MCC PRIDE with LDShadowlady, CaptainPuffy & Vikkstar123!

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well well well if it isn't a live stream hello hello if you can see me please let me know in the chat because i've got a new pc and hopefully the settings are right um but you should be able to see me now which is good uh welcome to the mcc pride event that's right you can see we're in the lobby here with our beautiful arena our team today we are the red rabbits we've got me very important i'm on it uh just kidding we've got lizzy of course ld shadow lady we've got vickstar123 and we've got captain puffy and we are gonna hopefully try and win all right we're gonna try that's the key thing and this is a special mcc you've probably seen a few of these before but this one uh is for charity so you'll see there's a link above me edit this mcc dot live pride you can go there you can go go donate and uh we're raising money for the trevor project so lots of lots of cool stuff happening today and there's also if you do raise that um money to a certain goal then stuff happens in game all right we're gonna have some weird stuff so yeah that's all i have to say really we've got about five minutes till we get started um as you can see the whole arena is looking very nice and oh can i get this how do i get a pride flag what is this i've got a hamburger what i put it on my head i don't know i'll just carry it anyway wait there's some like pride flags over here oh look at this this is i think we're pride backpack look at that that looks awesome with the flags on and etc how's everyone doing is everyone looking forward to mcc pride oh gosh i'm nervous can you hear me and everything is okay lizzy's not streaming no she is uh unable to stream because she streams on twitch so it's just your boy today i'm sorry about that you're gonna have to put up with smallish beans ooh not healthy shadow lady i can see all those pride flags in the chat very cool very cool everything is good thank you so much all right so we've got about five minutes till we get started so if you've got any questions get it now because it's going to be mental all right guys mcc i always i'm already look my hand i'm nervous i haven't streamed in a good old what day is it i don't know it's probably i don't know why that matters like a month i'd say at least so yeah it's been a long time how are you i'm good thank you completely useless how are you i don't think you're completely completely completely useless it's okay we love you joel thank you thank you yes so yeah it's all for a good cause today make sure you donate there's the link everywhere um and if you aren't already make sure to subscribe to smallish beans because he's pretty cool i heard um but yeah we're gonna be having a fun time i'm gonna mute and see if lizzy's there hello hello lizzy i'm live streaming are you there hello joe i'm here oh hello are you looking forward to mcc i like your backpack i've got one too thank you very much what's this voice why are you doing this voice i don't know i'm nervous are you nervous i'm nervous as well yeah it's really shaken i just showed it on stream and my hand is i'm nervous as well this pl this place looks awesome though all the rainbows i love it oh i'm already subscribed thank you family did you tell him to donate i have done i've got it at the top of my screen i'll put it in the description i've put it on the message it's everywhere and did you tell them that somebody made us cute matching oh yeah yeah me and lizzy the only ones actually wearing these but we've got these cute red rabbit skins you can see here we've got little rabbit ears on the back uh and we've got a little if you look at from our perspective little pride wristband as well which is very nice very cute yeah and also i was forgot to mention but there are some goals right if the donations get reached so stuff like there's a 20v20 dodgeball at the end if we reach the hundreds i think or something like that i didn't know that yeah it's going to be insane and we've got like other stuff like there's unicorns get released on the server and something else as well we get more clothes i believe to wherever than the backpack we've already passed the first one was like 5000 for the backpack and that got passed before it actually started so it's all a bit crazy wow look at this rainbow too this is really cute i hope we unlock this wait what in the thing with jiggy the settings over by the backpack here there's a rainbow i thought you hated chicken yeah i know but i'd wear that chicken it's like i hate normal chickens but rainbow chickens they're okay hello hello that's my first introduction you hate chickens oh yeah yeah oh yeah what do they do to you oh pretty much everything you can think of fair enough which is nothing uh yeah pretty much nothing but they sometimes they look at me a bit weird and it just rubs me far away you know it's just you're intimidated by them okay fair enough it's not intimidating let's say well i mean yeah you can say intimidated i'll say not intimidated hello friends hello vic hello how's it going scared we're going to be fine we're going to be fine yeah we're going to win right guys i did a little bit i think we have a decent ever yeah it wouldn't go well that's why you practice so everything goes wrong in that and then it's out of the way yeah it can't happen again hey yeah i mean it doesn't feel out of the way it feels very much still in my system but i will try my best to look at the hall of fame we have a we have a bunch of first timers here so we should have an advantage honestly we're gonna be it's gonna be on constantly i'm not no we have to teach them the true mcc experience it's like kids they never learn if you're like you just got to beat them at the game so that they learn yeah you've got to destroy them is that what you're saying yeah pretty much yes yes essentially i i mean there's that's fine with me i'm more than happy to do so i was just thinking like in survival games they're going to be they're going to have an awful time if any teams are going to see them and be like right you guys are new here through the timeline fewer teams and they just got bullied especially by like i think kwik made a tnt yeah it was just it was just honestly brutal but but i was on quick's team for that so i was quite happy with it and i won that one so i was very happy with bullying them wow that's maybe something you should not say take it out of concrete look at all those pride flags very cool very i mean these kids might be crazy because we don't know how they perform any of them it's true yeah they could be secret secret super spies i mean like x yeah what what did they just play xbox what does but they're they're ex journalists so i'm not scared of them though they could be just good at everything and a good all-rounder funny in the amount of minecraft we've all played we're going to be fine i don't want to think about how much minecraft i've played overall 365 days plus in-game time at this point and i wouldn't be surprised he's still quite cold these days definitely not you're missing out i played some wars there in the other day but i i don't like it oh no i made the full switch yes i respect it yeah but you play counter strike one than anything and is this like a novel so this is a a bit of a special mcc do we know what games are in or is it like normal where it picks them yeah they tweeted it didn't they yeah so oh okay there's no rockets belief and there's no sounds of time thank god i'm so happy but there is hole in the wall which is vomiting that's okay it's it's rainbow those things yeah it's gonna be okay like it's gonna be colorful yeah yeah it will look pretty as you die uh yeah that's the 20 v 20 that's if we reach a hundred thousand i'm pretty sure or maybe it's not i'm not sure but we're already at fifty thousand and uh wow you can see at the top of your screen if you're on the server ah oh oh damn we might be playing 20v20 dodgeball which would be pretty nice nice jerome right on time i'm actually excited for that maybe i won't die first because there's so many others what do we think our strong points are going to be nothing um i'm good at that i will say no i'm not going to say it since you last played lizzie i haven't played it it's got that weird new arena now it's easier this one i'm good at memorizing i can memorize the build really well i think we could we're pretty like much i'd say we're pretty decent in quite a few of them i'd say i feel like parkour parkour will all do decently and just oh yeah the parker tags not bad yeah yeah oh uh i'd say my strength is that i have a lot of weaknesses i think battle box we should be pretty decent yeah i'd imagine so yeah that's gonna be straight rushing though probably similar to what they did the last one where people literally just drop down and just go for the wall first yeah yeah i am happy to be a wool person if that's needed you can go and protect a wool warrior you got this lizzy don't talk yourself down no you're you're limiting yourself we all know okay i'm gonna i'm just gonna fake it till i make it i guess exactly exactly you were playing with minecraft before most of these people even got minecraft yeah but i wasn't very good at it that's the problem they don't know that though they weren't around uh so most people would know me yeah maybe maybe my i could intimidate them with my years my experience someone in my chat just pointed out we're already in first by the way so it's going quite well oh wow yeah this is very true they know what's up yeah are you sure it's not just because red comes first in the rainbow yeah that's what it is lizzy that's what the joke was but thanks for explaining it for me ah i thought we'd really want something there i thought we really didn't have zero points but we're at the top because we're the first team oh the countdown we're the best team i think is what you mean yeah sorry uh my bad bespoke fifty thousand oh my gosh it's that donation thing is going up so quickly yeah that is actually it doesn't for some reason when it's in minecraft text it doesn't look as real yeah yeah and there's an experience bar showing how much fun he is lizzie isn't live stop happening in the chat with slash withdrawal remember the jeremy's all right it's in the go time can you turn up your mic i could maybe turn up a little bit i might just sit a bit closer that might be a little bit better i could turn them down slightly i can't actually turn mine up but i can turn them down let's do that there we go hopefully that's a bit better happy pride exactly look at this oh i wonder what's going to happen oh look at these things what's going on how those lights coming from special no no one else is live apart from me and vic on our team joel looks bald it's not bald it's just my shiny forehead i promise i've got hair look it's here i just had it cut recently so it's quite a thing but thank you for telling me i look bold not there's anything wrong with being bold the reds is actually the blood of your enemies very true very true i'm a huge fan thank you jeremyism you can win i think we can i think we got a pretty good shot here i'm excited oh nervous but excited four seconds here we go [Music] let's get to it easy peasy lemons can we win any points for being first in the arena because there's some reason the bridge isn't working what's going on yeah i just i got baited bridge won't go uh there we go ah right well oh well what do we have i guess we'll see in a second just uh um disclaimer the reason that i don't have a cool outfit is because my minecraft account is broken i there's some um there's some backpacks and stuff at the front we should get you on between the next round yeah they don't last on the air game oh they don't that would make sense they are quite uh what do we think to like get out of the way yeah that's what i'm trying to think hole in the wall is that sky probably yeah was brutal last time yeah i don't love it i think maybe we try and get that out of the way early yeah let's go sky battle uh which which one is that i can't read the chickens okay i'm gonna wait a second yeah i'm gonna throw because that red one's one yeah he's starting a new life he's gonna be the one on the left here charlie i think that's got the most fighting experience oh oh ace race what okay i like this is this is like the one we didn't want first oh well it's the old map ah wait was it always rainbow or is it no they added the rainbows in oh that's cute so first why do i feel like something ace race guys they switched it back to the old ace race map so you may have seen this before because maybe not sure if you saw what happened but something happened uh but yeah this time we've gone back to the first stage you might remember from like mcc right like that i think it came out anything's better than last time we all we all took a long time from like top 10 i was one of these people that just followed the crowd hopefully it's not good don't worry everyone knows this map uh your first time will probably suck it literally says that in the tips you've played this before lizzy yeah it was a long time ago yeah you got won't even finish three laps and it is my mission to kill them in one of the pvp videos also you know just just putting both of those out i think it's quicker to go right side for this actually you got yeah yeah i go around okay aha yeah that makes sense yeah cause you don't have to do all the jumps i still yeah [Music] okay so much concentration on this oh he's going steady well he doesn't win the race but it finishes the race oh no go to the left on this clip yeah wilbur fell oh no oh no no i fell it's all right oh no yeah all right a bit of a ropey start but we're back to it it's fine you're right behind me all right let's go let's let's make some places easy who's this in front of us illumina never heard of him just kidding he's really good at everything how about this he's corrected everything oh my god i keep on getting stuck on people oh we got a really good leap though [Music] all right top 10 at the moment let's do it come on jimmy yes jimmy see you later fellas what happened there how did you mess up that i don't know i'm happy you can shortcut this one can't i think so i've messed it up it's fine it's fine it's cool oh this has changed a bit i think i don't know i can't remember it's been so long since you played this one this is pain no [Music] oh i've also had my life ruined that's why i'll i will be back oh no i'm stuck in a lightroom mode