Maya tutorial : Modeling a Fireplace

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hey guys my carrot I miss tutorials welcome back well guys today we're gonna do a requests and the requests that I got was can you model a fireplace so that's we're gonna do we're gonna model it we're gonna texture it we're gonna light it and we're gonna render it okay cool so we're gonna start off by creating a back wall so we'll just take a simple polygon plane pull that out we're gonna hit e to rotate it make sure we're at 90 degrees minus 90 in this case there we go we're gonna hit W let's raise that up to roughly or a ground plane l-'izzat and we'll probably need to bring the top down a bit so right-click vertex drive select that looks more like a wall all right we're gonna create an opening in our wall for our fireplace so we're gonna go to edit mesh we're gonna go to a sorry to mesh tools injured edge loop option Mark's multiple edges all there to add them right there and then go back to our normal setting and we'll do one let's see about there cue our keyboards there we go and then we're gonna right click got a face take that face and go to edit mesh extrude under face ed W and push that back so that will create the opening for our fireplace okay we're gonna go back to mesh tools enter that tool option box multiple setting and we'll do two right there and then we'll right-click go to edge I'm gonna take these two and we're gonna hit W and we're gonna push them back to kind of shape that area alright now that we've got that let's focus on the shape or for actual fireplace I'll just close this down we'll take the polygon cube I'm just gonna pull that up let's set our Translate values to 0 just so we know that's nice and centered let's bring that up I have to zoom in okay let's give that a bit more height that looks about right and we want that to be pulled forward just a little so we can do is just snap that actually that's better yep okay sticking out a little bit too much maybe it's from a top view right click vertex strikes like these too and bring them in all right now we're going to add a little bit of detailing here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back to Mitchell's injured edge loop tool option box we still are on multiple will do to hit our pull them out to about there we're gonna hit G that's all right I can't do G because I just did something else and Jill again will do two again and then we'll 8r and let's kill them out right there hit Q on your keyboard okay we're gonna select these edges and we're gonna go to mesh and let's see edit mesh and bevel under edge which will kind of break that shape okay maybe it's a bit much so we'll do is we'll select our object we're gonna go to a poly bevel and let's bring that down a little so the fraction will do something like 0.13 all right let's see if we need to break these corners here as well maybe that looks okay so I'll take one there and one there and we'll do edit mesh' and above all once again and let's tweak that one as well sorry okay not bad now if we select this guy and we 3 on a keyboard you see that it's completely warped out so we're not gonna do that in this case it's marble so we're gonna keep it nice and straight okay now we need to create the columns for this side and that side and these are going to be symmetrical so we're gonna create another polygon cube let's bring that up now let's switch to this you have to zoom in for full wireframe mode which will allow us to position it a bit better at W we're gonna bring that over to about there bring it down we're gonna just snap it down that's a bit jumpy right click vertex flex at the top and bring that up gonna right click at an object mode we're gonna push that in you have to zoom in and now we can see that the top section can actually come out a bit if we like we'll deal with that in the sec make sure that the top section is high enough that seems to be okay and now we can go and take this guy right click vertex drags like all these vertices and bring it out just a bit okay then we're gonna take this guy and we're gonna actually do that from the top it for I'm gonna right click that our vertex direct like these to bring that into about there and then we're gonna go back to my stools insert page loop tool option box we'll do our normal setting and I'll do up here and one down there that's fine cue on our keyboard I'm gonna right click go to face just like that out of mesh extrude we're gonna pull that out close to the end there all right and now we're going to go back to mesh tools and Jays little option box I'll do five and we'll add them right there hit Q on our keyboard and now let's move to this view after zoom in and we're gonna right click the revert X and we're gonna start to tweak these vertices so we're gonna select those bring them in skip one and that one we're gonna leave as is and the top one let's bring that out just a little bit okay down here right-click face add up mesh extrude under face @w bring that out and we're gonna do something similar there so nice tools tool we're still on five there we go switch back to this few hit f2 zoom in right click first X drag select these aw bring that in skip one skip one tweak this one a bit just to make that nice and round okay these guys we are going to smooth out just a little bit at least I think that's a good idea but we'll see just check actually that is not bad at all so we're going to take that right click object mode actually let's do a little bit more tweaking Mitchell's injured edge loop tool option box will do to add them right