Top 10 BEST Brutal One-Shot Defeats in Bleach, RANKED | Aizen, Yamamoto + Kenpachi DESTROY Everyone

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there are tons of great fights in Bleach but there are also a handful of truly brutal bloody and often humiliating oneshot defeats as well you know what I'm talking about a character arrives on the scene and instantly annihilates their enemy with a single attack hand waving them out of existence without so much as a breath firmly cementing themselves as a true badass for all to see and these moments are often pretty spectacular to Behold a pure display of raw power but also the kind of casual indifference that only a certain level of strength can buy you in today's video I wanted to shine the spotlight on these awesome moments and rank what I think are the 10 best oneshot defeats or oneshot victories whatever you want to call them in Bleach the Criterion for this video and for what I think makes a one shot defeat like this is fairly simple if the attack ER the person who ultimately wins the fight defeats their opponent on their first move that's good enough for me for reference let's look briefly at the subject of our last Battle Analysis eizen versus the goate 13 and the visards for a bit of context as I think this is an interesting example of a fight that kind of Falls somewhere in the middle while there are definitely a few one shots in here regarding specific characters I mean Eisen takes out basically all of the visards with only one hit each as far as the fight itself goes as a whole Eisen is battling the group for a while before he actually finishes them all off so for me it wouldn't count before we dive into the top 10 we've got a couple of honorable mentions to go over first as always make sure to let me know your favorites down in the comments so kicking off our honorable mentions we have poor poor Chad you knew he was going to be on here somewhere in chapter 261 after managing to defeat the privon espar Gant Bane and believing himself to now be stronger than ever Chad is approached On The Desert Sands of wo Mundo by the fifth espart neitra who is searching for powerful enemies despite ganten Bane warning him to run Chad believes he can take Nitra down in a single punch so long as he doesn't give him chance to attack and he charges the aspada Chad's attack seems to be successful he lands a massive blow in nitra's chest but ra simply laughs at him before nearly splitting him in two with a single attack the reason this one shot is an honorable mention is because Chad does manage to get back up again for another attack but he falls to the ground without neitra actually needing to raise his weapon again however had Tesla not blocked the punch it seems likely to me that Nitra would have struck Chad a second time so really I think it's only a One-Shot defeat because Tesla intervenes sadly for Chad this is actually the second time he's one- shot by an asada after yamy in karakura town but maybe it's just kubo's way of paying him back for oneshotting Tatsu FASA during the soul Society arc our second and final honorable mention is quite a unique one shot in the source material in that you don't see the outcome you're merely left to assume what happens with the Quincy's first Invasion reaching its apex Akon finally manages to break Ichigo free of the sealed guard ganta however unfortunately for the 12th division they were found by a Stern Ritter in the midst of doing so Shaz Domino who had been brutally attacking them while they were working to set Ichigo loose but set him loose they did and the moment he escapes the darkness Ichigo launches himself at Shaz swinging his zanak toe at the Quincy with a ferocity the likes of which we've never really seen from him before it's a fantastic moment and extremely cinematic the entire sequence plays out from a first person perspective as we see the situation unfold through ichigo's eyes before Shaz can even finish introducing himself Ichigo smashes him with an enormous attack causing a huge explosion in the sky The Source material never references Shaz again and I think we were supposed to initially assume that Ichigo killed him in a single slash pure rage pulsing through the shinigami's veins however Shaz does reappear in supplementary material so it's unclear overall still this is an awesome moment just missing out on my top 10 but kickstarting the top 10 we have Ken Pache versus Tesla when the captain of the 11th division arrives on the scene in wo Mundo to rescue The Battered Ichigo and his friends in his resurrection Tesla launches a massive punch at Ichigo But Ken Pache blocks the enormous fist on his Blade with ease there's an awesome moment of buildup here where Nitra immediately uses pesk to try and detect how much power Ken Pache has and is quickly horrified by the extraordinary strength of the captain Tesla however isn't