How STRONG is Gerard Valkyrie? The MOST POWERFUL Sternritter | Bleach Discussion

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as a seemingly totally unstoppable and unkillable holy warrior of god stern ritter m the miracle gerard valkyrie was perhaps the single strongest enemy we ever saw in bleach outside of course of the likes of eisen and euharbach but as the last line of defense for the cornerstone of his all-father's fledgling new quincy empire gerard valkyrie's mission was simple keep the invaders at bay and throughout the entirety of his all-star battle royale he does not die he simply comes back stronger each time they seemingly finish him off and really this was unlike anything we had ever seen in the series beforehand outside of literally only eisen himself no matter the amount of fatal injuries inflicted on gerard by the captain sometimes all at the same time he will without fail revive and resurrect only bigger and stronger than he was before in his own words claiming that even in death i will continue to wield my blade for my god not only is that gerard's coolest line by a mile it also embodies everything that makes this character so scarily overpowered so in this video i want to ask the question how strong was gerard valkyrie is he the most powerful enemy we ever see in bleach outside of course of the major villains um he's certainly up there in the highest echelon but just how powerful actually is he well let's try and work it out before we get started guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now for more bleach content like this every single week and if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a thumbs up as well as it does help to support me and the channel and it hopefully means we'll get more traction on the youtube algorithm and if you really like what i do here on the channel and you want to take that support from me another step further i do have a patreon now of course you don't have to support me over there at all but if you did decide to you can get videos like this one early and you can support me for as little as a dollar a month everybody who is supporting me who is a patron of the channel is coming up on screen right now and as always i want to say a massive shout out and a huge thank you to each and every one of you thank you all so much so maybe about two years ago now i'm not exactly sure but i made a couple of videos that i think personally really helped to put my channel on the map and they were a pretty comprehensive ranking of all of the stern ritter from who i felt was the weakest up to the strongest and it was it was quite a task it was rather difficult to do but in the end i was very happy with the list i came up with and i think the majority of people whether they agreed completely or not also felt the same way and my number one spot for that this strongest stern ritter spoilers for that video if you haven't seen it was stern ritter m the miracle gerard valkyrie and i stand by that i think that is still accurate to this day now the criteria for that video was when i say strongest i wasn't just going by their shrift although of course that would play an important part in the ranking as the shrifts tend to be the defining trait of each stern ritter and gerard schrift is no slouch the miracle is easily one of the most powerful we have ever seen in the series however if we were going on shrift alone i probably would have given it to stern ritter v the visionary grammy thermo who his power to just imagine things into reality is so totally broken that really only the almighty can stand up to it fittingly i guess but the miracle is absolutely up there i would wager within the top three shrifts the other one being stoma to x the x axis leo barrow and funnily enough those three made up the top three of my initial ranking but gerard valkyrie is the complete package whereas grammy thermo has this incredible ability he never seems to quite use it to its fullest potential because his personality his childlike demeanor but also his lethargic nature really really holds him back much in the same way as stark felt like he was being held back despite having the power despite being able to walk the walk stark really didn't want to be there at all and didn't want to fight and basically never really gave it his all until it was too late but unlike characters like that gerard valkyrie is the real deal not only does he have an insanely overpowered shrift he also has the bulk the physique the speed the mind to kind of match all of it as he says himself he is the strongest mightiest fastest of all the quincy the warrior who has been bestowed with everything now it's not out of character for the stern writer to make outlandish claims about themselves it happens quite a lot and even gremie himself claims to be the strongest stern misses so really you kind of have to take that at face value but as this kind of real end game boss gerard valkyrie really does feel like he could be the final boss of bleach outside of uh itself his positioning in the story as the last major hurdle for our heroes doesn't feel like a coincidence in my mind so if we really start then just by kind of breaking down gerard schrift as i mentioned it is essentially their defining trait so it makes makes sense to start here the miracle can be kind of broken down in a number of different ways it has its kind of grander abilities and then it's kind of it can be taken to its most base simplistic form as well in its most reductive form the miracle simply allows