I Investigated the Most Obese City in America…

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fat people over 40 percent of America is obese putting almost one of every two Americans at extreme risk of heart disease diabetes high blood pressure cancer and death but I wondered why are Americans getting so fast so I drove to McAllen Texas the fattest city in America six years in a row to see if I could find any answers but first I needed some breakfast what a burger what do people usually get for breakfast here okay so people usually get this for breakfast yeah it's very popular 980 calories really yeah all right McDonald's breakfast okay the guy in front of us is a pretty big dude the last guy yet I'll get whatever he got you gotta make it again thank you calories in this meal it's probably a thousand breakfast number three men use looking fattening I like to try a little breakfast is that what a lot of people get yeah all right breakfast for real after scarfing down a fattening thousand calorie plus breakfast an average American might eat on their way to work I wondered if the local restaurants here were any healthier what people typically get here for breakfast breakfast it's a big old breakfast oh my God it's like a fried bomb of goodness we got pancakes sausage bacon eggs this and that my guess is probably 3 000 calories right here bro straight up caramel that's wild with the local restaurants breakfast here no better than the fast food I went to the nearby mall to ask the locals here why all the food down here is so fattening but I found this instead I'm not sure who's renting these but you have giant scooters so you got to be lazy as hell to not even walk all right I'm ready one I cannot believe this is real it's gonna be the locals do a lot of people rent these scoosers at the mall yeah yeah is this like a McAllen specific thing uh yeah I do feel like nicocado avocado right now I'll be honest bruising on a scooser built to help morbidly obese people move around the mall I thought I was in Wally for a second but the question was do you know why mcallen's the Obesity Capital uh the food okay and they don't walk why are people so big uh people like to eat junk food like chips or McDonald's and all that stuff and then out of nowhere I met this guy yeah do you have any thoughts yeah all right let's hear it what's your name David David how you doing David good I'm a children's book called Direction okay tell me about it what's going on it's to help the nation you want to go outside yeah you want to hop on here all right tell me about yourself what's going on so yeah I lost a brother and sister to diabetes okay and so you know I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well and so that inspired me to write a children's book that encourages kids to eat healthy and exercise the book is called The Adventures of EXO inside like exercise I like that and uh so Excellence I live in a town called OB City like obesity where the mayor is Diane Beatties or diabetes I'm trying to do my part to get people to change the way they eat do you have any places maybe you could show us around here at McAllen first yeah yeah I'd love to yeah you're a blessing you guys seriously are blessing man right on so David agreed to show me some of the reasons and places making the people of McAllen so fat okay so from birth to adulthood why are people getting fat out here it's the food it's the Mexican culture it's like at the start of every good Mexican dish is a good handful of lards I'm not I'm not joking with that refried beans rice tortillas then you got that mentality where you know you have to finish everything on your plate this is you see right here this is you can see all those pastries right there and we got a ton of pastries here yeah this is a diabetes speed run right oh yeah look at that right there this place truly is obese obese like over 40 of the population down here in the Rio Grande Valley is either diabetic or pre-diabetic look at that let's see oh we're filming a documentary about BC in America and we're showcasing the tacos here as a prime facilitator of obesity and in turn premature yeah we'll be quick the beef fajita Taco has close to a thousand calories right there got it they just serve a lot of Mexican uh Bakery goods and you'll notice one thing too no calorie count out here EBT the snap also so you can imagine you know governments allowing people to come and use food stamps yeah government is funding diabetes and obesity are you ordering here um what are you getting investigation diabetes [Music] she has diabetes and she's buying the product yeah she's my she's buying it I think for her daughter her granddaughter yeah I doubt it she's probably gonna have a snack of that too right maybe wish we had to next maybe a Taqueria okay vamos every variation of Taco imaginable I'll try one un biria gracias all right yeah that's nice that hits big old bite I gotta say I'm mind blown because it's so tasty but I know for a fact this is like 1000 calorie new and After experiencing this fattening food first hand David invited me to his house to show me the reason he's so passionate about all this but as an experiment I wanted to see if I could snag food at the drive through in less than 60 seconds on my way over there proving that fast food is too easy to get your hands on thus making America fat just to show you how dangerously quick fast food is I want to see if I can get my fast food order