Mayhem in Mexico | 16 Car Cash Days

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you um first off most of you guys have done shootouts or done street racing before you know what the deal is but um pretty simple straightforward rules uh flashlight start i'm gonna bring the cars up together like i did in the last shootout so basically i'm gonna look at one driver make sure they're good i'm gonna look at the other driver i'm gonna start waving my hand up as i'm walking back get your car ready if you need more time as soon as i look at you just start getting your car ready i'm gonna hear the cars and i know if you're a turbo car when you're gonna be you know the cars you know rocking and moving so i'm bringing you up and then i'm gonna randomly hit the light okay um we're gonna have a camera behind the tire behind the cars one at the finish line so if you jump obviously you lose as far as crossing goes if you cross next to the car uh or in front of the car you're automatically out if you cross behind the car i don't care if you come around them and win that's you know that's good um one burnout one burnout only if you spin the tires and then you try to do another burnout you're out so just just be aware of that like don't try to argue yeah put it put a bunch of prep down so you make sure you're spinning the tires um we had about four cars couldn't make it we got 16 total cars so it's gonna be um it's gonna be whatever the payout is for for 250 on 16 cars the runner-up's gonna get his buy-in money back and then we have a sponsor for the event who is sponsoring us and they're giving a 500 gift certificate to jmd tubes for the runner-up so you get your buying money back plus the 500 gift certificate winner gets the rest of money um yeah we don't take no money so you're basically getting a good payout whoever whoever wins it any first round call outs let's make it juicy somebody david wants to call somebody else yeah we're down the corvette corvette for who uh no payments with the white boss they're buying 250. i mean are you saying like another 250 or you're just saying oh you want to do it yeah all right uh any other call-outs anything did uh did uh klk bring the blue mustang blue one thing right here uh cubans are you down to run the track [ __ ] in the first round that's cool yeah yeah yeah second pair down uh trackhawk verse all right are you guys doing it for anything or just yeah so foreign [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] so um um [Music] mmm [Music] so [Music] oh mmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] that was biggest wheelie i've ever seen holy [ __ ] driver's okay though yeah he's cool oh my god dude that [ __ ] just went all the way [ __ ] up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] oh my god dude okay has no breaks oh my god that's why we have people stand behind the line yeah exactly and next thing i know i look in the mirror you're on the curb yeah i was like i know i've seen that for my trailer i just seen can't miss that does anybody want to buy back in 350. all right here we go [Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] wow all right another i know he might be in the steezy and kev and then the alameda boys fox versus mean green [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh so [Music] he lost his [ __ ] oh my god he lost his shoe [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah that's great all right guys so we're gonna go back to the staging area to see uh what the call was on the first race apparently they said the white fox jumped so we'll go see what the call is move straight into the finals what's the call what's the call wait no no you know what we're gonna review the video see if it's a jump and we'll go from there look at that line up with the stacker all right so the call was that the white fox body jumped and the race against steezy so this is going to be our finals right here steezy's turbo fox versus alameda boys nitrous fox should be a pretty good finals and i'm charged up all righty come on heading right back into it that's gonna be close that's gonna be close that was a race oh my gosh let's see we're gonna get the call from the end [Music] [Applause] hey so it sounds like they're indicating that uh steezy won they're still waiting on the finish line i don't know why sounds like rightland steezy for the win easy for the win what a finals that was a good race [Music] get your money back let's go hey we don't want a problem it was close that was cool there it is [Music] great all right so we got a little bonus raise between sneezy and the uh air force box [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Desert 1320
Views: 1,508,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash days, Shootout, Street racing, 1320, Desert 1320
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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