gerard to replace any part of himself that is destroyed with one that is transformed into god size as he calls it earlier basically what that means is it comes back literally bigger and literally stronger than it ever was before one of the most prime examples we get of this the most simple example to begin with is when his right arm is cut off by kenpachi zaraki the arm is cleaved off no problem whatsoever but suddenly we witness this gold light coming out of the stump where gerard's arm was and he's like oh my my right arm and then suddenly it basically just reappears in a flash of light and he's like it's grown even stronger and we can see that the forearm he now has is literally bigger than his his existing forearm on his other arm not only is it bigger as you can see in some of the images here it's now got these strange black veins it also has these little shields on the knuckles which is a cute little detail but literally it shows you that anything that gerard loses will come back stronger and bigger than before seemingly without end and that is absolutely key and we see this version of the miracle taken to the extreme gerard is sliced in half by ken patches bankai which really should kill anybody and actually up until this point in the story really until i would say about the second half of the thousand-year blood war most bleach villains could be killed by shall we say traditional means so you know if they lose their head for instance that's generally going to mean they are probably going to die up until this point really only eisen had been shown to be able to continually survive killing blows of this nature but then perhaps in accordance with the increased amount of gore on show in the thousand-year blood war kubo starts showing us way more obvious fatal blows gerard is literally cut in two on the screen we see him sliced in half straight down the middle straight through his head in a move that should kill really anybody but of course he transforms again his body literally pulling itself back together as he reappears perhaps even double the size he was before sporting a pretty cool new helmet but crucially he has transformed to be even more powerful than he was previously and this happens again when his head is literally destroyed his body is frozen and biaccia blows his head up in a really cool team effort from the captains and we see that although his entire body right down to about his shins ends up crumbling into dust he reappears no matter what and it's fascinating because by this point gerard has literally become a being of light but i think that's kubo's way of showing us that even if his mortal body is destroyed or removed from existence he will return no matter what even if it's just as a as an angelic being of light and at this point in the story the fans were growing weary with enemies that just wouldn't die you know we were getting a lot of this it felt like some stermiter were very different difficult to kill leo barrow who had just had a big fight prior to this was also virtually impossible to destroy and fans had kind of had enough of it but in my opinion if you if you kind of lambasted kubo and the series for this particular element i think you kind of missed the point being that uh bark is literally not only the end game boss the final boss of bleach but these guys particularly the shootstoffel but particularly the upper crust of the shutstoffel being obviously gerard and lille are literally supposed to be the best of the best like they are on a totally different level to just about everyone the series has ever seen in that they are the closest thing to actual apostates of god they are his holy warriors literal beings of angelic light who are supposed to be effectively completely and utterly immortal and i i liked that i thought it was really cool the vanden reich has always had this undertone of like a twisted religious zealot thing going on and it was really cool to see that emphasized and brought further into the light than ever before with characters like gerard in fact there's a particular panel that i think really encompasses how angelic he is supposed to appear when he's sprouted these massive feathery angelic wings and he's sort of flying towards zaraki his sword is by his side there's like a light ring around it and he just kind of looks like he is literally like some holy knight driving towards his enemy and i think that's really cool and i think as justification for a shrift as broken as the miracle it works really well same with the x-axis but gerard's the miracle doesn't stop there he has more to it as well where things start getting a little more vague a little more conceptual but basically he claims that his ability the miracle is kind of born from the quote-unquote hopes of the masses the reason why his body grows and expands upon his death his defeat is because the masses are giving him their hope you know they hope that he will succeed and so he does their hope also bears shape as the form of his blade hoffnung and when hoffnung takes damage when it is chipped in battle that damage is reflected back onto his opponent as a form of the the masses is hope turning into despair at the sight of the broken hofnung as hitsugaya himself says it's an ability that seems to defy all logic and reason and really as i said it all just combines to make gerard the ultimate warrior and i think this idea of gerard being the ultimate warrior the strongest of all the stern ritter is embodied in his appearance as well there's more to him than just being