MBM Inside with Mike Barber - Dec 08, 2018

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hello everyone Mike barber here remember this program is tape-delayed for many reasons but you will see it still alive and well men women worshipping men women listening to the life changing Word of God it'll touch your heart in many ways the Bike Barn ministries this is our church this is where we live enjoy it because you will be blessed miss thang amen amen if you want to stand while we pray you can it's okay I think all right what a group great group father in Jesus name we thank you for this awesome night we thank you for all these men that come in here and respect this gym and this platform we don't take that lightly Lord God Lord I thank you for the administration all the officers or having to work overtime to make this take place and I've already said it Lord if there's been a perfect weekend we've experienced a perfect weekend and that's just because of the heart of this leadership we thank you we thank you we thank you for TDCJ that allows us to do what God has called us to do and we don't take that for granted either the Lord I focused the rest of this prayer on these men that are standing with an open heart god I pray tonight that you open up every single one of eyes to see the purpose of this night for their life I pray Lord God that you open up their ears to hear the purpose of this night for them and Lord for their heart to receive the purpose of this night I pray Lord that they will forget who's to the right to the left of them and they'll focus on this platform the ministering by music and of course by the word and so father in Jesus name during this special special holiday season I bless every home that's represented if your dad put your hand in the airs father for every dad for every child represented with this hand in the air Lord God touch what needs to be touched change what needs to be changed I speak protection for every child every time that child pulls up at a stop sign or at a red light that they'll always pass through that intersection safe and sound I speak not just food but abundance of food on their table I speak a comfortable bed a comfortable pillow where every night is a peaceful rest and father I pray that for favor that these dads will find favor in the court and home is just around the corner in Jesus name despite the odds how big the mountain is Lord God let them know you are the mountain remover and so we thank you for this opportunity and we give you the glory and the honor for it all in Jesus name and everybody shouted amen and amen put your hands together and welcome your awesome praise team [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's gonna load time tonight if you want to log the enemy you say yeah either yeah I got one question for somebody in here tonight I wanna know where do you stand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] how y'all doing tonight daddy I don't know this song right here I wrote one of my first Christian rap songs I wrote we're gonna do it one more time for y'all tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] we're not alone [Music] listen to the song touch me with your holy hands make me understand show me I'm not alone father touch my Enderman introduce me to your mercy shower me with grace I give my life to you father please take my sins away I've never known a greater joy to come from up above you sacrifice your son's life to show us all your love we owe so much to you Lord I look up to you you saved me when I was small so Lord I trust in you you had my back through thick and then you even made the calls I just wish I had talked back when you carried a cross I proudly speak your name father God and all my songs not let your children [Music] [Music] the word [Music] you bring my mother and my father when they wasn't there 10 times me when I was wrong that let me know you care I got a long road ahead but I know you see me prove that's why I keep the faith in everything that I do humble me Lord and please order all my steps I'm living in this flesh I can't do it by myself I love Satan in his eyes every day we regret but we got on my side save me he can't win Ephesians 6:12 through 23 the devil make sure these doors but they won't hit me I'm glad it's been your name father God in all my songs now that so children noted [Music] so we I want y'all to play real close attention at Landsberg I hope it touches somebody please pay attention to the message in the song if you trust in the Lord you'll never leave your own you'll never leave you or forsake you that's a guarantee you don't believe it go and read the bibl heed the Old Testament the New Testament Genesis to revelations is so relevant Revelation chapter 2 verse tears shed the light be faithful unto death and I give you the crown of life from every animal girl boy woman and man my god has got the whole world I feel so close to you because you were so close to me even though we always free you keep my head above water so I won't drown meet you and play sadness with joy when I'm feeling down I'm drowning speak your name father God I know my soul now let your children know to me [Applause] [Music] come on yeah and we won't [Music] I mean Iago we are not alone whenever y'all are feeling down no mail no commissary God will always be there for every one of y'all remember what Christmas is about the bird he loves us and I love y'all every one of y'all [Music] we got alone thank you Mike barber thank you get ready for a little bit of Christmas music go back to the old days back to the remember the times we were growing up y'all ready go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born go and tell it go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go tell it on the mountain Jesus Christ is born while Shepherds get there watching for silent flocks by night [Music] behold throughout the heaven they're shown a polyline go tell it on the mouth over the hills and everywhere don't tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born go and tell the truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it on the bar [Music] [Music] [Music] on the mountain everywhere go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ is [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah take it to us [Music] love me he ran [Music] his arm and Oh [Music] where I'm chained [Music] and I swear we take me to [Music] you can maybe like you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Heavenly Father thank you for even my mouth pain [Music] [Music] hey pickle me [Music] place them in mouth put them in my mouth and tell up there from where family yeah yeah let's see turn around his smile please kiss her on the cheek and hold it for a while [Music] I don't know about you like there but if you love someone that was deal to you they used to take you to church on Sunday moon they talk to the Word of God [Music] you know what the words that they spoke to you you can still hear them right now today that's why you you you that's why you still here today [Applause] [Music] Thank You chase thank you Jesus thank you James oh Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me Jesus [Music] happy to Yoda ask God to wrap you in his arms today think about what mama used to tell you think about what brand mama used to tell you think about what some of your daddies used to tell you about Jesus if it wasn't for their prayers you wouldn't be here today you know when you have something valuable what do you do with it you hide it so won't nobody steal it God has only touched you all away because your jewels he don't want the devil to steal kill or destroy your life what is up to you you got to make the choice he's not gonna make it but you gotta say I hope somebody's been touched today God is trying because tomorrow there's not rumbles - no man gonna leave y'all with this God is trying to say around me around me from me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus [Music] oh holy night the stars are bright be shy [Music] here's the her names of I know you know to hear you I'm the sole though we world enjoy when God [Music] although Oh angels boys [Music] all night when Christ was [Music] do that oh holy night Oh Holy Night the stars are brightly shining it is the night about in sin and error pining till he appeared and the soul felt it's worth a thrill of hope the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn [Music] on your knees Oh [Music] who nah I do [Music] when Christ was born Oh [Music] Oh oh holy night [Music] [Applause] amen y'all give them a great big thank you [Applause] thank you sir preciate it amen I like that jacket come on with your bad self [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lord delivering all I can say hey man chill thank you for stepping up to the plate singing that he's had major surgery just a few weeks ago not supposed to be up here on the platform not supposed to be singing but he did go Father in Jesus name come here Joe come here don't stretch your hands this way father in Jesus name I thank you for my brother he's as real as anybody I know Lord touch him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet best through the mid area where he's had major surgery Laura let the healing fast-forward the score this left behind father in Jesus name it doesn't represent injury it represents victory healing and so father in Jesus name together we thank you for your healing head and we give it the praise and the glory for it all in Jesus name Amen and amen everybody amen this prison ministry started I got back from Seoul Korea missionary trip I was a mainline mainline mainline denominations that church that I went to made it crystal clear that the god of miracles the signs and wonders went out with the last apostle and so me sitting in a Pew like probably many of you are guilty I accepted it came from the man behind the podium so it must be true but I don't know about you but for years trying to serve God that was just felt like there was a boy something missing it's Christmas it's when we're supposed to truly feel this amazing miracle this baby born in Bethlehem amen I went over there to a place called prayer Mountain and all it is is a big dirt Mountain nothing pretty about it and to this day there's thousands of people on this mountain 24/7 and all they do is pray they don't go over there for conversation to visit with each other or anything bus dropped us off there's about 10 of us as soon as my feet touched that dirt I took off walking on my own I couldn't tell you what it was but I just knew there was something on the inside of me that was empty not realizing I had been led by denominational thinking instead of God think and I'm sorry there is a difference I walked for a while now all of a sudden I saw this man from here to the front row never saw his face this is how this prison ministry begun major part of it anyway his face is in the dirt and he's praying like I'd never heard before and I knew the language that he was playing in was not praying in was not his native language and it froze me to a tree for at least two maybe three hours and I can remember my legs were crossed the whole time waiting for him to get up I wanted to see this man's face throughout to this many hours I was so touched and frozen that out of my mouth I said Lord I want everything you got for me and I said that language he's praying in it's not if it's for me it's for me now I mean God I begin to pray in this language that so radically changed me I thought I had a boldness and I did on the football