MAYHEM ATHLETE CAMP // Froning, Medeiros, Adams, Cournoyer // Episode 1

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foreign we want this to be as much fun as at least at least amount of formal formalities i guess as possible i'm sorry i'm excited to clap in some way to make rory make it happen uh jake probably the one that reached out to a lot of you guys jake's the director of programming uh we just want to get some of the people that have been doing mayhem athlete or people that have never done it and just bring you guys out and hang out get to know you guys all right i'm rich broning and i sleep with my eyes open everyone luke the final the final [Applause] um rose so i was on the bachelorette uh so i was on reality tv that's my fun fact what's the story behind the hair when did it start how did it start oh it was actually just a pretty random i was doing like a local comp like probably about probably a year and a half ago now and uh my buddy i had like i wrestled in high school so i had like a buzz cut i started growing up my hair because i was done with wrestling after high school and i was like dude i have curly hair like this is awesome like i had no idea i had straight hair as a kid so uh yeah i grew it out it was like long and shaggy and i was doing a local conference like dude you should cut your hair into a mullet and i'm like hair grows back like why not so like i cut it uh and that was in april so that was like the first time i got a mullet and then i got a new coach which is my coach now adam knifer and that next week i went and met him for the first time i never met him before and like i pulled up and i'm like oh shoot dude i still have a mullet like this is probably not a good first impression and uh i got out of the car and he's like dude do you have a mullet and i'm like yeah and uh he's like dude i used to have a mullet so uh he used to have a mullet it started working out pretty good about uh like three weeks after that i did the granite games and uh he we went out back on his back porch because it was kind of a mullet it wasn't too uh too good and he that went backwards and buzzed the sides for uh the granite games he's got a little uh home home haircut and uh kind of since then it kind of stuck i like it it's good for working out dude hair stays out of the face freaking got a propeller in the back it works good yeah i went into the games i mean obviously my my goal this year was to qualify for the games but uh didn't really think about what would happen if i did qualify and with everything going on and we had there was a two stages and uh i kind of went out and gave it everything i had for stage one and like i think after the first i was uh in california so i was like the last block so the box were like from 9 to 12 and then at 12 they released the leaderboard where i was from where a lot of people were already done with the workout for like eight hours so uh for me i'm like sitting there waiting at the first block i was sitting in like fourth place i was expecting like 20th place like i had i had no idea where i was gonna be sitting and this uh kind of kept throwing down all weekend and it made the top five and it was uh yeah it was super cool definitely like something that i don't think is ever gonna happen again but uh to go to the games and kind of do some of those events like like the trail run i don't think they could have done in like a field of like 80 people so uh yeah it was really cool just to be a part of that what was your favorite event from the games surprisingly i think the trail run i think the trail line was just super fun i mean uh one of the reasons why i always want to make the games was to do like kind of those crazy events that you don't get to do every day in your gym yeah and i don't think you could do that event anywhere else like but the games yeah to be able to go to the ranch do that workout like run the trail and uh that twist was definitely not fun in the moment but uh looking back it was definitely really cool to be a part of that take you back to like some wrestling days oh yeah torture that event yes for sure to uh just kind of get used to that suck fest i mean uh in wrestling that's all wrestling is so just kind of cross that finish line have to do it again we're just like oh no here it comes i told myself if i ever made the games like i wanted to make it count i didn't want to be that guy that first year at the games uh i was sitting in last place and no one really knew i was there i wanted to go there and show that uh i could compete i felt like i have been able to compete the games the past couple years and uh i just i was never able to punch my ticket and go and uh this year i did and i told myself when i qualified uh that was gonna make the most of it and that was in november so i had like eight months six months to prepare for the games and uh i just gave everything a hack so i knew like when that time come like uh i want to show people what i got yeah i've been good training going well yeah training is going well uh for sure starting after the starting training back after the games was our but um i'm starting feeling better yeah you ramping things back up yet or is it still kind of laid back for you um now i think it's good it's been it took a long time to i mean like get back on my feet but no no it's good i feel like everyone here has been doing it for six to ten years top 10 individual athletes um yeah like i said earlier i'm excited to learn from everyone obviously i'm learning from rich but i mean i can take little nuggets from everybody here i'm excited about that learn i'm gonna be a sponge this weekend and have a great time eat a lot of a lot of carbohydrates [Music] thanksgiving was great all the food's been great the exercise not so great not so fast what did you what did you how long did you take off and like when you start ramping back up or if at all since then probably took a week week to 10 days off and then jumped right back into it to try to help my buddy noah get prepared yeah so he slapped me around a little bit me being as prepared as i was after 10 days