there cue on our keyboard and we're gonna select these two edges and we're gonna go to edit mesh and bevel under edge which is kind of a nice detail then we're gonna right click an object mode it ctrl D to duplicate and we're gonna move that over let's switch to our front of you now this guy if we check that lets see want to translate values if we do 4.5 on that one then this guy should be minus 4.5 so they're equally spaced out all right so we got that okay okay so what's next we are going to create the interior for our fireplace so for that we're gonna create a polygon cube and we're gonna give that little height we're gonna push that in check it from our top view I'll just close this down so what we're doing okay so right click vertex stripes like these to bring that back and then we're gonna right-click go to object mode we're gonna hit our we're gonna scale it out in that direction right click vertex rights like these two at W and bring them in let's just check down here that you need to come up a bit and we'll make sure that that's nice and centered in a sec mesh tools entered edgeloop tool' I think that's still at - yeah add to queue on a keyboard and we're gonna right-click that a vertex we're gonna select these and we need W and we're gonna bring that back all right okay now we probably want to have the front be back a little so we're gonna select these let's push that back to about there let's see how that looks it's not bad right-click face just like these faces hit delete right-click object mode edit mesh extrude under face and we'll do 0.2 that's a bit thick let's do 0.1 a bit better alright so we got that guy now we're gonna need to create some sort of protector if you will to to kind of uh you know hold the logs in and so forth you know what I mean for that we're gonna create a polygon cube pull that up make sure it's square so we'll do two by two and we can scale it back of course but right click object mode scale it in let's go up and up mesh mesh tools option box will do eight subdivisions there we go and then we're gonna check it from this few all right we're gonna right click on vertex drags like all these hit W and starts to bring that out and repeat that and repeat that and try to get a little bit of a curve in there from here we're going to start to go back like so alright excuse me then back to my stools and Jedi slip tool option box - and we'll do two there hit R and scale them out to the edge and then all do G oops sorry select this guy mesh tools and just as a pillow will do to their hit our wrong handle kind of hard to see it's kind of off but it should help to hold our objects we're gonna hit three yeah it's not bad it's a bit thick but we can fix that we're just gonna push that in and it's gonna take out a little bit of a curve but not all of it and then we're gonna take a little sphere we're gonna hit W and we're gonna move that on top so we're gonna move that over here I have to zoom in now it's impossible to see what the exact top is right there so we're going to check it from a few angles after zoom in that looks about right and then from this you will do that select them both mesh combined modify freeze transformations and edit delete by type history all right after zoom in let's hit three to smooth that out let's see how that looks that's not bad modify center pivot we're gonna move that guy in and it's gonna need to be scaled down quite a bit so let's move that over there bring that down zoom in and then from our front view let's scale this down a bit maybe a bit bigger than that that's about right bring that up bring that over and we're gonna control a D to duplicate that we're gonna bring that over to about here and I'm gonna hit shift D over there let's see if they're all positioned correctly okay so we're gonna take all of these and you still need to be able to put wood in right so they need to come down I'm just gonna W bring that down and what we'll do is we'll bring them in and rotate them out a little bit all right it's not bad okay now we're gonna have a painting on top in a sec so for that we'll take a polygon cube and we're gonna give that some height not too much let's make sure that it's centered so we're gonna set our translated values to zero let's pull that up we're gonna hit E we're gonna rotate that up and actually before we do that let's pull that out right click face select it I don't mesh extrude under face we're gonna hit our and we're gonna scale it in just slightly G to repeat and W to push down right click object mode e to rotate now we're gonna rotate in this direction we're gonna hit W we're gonna push it back and we're gonna need to scale up the size so we're gonna hit our that looks a bit better somewhere on that height and now it's important is that it's not flat on the wall because paintings typically are tilted forward a little bit and we'll just check it from this view that looks alright okay so next we're gonna do is we're gonna all right click got an edge we're gonna take these two edges and that edge I'm thinking whether we should have all of them no we should not I'll take those out of mesh and extrude under edge what do you go right there @w pull that out okay and we're gonna add a window at this end so we're gonna go to mesh tools and option box we're at two which is fine we're gonna hit our we're gonna scale that out just a little bit Q on a keyboard back to insert edge loop tool normal setting and we'll do one up there Q on our keyboard right click face and take that one out okay so we've got all that now let's clean that up just a little bit we've