Battle at the Border | 12 Car Cash Days

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[Music] [Music] all right so we're gonna i'll just run through the rules real quick um we're gonna do a chip draw there's a total of 12 racers so um going to be standard shootout rules flashlight start 8th mile we're prepping the lanes right now do your puddle burnouts i'm going to have a camera behind the starting line i'm going to have a camera at the finish line obviously if you jump you lose i'm going to make the final call on anything that i think is controversy controversial if i can't determine who's the the winner if it's too close we're gonna rerun it any questions anything you guys think i mean i missed i walked up after did you say about the lanes crossing um so crossing if you cross the lane if you cross into the other lane you're automatically out no matter what no matter what even if you're way ahead um we're just going to make a standard i don't want to get into anything so it's basically standard if you cross you lose if you cross behind i don't really care like if you cross behind you come back around that's fine but if you're in front of the other car and you cross you're out or if you're next to them it's going to be a you're going to draw a chip it's going to give you your your number and your lane uh whether it's right or left um as far as staging the cars uh i don't think does your car take a while to build boost or is it quick really if you're just are you doing this i'm gonna do them together yeah just how everyone's been doing it so we're just gonna i'm gonna uh i'm gonna basically look at each driver get it get each one of them to give me a head nod or a thumbs up or whatever i'll look at each driver and then i'm gonna start walking backwards raising my hand get your car up on the um get your car up on the converter whatever you got to do get it ready if you know you need extra time as soon as i start walking back just start getting your car ready and then i'm going to randomly hit the light i'm not going to you know just don't try to guess the light just wait for it to come on i don't want to have to be that guy that says you know you lost because you jumped basically i'm trying to think any other questions anyone has if the cops come um we got a spot like 10 minutes away i'll put in the group chat the address it's a big mall and we'll just go over there and eat we'll wait out for like an hour or so and we'll come back that's what we did last time so we'll do that if they do come i do have lookouts i have a lookout down the street at the at the stoplight so if they do come they're we're going to call they're going to call in hopefully give us a heads up so we can get you off the street if they if the cops do come i want everyone just coming back to this parking lot getting loaded and we'll get out of here as far as getting the races started we're gonna we're gonna do it like we've done in the past and you're just gonna be like a staging lane right here so whatever number you are so if you're number one you're gonna be at the very front of the parking lot um and we're gonna go we're gonna send the cars down quick because i want to get you guys on and off the street as fast as possible so all six pairs we're going to line them up right here so if you're six you're going to be in the back obviously but line them up whoever you're racing in this parking lot as soon as the people in front of you do the burnout you're going to get on the street and start pulling behind them so as soon as you hear them do a burnout pull your car up you'll be next ready to go and we're just going to send them down after the first round we'll come back here do trip draw again give the cars a little time to cool down and we'll send the next next next set down any first round call outs i'll pick any car first round 500. no josh my balls are hanging right now give me a second anyways oh set me up so this is the surface that we're racing on it's gonna be eighth mile hopefully everything goes smooth should be a pretty good day so ah uh um oh um i saw one of that kind of knowing he was going to get [ __ ] up [Music] little side bed action [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] hmm hey all right guys that's gonna finish it up round one we're gonna go back and draw for second round with some badass racing so let's see who makes it out on top you want to do it or not [Music] what do you got twenty uh there's a lot of cybed on that one [Music] [Applause] hey uh damn that's dirty that ain't right man all right what happened i missed it what happened extra cooling time all right so our buddy josh got a buy in the finals then you got me green and the uh a wheel drive truck going up semis right there this all right guys so we're moving on to finals right now we got josh lightfoot's 280z versus mean green and the gto should be a pretty good matchup but this car is just putting in work first time out on the streets right or left uh we'll just flip ah that was the one i was gonna get yeah right good thing i didn't [Laughter] all right man good luck so so [Music] the winner of the shootout [Music] i know it was you know i like to leave it like one eight yeah you know so we started going a little higher out that yeah i'll just you know i figured he's gotta come you know you know how was it up top uh he got it by he probably got me 200 feet to go um so he caught me fairly early i was hoping he was going to catch me at the end but he dropped a good thing yeah what happened i mean he paused a little longer and i was like once he was up there i just went you know what was a good time yeah i know that was uh that's a good road too yeah i like this road it needs a little more rubber to be like yeah like home yeah i mean in fact you could come out here on a sunday morning right over the hood of the battle at the border drop flight foot 24 hours [Applause] yeah this was a great shootout good street no car no plenty of shutdown areas i'll be looking for the next one [Music] you
Channel: Desert 1320
Views: 148,116
Rating: 4.9214501 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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