conveyed to many different departments the refined milk chocolate paste is cooled to a working temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit 28 degrees Celsius to make solid bars of milk chocolate rows of stainless steel molds on an endless belt are filled over and over again during each production shift [Music] the bill passes under two depositors each filling alternate rows of molds automatically if an almond bar is being molded the nuts are deposited in the molds before the chocolate throughout the factory round-the-clock surveillance is maintained by Quality Assurance technicians chocolates samples are delivered to the laboratory for analysis to assure adherence to all quality standards the performance of each machine is also checked regularly here a sample tray from depositor number 53 is weighed to make sure it is depositing the specified amount of chocolate the third molds are vibrated and cooled as they travel through a long tunnel vibration of the chocolate while it's still in a semi liquid state helps to assure a solid well-formed bar with no air pockets or bubbles at the end of the tunnel finished milk chocolate bars emerge and move toward the automatic packaging equipment without any human contact of course not all chocolate is mold this unique shape is achieved by Egypt ignore dropping chocolate onto a moving belt [Music] [Music] chocolate is made to be eaten and no one can enjoy its pleasures if it's kept here in the factory so packaging of the various products is probably as important as making them it takes special skills experience and equipment to prepare products for delivery to stores all over the country so they can be placed on the shelves fresh undamaged and properly labeled [Music] solid chocolate bars liquid syrups and powdered glucose require different types of containers in a wide variety of sizes paper and cardboard and Tim and steel must be cut shaped filled sealed so with complex machines and material handling systems in operation all over the factory it's a wild and wonderful scene as much fun to watch as it is to eat the products themselves well [Music] containers are filled and weighed automatically if there's anything wrong that can is rejected automatically turn you're likely to find a quality assurance technician picking up samples for the lab before any product leaves the factory it and its ingredients have been checked tested analyzed and scrutinized every step of the way in the Quality Assurance laboratories experts in nutrition food science and microbiology are guided by the product excellence program they maintain standards that are stricter more comprehensive than those imposed by government agencies and their efforts assured consumers that they'll get the quality and quantity they expect the company maintains a staff of field representatives to inspect each farm on a regular basis and the milk haulers conduct a series of quality checks to [Music] every time a milk hauler visits a farm he takes what's called a universal sample which will go to the lab for testing the receiving station of the factory is open 24 hours a day and the trucks are thoroughly scrubbed and sanitized after each delivery the universal sample from each farm is brought immediately to the milk receiving laboratory here tests for bacteria count and butterfat content are among the many conducted in a continuous tightly controlled quality assurance program there's a lot of good rich farmland around Hershey Pennsylvania and there are a lot of independent farmers working the same fields their grandfathers did this is Pennsylvania Dutch country tradition is important here and in some ways things haven't changed much since the turn of the century the air is still clean and fresh the landscape is well-kept peaceful quiet of course this is true in many agricultural areas but Hershey is different the town which has a population of under 10,000 was founded by Milton s Hershey in 1903 it was a most unusual community then and it is now for one thing the educational and cultural facilities are unique the Milton Hershey School with its 10,000 acre campus is a private school a tuition free private school for needy boys and girls who don't have adequate care from one of their natural parents today nearly 1500 students live and study here carrying on the traditions started by mr. Hershey back in 1909 the entire state benefits from the Medical Center which was built with a grant from the MS Hershey foundation the complex is owned and operated by Penn State University and provides complete patient care while maintaining extensive research and educational programs but Hershey isn't all classrooms and laboratories Hersheypark is a happy experience for every member of the family owned and operated by Rico another company Milton has her she founded Hershey Park is one of the major theme parks in the East holiday magazine called it the cleanest and greenest in America the arena next door is the home of the Hershey Bears of the American Hockey League and there's some headline event going on in town almost every night in sports theater music and dance the people around here are accustomed to seeing big names from Hollywood New York Nashville as well as touring foreign performers the little rural community of Hershey attracts nearly 2 million visitors every year many come to see the formal rose gardens and those who enjoy golf will find there's more golf per square foot than any place else in the world Hershey is a most unusual community and the reason goes back to the year of 1903 when Milton Hershey decided to build the world's largest Chocolate Factory in the cornfields of Derry Township [Music]
Views: 3,312,754
Rating: 4.6459169 out of 5
Keywords: food, industry, engineering, culinary, culture, build, cooking, usa, facts, why, what, discovery, watch, new, play, tv, full, make
Id: ophXa_LvUKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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