oh no no i'm like right on the floor yeah that's from the trident that's so annoying it's like a little fish mode turns out my memorizing of the route did not go well it's okay this is still the first game anyways yeah yeah it's history oh that's a good point no scotland trust scott to do that he's gotten his ace three switches man ah bruh so low down nicer on this now trident mode so stupid this is something that's brutal because then you miss all your gems oh no okay i will not mess up the launch pad since next time and then i'll be chilling i didn't realize how badly you can mess those up of course techno's in first yeah of course this is his map i've laughed someone i'm sorry but they they said this is like there's newcomers so this is the easiest map the other one's brutal in comparison oh okay oh i screwed up yeah the one uh last time i didn't feel was too bad that's what we've run right yeah i mean apart from that bit no all right what my one pad didn't go off right let's not mess these up again please thank you very much but fantastic all right beautiful oh what's going on nice work perfect let's go all right we're actually we're making some some places up here what position you're in i'm 16 15 and 16. nice oh no i fell in the bushes right at the start oh i'm messing it up oh god now oh i just dropped so many places i was in seventh okay so i still can't 13th which that might be the the first like complete tina finishes that's true i don't know i think pink might be there pretty fast i realize there's like 40 players i just got a huge speed boost out of the water pipe yeah i got a pretty big one a second ago there's no way i'm letting gizzy gather finish before me no sure [Laughter] just i just won't let it happen i just you know i shouldn't say stuff like that really what i think it's almost like you don't want anyone to finish in front of you though yeah no but especially not again with cops and robbers beef from 2012. we're all together all three of us it's good whoa i flew i don't even know what i just did so close behind jimmy if i can get a good no i've played myself so hard oh i'm sorry guys 13 nice my last lap what ruined it for me i did 207 2017 220. not your nightmare oh no where abouts are you um you just anyway good yeah nice oh yes i just myself we messed up a little bit guys but we were doing really well and then we messed it up but we came 12 still i'm happy with that that's not bad out of 40. let's go the first team to finish uh pink and aqua have finished as well but we're the third unless no yeah we're the best that's what we're pretty good i'd say we're pretty up there maybe second or third place i'll be fed somebody just finished lap one man they've never done mcc before yeah i'm not sure they're going to finish where's lachlan vic you were hating on him oh oh wait who was that or laser beam sorry laser beam laser beam yeah he's having a bad time red rabbits 12th not bad not bad i i could have come like top 10 though that's the thing i could have come top ten if i didn't mess up that waterfall i got glitched out on someone i think it was scott oh i'm sad about that but oh well we did pretty well i wonder where everyone else came in the top ten [Laughter] but does he play normally he plays i mean i guess you can't sprint and fall at night right so it might make it nice he's cranking 90s on this course come on you can do it elliot i believe yeah don't think he's sprinting no i don't think he is i think he's just tell lucy i love her uh i will after the stream good job thank you thank you my best is watching techno stream we need to prove we are better jeremy's thank you still good job though thank you 12 his place is great yeah he's pretty good it's pretty good i was hoping for 10th but 12th is decent i'm happy with that and we're doing pretty we did pretty well as a team we all came like 13 14 or 12 13 for like 16 for something so we did pretty well to do like i'm excited about my own performance but it could always be worse where did you finish funny yeah not too bad i was in like 13th until the final jump he landed in the slow scene oh no i was in the seventh until that blooming waterfall like scott came along and glitched me out typical scott with his ace race glitches i don't i don't think i don't think he is going to make it i don't know is it yeah there's there's i think there's a few people wait laser might not make it either vic called this i think you caused this somehow no no no no you manifested i i know my friends and i know their abilities oh no someone's glitched in the wall i'm going to go look oh no she really is good finish look at all these be techno yeah vic's just l dancing on his own friends seven just such a well balanced squad here we have yeah yeah oh puffy you're like less than a second behind me there yeah [Music] we're in fourth currently and that is where i've seen all the predictions no yellow got zero points oh is that the xbox team i don't think anyone's finished come play mcc they said they said well at least they got that one out the way first it'd be pretty disappointing i need to go get one of my backpack things where are they oh yeah they're in the face but it's actually you can probably we're nearly there at the thousand bloody neck remember guys go donate it's for a good cause and we get to play twenty versus twenty dodgeball if you do it's like it's just five dollars whatever yeah it's it all makes a difference well rainbow shoes too you got rainbow shoes wait what is that there yeah you can get rainbow boots i'm gonna get myself get all dripped out very nice oh yes lovely oh i can't even find the wardrobe where is he playing now he's not playing oh heck no blade is though and he's first at the moment like usual if i can finish in the top 20 this entire event i'll be happy what is this staircase where did this go this wasn't here last time where am i hello from ireland hello island happy pride yeah it's all for a good cause if you do oh look at the view from here very cool wait can i just jump down oh people jump out jeez i didn't realize we jumped up like 25 000 between one game yeah it's pretty mental why 73 000 already blown me neck oh yeah yeah i'm not sure if that was a secret area does anyone want to like take the team captain role on the sky battle yeah uvic you did you just volunteered thanks i think you should yes um i mean besides you know actually having captain in my name i pass it over to vic all i know is last time we played this they were so aggressive but then again there are a lot of new people in here so they might not have i feel like really super aggressive we definitely go aggressive and we just try and get some easy parts the border moves in super fast i mean people usually play the high ground in this so they just bridge across immediately and just go to the top i think yeah i just get anything that can knock people off get high ground and just get towards the middle when we do it name a rainbow chicken jeremy oh if i can get one i will if you can name them mega chicken are we going to get thrown around look at all the new players just like sky battle like this they oh they want to get rid of build mart i'll point out the best people sitting in the middle decide you can't decide want to get rid of survival games so really oh because it is just random i think survival goes isn't it yeah [Music] um okay i'll try and make some calls but i've played this like four times in my life i've only played and also i would crack under the pressure okay someone said don't vote for the bag somebody should build straight don't chase though do you want to go for that one yeah i can do that it's good to get this you can start bridging if you want try and make like a safe path oh yes i could bridge i could never okay simple job you gave her the most dangerous job probably you're like yeah you could bridge over something if i fall then that's better than one of you guys falling so i'll take it so there's no explosive oh wait the best place to go is literally like cubbies in the crown oh really the top yeah up top because you have high ground okay how do i go next to the red concrete team and whoever those people are that sounds so rude i don't know we should go left that's funny in the crew we should go left we should try and get to this thing on the left bridge yeah yeah i'll bridge her up we're next to two passive teams yeah we want to watch topics oh and apple left yeah let's go left i'm going straight up okay yeah i can go up to that crowd yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah huh i didn't almost fall already everything's fine i'm just extending this out right you want to go a little left now there's no item framing this i mean i enough when you get a few blocks you can you can build over now and connect it oh the iron's in the balloon ah okay all right what do we have here all right i'm taking a bow um so i'm gonna hit me up wait wait yeah probably get him get him um there's boots for everybody is this oh yeah yeah yeah i'm going to make some gear there's the tree vic on the floor they're they're closing themselves off that's probably i made a difference um they're gonna we need to start going up to the middle of the things coming did you craft one yes i did let's go up um yes go up here and then go towards the middle i'll go oh it's sticky oh they're coming no not nikki how this is the last person i want to kill in the whole game are we gonna oh i got nikki [Music] he's always on three yeah they're both on two still trouble oh i'm dead behind three teams and one oh my god yeah there was like suddenly three there's years rounds there yeah we got we got a few kills i got three i don't know oh well she was on the right that was crazy oh well yeah i guess we should have gone up one of those towers though yeah i think maybe going to the middle might just be best if like because there was so many people yeah i suddenly had like three people like three teams next to me it felt like because it all connects on that ring yeah see how everyone else is doing very pink did you say we get three rounds of this yeah oh hi oh watch scott because he knows all this probably we should have gone towards orange team they just peacefully cheated yeah yeah because they're going for survivability techno is coming over today oh they might come into the oh i don't think it could work good job with the walls yeah pinker oh look at this orange and blue are about to have a bad time with each other techno's aggressive techno's just going into the middle he's going mental a chest somewhere aluminum is crazy what the heck is going on still alive i don't know he's just killed it so many people he's just killed the lobby wait where's orange oranges up here how many people left five he just jumped into three people that was that was brave mad wow wait who's left he's actually cracked at this he he like won the last one yeah oh that's some nice creepers oh my gosh tommy's panicking yeah understandably oh tackle's coming in tackle's mad what's he doing i think it's just happened left on the orange team right now but probably not died he's gonna die or not yeah okay we should actually go left we should absolutely go left who's over there oh it's the xbox team it's so bad is anyone else faster at bridging that wants to yeah i'll go for it i'll go for it i'm gonna go up again i'll just sort of you know i'll vibe let's make sure to get the stuff out the chest on our island yeah i got it um we could probably get actually pants for everybody maybe yeah i'm gonna grab this i'll not mess up this time all right oh gosh can i shoot one of them i've got iron pants for you here i got iron pants for you lizzy as well um we're trying to shoot these guys off yeah you should you should be able to i'm gonna get about here and got one here thank you oh wait there's table right there guys apple's on the other side of there okay okay let's go up oh let's go upstairs yeah go just go up go across go up and go across maybe be careful they're bowing though yeah stop bailing across you don't want to live in the same world okay let's just start building towards here middle here and we want to go in and go up i think ah that's not very safe i've missed that very well are we in okay so let's uh do you like this stuff oh okay so we're in the crown oh that's not the black i wanted so let's put some walls down this car i'm gonna i'm sorry i'm gonna cover this up so they don't come this way maybe if we have lots of blocks this way too oh i see so this is oh i nearly got someone there oh you didn't go you did oh who hit me something hit me well i've got us a nice little walkway to the middle someone's building up here uh martin's here okay and we can probably go for mine if we we should watch our backs too yeah the board is coming in we should probably go faster yeah yeah yeah yeah we're good from above we want a roof on the tunnel yeah probably not now uh [Music] i think we're a pretty good height here see anyone got a spare fishing rod uh no they're going to come in above us that's kind of scary who is i mean aluminum i hope they don't have creepers though what if i sacrifice myself i fly over there and i try and get some of them off so we can kind of just like creep in where we are we've got pretty strong we could drop i have t and g we could drop on them yeah if there's people down below i watch out jumping illumina he's in behind us just kill him just everyone go nice here another one so i don't even know yeah there is oh i fell down no that's the border at the border oh no oh instead and it just exploded how did you get creeper eggs they're in that tower they're in one of the chests um we want to go i think we want to go right here yeah be honest yeah all right i'll stop building okay then not going this way if someone won't stop building towards mid i'll get some armor made so i'll have some arrows in there i'm in the middle i've got my legs i'm legs here for somebody and legs yeah what's your iris coming over just run over as well should we go up no yeah let's go up that yeah so that's two towers we have they take this oh yeah i'll show you how do you want it vic you got it yes please uh there we go oh guys i got the creeper eggs hang on yes what's up let's see it's fine you're fine you should actually probably split the creeper eggs here you go in case one of us dies yeah oh you got that by the way all right just pull a latte let's see if we're in here oh hang on the s key's falling off oh no i know that's not very professional there's some