field nothing scared me I wasn't real good but I danced with the best devil and I didn't have that spiritually but that moment I received it and I can't even put in words the joy that filled me and the laughter that filled me I get back in the states the very next day I'm back on the fly on a plane flying to Atlanta Georgia I'm going into this big prison in my ministry was such a joy I've never experienced before by the time I got through they willed in a guy in a wheelchair Jeff I could tell by looking at him he was very ill very skinny look like his bones about the protrude through his skin I finished officer walked up to me and they said mr. barber there's a guy back here in a wheelchair hit man for the Mafia been in here for a lot of years he's been given three weeks to live dying of cancer he would really like to meet you I said I'd be honored I went back there got down on my knee I'll level with him how you doing sir he said I'm doing just fine I could tell by his countless something was different with him and I said this you know Jesus don't you he said I sure do mr. barber he said how a God could forgive me for all the horrible things that I have done is beyond work and just like this out of my mouth I've never said it before I've never even had a thought I looked him dead in the eye the ministry that I was with made it crystal clear that you don't lay hands on nobody you don't minister any kind of prayer of healing and you don't do this and you don't do that and so I'm honoring that ministry because I'm their guest but at the same time the unction that I had inside of me [Applause] and I looked him in the eye and I'm kind of pet him on his knee there's my way of laying hands on him because others who watch it I said do you believe do you believe Jesus can heal you and immediately with faith he said mr. barber Jesus can do anything and I tell you guys I said do you mind if I pray for you and all I can do with something like this father in Jesus name timeout right there when you pray learn to pray to the Father in Jesus name Wow that's the way Jesus pray we're to be christ-like so every time you pray you pray father whatever you pray for and you end it in Jesus name I said father by your stripes this man is filled three weeks later just about to the day my phone rings I had truth brother barber that's her this is Chaplin all members name is so-and-so I said ain't Chaplin how he doing he breaks he starts crying I said what's matter he said brother barber he said if you could stand where I'm standing right now and watching what I am watching I said okay tell me he says you remember so-and-so that you prayed for that had three weeks to die three weeks to live I said Jeff I said I'm watching him play full court basketball right now you see God honored to me because I honored him and he showed me with that that's when I knew God had called me the full-time prison ministry on my own and I gave him this promised gift that wherever I go I will do my best to be led by the spirit I will not be ashamed to lay hands whoever needs to be laid hands on as the spirit leaves not making it a ministry mine ministry is about salvation salvation is the only tool it is the only thing that will get you and me to heaven you must be born again you must confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus your denomination sorry your religion will not get you to heaven it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is save again is Sarah 192 Diaz it wasn't two weeks after that in the Ellis unit I'm preaching in that Chapel I walk I'm finishing the service and I'm walking the going home and I'm just hey you know high five and the inmate says I got through and say this man is the end man on the very end of the chapel I patted him on the shoulder looked at him as I'm passes I love you but more than that God loves you I get a learn from him two weeks later mr. Barbour I'm the inmate that you touched on the shoulder at the back of the chapel and Ellis aid up with age giving no chance to live when you touch me on the shoulder and you told me you love me but more than that God loves me I'm totally healed [Music] I can sit here and give you one after the other a testimony why I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ [Applause] he's the same yesterday today and forever he says I'm the Lord God and I changed not he says greater and mightier things you shall do if you have the faith to believe it so let me ask you a question do you have the faith that God is the same yesterday today and forever and if I sin case then no more selling out to the world tell you when they I'm not for sale I'm not for sale II saw what Genesis 25 I think Esau's the firstborn of the twins his brothers Jacob his dad's Isaac I think I'm right on that they grow up listen to me now they grow up Esau is a big-time hunter he ain't bad to the bone he's bad through the bone you understand like the Texans and the Cowboys wish they could be [Applause] hey listen to me now he grows up Jacob is opposite of him he likes to stay at home I was doing short he comes in from a long hunt empty-handed he's starving he says hey brother his brothers got some red stool he said brother give me some of that stewed that why kind of brother says this give me a birthright loving brother huh gosh I had any brothers like that he said give me give me your birthright but you see just because you had a bad day in the woods I don't know maybe was two days I don't know you've had a bad day you took shortcuts you made decisions another word you sold out to the world not realizing the consequences so he's so let's the devil lie to him if you don't need some of that stew you're gonna die dude so he goes to his brother okay you can have my birthright that means when dead guys Jacob has all the