so cautious demanding Kenpachi tell him his name the enormous Aran car goes to punch Zaraki now instead despite neitra screaming at him to run a nice reversal of Chad's earlier situation Ken Patchi simply leaps into the air and cuts Tesla in half in one swing splitting the car's body in two in a shower of blood glancing back at his master briefly Tesla collapses to the ground though he does somehow live long enough to witness nitra's eventual death at Ken Pat's hands as well meanwhile to add insult to injury Ken paty simply turns to Nitra without acknowledging his fraction at all and bluntly says next it's a great moment that really embodies Ken Pache and it's a nice bit of relief at last for the heroes who had been pummeled so badly until now next up not all banai reveals are glorious in fact during the soul Society Arc more often than not they seem to be synonymous with failure such is the case when toshiro hitsugaya activates his banai D good in hordin Maru for the very first time in the series against the traitorous sosuke Eisen upon discovering the depths of eisen's betrayal as the ark reaches its end game as well as the mortally wounded body of heno Mori hitsugaya flies into a rage and releases his banai in an explosion of ice Kubo does at least give D good and huin Maru a chance to shine briefly the double page spread of its initial reveal is absolutely beautiful and the most incredible this banai ever looks now garbed in huge icy Wings hitsugi stares Eisen down snarling that he'll kill him and what follows is one of eisen's most iconic lines ever as with a cruel smile he simply tells hitsugaya not to make such rash threats as it makes him look weak without a second thought hitsugaya lunges for rizen swinging his frosted blade but he's instantly bested in a splatter of blood moving so quickly as to barely be seen Eisen simply steps past the little Captain cutting him down in a Flash hitsugaya crumples to the ground in disbelief blood spurting from his body as his b Kai shatters like glove ass around him defeated in a single hit meanwhile with hitsugaya now lying in a pool of blood on the floor Eis and Millie comments on the beauty of the scene and how unexpectedly nice it is to see ice at this time of year this wouldn't be the last time Eisen ones shot someone during this Rampage at the end of the Soul Society Arc and it helped to set the tone for The Showdown to come the power disparity between these captains was unbelievable all right coming in at number eight the original one shot is still one of the best as Ichigo manages to turn the tables on renji during their first encounter his latent power suddenly erupting in a wild display everything comes to a screeching halt just as Ichigo is getting into the rhythm of battle his zanpakto is suddenly broken in half it's a shocking moment no one even saw byakuya move the captain drops the blade to the ground before drawing his own only the slightest motion is scene before byakuya appears behind Ichigo impaling through the chest and defeating him instantly maybe you could argue that breaking ichigo's sword counted as byakuya's first move maybe you could argue that byakuya technically strikes Ichigo twice though he moves so quickly it all happens at essentially the same time but this is so iconic I felt it had to be here and what really sells this moment is ichigo's total cluelessness even after he's been struck he has no idea where it came from his mind racing he wonders if he was hit from the back or the front or if he was even hit at all blood spraying from his chest as Ichigo topples over we get another of bleach's best and most famous quotes as bakya comments that Ichigo is slow even to fall the artwork here is also excellent the shot of Ichigo buckling beside the captain emphasizes just how much time seems to have s to a crawl before Ichigo finally does drop to the ground in a splatter of blood and rainwater next we're back again with Isen during the end of the Soul Society Arc I did say he wasn't done with both Ichigo and renji soundly defeated eizen is attacked by a surprising foe who kind of comes out of nowhere sajin komamura who drops out of the sky with an enormous crash seething with rage at the Betrayal lashing out at Eisen komura tries to strike him with a she kind tenen but Eisen Milly catches it in his hand asking what brought about komamura's change of heart as he wonders why he's no longer wearing his helmet enraged komura demands an explanation from both Eisen and toen before deciding to activate banai suddenly however eizen is directly in front of the captain shocking komamura as komamura looks up in disbelief he sees what he thinks is Eisen still standing beside toen but it's too late holding open his hand eyes and activates Hardo 90 Kur or hit sigi and encases Comm Mor in a monolithic prison of Darkness black Stakes of energy driving themselves into