people really up high on the left yeah you know i think what we want to do is we want to rotate around this let's go this way i reckon actually no they're running away they're running away we're good here we're good here let's secure this position again i'm going to start building that on the right of us down here yeah okay they might be building up soon let's build another 2y tunnel oh what's all that guarantee going i'll do this destroy oh yellow's pushing around yeah let's let's be ready to pop a walk up a wall nice all right pinka coming up to our right be careful of that okay i'm just making sure no one can jump over there kind of below us though what is below you once um [Music] oh they're over here someone has are they building up here wait do you want to fight these all right let's go i hit him with the potions he's quite low i hurt him a few times they're down there you can keep let's go back let's go back to our tunnel yeah oops is he joking arrows uh yeah grab that oh somebody just fell off whoa there's a hole oh this oh my gosh okay somebody was digging below us oh it was technical techno blade is he dead he's still there he's still there he's behind you below you still okay he's in the ball okay i put i don't know he's right below that was the last thing i expected yeah yeah i just thought joel i orange are just insane it's just topple just popping off he's gonna be number one yeah look at them they're just like staring at each other i don't know how you stay composed when the zones moving like that that was a lot of creepers [Music] gg i didn't realize how big the tnt explosion was there i was just chilling yeah i saw that that was unfortunate i can't let me techno just dug up because we killed the rest of his team so i would just completely forgot he was well nicky pig we're almost at the hundred thousand gold well i'm puffy thank you thank you yeah nice work so we're getting these out nice and early we're gonna go huge we're gonna win this whole thing on build mark i prefer the battle box of this because oh my gosh this the building up and terra like yeah okay very technical having to craft stuff as well as look around you in every direction all right let's see hello chat how's it going i just muted this for a second god yo your wife is beautiful thank you can you say hi to charlie huge videos reward unlocked oh did i get it i'm not sure if i got it oh no i've put it off i got it what was this one yes look at us woohoo we look pretty cool why it's like no one streaming because this is a pride event um and it is youtube sponsored and that means only people on youtube can stream it so that's why we're streaming it i'm streaming it but other people can't stream on twitch so it's only people who can stream on youtube and a lot of people have twitch contracts which means they can't stream on youtube because twitch are like you have to you can only stream on our site sort of thing houses last hmm you like my costume good good good can you say hi clancy hello i can't do that for everyone though because there's how many people i don't even want to look at the number it's probably a decent amount and i'm scared um if i look at that number then i think realize oh there's other people nearby survival games to be pretty up in the air [Music] i almost feel like actually we do okay in survival games yeah if we play it kind of safe and don't go too i think yeah i think honestly survivability is the best way and then just cleaning up at the end yeah i don't think it yeah matters too much i just think we want like build ma hole in the wall and maybe to get to the other side later on i think those are the key ones i'm happy they made it you could break leaves now in survival games because that was my demise last time i fell in the hole and couldn't get out oh no i think we actually killed you when you were stuck yeah you probably did i was running for my life it wasn't me it was tommy i swear where is she i'm in england yeah that was there no idea where you're going for guess where i am i was lizzie lizzie's good lizzy hasn't uh been streaming recently because she's been just focusing empire what was it i think everyone's going to try and get bill maher good one do you love the lgbtq plus jeremy's of course we're doing a whole pride mcc right now what is raising money we've raised 93 000 there's a group all of us together it's like a fan skin but it looks like an all white dream with a techno blade face and there's like a heart on the crotch and it just says how is that good tech knows where is it i don't where is this place wait i'm coming over i see it oh geez look at it that's crazy that's curse dunk bonanza oh we can all dunk each other so get ready to dunk who are we trying to go should we go probably next to us oh someone's duct tape i got a guy oh i know i didn't get to egg anything oh i've actually found my shot my chicken in here i didn't get a chicken i think it's an hour i didn't get a chicken either oh wait yeah i'm so confused i'm really voting off of like three chickens they get to decide now oh wow it's past 100 110 what i just went up like 20 000. yeah i blinked what happened oh my there's like four or five chickens in there vote tied what is it what is it gonna be [Music] ah okay all right wait someone didn't get dunked i mean okay i guess we just take like a platform each really the reason guys is youtube and you should probably just help somebody with build dollars if somebody needs extra in your app so that's why they're doing it on youtube maybe whatever looks like the biggest build two people work on that that works which two people are incompetent i'm one of them who wants to join me i'm colorblind so sure i mean okay okay so whatever looks like the most complicated building they used to not let me build things my other teams oh what did you have today just go collect things yeah and just go get resources for them i'm like this isn't fun but what if they were like blue terra carter and you're like what is that which one is that oh they wrapped the whole thing in a rainbow i see they did oh there's a ducky okay started no um we'll work on the darts yeah yeah yeah um joel you got the one on the left and let's see you've got the cage the simplest one guys maybe you can fly as well guys no the doctor is the most black oh yeah but there's a variety of blocks which one are you guys doing which way i could get the spruce and the oak when i get the acacia for whoever is the farthest yeah that'd be great yeah okay i'm gonna get the yellow concrete for the dark and i'll get to it you just jump in the vent thing in the middle and go up and then once you look up and once you're up then you go for the uh whatever you need oh this is different mm-hmm yeah okay yeah what i see a loot llama do i have to fly there oh yeah you jump up in there cool there you go where's ions in ours right there's like a jump pad on each platform as well too like go back okay i hope this is enough oh that's not dark okay i think i got all the wood we need three so you got all the wood including the one for my build yep okay thank you because i think it was just spruce and then oak your building where'd you go back in is it just in the middle um i believe so yeah there's a little portal where is it here actually i'm going to get uh i think it goes by color i needed more yellow concrete i didn't realize how much this needed i think if i can get you some i don't want to see the concrete you got something basically where is it yeah no wait that's not concrete oh my gosh is that oh it is i'm such an idiot i've never played this map before oh did we get stoned for the buttons vic uh not yet is anyone near stone at the moment all right i pray this is enough it should be um except this one i placed wrong wait what what is this bruce bruce okay good oh wait no i have more i came prepared okay the dock is ready it just needs its face so it needs a button i like to list that slab is higher and i need just a yeah a button i like that as i don't got buttons but i've got one in front of that oh the slab is the gold one loads of concrete has anyone got any concrete left over oh yeah sorry yeah anyone got any spruce oh oh yes yes i have both that's why i got uh do you leave it in the chest for me please yep yep i put all the wood in there thanks um what else do people need can someone look at my rainbow and tell me exactly the exact colors i need uh red orange yellow lime blue purple red orange i'm honestly probably gonna go in the meantime and get more of that because since it's pride you're probably gonna get a lot of those colors honestly i actually have some colors that i need if somebody's going to get concrete would you mind grabbing some for me yeah what color need pink pink yellow purple and red okay i can recite that later you need me does anyone have the light word like yeah i got it yeah okay there's a build in the middle that needs a decent bit of it can you yeah it's red orange yellow lime blue and purple blue and purple i'll do the birch bit while nobody's here um does anyone get iron as well you need more light blue or dark i can get iron i'll get iron is it light blue or dark mine lizzie i think it's dark blue yeah oops how much iron do you need uh enough for a bit of um fence railing whatever it is i'll be plenty yeah thank you whatever you need um it was red pink yellow and purple okay i just need to get purple i can get some purple i'm right there how much do you need is it buying bars if so here you go oh i've got loads there you go i made it wrong that's in the wrong place actually like this here here i got this that'd be a slab if you wanna if you're like you can park in the spruce and i can get it oh yeah oh sorry let's see there's purple here on the floor thanks coming in right now is there any more spruce to make but the spruce buttons yeah in this chest near my belt on this side there are some perfect thank you oh no oh sorry what's the light one birch we out of birch rubber um birch i have a little bit of hang on yes please that's amazing thank you um okay does somebody have a shirt for this i've got iron if you need it yes please she needs iron bars i i think that you've got the iron i think i gave them to you i didn't pick them up is that something oh i picked them back up left over um we do we have ten logs in the chestner lizzy okay cool i'll need that oh there's something wrong with this build what is it oh this isn't the wrong place is it sand or sandstone i presume it's sand that just looks like sand that's what it says is just sand and then it's just red and yellow which we have oh so much more rainbow does somebody have all the colors joel do you have spares um you have a decent bit of colors in the chest behind you i think thank you you're missing lime light and [Music] blue oh wait i have purple on me let me put that in the chest just in case you need it thanks tell me what's wrong with this like oh those buttons oh it's the wrong oh it's the wrong wheels are wrong it's not coal it's done right okay sorry where'd you even find blackstone is that that's probably nether another okay oops this is such a complicated one are you okay just messing it up lizzy do you need any more colors um oh i need a load of colors i need what do you need uh probably yellow uh lime red orange blue i need white as well and lime yeah i need all the i think we need a lot of the rainbow the pride rainbow colors oh actually i don't need oh no yeah i do need oh wait i don't need red oh could you if you're there could you get some of the light blue concrete please i've got something about this oh great there's some on the floor over here in the middle if you want to come grab it oh i didn't realize you've got light blue as well okay i have a bunch of concrete in my inventory right now if anybody needs it do you have any um [Music] yes can you oh lime green green [Music] oh yeah yeah there's plenty of people is that enough um so i don't have quartz or should i go get something uh this might might be enough you got any black blue jeans uh yes i'll get some alchemy that's perfect oh i need a bit more yellow here i got it i got it i've never been to a stressed building before it's supposed to be a relaxing experience oh the white is beautiful thank you does anyone need anything else uh lime green i put some in joel's chance i don't know if there'll be enough for you i'm gonna put a load of this you still need quartz for now oh no i got it um whatever this middle bead build needs we are gold block if anyone has one uh did you did you put the lime green somewhere joel oh it's there um i can get you a gold block let me see where it goes let's go yeah i'll go grab it guys we've got 45 seconds try and just finish the one yeah anyone got glass or coal i have coal uh coals in the back chest that chest oh yeah nice oh wait is that right oh vic what's wrong with this um it still needs these and those blocks those are so does anyone have any classes no see anything i need guys is the same thing oh there you go nice nice we came in first for this oh good nice okay well unless we finish yeah also there's a little bit bonus at the end for the ones that are unfinished but we did quite a lot so fast let's go nicely done nice nice pog champ chat pog champ i didn't realize you get like bonus yeah that's what i was trying to just get anything down okay yeah it's worth just placing them we take those that should put us up to like four thoughts but we're very close as well it's all really close yeah close four we're within 500 at first which is chilling not bad not bad such a shame this wasn't on like a three times multiplier yeah right but oh well i don't think people would ever let it get to the last game it happened like a couple of times it's so i think that like as an end game that was so anticlimactic so i said i should have said pride flags in the chat some rainbow flags or just rainbows just get those instead of pog win on twitch one youtube here we want the pride get those pride flags in yes i see interesting selection of teams at the top i wouldn't i wouldn't have guessed any of these teams to be here so yeah we were predicted right now i would have predicted pink yeah yeah yeah that's a really really strong team actually yeah yes all those pride flags we love to see it the rainbow's filling up the chat very very nice apples in first dang i'm somehow in fourth i don't know how that is i think it was from that uh my propeller sky battle wait how do you find out the individual places uh you could look on the