authority instead of his older brother so he goes well I might as well give it up because if I don't I'm gonna die everybody say I'm not for sale I'm not for sale we know the story he said okay I'll give you my birthright give me a bow I promise the bottom line we're not Purcell you got to understand who Jesus is and guys let me just tell you that I'm not doing anything I thought I was gonna do here all right now guys give me about another 18 or so minutes and I'm done stick a fork in me all right hey I told you I was gonna wake you up one way or the other huh hey guys we've had an awesome weekend in here but I'm challenging all of you guys to have a falling-down experience it's what comes up in me what am I talking about there's people in the Bible that had a falling-down experience there's a leader a guy has his only daughter sick unto death he's the leader he can tell this want to go here and not want to go there and they do it but he had a situation and I'm sorry guys every one of you in here you have a situation I have a situation and only Jesus can fix it he goes and he finds Jesus when the Bible says he fell at the feet of Jesus that means that he didn't care what anybody thought Here I am a man of authority and yet I don't care and in the middle of the crowd he falls down the Bible says that the feet of Jesus Jairus I'm talking about and he says you Jesus my daughter is sick unto death and you see guys you and I we got to get to that point when we fall down I don't care who judges me don't care of my homeboys what do you want to do would it be like I don't know who it is why did he lie I don't know I don't care I don't care I'm gonna pull my pants up no more hello hey you know what did he in the sag on so long see the top of your socks what upward he didn't care do you care guys I know there's a bunch of you in here you don't care but there's a whole bunch of you that do care because you got your image home it's all about your identity but you know what it's right it is about your identity do you identify with Christ or do you identify with the world until you have a genuine falling-down experience will you truly give your life to Jesus there was a lady with the issue of blood and the Bible says that she fell at the feet of Jesus if I can just touch the hill she tried everything else Jesus was in tell and she says he's my answer and she fell at the feet of Jesus and Jesus is in a cloud and he says this his own words who touched me this weekend Jesus is trying to touch you Hey I know lot of you came out for that bar soap I was born last night at night but not last night but there was a young man in the faith base I had him to come in and join the faith-based service since afternoon last night in the service won't name his religion but it was a different religion he didn't answer to this God that has a son by the name of Jesus and He gave His life to Jesus and this afternoon when I was teaching the importance of faith walking by faith not understanding all this dumb token preaching on TV manipulating the word faith and making it a tool for evil where if you did give this and you'll matome attention I'm talking I'm real talking living by faith because without faith it is impossible to please God and the whole time I taught I watched this young man with tears in his eyes he had a falling down experience he didn't care what his religion thinks anymore he doesn't care what his friends think anymore a woman with the issue she didn't care she had a sickness there was a guy by the name of Sol the Bible says with my time healer the Bible says that he failed broken he fell turn what anybody thinks anymore he's blind for three days he goes over here hey and I guess Lord I got a dude over here he's blind his name is Saul I'm gonna use you to go lay hands on him and he'll receive a sight hey Lord get a little closer here really Saul the man who kills all of your needy and then the most awesome thing about Acts chapter 9 in the middle of it I things like verse 15 Jesus's words timeout do you believe God's the same yesterday today and forever now come on guys hang with me hang with me I'm almost done keep down just hold your legs tight hang with me hang with me do you believe he's truly the same yesterday today and forever do you really he says I'm the Lord God and I changed my can you really believe that do you really he says I am the same yesterday today and forever do you believe that Jesus said about Saul to the people he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my message I'm looking at a whole bunch of Saul's in this place if you only have the faith to believe if you man enough to have a falling-down experience not meaning following this Semien I'm talking about where you fall you don't care from this second on what anybody thinks I'm gonna live for Jesus I'm tired - playing games I'm tired of coming in here to church and all hallelujah praise God but then we'll calm down and walk out that door somebody live music you leave me like I'm gonna kick your mother oh it's Church time again this is the day this is the day that the Lord has made that the Lord has made I will rejoice and so we're them going by I told you I'm gonna kick you I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna kick your mother hey you ain't falling down any spirits yet when you are falling down experience you no longer or a part of contaminating this place but you become a person who complements this place you become a man that's 100% so dot for God because 99% is not good enough for God but then the devil says all I need is 1% and I can create havoc with 1% that's the opposite so you see guys close here in 9 minutes hey got to have him falling down experience Jesus wants to use you he says you're a chosen instrument of mine it became the Apostle Paul we