a thor looker-like you know and his surname being valkyrie but he literally takes on the appearance of somebody who has come down perhaps from valhalla itself to defend his lord and father and gerard takes on the appearance of this incredibly muscle bound literally like a sort of nordic viking warrior or something like that someone who wear who wears a shield on one arm carries a sword in the other has a flowing cape more than any of the quincy who seemed to embody as we've mentioned before on the channel new age technology or or modernity gerard feels like a relic from a time gone by but somebody who was born and bred to fight and to be a true warrior and so while the miracle might not be as strong as the visionary on paper that plus gerard's immense speed his immense strength and crucially his capacity for battle his mental capacity to fight that gremi completely lacks makes him easily the most dangerous and the most powerful of them all but if we were to compare gerard briefly to some of his contemporaries we've already done gremie and really now the stern ritter in general are very very very very powerful but the the disparity in power between the strongest sternwriter and the weakest is enormous like it is an incredible gulf the likes of which we've never i would say really seen like i think the strongest captain and the weakest captain while there is a considerable gap there it's not it's nothing like this the stomata i i would say personally anyway uh i don't remember who i actually said was the absolute weakest stern written but it's probably going to be you know someone like someone who was killed by ken patchy in the first invasion you would imagine that they are that gerard appears like a god to them as well despite being of supposedly the same faction really even within the stern ritter itself and if we think about the top 10 from my original video maybe only the top five kind of come anywhere near close to each other and i think if i remember off the top of my head it was like gerard leel gremie pernider and you know those guys unsurprisingly make up the bulk of the stoffel asking is kind of there as well but really you can see from his fight and actually this is a point i just want to make briefly but something that i really did like was that askin is killed like a normal person now yes he's incredibly tanky and his the death dealing gives him immunity immortality to certain things but unlike the other should stop all around him unlike gerard and lille who are supposed to come across as these angelic beings asking is killed once his heart is removed yes he says a couple of little things he still manages to talk for a little bit but that's really just for dramatic effect he's not getting back up at that point if gerard's heart was punched out of his chest by grimjo his whole body would just transform and he would return stronger than ever before numerous attempts are made on his life at the very start of this fight we see him before he's even removed his helmet biakia uses senbonzakara kagiyoshi when he realizes gerard might be about to activate something he smashes it into gerard's head and kubo makes a point of showing us that biakia has basically gone through his skull in order to finish him off because we see his helmet come flying off and there's a hole in both the front and the back and even hinamori is like do we really need to go that far but of course gerard's the miracle seems to be a passive ability that activates no matter what and he transforms because he was killed his entire body transforms um and he also seems to mention as well that he's never been quite so gravely wounded across the course of a battle which is why he's so massive all of a sudden so clearly it seems to also accumulate injury over time and convert it into this so-called god size and then the second time he dies is when he gets cut in half as we mentioned before and the third time he dies is when all three captains come at him at once in a pretty awesome display hitsugaya in his mature bankai freezes gerard's body gerard you know even talking like a god at this point says i will not be fettered by the mere elements of this world however despite that kenpachi then injures his foot sending gerard crashing to the ground and then biakia comes in for the final blow using the true power of his senkay ability to completely annihilate gerard's head and we see that he you know loses everything from about here upwards but then thanks to hitsugai freezing him to the bone he just crumbles to nothing and despite that he comes back again and so really there's so few stern rita even who can compare to this lil baro in my opinion is definitely the closest and he even calls himself an emissary of god like he is an angelic being his transformations the further into the fight he transforms numerous times like gerard as well he seems to take on i would say a a more biblical appearance like he looks like an eldritch abomination whereas gerard like i said takes on more of that stereotypical warrior viking vibe leo barrow i think is a little bit different to gerrard though the x-axis is so strong it makes him completely impervious to damage and it's it's again this idea of just something that's so insurmountable to defeat and yet the reason why i still think gerard is stronger than lille is because it comes down to that regenerative capacity we see that leo barrow has his powers scattered and his body is like cleaved in half and technically yes he survives it he splits up into these multiple weird like