right and it will say next to your event coins or you can walk into the hall of fame and it will do 10. well i'm 20th i'm i'm entirely hey i mean you're better than half of the competition fine i reckon we're going to boost up wow just behind turbo 60 coins some reason i think we can do really well at parkour tag just against a couple of teams it's going to be tricky but i feel like against a lot of them i think the rest you'll be fine especially since it's like who tags first now who wants to hunt like this team that's the thing we have to rotate it yeah we should decide like who wants to hunt what like i'm happy to hunt and yeah but like who do you want to hunt vic do you want to hunt techno do you want to take that no oh i see okay oh yeah sure why not i'll go for him first he's not if he's not hunting with you he'd probably be hunting yeah if you want to hunt laser then you can go for that if you're friends actually yeah that's that's for sure yeah muselk or um laser beam rock i mean um whoever's like the least confident can probably hunt like the lower teams that is think you can pretty much do it between like three of you because you get three goes each i think oh that's true yeah oh yeah we can we can do all the hunting unless you want to do something liz if you want to hunt yellow i'm not terrible at it to be honest i'm not amazing actually they did kill me in the sky battle so did they actually go yeah exactly right paint bucket what does this do paints the decision down in your team's color oh yes get it out vic get red what do i do do i just throw it i don't know does it paint the whole dome yeah oh yeah look at that beautiful so what do we want to aim for here maybe maybe survival games get it out the way yeah remember he's going to rotate the game will it rotate the games i can't remember if it still does that people are going for battle box what the hell no no what we thinking should be survival survival games yeah i'm keen to get that done because that's like a mad like oh it might be battle box all the chickens are leaving it went a bit early no the chickens have left oh it's going to be holding a hole in the wall that's fine i definitely did not forget to throw my chicken that was somebody else if you missed just like spam because sometimes you just hop over it though and then get cancelled on twitter for it you do well that's what happened last time no no it's because it's because he who's on the winning team yeah and also on scott's team but he didn't do anything on twitter he didn't do it no no no no no no literally literally no literally everyone does that but it's because he's baseball yeah everyone does it like everybody has known since like mcc when it first came out except for me apparently apart from this last week chat i hate hole in the wall i apologize if we are bad uh if i fall in the first ten i'm sorry but we're gonna try okay i'm gonna try my best i've done a little bit of practice but it's hard to practice that the silence is so loud we can make our own music all right spit some fire lindsey i've overestimated my abilities did you want to do the thing where i guess we call out the colors because there's also psych walls in this isn't there i'm not even in the game yet oh there we go finally like the last one did they make this platform less less big it goes in from the inside doesn't it oh that's right i don't know if they've changed certain things for this event though or true all right let's get it guys good luck good luck everyone [Music] yellow uh yeah blue slime it changes that's epic oh wow okay oh no it says lgbt and then it says nothing distracted trying to read the blocks directly the same wall or left or right as well purple yeah oh really again yeah i didn't know that i'm learning so much today there's going to be west stories yellow jug oh is somebody literally typing the words yas while playing this i don't understand their abilities meths is confident is a good player yellow again which one's the fight wall thank you oh i thought i lagged i'm like uh hello oh meth oh music no it's music you want to get a running start on this one then the middle same wall oh wow nice they're a little fast now oh the flashing is uh yeah yeah well guys inside your house disappearing yellow i've fallen oh i've fallen down oh i've fallen as well i got knocked off by the blooming wall it's bad come on guys it's all down to you all right we got a couple rounds of this which one what oh my god that was unfortunate this is getting really small now too yeah yeah i should have had that one the cycles really got me that time i don't know we got two more rounds we're warmed up into it now yeah shovel wins yes [Music] all right only 300 to first place i have a big one here all righty oh i hate this my least favorite game now this is gonna be all around we're gonna be we're gonna be over here we're warming up oh four in the top ten okay it was the cycles of all of us i don't know how to uh yeah i thought you meant you just fell on the first wall oh no and lucky i went down with the xbox crew purple you gave him company they just you know they look lonely [Laughter] green oh this one this was cute i love this one oh dear terrible oh i juggled this one what i said you know they really missed an opportunity they could have spelled out your name here joel yeah i know why didn't they unfair and vic they could have done vick's name yeah outrageous how could they not do that uh blue apple purple oh god oh that is nasty yellow yellow again hello again it's a jumper middle's going blue yeah green oh blue again shift this one purple i mean yellow yellow yeah yeah yeah hello again oh this platform is tiny purple yellow yellow again yellow again oh how did you do this shifty ship what around the edge no oh i hate that one how would you do this oh it's over here oh my gosh how did i get that that was i was on the wrong side for that one you got this vic go on vic yes same again yep same again um well yeah made all that yellow again nice nice fake well done we take those all right oh my god well yeah i could have fallen then oh my goodness i was just in the wrong place at the wrong time on my one i was on the plumbing side yeah um when it's so you can shift through it like one and a half block joel so if there's a gap there's one and a half blocks you can shift and walk through them yeah that wasn't the one that got me though it was the one where it was on the other side where it got me and again oh no legs blue i just realized the walls are different colors aren't they i know they're not they're all purple what am i um it's green it's early for a cycle hi purple a good tip is when a walls come through stand in the middle of where it exited and that gives you the most space to the next possible wall yeah green oh no blue blue blue blue see when the wall goes through make sure you're in you're at the middle of it once it's past you oh where is it yellow yellow there's two favorites uh blue on the edge middle cap blue again no oh i'm so bad did the thing lizzy you're muted by the way i also fell okay i hate those ones oh my god okay oh um they see yellow you can shift through the gap nice oh boy blue no i don't understand oh you're supposed to get through that oh orange are popping off in every game what the heck killing it look at that three in the top ten what the heck mad yeah that's a strong team oh look at cpk did really well too yeah all right let's see where we're at still five it's still so close though like we could yeah 800 between us and second now bad okay and now we've got the worst game out of the way as well so i'm happy all right i see the support in the chat i appreciate it thank you so much i appreciate your support doing amazing thank you stop with the rainbow no don't start with the rainbow down into 16th oh well top 20 still and now you guys get to vote on the next game so basically go to the mcc twitter and you can vote i'm not sure what they are let's have a look on the twitter shall we what is the next game we've got a little bit of a break now as you can see about five minutes or so um so we've got the choice of parkour tag survival games battle box or to get to the other side and whack a fan i say we go for parkour tag because i'm quite looking forward to that one all battle box let's i'm going to vote for part or tag but you can go as well let me i'll see if i can link the twitter oh it's gonna not be that link vote for whatever you want to see there's the link you can go to the twitter info if you have a twitter account go do it i'm going to go pee quickly so i'll be back in like 10 seconds probably not that quick but very quick get a drink i'm not gonna fill it with urine although it will look like it's yellow eat squash okay it's not i went to p but that's not p that's pete i don't think it's pete squash okay i mean you're in oh it's on the mct twitter if you want to vote we got about four minutes left so if anyone's got any questions try and ask them now uh let's have a look we unlocked anything else youtube twitter vote yeah you do you need to vote on twitter unfortunately so if you have a twitter account you can't do it yeah happy early birthday joel thank you yes my birthday's in day's time earning 28. oh that's something everyone vote to get the other side what is it at the moment i've not actually looked what is it currently on we're going to be playing most likely to get to the other side and whack a fan it looks like all right so i'm fine with that well i don't mind that one that's quite fun um you have a po box we do not no sorry what are you going to play to get to the other side so it's basically you have to bridge across and stuff our merry buddy good mary's as mental as ever buddy is as chilled out as ever what is your favorite series i'm really liking empires at the moment obviously x life was a really fun series honestly they're i look at them all differently because they're all like you know different types of series etc so yeah i really enjoyed recording third life as well that was a lot of fun where's the tweet is on the mcc twitter page uh i don't know where you can find that you have to search mcc on twitter it should come up watch wait what's your skin i've got a rainbow hat on but that's part of mcc but we've got these red rabbits you can actually see my ears right now they're sort of sticking out from under my hat there i love your videos thank you lucky joel you and lizzy like parents to me oh that's funny you're my favorite youtuber and make my day oh thank you for the nice comment least voted wins oh is it the least voted that wins ooh what is the least voted there let's have a look at the moment it's survival games but i refreshed have a look uh yes it looks like it might be survival games at the moment which is not a fan of that one to be honest did you enjoy one life i enjoyed the first season a lot the second season not so much how was your empire i just built my house all right i might be up tomorrow i'm going to try and get the video up tomorrow uh it took me a long time to build the house it's a lot of materials and it's quite a big house right scott made a video today saying his house is the biggest on the server not sure about that scott mine's pretty big i built a massive house and uh it's very very cool it's one of my favorite houses i've built to be honest can you summon lizzy uh lizzy is not stream ready at the moment as she says she's just chilling in uh the pajamas basically are you becoming a gardener too no that's just lizzy who's becoming a gardener i'll leave the gardening to lizzie how are you i'm good how do you feel about chickens now still hate them in minecraft minecraft chickens only i really like real life chickens i think they're great but minecraft chickens the worst the empire's bills are so good thank you what's your favorite game besides minecraft good question probably counter-strike but i don't really have one to be honest at the moment i'm barely playing anything i'm playing chess and that's it that's the only thing i play at the moment vanilla are modded i prefer vanilla now to be honest oh we're starting again 10 seconds we're going to be in that dome what's it going to be i didn't actually look at the pole recently the one at least with or it's parkour tag at the moment maybe it's the least votes yeah it's one of the least folks wins it's what it is and you do it or you don't do it and here are all the fans i swear i just saw grian in there puppy puppy's gone oh no down a teammate oh no oh i don't puppy that's too puffy there's this girl on parkour time maximum points can't tag someone that's not in the game question mark i've actually played this well before it's quite a bit bigger she lagged out or something i don't know i feel like she would be speaking if she hadn't so yeah oh hopefully i will ask for a pause if she's not back a puffy party a puffy pants oh hello oh hey oh hello oh my god obviously yeah i got a notification on the app being like your your router is updating i'm like huh oh she said are you all good or do you need a bit i like close to anyway no it should we should we should be good is everyone on your team ready this one by like point two percent oh wow right let's see who we get against first to decide who he is who goes for it yes sir where do you even start on this didn't see over there um i'd recommend like kind of staying up top is is the key pretty much once you fall down it's so easy to cut you off you'll get an enderpearl you can use that and you can see where the person who's huntering is oh what do you mean oh no this this team shouldn't be too too bad honestly you want to go i'll go oh and listen unless they make whispers [Music] he's coming up behind you puffy yeah yeah i see him yeah he's okay you look around this way and i'll loop back around he are he's still chasing you if you just rotate around by me probably the call got turbo nice he's down yeah it's down low below you not giving him another kill the woman feeling good clips what's before you none of you died yet not my puffy i think the squirrel is that it's about me by me but okay you can all survive is he four seconds good job though good job we take that we take those we finished pretty good that's that's our point we take those very nice we earned those oh i think who's this technology what's going on it's technology i don't feel confident about this oh i'm gonna go the opposite way from you guys oh gosh no oh my god he dropped out of me he's coming up oh he's next to me i don't even