before I share with you this video sponsor great Shadow Legends hello can I get one McDouble please that'll be it it's a free to play mobile game with over 80 million downloads insane graphics over 650 Champions to collect epic boss battles and it's raid's Fourth birthday Hello thank you being my favorite Champion Galaxy been through a lot since I downloaded raid almost four years ago Orcs are my favorite faction by far appreciate it and ever since raid has gotten bigger and better adding more and more feet features like live Arena PVP one of my favorites so if you haven't joined raid yet click the link in the description or scan the QR code here to get epic bonuses like Talia the champion and other in-game loot thank you so much we got the order thank you click the link in the description to download raid now I got my order in almost one minute ridiculously fast and way too convenient thus leading to a nation full of obese people after proving food is too accessible in America I had made it to David's house so he could show me why he's so passionate about destroying obesity started doing it for these two people right here that's my brother and sister Marion Henry who who passed away yeah from diabetes so I don't want anybody to have to go through what my families have to go through losing a brother and a sister having another sister go blind it's a really tough thing to see with the people that you love most eat healthy exercise and and good things are going to happen Okay America has hope America does have hope after seeing obesity kill David's family I flew to Florida to meet a guy named Mark who's on TLC's my 600 pound life and weighed over 700 pounds at the end of the show he lost 200 pounds and the doctor told him the only way he could lose more weight was to get a stomach reduction surgery we're in Orlando Florida we're meeting up with Mark see what a day in his life looks like right now he's 487 pounds we're gonna see what got him here and what advice he might have for others yeah how you doing so your name's Mark Mark yes sir you were on the show my 600 pound life on TLC right you lose 184 pounds you go to the doctor and he says hey now you're at the point where we want you to do the weight reduction surgery right yeah did everything a doctor asked I lost weight he's like okay cool you're approved for surgery it's like oh hold up I'm kind of feeling this right now let me let me do this he's like Okay go again go lose another 50 pounds and I lost like 40 pounds you know it's like okay cool great job let's go get let's get you in the surgery and the surgery is a stomach reduction surgery yeah they cut your stomach okay he said I have a five percent chance with the surgery and a zero percent chance without okay and I knew that my work ethic alone is going to eliminate that five percent Gap sure when did the weight get put on the pandemic broke me okay and this is where everything goes to this is it man okay let's walk through it that's cool you lose your job and you're gaining a bunch of weight my life consisted of here to there to the bathroom to my chair out here to the front door are you just locked in here depressed pretty much just locked in here to press this is my world for me to go all the way all the way to the other side of this little baby yeah yeah so this is the graveyard of bad memories right here this is couch this is where life was for a long time yeah I used to be an athlete man yeah like I could do the splits now can I see God damn but I wanted to understand how Mark got to 700 pounds in the first place can we pull up doordash this is the coven depression menu you got McDonald's 7-Eleven McDonald's two sausage biscuits two sausage McMuffins Josh Brown Dr Pepper Wendy's Baconator and a Baconator combo you get the two of them Little Caesars pizza and this is all on the same day yeah as soon as they contacted me back I was like all right it's time to go to work got it going to work at the time was literally me one basically Mark is saying that when my 600 pound life asked him to be on the show he knew he had to get healthy or he was gonna die but I put on my shoes socks cut out the door go to the gym this is my breakfast right here I'm not trying to lose 50 pounds to look good on a vacation I'm fighting for myself you tell somebody laying in hospital bed that if you work hard you're determined and you stay consistent you can change your life I guarantee you every single person would stand up and fight to do that so I went to the gym with Mark to experience an average day in his fight to become healthy again drove by eight times took me the night time to come here [Music] gassed after Mark's workout I had a lot more sympathy for what he goes through on a daily basis and as Mark and I drove back to his parents house Mark did something he thought he'd never be able to do again what's up I don't think oh yeah I don't think it's gonna fit on me though six minute drive okay really really good for real that's kind of great kind of feel almost normal oh yeah don't give up man with the click of Mark's seat belt echoing in my ears I realized that if a 700 pound man can turn his life around then so can America [Music]
Channel: Tyler Oliveira
Views: 11,059,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american obesity, obesity, most obese city in america
Id: RazNHIreQ-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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