of as many gummy bears as possible damn rap with gummy bears because i'm not the fastest athlete so i'll push as hard as i can i love that but i can only give you so much okay but if i look across and i see her going faster than us if i start screaming at you it's not personal you have like a like a running record like you're 110 and 105 or something like that against her yeah yeah right what's your way like a majority i maybe have like a handful yeah she's so fit and stupid [Music] and keep the acceleration on it okay [Applause] you have to rely on speed and efficiency okay so it's it's using learning how to use the momentum to your advantage not just trying to brute strength it up there that's not gonna ever be you but you can be fast you can be efficient and fluid and that's what's going to get heavier weights up above your head you're going to be busy during this workout i'm going to be like running around being like that looks like crap because you have your partner one partner is going to go all the way through 100 10 55 then the next person will go through so to go one to one for the whole set make sense cool we'll probably do four we may do a fifth we'll see how we're going uh let's watch how long time's taken i'll update as we go [Music] go i'm happy i just missed once it was just because it was like it wasn't the way it was like yeah tyler who won the workout what's that who won the workout i did me for sure even if she beat me who wins more workouts between you two tyler said you bailey to give it a fair shot he does every time unless it's i can't think of anything that i'm better than you there's one pair it's gonna go uh the first person will go completely through 1296 of bar muscle ups and we'll set kind of like some cones up that you got to weave through for 50 feet um so you're gonna go straight through partner two is gonna go straight through and then you guys are gonna stop and wait for your other pair that is doing legless and handstand walk over the obstacle 25 out 25 back resting one to one then you'll flip flop and you'll do that each part of it you'll do twice but you'll go so one two three four so essentially four times of the workouts but two sets total makes sense it's going here you're going there okay yeah okay when both partners are finished look at each other switch and just try to get through as fast as you can as a pool yep love it clear as mud so good over there when everyone's standing across the board over there yeah like okay e equals mc squared so so divide by six plus seven then you tag and you spin around plus you're upside down right like i have no i don't think anyone has any idea what's going on oh i totally do really yeah i'm not gonna tell you [Music] so [Music] that one hurt more this one the rope climbs by like just muscle fatigue just like uh oh it's not real they're both good break till like 2 30ish everybody back here around 2 2 30. uh there's food protein shakes in the coffee shop if you guys want something target is above for both men and women we don't discriminate around here you're going to 10 feet if you're using a 14 pound ball you're going to 10 feet all right so the way this will work is it's technically a team workout but it's an individual workout disguised as a team workout so three two one go one partner will stand on or start on the bike one per partner will start on the wall balls when both are finished you'll switch and when both athletes have finished one round of each that's one round so essentially one person is going to go five rounds of 20 standing 20 wall balls one partner's going to do five rounds of 20 wall balls 20 standing from then we'll put the boxes over here we won't box dump burpee box trunk roper on the turf just because that sucks we'll do it over here on the rubber and it'll be in the remaining time in 15 minutes your score will be your burpee box jump over so the key is to take 15 minutes to do the five rounds that's my kind of my kind of workout tyler's my boy now apparently he said ride or die we're gonna burn it down which is a little scary we're riding this puppy into the ground today baby everyone what if he's already there so am i perfect okay let's keep riding baby throttle yeah we're like i think i'm gonna go because i'm broken the whole way and then as fast as we can and then start super fast go fast through the middle and then faster at the end yeah tyler said he's going to burn it down yeah yeah where do you want to start also is it okay right here i can see that but we'll get him on the next one here we go again [Music] let's do it one more time here we go [Music] again oh my gosh it's still like three minutes to go what time did you get over the burpees out six towns away something like that yeah you burped for over six minutes we weren't the first box though we're gonna do part of the recovery protocol this is meant to make you feel better tomorrow not make your shoulders feel worse so hopefully it'll help recover you a little bit all right we're gonna do three movements up top this is about the eccentric so slow negative we'll go four second negative actually counts long four gonna be one two three four we'll go ten row go here and one two three four and then like that it's in here straight arm rows one two three four and then we're actually gonna do what we call the angel from here full circle slow on the way down and then pinch a little more down down here good now here not there right here yeah right there active here relax here good is this part of the protocol yeah dance party over here did she give you gum yes [Music] you
Channel: CrossFit Mayhem
Views: 88,937
Rating: 4.967936 out of 5
Keywords: CrossFit, CrossFit Games, CrossFit Mayhem, Rich Froning, Justin Medeiros, Haley Adams, Sam Cournoyer, Lifting, Sports, Squat, Mayhem, Tyler Christophel, Tasia Percevecz, Rory McKernan, Froning, Luke Parker, Fittest on Earth, Clean and Jerk, Snatch, Run, 2020, Mayhem Athlete, Burgener, Bodybuilding, Lift, Strong, muscles, coffee, giveaway
Id: jFor1ZIUr9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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