see him [Music] that's fine that was like probably the hardest team they can still tag people you got it 25 seconds still so you're in a different arena yeah yeah points for the faster you get them yeah yeah yeah it didn't used to be like that actually they just changed again brutal all right pepper is purple pandas i'm probably gonna make mess the hunter oh who's going in do you want to go this one we'll just keep going if you want to go yeah let's just rotate it where's the best way to go because i got lost last time high ground playground yeah i like going right but we should make sure we don't go the same way all right they're coming through the mid going towards you joel what miles away from me then he's behind juvic yeah it's not good it's not good for me good for me always speedy oh i thought around the corner though wait who is that meths oh king burn okay stuck we've had some hard teams early on though and who you are just one one one he's above you in the middle ten seconds [Music] oh this is that was tricky yeah this is tough on there hiding orange yes oh my gosh another hard team what the heck we're getting out of the way early i can go if no one wants to if we don't keep rotating they're gonna probably put kaplan eh no they put martin okay all right i'm gonna prove because tapple's a better runner me see be careful that we're all going the same way he's coming to me oh my gosh i'm doing terrible i don't know this map at all i just don't know why would we were you really close to me yeah that's us we shouldn't go the same way because if he just gets you then he'll get everyone else yeah i definitely want to break up ballin it's like cutting you off almost it's coming up a ladder he's below you by the ladder below you oh my god i didn't realize there was a ladder on the outside too oh i'm going to smoke out my roots yeah tackle's a good runner i got in there oh man yeah tapple tappa will usually uh choose a runner if you can i'm terrible at running who's aqua oh how do you how can they have that many points what i know wow because they want every single one within seconds yes i guess yeah wait aqua yeah aquas is probably because of luminous cracks wow on on chase we got this i'll go left then actually uh she's going to the right yeah so just start rotating around oh she's right out in that corner oh no oh i don't know where she is and i'm totally lost she's uh come around no no you're coming up oh i didn't realize this is coming around this way if you want to leap around alternate yeah oh i can spectate joel oh nice all right she's up behind you at the moment she's the low ground behind you gosh who is that that's getting away from you know that quick is it nikki she technique god the ladders are brutal in this oh well we were in the room i've survived yeah yeah pretty much if you fall down it's uh you're done for almost like all right we got breath can i wait can i hunt go for it yay acromister done not very well that last round because they just yeah like 50 points all right i've never been on the hunter side before oh this is gonna be yeah i think we're fine all right go get them lizzy go get them i'd love to where are they at the moment oh my god the ladder jesus um she's the opposite yeah opposite corner just if we keep up distance i think oh my god i haven't got a single one i'm so bad you got this you can do it you can do it yeah try cutting them off you're fine we're still up so if you any that you get as a bonus okay you guys just got to stay up yeah i got one nice i've taken out the leader i've taken out some more got some more i think nice nice nice lizzy let's go oh okay um joel do you want to go for this one or perfect i've been already you can go i've done two all right all right this is this is a big round for us actually that's how they will have got so many points right because on these rounds they'll have survived are we gonna pause wilbur's building is on fire what what fire alarm ah damn through the arms he's dealt with enough arson on the dream actually come on we'll resume in three minutes stuck in a box for three minutes yeah unfortunately we get a nice little run around oh we got what is this music no god no turn that off there's a door back here 140 000 [Music] you're right there lizzy is this your corn are you crying in the corner yeah i'm crying in the corner just practicing my parkour elite once you fall if you fall down you're just like it's so hard to get back up that's fine yeah you have to just run to the nearest ladder and go back up but yeah it's always pain eat it eat it the best way to go is i feel like just making safe jumps around the top and usually the sequel try and shortcut or like cut a corner to get to you and that if they fall down then you've got all the time you need [Laughter] i'm calling it this round they're all getting caught within 30 seconds that's a lot of wagon con puffy that's that's on you now if that doesn't happen no pressure but all the pressure at the same time they've ruined my hype i was all ready and then they make me sit in a box yeah look it's literally like one second no i'm pausing 130 and if that's where wilbur is back on up a lot of people are trapped in these hunter boxes seconds favorites to toppings you say happy birthday catalina it's my tomorrow yeah happy birthday for tomorrow pineapple's good though so that's why and you're not allowed to stream on youtube unless uh if you have it in your twitch contract that you can't basically oh my god uber slander is permitted no it's not where that's been fantastic for my my my jumping i'm gonna break my spacebar so warmed up it's been jumping constantly haven't stopped jumping watching you guys have fun yeah it looks miserable in here in the fresh air yeah such a lovely view over this ledge here which you wouldn't be able to see damn it why couldn't wilbur be afk once yeah what the heck oh yeah what team is he on he's on he's on um that's a good question i'm trying to see now with that but i my brain doesn't work so good why can't i find something i guess it disappears he's painting his panties pink he's pink okay a team ahead of us have we heard that's kind of bad that like what a time for the fire alarm to go off all right turn on and off back in seven seconds all right let's get it right we're all surviving this let's just we'll just spice out and stick to the top mike not mike oh god okay all right he is going to he's fallen down already just hold high ground he's going underneath you lizzy but he's he's low ground so we're fine for now okay he's coming he's crossing to your side joel you might want to rotate away nice what is he's climbing up where is he now he's low ground below you joel if you just go up you'll be fine yeah i'm going this way he's underneath me right now he's stuck on the floor lizzy you might want to rotate to the opposite side low ground can he get up coming up in that corner yeah okay maybe just just yeah just stay there stay there he's like logan beneath we need to stay up here has anyone got vision to see where he is oh he's underneath joel he's underneath oh no you start you go golfing you got that ladder you'll be fine he hasn't crossed you yet he's he's low ground underneath you so if you keep rotating around toward us you'll be fine he's pretty low all right he's still down the floor all right second one good job [Laughter] how did ping survive the entire round of wilbur's nuts what the heck uh who wants to go by the way who wants to go should i go do you want to go yeah yeah i want to save mine for elliot oh yeah all right here we go right guy rocky all right oh geez he's coming for me he's coming right for me i'm coming towards you guys he's uh bottom mid is coming out oh he's he's trying to hit you i have made an error he's following he's still going for you i finessed him i'm actually fully finessed no girl what he was on the floor can you get up here oh jesus is coming for your puppy i think i literally said i fully finessed him because yeah i let you guys hit a second later oh come on he's still on your yeah i know he's gonna probably cut me off oh i turned into oh my god ah can you get me up here not for a little bit you can't i think he does yeah i'm gonna be able to get a luminaire lizzy that's fine we basically tied against like the top team there so that's good he should not have left me for left if he'd come for me first i would have just panicked and run into a wall all right all right this is yours watch me watch you know what everything i've said i'm gonna do they're running they're putting cpk probably cpk yeah definitely everything he knows all right everything i've said i've done i haven't done it he said you're never going to catch bring it vic oh okay which way is he coming oh he's down to the right i think he's below he's had a he's coming behind you lizzy run oh i fall and i fall in it's bad oh it's really bad i'm sorry there you're good you're good i don't like that worst act though no i'm not happy with this i'm not about what they're so slow oh how's it going vic i got two i got i got landed in elliott's on my house and it's so special i was a delay nice nice all right so if it's not 900 points off first it's not terrible okay we still got more games i wonder if wilder's back here next reward we get the unicorns in the lobby oh wow i thought the goal was a hundred thousand running away on that one i feel like it was but i guess they have like things that go past that incentives oh i think youtube's donating a hundred thousand too yeah oh wow that's great you say it we didn't do bad we're only 500 points from the top right behind you joel right behind you i kept getting caught first in that all right so we're we're 1200 away from uh that's not far a lot of fun not bad i almost i partly wants it to be survival games and part of me doesn't want it to be survival games oh wait by the end well we play it right with your ability we could do really well that's where all the points it's all like in case if you come across a team that's just going to come yeah i got my rainbow i definitely think like we we just get to the edge of the map we get like strong what are the top teams um well i mean they're pvp teams really so no orange isn't really besides yeah i guess the rest of them are builders yeah true it's just it's just how hard can techno and castle yeah it's good they've got two pretty good players because the rest of the teams aren't really pvpers yeah mine's in far for the moment don't mind i'm chilling in 12. i'm i'm trying to trying to be top 10. yeah back down i'm down to 19 from 11th after the last two games but we'll hopefully get some team games now i think most of the ones left at team games right i can't think of it yeah to get to the other side kind of not wilbus how are we at to get to the other side i almost want to get to the other side to be the last one just i think it'd be hilarious that one's pretty easy especially if you have somebody that you're good at bridging do you i just did all the people's bridges i just i just wait no you know but chapel is going to be cracked because he could speed bridge i don't know what to do when fruit berries isn't here now so like that's who i normally just like wears fruit i'll follow through every time even if it's not my team i'll just but i find him and then i follow him because he's so quick and bridget i guess we always just fall with apple yeah tap our techno probably pretty good at it although he'll illuminate probably aluminum is probably the best one he's very quick at bridges these modern minecrafters with their speed bridging so one of them is techno one of us follows guaranteed placement yeah i don't know what we want last year probably not battle box it's the only one i think we can actually do fairly good at yeah if i if i had to guess because there's swords as well battlebox or even if you're not confident with that uh the people are gonna rush though they're gonna go for the wall over okay that's not new especially these teams yeah the timer is paused why are we pausing i think because wilbur's nearly back in the building oh we're getting a replacement for wilbur wow eric is wilbur still dead nice where were safeties on the phone no no no [Laughter] why was wait is dream on it where why would stream on the test server uh he's just practicing he always is he was a flex on him he was he was just did you not see him in the little coffee shop yeah i don't know watch them get the most op replacement yeah turns up all of a sudden he is just here krinia said he will play he's also really good yo guys i got you okay my fire alarm is going on oh no i'll speak to pizza and see if he will join you guys i think my fire alarm is also going off i'm not in my room don't worry i'll message the stream we'll just yo this is crazy did you know you can get really high up in the decision dome i'm literally behind you oh yeah they didn't stand here yeah these guys aren't back i was did you get probably i don't know i don't know i don't remember i just was just wandering and just started jumping on things that's a stack guys right yeah the top i'm making my way there four team yellow they're debating to replace with either dreamer phil's that there's no way what there is no way dream how many pints of yellow guy i can actually see on my leaderboard my ui is too big not not many let's have a look 500 for how many 1200 um they might bring some records though far the lowest score ever which this is a positive from being with having 1200 points although i'm not sure if that is the i don't know what is lowest oh they've got phil apparently yeah he's in their discord yeah they do oh boy good but fills her it's also very very good i'm going to remember that for next mcc sorry my building's on fire you're having a bad time uh let's see luckily rockets believe snow in it though so phil can't pop off too too much although there is a terrorist sweep force map i can't see he comes in just for that one map he leaves comes back this is the setup watch what's like what's going on nice by like 10 points or something now that's the team that comes third just just feels uh i mean that's the worst building has a fighter come on in a second so that's what's happening do you think wilbur's points will get transferred to who's it filzer no i don't think they're gonna do all that there is all right is that the first ever five-person team in mcc i don't think there's ever been someone who's been replacing the event before no oh look how close we are to the unicorns three