the side of it with Incredible Force as the spell dissipates around him komamura crumples to the ground instantly beaten his body shredded from head to toe as blood sprays into the air although Eisen claims to have only managed a third of Black Coffins destructive power this is the only one shot on the list where the opponent is defeated with Kido okay let's shift gears a bit and up the anti somewhat why take out only one opponent when you can defeat three and in true style I might add after obliterating the scaffold holding Rukia Ichigo throws her to renji who takes off the goate 13 giving Chase as omida chojiro and isan close in Ichigo appears immediately in front of them ready to hold them off def the three Vice captains all activate their shikai but Ichigo instantly defeats omida shattering gaburi in a single hit and taking out the Vice Captain all with the same punch chojiro then moves to strike but Ichigo restrains him and knocks him out in one sweeping move sending both Vice captains flying into the air isan can do nothing but watch in awe as Ichigo effortlessly bests them both with a single hit each each and all without his zanak toe before she can move Ichigo twists round and knocks isan flying to with a quick jab to the stomach defeating all three in an incredible Display of Power and skill in a wonderful representation of how fast Ichigo is actually moving isan is launched backwards into the air before omida has even come close to hitting the ground this is the first of what would be many badass Ichigo moments and to this day it remains one of the best also much like how the last entry was the only one to involve Kido this is the only one shot on the list where the opponents are defeated with hand-to-hand combat as we move now into the top five you didn't think we were done with the three for one specials now did you after the head captain Yamamoto is forced to step in against the Monstrous ion he finally puts the Beast down with a torrent of fire incinerating the creature and turning it to Ash first of all we should probably commend ion while Yamamoto is barely pbed by the Beast it does still take the all powerful Captain a grand total of three hits to kill it for good in the end which you know is pretty impressive on ion's part the same though can't really be said for the group of aranka that summoned ion in the first place the Trey beastia who enraged upon witnessing ion's death all launch themselves at the captain Commander from above but without even sparing them a glance Yamamoto casually swings his sword in a flaming Arc above his head immediately engulfing all three in a blazing Inferno before they could even reach him what makes this moment so awesome aside from the astounding visuals is that Yamamoto is so nonplused by their attack that he even promises to spare their lives merely singing them a little out of respect for their tenacity for the the fact they chose to strike him while only having one arm each and yet despite his supposed Mercy all three are completely consumed by fire streams of flame even billowing from their open mouths all three of them Apache milose and sunson dropped from the sky unable to do anything before yamamoto's impossible might and it was all so casual for him a mere swing of his blade was enough to send them screaming down to the streets below this is very similar of course to the scene in the first Quincy Invasion where Yamamoto is jumped by three sternritter BBY azod and nanana only for them to be instantly swept up in a massive Firestorm honestly you could potentially swap out these moments depending on what your favorite is but I think the Trey beastia one deserves it a little more for just how unbothered Yamamoto actually was here now I'll be honest again I'm not entirely sure about this one I think it fits the bill mostly but we just have to leave one character out of it and of course I'm talking about oet Naya's complete dismantling of U harbach's shut stle in the Royal Palace as uabar summons his strongest Warriors to carve out a path to the soul King for him the zero division works together to trap the Quincy leaving them at the mercy of the blade God oetsu who challenges all four of them at once in one of the rarest displays of divine skill in Bleach oetsu quickly and effortlessly dispatches with three of the four shut stofle killing them all in one hit as per the power of His failed zanak toe SAA fushi Gerard Valkyrie misses his first swing giving oetsu a critical opening and again moving so fast that it's impossible to see his blade oetsu drops Gerard to the floor in one strike a fountain of blood erupting into the air next up is Le Barrow who attempts to shoot oetsu but the Blade's incredible sharpness means oetsu barely needs to move and the bullets will simply split in two upon the Metal's Edge after oetsu closes the distance between the two of them he swings