know the story now let me bring it home with one more verse of scripture John 10:10 don't from this point on don't you ever say God put me in prison God had nothing to do with putting you in prison he had absolutely nothing to you do not know the Word of God for something to come out of your mouth saying God put me in prison God had nothing to do with putting you in prison nothing he is a good god he was good things for you he says I come to give you life and that scripture in life more with an attitude that was his game plan but you see we're all stuck on stupid in that same scripture though guess who else didn't want you to come to prison the devil his game plan was to kill still he didn't want you to come to prison he wanted to kill you when you're on the outside you know when you you know when you really know what I'm saying you know what I'm trying to you know what I'm trying to say when you could care less about the church house all you want to do is make love and leave the responsibility behind that's good preaching right there I don't care what yourself [Applause] you see Jesus Christmas the cross represents Christ giving his all that's what Christmas is all about I say the devil he didn't want you to come to prison he wanted to kill you I said that's when Jesus stuff not about the gifts it's about the guilt and big give step forward said devil you're not killing my son I didn't want him to go to prison but if that's where they can get back on track with my name so be it so how many in here right now you would admit if it wasn't now if it wasn't for the grace of God and you're still out there you wouldn't be alive right now let me see your head they'll give God some praise for protecting you amen [Applause] he will spice Jesus lives today he walks with me he talks with me a long last night while I have a falling down experience I don't give a rat's rear what any of you think I'm gonna live for Jesus I'm gonna live with Jesus then that Moses stand up right there hey I'm sorry I can outdance you big boy huh was he not great last night huh Hey I know y'all probably think I'm some crazy I'm not it's very obvious when I speak I'm not boring very articulate I'm not very intelligent I'm just an old country boy I was 14 years old for I realize my name wasn't get wood 16 years old the second day I had my driver's license I get pulled over officer tapped on my window I lent it down he goes you have any ID I said about what so all I can do is just be me I've had so many people tell me brother Mike you know in all honesty you know you need to go to class you need to learn how to talk and you need you and I appreciate that but no you have no idea the whole time he's sitting up there Michael you have no idea how I was praying in the spirit God don't let me let my brother's down don't let me fumble don't let me fumble this opportunity let them see Christ in me the hope of glory the truth Christmas pray it boldly if you prayed it before it's okay head up eyes open Heavenly Father with all my heart I fall down it you present with my mouth I confess you with my heart I'll receive you be my lord be my Saviour fill me Lord with your spirit from the top of my head to the soles of my feet I surrender to you on this Christmas holiday season in Jesus name Jesus amen if you've already responded you don't have to Bible says if you'll confess me before men I'll confess you before my heavenly father instead of just raising a hand tonight I'll set you down real quick don't respect the officers and their job if you're not ashamed and you really really really meant that prayer and I don't care if just one step I'm doing what the Word of God says if you prayed that what does this mean Mike that means I'm gonna start going to chapel service I'm gonna get involved in Bible study I'm gonna quit making excuses why I don't go to church I had a falling down experience in my spirit nothing's enough and you prayed that prayer with all your heart if I'm speaking to you don't hesitate it's popcorn time baby it's time to pop up if you pray that you meant that on the count of three one two three stand look to the top of this gym for three seconds three two one Jesus just took your picture Kodak film don't exist anymore so he's got to me Holy Ghost filled the God be the glory to God be the glory give all these guys that Stewart and those of you already I got 55 seconds left thank you man for making this weekend so perfect thank you worship team thank my wonderful staff behind the scene all these camera guys Daniel over here Eric here all my wonderful staff we're making this possible I'm praying that merry Christmas to you I pray a most blessed Christmas to you and to your families amen and amen and amen god bless you god bless you stay seated in these officers will escort you out one row at a time my name is Mike barber and I approve this message god bless you Bob yep thank you for watching this awesome program remembered it was taped delayed and yet it's so special just to watch I know you were touched and were touched because the only way this can happen is through our awesome partners that understand where we go our congregations the inmates can't respond financially but our partners they do they send us even into the least of them thank you thank you thank you for watching and we'll be back with you very soon once again [Music]
Channel: Mike Barber Ministries
Views: 2,367
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, god, prison, prison ministry, mike barber, jail, locked up, changed, behind bars, TDCJ, freedom, Houston Oilers, NFL, Football, Breaking the Huddle, Wynne Unit
Id: U2lSq8K7Iqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 48sec (3948 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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