thousand dollars if they win does wilbur count it as a win who gets who gets the coin where how does this oh that's true though there are only five special kinds they got half each that's what they're scott tells you you know scott's getting a coin and he lives right next to us so we could go burglar if we wanted to yeah we could have the coin if we really wanted to commit a crime i'll do battle boxes to get to the other side over survival yeah i think out of box maybe battle box i mean it looks like it's going to be big parrots par phil just got here they already threw this box just dunked him joey's killing all the chickens in battle box joey no survival games joey oh megatron nice where's the mega in battle box wait don't kill the mega chicken hey oh wait can he do that yeah leave him alone my guy tried to kill the mega chicken oh dear that should be bannable oh that's funny okay honestly i think that strat is is drop down in rush yeah do you think and then we we pre-protect lizzie yeah you guys maybe drop down drop down lizzy goes to place there's a hole in the middle you just drop down the rainbows yeah i think maybe we yeah let lizzy go for the wall and we just when they rush defend no we we both spam them and we we three shot them good idea that's what i'm thinking we'll see what happens it might change if i would have somebody drop down with her though yeah yeah because they'll hit me can they hit me off something is it above no there's no lava in this one it's just uh if you can distract them visually i can be under them in in around their oh you think we should uh yeah i would just go run speed run the wall because they're going to want to go for kills do the same strat where they like they like lawn mower it have you seen are we all russian yeah i mean and then you just like share and place share in place and just like mow forward and the sims of one game's doing that yeah it's because people want to see who we go against i think if we were against like people like yellow well this one's easy to drop down because there's literally a hole yeah who's aqua this is aluminum well we've got three creepers eight arrows speed potion and six cobwebs so maybe um who wants to go down like i'll go to cobwebs i'll come down with lizzy then maybe i'm trying to okay yeah i mean all right let's see lizzy if you get low health just found the creepers down okay all right so i'm going going down the hall it went down oh i'm dead already hold me oh no no oh i didn't get the creepers down he's low oh they're going to do the wolf watch out i told you we're going to yeah we're going to we're going to have to rush that's what i'm saying yeah the potion is really easy to get to the harmful potion and they just dropped it on this because there's there's like a hole to go down yeah i think rushing is distraught [Music] should we all go for the wall like that then because i was saying quite a bit let's see what team we get next okay i'll i'll i'll go for that i see the harming potion i'll go for it um i think we have a little bit more stretch for that um do you want to use this key to go and get the harming potion yeah yeah i'll get it go i would i would have you to honestly drop down with like do we even use the bow like i don't know i feel like i think i think get down there [Music] i'll break lizzie you please oh well watch out oh no i'm dead already your rum is low some of the world's gonna take some oil pay some will [Music] yeah the rushing is distracting wilbur's back now yeah so what are they doing out now wait is wilbur joined oh after this game um oh he's gonna play out battle box yeah that's the strat i'm gonna rush and get the the pot and you guys go down with her and fight okay how are people still fighting what's going on i don't know it's long games [Music] all right see we get next if we are getting someone like yellow we should try go for kills though and try and kill that okay let's yeah let's go this should be an easy win this team oh yeah yeah callum's good at this cpk is good so i feel like we do the rush get your creeper eggs lizzy yeah do a crush do you like rush i didn't forget to use the creeper because i just die instantly i'm so focused on my wall job you know we should make sure we kill these guys let's not complete the wall yeah but oh no oh yeah the creepers oh no rick it was late yeah it's because uh it's because cpk was the same side as me i feel like if they're good at pvp that's just good well i knew [Laughter] three or five seconds after i died [Laughter] oh lime army feels like maybe we should just we should just try and just all use bows and like yeah maybe like yeah it's like i'm getting killed instantly where i'm just getting when we go in the creepers are too much of it uh too much explosions you don't forget the creepers again oh okay you want me i'm gonna see the girls the warming part yeah you go for the hard part we'll we'll just go both i think we should get down there though so that we're closer tommy's tag whispers oh my gosh i've got a creeper watch out oh my god now he's got 11 hearts oh you've got creepers behind him watch out they're going for him [Applause] i don't think he knew that the creepers were behind him either [Music] i'm happy for jerry but sad that we lost okay yellow we should definitely try and fight these guys lizzie i'll take the creepers if you want to take the uh cobwebs oh yeah that would be good okay if they're gonna try and rush i say we go into the center because they might yeah yeah yeah he might not know well you never know i don't know how good they are if they played like 1.9 or whatever i think it'll be fine i'll slowly do the wool let's see what they do i think this guy hit him with swords we should be fine go back out one boat we got them three months oh i'm low i'm low i'm coming around hold up stay there i'll tank i'll wait last yeah yeah liz if you wanna do [Music] victory [Laughter] considering how long we've all played minecraft we should be celebrating too much yeah we should not celebrate this we've achieved nothing oh dear are there uh arrows like hearts i saw one in a wall it kind of like a cupid arrow yeah yeah yeah i think so actually yeah they've got like red to scott's gonna tell them to do the the brush yeah i think they're gonna go around the middle okay all right so let's get swords out and just go in oh yeah we didn't get another other yeah i might go for the harming potion on the right i have that [Music] okay i'm not actually rushing uh interesting i'm whipping literally one sword here each unfortunate ah i expect them to rush and then they didn't know that no they didn't it was like the most passive team actually yeah that was actually quite exposed yeah the arrows are really powerful oh god pink good okay i don't know if you want to just rush this or whatever i can try and place the wall i don't think i don't know if it's doable i think that it's too open to actually get the wall down think we're going to have something especially somebody that has good aim which i think we should just yeah i think we should just try and kill them with bows do we go up above yeah stay off i follow it okay i got the potion i was just rinsing me i attack techno yeah i don't they're going to push technology yeah i'm an idiot behind you as well by the way [Music] oh he's oh headbutted me unlucky no feels bad one heart is half a heart right one half yeah yeah yeah yeah he was low actually i'm not sure because i got someone to zero hearts earlier for some reason they didn't die said zero above their head okay it's the crew all right let's try and kill this could be it could be i don't know yeah to go to the middle and just see i don't think it's like yeah i did like one of the potions i'm gonna go and just watch that window in the middle i'm just gonna do my own thing live your best life oh i will did that not even hit any of them i'm just gonna do some in the world because none of them are doing anything [Music] nice okay one more team who got left is it aqua is that if we unplayed i know orange right orange i think is the only one we haven't played green i've done this slime is just slime they're going to jump up these we almost won against them too yeah it was really close all right i haven't used these creepers at once you know who's orange i know right they're hard to use yeah i don't want to just put them down yeah you don't want to i kept putting them down and then somebody one of our careful for [Applause] all right where is he's on the left now if he's gonna go for the potion with me these arrows he's he's she's coming left side tap is closed oh i'm out of arrows i think we need to get tag table i'm really i'm super low cheese taco's low [Music] elastic come on behind you they might be on the other side yeah they're coming hp where is he martin's well martin's low yeah yeah they're all there they're both nice do you read in this i thought you don't read it you do slightly i did hearts earlier man was at like 12 all my yeah he definitely had like 11 when he was coming after you guys oh you definitely reach out oh i guess if it was at the start that he was five then that's a while i'm lying i should have pushed him when he was so low i went 9-0 oh my gosh whispertober and tommy all in the top five mad wow that was a really good team yeah they were really good for pvp techno played l tech played out go we can actually still come back in a second to see what games it is yeah all right and what we and we're in six so win survival games that's that's that's it that's the one yeah no pressure yeah we're quite a few a few points behind now with those bonuses holy moly pinking first expected not shocked i could believe that yes yes leave phil that's actually good we didn't get to get to the other side and you could i think you can actually do really well in that as the last no no no we can't i'm saying but it's a good thing phil's smacking out now before yeah yeah oh my gosh there's so many unicorns where are the unicorns they're down at the bottom you'll see people riding around on them troubles on one here yeah there's only a few of them i'm pretty sure oh they're like spawned in oh i thought it was a prize that was available no it's unicorns riding around [Music] why is there no more unicorns i know cpk's hogging this unicorn i'm looking around you should walk it off that's mean i have a unicorn nice let's go did you get a give me the unicorn okay i'm gonna like puffy you want to have a go sure there you go where'd it go wait i found where you're going all right give me i'm writing a thread on that person who puffy where are you uh i'm near like the pool i don't know where that is oh i see you ready go why can't i have nice things wow knocks your nose they're like oh they're trying to give puffy a chance and it's like no we'll take the whole unicorn away they're listening in our conversations i think you could keep the unicorn for the mini game that'd be nice especially around here you imagine an entire team of unicorns tackles already on three thousand coins two games left mental that's a lot yeah that do be a lot yellow yaks have got a special item every round that's the bonus of being in last place you get a special item is that really the bonus yeah that's the only bonus to be honest what do we think i think against the other side maybe yeah it's only two left right because you can get way more points i think as a team on survival games so if like we're ever gonna have hail mary we'll be on it three times to get to the other side yeah yeah he's on the way yellow's on the no it's going the wrong way hey oh can you imagine if that was like the decider [Music] suicide all right hello everybody in the chat sorry i've been ignoring you a bit oh we're starting with her but we are doing okay and here's the time where we build up the points because this is where the bonuses oh this again i don't know if i've ever made it to the end of this one i'm not going to like you will this believe this is the first time it's done at once so it's easier okay how do they cross that chicken punch a live fan yeah phil's not in this one there's we have to worry too much allen practiced this so much so i wouldn't be surprised if he finishes first he better now after all that practicing yeah embarrassing if he didn't last time he landed and then he forgot to whack anything so he finished yeah free make sure you you punch somebody yeah yeah oh no i thought that was totally me last time i can't lie oh i feel so bad for like the new people gonna have to try and attempt this one um will i know where to go is it obvious forward just forward and a voice yeah and then you could also follow people okay yeah that's good apparently they can't transfer phil's his coins to wilbur so he just lost that sucks oh what but the team's got the points yeah my team's got the points okay oh yeah oh oh no we'll be having flashbacks [Music] you can't see anything man yeah well i can see it's inside techno's oh my god i forgot the noises are so unnecessary so when people hit something it makes that noise yeah yeah if they use their land they explode like that oh gosh are there checkpoints no no i don't believe so oh no how are people flying so much faster than me what yeah i know the same probably looking down they're building up speed [Music] all right i finished same 9th 15th oh my gosh that was 15th how many people oh all right 19 hello nice lots of people finish that question where's the end i don't understand how they play that people to follow just follow just go straight forward we through the rocks yeah i'm trying you got this oh i see you oh no you got it you're going around you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you can go under that you you go yeah rainbow bit oh no go up up blind all the way into the box oh my goodness we take that first place who got the team bonus wow got team bonus in first 12 holy moly wow that bonus is huge what's the bonus for about the time the entire team finishes first wow all right all right yeah i can't eat them oh my god oh my gosh i can't see anything yes somebody hit me across it's fantastic oh no don't need that oh no the fact that we're all using one bridge no someone i gotta finish no okay that wasn't fantastic that was the first team to finish somebody on orange just built all the way up to block my way and then punched me off i wasn't happy about it like there was no knees man he saw that lizzy what i punched him closer what am i doing nice did martin day but i respected him wait did you punch