his sword upwards with a grin taking off Le's arm and cutting him clean in two killing another of the ship stle with no trouble whatsoever and finally as peridan Jazz works up an attack U simply buries his sword into the creatures hood killing it instantly so that's three one shots so far but it's only Asin Navar who throws this all into disarray oetsu twists around sharply slicing Asin across the throat but thanks to the stern Ritter's quick thinking he's able to survive the strike and while oetsu seemingly then puts him down with another slash to the neck Asin still isn't dead rising from the pool of blood to continue fighting so I think for this one we'll have to call it oetsu versus the shut stle minus Asin regardless it's a fantastic moment made all the better by the way the anime extended the rest of the battle afterwards as we move into the top three we've arrived at the truly special one-hot defeats now looking over this list we featured One-Shot defeats or victories from every Arc of the series to date save for one the Lost agent Arc but that all changes right now after the goate arrives to rescue Ichigo from execution scheme yukoh sets up chat rooms within which battles can take place Kenpachi seeing byakuya disappearing into an arena with sukima tries to intervene believing sukima to look much stronger than his opponent but he's unable to switch out in time over hearing this slander Giro steps up to try and prove Ken Pache wrong believing Ken Pache to be the kind of man who only responds to force Giro using his fullbring time tells no lies transforms into a Colossus a literal Hulk as he prepares to crush the captain with overwhelming physical strength however as Giro rants on and on about his power he suddenly split into mids sentence blood shoots out of the top of his skull as a thin line runs down the entire length of his body as he splutters in disbelief Ken Pache simply tells him it was boring as the fullbringer body gruesomely breaks in half honestly I would argue this is one of the most famous One shots in the entire series readers had been waiting to see the goatee 13 for so long by this point and Kache taking out gido like this felt like a statement of sorts it was immensely cathartic it's a bit of a weird one as well though as it is also kind of disappointing giro's time tells no lies was a fascinating power and yet he uses it here in the laziest most boring way possible it was also a sign of things to come some fans were a bit concerned that after following the ark for almost 50 chapters the Shinigami were about to come in and just steamroll all of the villains in one go and while that does kind of happen none of the fullbringers are beaten quite as badly as poor old Giro in the second place spot and taking home the silver medal we have one of of the most emotionally charged One-Shot defeats in the series Yamamoto versus Driscoll after his Vice Captain Choo sasakibe is murdered during the ven reich's introductory assault on the soul Society Yamamoto spirals into a furious depression wanting nothing more than to annihilate the Quincy Empire and turn it to Ash well the captain Commander gets the chance to exact some of that sweet revenge during the first invasion sternritter o the overkill Driscoll Bersy attacks the ninth division revealing to hisagi that he was the one who killed chojiro just as drisol is about to finish off his Sagi in the same way Yamamoto arrives on the scene deflecting the giant Quincy arrow with his bare hand seemingly unaware of the huge mistake he's making Driscoll attempts to twist the knife further into The Grieving head captain revealing he stole chojo Bai from him activating it in front of Yamamoto as Driscoll repeatedly blasts Yamamoto with lightning from the banai we treated to a moving flashback of Yamamoto and Choo's relationship showing the dedication chojiro had to not only being the head Captain's right-hand man but to learning banai as well Driscoll berates Yamamoto for not even fighting back sure Driscoll is a cookie cutter bad guy who's barely in the series but honestly that's what this sequence needed someone totally reprehensible someone completely unsympathetic someone the audience isn't designed to have any kind of attachment to whatsoever because the reader sure as hell is going to want to be fully on yamamoto's side by the end of this as Yamamoto stands in silence seemingly seriously injured by the lightning blasts he suddenly speaks lifting his head Yamamoto Roars that Choo's banai was never this week and with a single strike of his zanak toe he incinerates Driscoll instantly ripping the flesh straight off the sturm's bones the force of yamamoto's rage is palpable in the very attack itself Driscoll is reduced to a skeleton immediately before the churning Flames continue to char him even further turning his bones to Ash his body eventually completely erased from