flamingo creatures but the difference here is that leel is greatly incapacitated by this like losing his halo losing essentially most of his powers he is robbed of his abilities and kind of just dispersed across the land we have no proof of this and so really it's only speculative but if somehow gerard's own power were reflected back by the shinken hakyoken as it were with lille i presume it would have a similar effect as he has got similarly angelic god-like ability but the difference is is that i think even if if gerard's body were just like split apart and ripped apart he would return anew again anyway because he is supposed to be the beating heart of the soul king and again that's where a difference between him and leo lies gerard is actually a part of the true god of the bleach universe whereas lil barrow is not leo may have been the first quincy to gain a shrift but gerard already had his powers innately so being this idea of the beating heart of the soul king means that gerard is the embodiment of life and living itself as long as his as long as he exists in a way he will continue to return and continue to fight for his master and we see that once he is cut in half by ken patchy we see a quincy cross in the center of his being where his heart should be it's actually a really weird sequence and i kind of wish had been explained a bit more but like gerard's blood seems to be like attached to this quincy cross it seems to like move around it encircle it and then he transforms again so what i think that is supposed to be showing you is that gerard's quincy essence is literally his heart his his his core is quincy power at the end of the day um so he is basically unkillable until the only person on this earth robs him of that power strips him bare and it kills him and i think what again the idea you're supposed to see there is it with the quincy power being his very core it's almost like as long as yuh bark exists so will gerard but because uh has the power to just rob stern writers of their power gerrard kind of goes along with it because without it he doesn't exist anymore that's just a theory of mine it's speculative because kubo didn't actually go into that but i think it makes a lot of sense but basically what i'm trying to get at is gerard is this unstoppable literally undying immortal soldier of god who wields his blade just to to defend his his king his all-father and their new realm and so for me gerard is clearly the strongest enemy we've ever seen outside of the two main big bads he is the ultimate kind of wall that the goatee 13 must come up against and he defeats countless characters you know all of the vizag get taken out in a single hit which is kind of nonsense but it happens anyway he you know defeats shinji he defeats numerous captain level characters the three captains against him hitsugaya biakia and kenpachi use their absolute strongest forms in that huge battle royale and he survives regardless truthfully they would never have won that fight had it not been for uh giving them a miracle which again is i think we're supposed to take away from that but they would never have won they literally give it their all to destroy his body and he returns nonetheless and even if you compare gerard to other other villains in the series i think he comes out on top and that's because i think the top tier of the stern ritter who are supposed to come across as godly divine beings are probably way more powerful than basically every villain we've ever seen that includes all of the espada gene tosin i personally don't think any of them come close to this at the crop of the highest ranked shut-stop all members i think they are definitely the strongest enemies outside of eisen and new harbach himself but that's it for this video on how strong is gerard valkyrie stern ritter m the miracle i think he is literally the most powerful enemy we ever see in the series outside of eisen and yu habakk and acts as the ultimate end game hurdle for the gote 13 to clash with it's kind of funny in many ways he does play a role that is exactly reflective of yami largo in the iran car arc you get close to the end of the ark and to defend their home turf one of the villains transforms into this titanic form that is absolutely massive and perhaps way more powerful than we first thought the difference here is that yami remains a total joke while gerard valkyrie clearly uh you know walks the walk clearly can put his money where his mouth is and i actually did quite like that gerard is not my favorite character he's not the most compelling he's not even the most interesting stoffel but i did like that he was able to put up a really good fight but i want you guys to let me know in the comments below is my interpretation of gerard valkyrie correct is he the strongest villain the series has ever seen outside of eisen and you harbach and izzy the strongest stern writer i'd love to know your thoughts do let me know in the comments don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done already and until next time i'll catch you later and i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 229,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach anime, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach new chapter, bleach hell arc, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, bankai, tybw anime, bleach hell chapter, tybw bankai, kenpachi bankai, adult toshiro
Id: 3m-EOaJQnJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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