him i don't even know why i don't know no it's great it's great that's good i like that but it just put me over me upstairs so this one what's the root on this one you go up and then you go right i've never played this one before protect me from martin this one's breaking the world off some arrows and shoot where'd you go oh you after you go get up the ladder wait what wait no me and vic just did the same thing yeah yeah why was that such a scar like why why did those bushes have to be not good wait where'd you go the hell was that oh i'm an idiot i fell down i thought there was a hole am i going up i can't tell any there's so much stuff in my screen what is happening oh i just got heated like what someone just worked the fan in front of me before how did they do that oh my gosh i would have been nice i don't think i'm going to make it i think that's never mind where are you you got 40 seconds you'll be fine you go up go oh i hit that before you've got time to go through the middle can you just park all through this yeah you can make this nice i would like nikki i finished though oh my god all the people still going up the ladder oh oh they don't know where to go sad oh my gosh those arrows are brutal as well it's a very confusing game if you've never observed yeah yeah yeah yellow and green who's that there's definitely an advantage to having done it before oh yeah definitely have you have you done this map before or is this map new uh apparently it's funny i know i i've done it the last time but even still tricky all right oh i hate this one what's this is this oh yes jump down jump down right pretty yeah all right wait to be knocked off inside i'm just going to stand back a little bit wait for somebody else to how you could hear the person spamming oh i missed it stop hitting you oh my god jerome hit me off oh no guys guys what no no i'm talking to talk about everyone on this platform hitting each other i'm like guys let's be friends oh someone just hit me and knocked me perfectly but you idiot i hate you oh my gosh you just knocked me off right at the end i made it okay don't hit my wife jerome wait i finished work i finished wait no one's finished wow i fell dude what the hell i'm not having a good no just clutched yo yes 12 i caught myself in a foreign block everyone ended up on one platform we just had a mosh pit oh my gosh twenty first i'm out what the hell does it go whoa huge way fast i've been improving that was horrible as if you got first perfect what the heck that took so long i thought no i thought i was gonna screw up too because i completely fell you got first way before anyone else as well like seven number of people fell off before the second was gone did i hit you or i don't know somebody started pushing on the platform i was on so i just started throwing around started throwing punches i didn't even care who it was and i'm i was worried about it in you get get the live action replay oh no oh this oh this house this hall of her walkway yeah sometimes people pushed you forward though it has happened okay unlocking people spamming i can't see anything oh i got pushed oh my god i can't even see where to jump oh no did not mean to hit in the back then who's behind me spamming me no scott you're toxic scott is very toxic okay i finished this i'm very familiar with this oh wow nice work oh this is paying for me because i got knocked off early it means there was no one there when i was going it felt like yeah i don't know you let's go waiting would have been the way for me i could hit laser beam off-bottom i will i will oh my i'm not going to finish this oh i could hit dizzy don't i don't know how i feel about that yeah do it and watch it do it just do it let's do it do it again yes don't just go just go let's go you can make it i'm going to follow on this one actually no i'm not i'm going to start my own i'm gonna get every single door okay remember the lights now it shows that like if you got the right door of course oh my gosh of course it's all the way over here no why is everyone so toxic i mean i'm doing it too but still what are you doing punching people off the ladder get out of here techno blade how do you get him first i think he knew no i'm at the end nice nice all right seventh i think lizzy got like six i got five no you got fours yeah okay okay okay first team guys let's go where are we approaching oh yeah put us into fourth now very nice oh i only got 17. who wasn't second before uh it's aqua okay so that that's that's good because they're not even on the top five pink was already first and no there's one more okay i bet it's the ice one right last one's uh oh i meant in this oh i thought you could get to the other side which i think that was the last one right oh it is yeah yeah six of six yeah i just called up right dolls almost a single time it was um my lucky day i guess if we play survival games right we can get the we could make it the top two yeah we literally we need to win oh almost beat techno nearly 30 points nice nicely done oh nice exactly the same as mine oh yeah we could get we could get fast if we do well oh my goodness top four is just crazy close i think the top people who came top five in that game with the top five at the moment though almost let's see okay yeah i don't know if it's possible but we are we give our best shot 3 000 points away pretty much and that's if they get zero points so yeah um now we got this we need to like win with kills well if we clean up after you see people in battles and that's easy kills i think we should just run as a team to the edge get like decently and then just try and either fight teams that are missing players or teams with worse gear be really close between like i don't know what yeah the top three yeah it's gonna be this game could make or break whatever it is like yeah yeah orange could be in the final if any of those teams die out first really it's actually you know it's really stressful if you're one of those four teams in the top 17 to 19k everything comes down to this and then the team like us could just come through and ruin it oh no let's target who do we want in the final maybe alright sure who's not being in the finals uh probably jerome right joey i don't think has so i quite like it if lime beat him that'd be cool i think we just we just we just go for who we can go for yeah obviously i don't know if it was actually possible like right let's go find purple i'm just saying if i see laser beam i'm gone [Music] you got this guys we haven't got this ah the rainbow hat and then nice hi joel hi lydian there's no one there's like no one talking yeah it's just chill at the moment in between games guys oh it's the hayden go donate mcc dot live pride now just five dollars or anything like that if you can spare five dollars it's a girl for a good cause it's for charity and we get to play 20. if it happens and that'd be very chaotic repellent is the best one yeah the propeller hat is the one i quite like the the unicorn's pretty cool to be there no it's horrible it's hideous look at you from the side let's get that 20 v20 dodgeball i want to see that madness yes how does that work what it's just it's just everyone's interested does that mean for the final for the fight i think that's an extra i don't think that's for the yeah i think it's just for fun on the end survival games to finish it off [Music] mental the thing is if pink did badly here as well pink could get knocked off the top oh easily wait oh oh see any game left i would i thought we i thought we got dunked they said the uh they made the loot at the edge of the map better so you can just run away then what's the plan then run away get good loot at the edge well actually so it's smart actually runs the middle because there is a grace period uh okay oh 15 seconds like there's kind of no reason not to and then just dip okay we should find it follow you to the ends of the earth wherever you guys want to go with you the only thing is like we'll get to the outskirts a bit later if we go mid but i guess we'll do it quick it might be better just to try to secure like a weapon right away just in case chill sure i think yeah we just look mid but then we should try and get to the outskirts from there yeah i mean as soon as we all spawn in i would just pick the direction you want to run in so we know ahead of time awkwardly oh this way yeah behind blue okay i'm gonna go let's choose chassis and if we're going to mid i'll go for the like bottom left one closest i'm going top middle uh i'll go for a further away one on the top that probably they're more likely to get but i'll try all right obviously and just yeah i open one chest guys next attack now is there a is there a quick button and aluminum we literally spawn between the worst teams yeah is there a quick button to take everything or not oh iron just play it i've got nine swords who's running that way oh we're running with heck now we want to do we want to like dive out somewhere yeah yeah you go here out here punching oh poor guy um oh watch out uh yeah oh thank you perfect i need armor if anyone's got any spare armor wait how do you get underneath it can you break glass you can here if you want uh take this how do i get back up my legs and plants oh i've got leather punch let's just uh does that roll somewhere uh where is that like okay okay i was about to say oh is that a trap you got any spare oh that traps no i don't know i was just oh i got some stuff um i have an axe and a sword does anyone want there's a team to the left i said we go right yeah sure oh wait use yours i need a chest plate and i'll i'll take an axe if this one's going here you go okay it's just a snowmax i've got a gap there's a team over there i need food oh i've got some cookies i've got arrows if anyone's got a bow okay um no um yes i have a crossbow if you want to go over this way maybe you want to head over here go babe thank you thank you oh do you want to use your crossbow strong no you got it there's a team over here who is it oh joel wait hey hey puff whispers there's wisp over there i mean he's just by himself whispers on his own he's on his own because we killed the rest of his team for the most part in the back of there we could get whisper if you want as long as there's someone else yeah i'm about oh there's a chest on the right i'm just going to look for because i really want to chest plate i don't see wisp you guys see better um i really need one uh no here we go lizzy i don't know what you have oh your pants uh could you use the pants uh tommy's by himself over here is he tommy wait yeah where are you tommy seemed slow oh he's right here oh yeah he'd be killing it's big he's iron where is he coming literally everyone's okay though i'm leaving around with you no he's b is he baiting why didn't he he killed him yeah but he's allowing someone else it's him and wait yeah he's baiting he's baiting him wait wait wait wait wait wait for me i've got a bow wait back up oh joe yeah i'm eating he's tagged with the crossbow he's hurt wisp is here now as well he's double tagged with a crossbow okay packed with a bow solo he has to be so low i've got nothing to get be careful they're not gonna beat you into another team yeah oh my god you guys have much food they're up here all right so i can go yeah yeah we're with you i found myself a bow where's pet is holding a bow oh there's a bunch of arrows here where are you guys oh my god they jumped they had to take a team over there here's some food for anyone and puffy here's a golden apple um if i place tnt down does it explode automatically right the barrier is nice so we should head off so guys pink team is that right oh oh which way thank you pink team is that way no okay then no yeah no thank you yeah where did you want to go tommy and tubbers uh tommy and wisp were fighting down low on the left they killed the team i think they're still there yeah they're both in iron we could we should probably go down because like the board is coming in yeah yeah pink's just going to come for us check this chest in here okay let's let's let's go let's chase them down man come with us let's let's play good one set there's another chance okay if there's anything in it all right let's go along this way they're still there the two of them if we can oh maybe check here for loot as well there might be extra armor in this thing no if anyone needs a helmet i've got a helmet legs lizzie take this the helmet legs on the floor there i already have those okay uh can i have a helmet then uh sure all right i think food's gonna be the issue here i've got a decent bit of anyone i have no food yet here here thank you [Music] yeah there's a team up ahead yeah no no that's apple's team i would go the other way okay i would get out of there yeah yeah all right yeah see yeah you want to go and take this hill up by the spawn we took it last time and we did well up this one here on the right because it's near spawn and it's high ground that we can hold no this is where we spawned oh um i've got an iron helmet for anyone and a piercing in champa oh thank you is there an anvil in here somewhere oh yeah there's one over by me just here to the right yeah you know i'm gonna take a knockback sword honestly knockback axe you get that knocked back there's a team behind us whose team is this game does anyone need a bow no we need to be careful though because they're teaching them uh i don't even know where to go there's a team behind us too we're gonna get stuck come up here come up here we can this is really good actually up here no one can get to us unless they come through that door legs in this chest over here oh there's a doorway here as well there's a dolly here okay i mean still i think we'd see anyone coming up here right right lizzy do you need a bow here there's a bow um i have a crossbow there's people over there over there i've just seen them they're in that little pagoda are we is a fishing rod helpful to anyone because i have a spare uh oh do you want to do some fishing i don't know i almost feel like maybe we do need to go for some kills like if we want to have like some i guess it depends i want to see what teams are around us first where where do you want to go where's the border there is somebody below us oh it's tommy who's that is he by himself he's by himself he's by himself yeah hold on there's that whole team behind us um blue team is all behind us i think they might try and take this house is getting very close now yeah i think if we hold here if they come if everyone sneaks we