existence and with that Yamamoto notes that chojiro can finally rest it was a surprisingly gut-wrenching moment surprisingly humanizing for the head captain giving us a side of Yamamoto we had never seen before and it was so very powerful and so wonderfully cathartic to see him annihilate Driscoll like that I think the entire reader base collectively cheered when the sternritter was turned to dust however the greatest one shot in Bleach was obvious to me from the start there's one such defeat that is so iconic so recognizable that it defined a villain almost completely for a while afterwards of course I'm referring to ichigo's defeat at the hands of Eisen at the end of the Soul Society Arc although claiming eisen's using his hands here is being a little disingenuous with Eisen trying to take Rukia from an injured renji Ichigo arrives fresh fres of his incredible Victory against bakya still wielding his brand new banai tensa zangetsu Ichigo blocks eisen's attack before he and renji come up with a scheme to try and defeat the villain this is a huge moment for a number of reasons it's a truly heroic arrival for Ichigo as he comes to the aid of someone who was once his enemy earlier in the ark leading to the two of them working together for the first time the foundation of one of the series strongest and most enduring friendships to come burying his sword into the Earth renji uses the special ability of the broken zabimaru Higa Zeo to raise the shattered fangs of his shikai and send them blasting towards Eisen taking the captain's gaze away from Ichigo as renji's attack seemingly lands true Ichigo bursts forward rocketing towards eizen at an incredible speed lifting his Black Blade to his eyes and Swinging it wildly at his Foe and then it's over with a single finger Eisen stops ichigo's blade and his momentum brutally in its tracks the horror on ichigo's face as he realizes the true extent of eisen's power is incredible and with nothing more than a casual smirk on his face and a single slash Eisen rips Ichigo apart almost splitting the boy completely in two at the waist what's so incredible about this scene is the way it completely upends expectation sure maybe it's too early in the story for Ichigo and renji to actually defeat eizen but everything was lining up everything was being set up all the tropes pointed towards the two of them at least achieving some kind of small victory here some kind of well-earned hard for win but for eizen to stop Ichigo so easily and crucially with the absolute minimum Al amount of effort was insanity and it remains one of bleach's most iconic moments to this day it helps too that the anime elevated this scene even further in a really smart way as Ichigo flies towards Eisen capitalizing on his one opening ichigo's theme song number one blares in the background synonymous of course with ichigo's best most triumphant moments in a wonderfully smart reality check the song cuts s the moment Eisen stops ichigo's Blade with his finger signaling a stark and violent end to ichigo's heroic efforts this moment this one-hot defeat of Ichigo served to Showcase how completely Unstoppable Eisen was at this moment and how hopelessly outmatched Our Heroes actually were setting up eisen's entire tenure to come as the main villain of the series but that's it for the video guys as always I really hope hope you enjoyed it I apologize if my voice has sounded weird throughout I'm Ill once again which is very frustrating but it is what it is as always let me know your thoughts down in the comments below what's your favorite One-Shot Victory defeat whatever you want to call it in Bleach is your list similar to mine would you change anything I'd love to know down in the comments there were still a few one shots in the series that didn't make it onto this list at all so maybe yours looks quite a bit different I'd love to know so do please let me know and as always I want to end this video by saying an enormous thank you and giving a huge shout out to my supporters over on patreon I really do appreciate each and every one of you so very much it means the absolute world to me if you want to support me if you like what I do here over on YouTube you can do just that over on patreon to get your name in the credits like this and to get every single video completely ad free but that's it for me guys until next time I'll catch you later and I'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 41,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach anime, bankai, aizen, sternritter, bleach tybw, bleach bankai, bleach strongest, bleach tybw anime, bleach tybw cour 2, tybw anime, bleach tybw part 2, rukia vs as nodt, ichibei vs yhwach, tybw episode 26, bleach tybw episode 26, senjumaru bankai, bleach battles, bleach fights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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