can maybe get the drop on them they're they're low on this side of the house we sneak right we can maybe if they try someone trying to take this high ground yeah he's in that house over there i think oh is that him over there there's someone over there you're the only one not crouching you're like how about you guys right maybe get harming potions ready and hope they come up underneath us and we just spam these on their heads below us again right here wait here see if they i think they might want to try and take this coming to us behind them yeah just wait everyone wait here all right get your humming potions ready everyone ready harming potions what we should go in you thought you took oh well you gotta go now oh wait i just got wow this went from six to zero instantly i didn't okay oh i nearly got kissy nice lizzy nice try all right guys oh god tommy's gonna target me i can watch you now is tommy chasing her now uh yeah someone's chasing you i think it's actually someone else orange are very close behind you but i'm not chasing you're oh [Music] you literally walked around the corner into a huge team fight there's about eight people yeah i know but i should have been able to kill him god this is the second time i've died because i got stuck back-to-back who's still alive are pink still alive yeah pink and orange and aqua hey we did pretty well though where's tommy i want to spectate him dead see if he does some clutch play he's dead oh he's dead oh this is a good fight i think i think blues win this they've got such good gear pink are in full line armor i've just seen crossbows and lots wait look at this look my cpk is what's he gonna do i guess he goes in the web look at that oh what could he miss calm on orange i know you should drop down now oh yeah decent spot oh someone played like that the last time i think oh green and tech now the only ones left oh this is getting intense now oh yeah oh my god rolling down the in and out the quick orange is going to win this oh i reckon oh my gosh how is he alive how is techno still alive no i think blues have got this down the edge techno blade never dies but they run with our gear if they do yeah i know yeah they work yeah it's just mine it's a shame they had to come up by us like any other team i feel like wouldn't have been such a problem but like they're going to be in the final then that career oh my gosh look at those points they've got yeah wow they clean your life but wait pink might be knocked out pig might be fed if that's the case this could be close maybe yeah oof let's see it's gonna be close i think i knocked myself out of top ten peak by two points oh two points what i've never seen that before i i i called it the other way around i called it put the other way around two points i'm happy for irons though because that would have been that would have been sad if they'd have just missed out and there was like a team switch for one game we got fifteen myself i was the top ten the entire time last game i screwed up yeah no that was that i screwed up that last game that was that was a bad call oh we're getting the 20 20 god that's cool oh my gosh wow that's so high but whoa wait a minute how did we go like a hundred thousand passed wasn't that just a two hundred yeah youtube oh exactly youtube yeah oh my gosh oh i couldn't i couldn't even imagine losing out by two points that's insane that's worse i would be so sad coming where we came two points that is actually insane oh well ggs we came in fifth we beat the purples in that one so i'm happy yeah i think we do the twenty i gotta vote i gotta vote for orange on this one yeah orange yeah i'm weather perlin that's squishy and squishy yeah and they didn't kill us yeah that's true yeah that's very true we only like people who don't kill us around here two points that's gotta be the closest ever i can't see anyone having clothes in there no the closest would be one that's because you can't get much closer than that um i think that was a tie what would they do oh can you guys see these huge blimps i see them yeah they're not gonna lie how do you even do this axolotls are cute but that looks kind of creepy that one it's the eyes it's the soulless eyes all right i'm getting my stuff away orange oh get the gloves out heck yeah all right let's go get this so you can't have one glove on each hand no fancy in this game i can't hear music did not start i know it comes right oh there it is illumina with the bow one one hit me with an axe yeah in the hunger games i had six hearts i got hit once and died and i was like oh okay yeah if he crit you and you didn't have full armor squishy's gonna have a shot come on come on squishy oh i respect that a lot of people when they get two hours they just shoot twice really yeah last time they were doing that and i was like why are you doing that that's like when they like whiffed a hundred times last time yeah it was painful why is taffy not even aiming oh he's waiting for them to shoot back i guess he's waiting for him to go for it wait or oh you don't mess this up harley come on composed he doesn't even pull the arrow out what's going on he's an intimidation tactic is it glitched i think he must be come on don't miss oh we've got both hours now everything everything why didn't you go closer oh very cool all right but we do want it to be close so in fact we could win this round and we have it nah i wouldn't say a clean switch no i want orders what so we can get it wait we've got the 20 v20 oh yeah i won or they literally snuck into the last minute so yeah they they deserve this is he lagging i think he just tries the tactic of standing still and then moving away nice mine strikes back they've got good aim a lot of hits oh they're clumping let's go orange nice oh come on [Music] 1v3 putting up a 1v3 on dodgeball you feel like a god well i did that okay i've done it vic just if you didn't know oh well i'll get stream like a guard yeah you're kind of talking to the champion you can't dream burning someone else come on orange i don't smoke [Music] oh blue team feeling the pressure with the early shot come on come on martin mine doesn't miss you he's put the bubble away what is topple doing oh he's got the barrel i think he's kind of glitched so it doesn't look like he's aiming uh yeah but he's probably scared he's just staring him down oh he's lagging though oh they're very clumpy oh no it's great uh oh all right they need they need at least one on this molly here but it's all right they're gonna get two temple doesn't miss apart from that hey he's gonna get a collateral you keep saying apple doesn't miss and then everything is green again misses all the time go and do it now nevermind oh no oh no [Music] no reverse sweep i'm sorry joel close your mouth i'm sorry no more saying words not been one before never never done before all right come on martin oh he did that on purpose there he is yes that's what he was just trying to bait them towards the middle oh it's getting intense all right our act we're going to be able to pull off the reverse we don't want again [Music] illumina always takes that first shot and misses becoming a pattern on pal go for gizzy he's doing the exact same pattern yeah i'm nervous oh no no they should go closer to the line like close down that distance yeah yes squishy let's go martin come on [Music] oh they're very clumps oh no separate oh no i hate it you missed you've got both walk up close just walk up to the line and go like you can't miss from that distance you'd be surprised come on creek if he could do this the roblox youtuber i think he wrote oh the pressure oh oh my gosh no no take your time take your time oh no i would toy with somebody if i had it all the time all right tire out they're strafing yeah literally very cool oh boy god damn it joel you asked for this happened it's happened to the reverse sweep no not the reverse sweep the game come on orange bring it back bring it back i hate what being a tablet's position you just gotta sit there and watch though yeah the pain close your eyes oh is there one arrow on each side what are they doing i don't know oh luba's gonna go for a quick shot nice all right they've got two now orange that was that was very patient with them come on the rainbows yes martin come on pal hit the shot pal rocky oh no right guys going for again he's missed come on if they get two now why aren't they doing it together don't they have both arrows oh yeah yeah i don't know what that unless they're trying to bait the next hour maybe martin yeah is waiting for the best nice but they've got two arrows quick as well missed oh dizzy misik is he gone oh darya come on squishy come on squishy to win the first element she's playing please please you've got it come my on oh no another arrow go on [Music] gg oh [Music] wow two nil down nicely done oh he hit her with the fast shot i'd be so pissed oh it's unlucky that's got a heart are you getting my two points and then that yeah though hey ggg illumina illumina was first overall though to be fair though [Music] now we get 25 22 oh we got five minutes to wait until dodgeball so guys we get a dodgeball as well we stick around we play another dodgeball pretty there's gonna be 20 pieces 20 so all of us are gonna be playing against each other it's gonna be insane it's weird this event i got more coins than i normally get but i placed lower so that means everyone above me also got more coins than that massive call oh my god the bandwidth discord discord cannot do that yeah all right so it's who's on our team we've got second fourth second ape so we're on aqua's pink us wait who's everyone blue and green team we got a unicorn so guys we get a 20v20 dodgeball so the teams are there's two teams of 20 people right and it's our team plus aqua plus pink plus blue and plus green so that's how it's going to work oh we don't have the yellow yaks on our team then no we've got oh that's a shame aqua who just won we got pink we got blue i hope the yellow yachts oh is there anything to be two arrows how many hours are gonna be there that's the question i want a full stack can you imagine the firework arrows oh my gosh load it into a crossbones crossbow with the multi shot it's just going to go in the corner and hide behind people these people as human shields you are now on team echo x a lot oh god congrats guys i expect a coin a big vc tell me what's everyone at the same voice chat it's just gonna be chaos that's gonna uh make a ball incoming big vc time oh boy no i i think i would lose air cells yourself can you imagine if dream on deafened while there's forty all right this is the this is the dub oh let's get it oh my gosh i can't see it is there two is there two arrows how many arrows is there excuse me sir oh it's heroes oh there's only two arrows yeah i don't like that oh gosh i've got an arrow no i mean it would have been sad if you somehow missed i just shot randomly and got one of these xbox people oh no not the yellow yeah i just shot randomly what are they doing they're all making a line not a yellow yeah [Music] what are the chances i don't know what to do there's like no tactic to run it back and forth stay as far towards the back as possible because then i'll hit somebody else first yeah exactly my thinking you could probably just stand at the back and watch everyone sort of bomb a human shield in front of you oh gosh spiffy's down come on guys oh this is just the best of one yeah i mean i mean i presume it would be pretty mental if it wasn't hey oh i got jerome nice nice oh i want an arrow again it was fun green's got it got grid you can't spinning there's pretty much nowhere to hide who's got the arrows they must have the arrows where's that one shooting one of the yellow yachts has the arrows oh it's she doesn't realize she's got an arrow hello who's got a james bond how do you know that they have it no offenses look at orange versus the people on aqua that's just that's that's you can't get past the line you can't go past the orange line why would you want to be that close to him oh gosh i hate it you just blend in no one realizes there's a little orange jump right there i know something that's missed by now how do you miss them there are like 3 thousand oh oh attack no no he's gone no wow where the heck are the arrows i wouldn't please kill eric like he's literally walking the line back and forth oh they're taking out the crew what he just bounced off him there he's gone thank god all right that was lit i got another i've got four kills people are missing just shoot into the crowd just how is wilbur alive i got another i've got like five kills let's go joel so you might be the individual winner of 2020. why is no one shooting i don't think they know they have the arrow it's nearly it's five right or four before no it's probably five five i reckon jane has two arrows and she doesn't realize why are they not shooting come on i'm just trying to build the tension i mean george at the same time i'm still in the game oh yeah oh they got wilbur sadly and they got a free arrow for it no no all right it's all right two of them a woman actually just one yeah one everything imagine if laser clutches oh my god [Music] [Applause] we won the whole thing we won and then we won again [Laughter] oh dude wait do we get to be on the stage no why what do you mean why are we not on the stage why would we get to be on the stage what did we win the people's hearts oh dear that was fun all right good that was pretty fun yeah that was good ggs was over 315 000. yeah that was fast yeah that's huge yeah from the donated as well i'm gonna end my stream all right okay well guys that was good fun that was really good fun i got eight kills on the 2b20 dodgeball i know they wiped out half their team somehow but thank you so much for watching the stream i hope you enjoy this mcc i'll hopefully be in the next one as well so fingers crossed we do a bit better in that but fifth place not bad i'm happy and we've got those eight kills so i'm i'm pretty chill all right thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed make sure to subscribe if you haven't already leave a like on the video as well i shall see you but
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 964,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, mcc, minecraft championship, ldshadowlady, vikkstar123, captainpuffy
Id: M9ABkTVhnco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 16sec (11356 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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