got a little bit too much edges going on here all right click edge take all of those hit ctrl delete to clean that up I'll just those are fine that looks okay alright so now we've got that we're gonna take our painting right click object mode W and bring that forward just a little bit so now let's get some texture on this guy all right actually we're not there yet we need to create some logs alright so for the log we'll take a polygon cylinder bring that up again add edge loops I'm still used to 2014 so for some reason I'm always in the wrong menu let's do 5 what hide them right there ok let's switch views have to zoom in right click vertex and we're gonna do is we're gonna scale this up just a little bit not too much this one here will rotate a little bit pull it out and scale it this one will just move to the left a little bit we just want to look somewhat organic okay maybe bring that in okay I'm just gonna move in here see we've got after zoom in Adobe to pull up okay now if we hit 3 right now it's gonna smooth out a little bit too much so I want to go back my stools a nice little option box single setting move on up to the top move on down here right like an object mode it's like object mode I'm hit three which is not bad okay so we're gonna move that guy in here to zoom in hit e we're gonna rotate it to 90 we're gonna hit W we're gonna bring that down and we're gonna scale it down a little bit maybe stretch it okay let's hit ctrl D to duplicate that bring that out hit flip that over and let's see if we can put them in an angle so he W pull it up - but there it's control-d once again bring it out rotate it back I'll put one underneath if we can all right we'll take this guy control D pull it up forward it E and rotate that one as well and W and push that back a little and then we'll take the whole thing kind of move it into the middle here okay so we've got our logs time to add some texture okay so let's start with our picture right here right click assign the material will do a lambert i'm going to go to my color checker here I want to select a file and we're gonna go down to the folder and on my desktop I created a four called fireplace and let's see we will add some hardwood okay now we're gonna hit our checkered box right here and we're only gonna apply that to the other edge obviously but still let's just go to create euphy's planar mapping which makes it look better already and I don't really think we have to change a lot on that out of your V's UV texture editor yeah that looks fine okay then let's focus on the painting itself just like this face right click the assign the material let's see one on the Lambert ticker box file folder and let's see painting there we go open that now obviously we need to help that guy out so create you v's planar mapping Edit UVs UV texture editor right click on UV drives like that let's see here let's rotate it and I want to see what's going on here as well so we need to scale that out and that should be fine okay now let's deal with our wall here okay and we'll let change the floor in a sec I click assign your material the Lambert ticker box file folder and back wall there we go okay and again we don't have to pay attention to the floor because we're gonna change that in a sec just like that guy create you fees let's do all o matic mapping no not good try that again painter mapping no no guys okay we'll do automatic mapping and we'll fix that manually and UV UV texture everything right like UV select the whole deal and first we're gonna rotate this and we're gonna hit our and this seems to be fairly seamless so I think it's not bad we'll have to fix these insides here but all in all not bad ok there we go let's go to our floor right click face signing material Lambert checkered box I keep in mind guys that I'm going through this fairly fast and if you want to have accurate UV spend a lot more time with that right okay wooden floor let's open that go to automatic mapping which is not bad with the exception that I wanted to rotate so UV texture editor right click vertex that should be that guy right click shell and it W I got a little bit too much selected here sorry face let's rotate that that looks better to me okay we're gonna select this right here right click a sign that's right yeah assign a material Lambert check a box file folder and red marble there we go no that's gonna need some work select it automatic mapping which isn't quite there yet object mode use UV texture editor and let's see here we're gonna right click UV drag select it we're gonna hit our and we're gonna bring that well into our marble space and that is that works for me anyway okay I'm gonna take this guy right click object mode assign existing material the latest lambert that we did and we need to tweak that so great use automatic mapping and we need to tweak that object mode edit UV UV texture editor right click UV and we have quite a lot of space here that we can use so we're just gonna scale that in until we have nothing going on that we don't want it's like this guy like object mode assign existing material Lambert six create you fees automatic mapping right click UV drag select and scale it and bring it well into the frame of our texture and that should be good ok now for our casing here or frame or whatever you want to call it object mode let's select these guys sign name material Lambert ticket box file folder let's see black steel and all of these textures came from CG textures comm so check these guys out these things are free so pretty neat just gonna take that guy automatic mapping not quite sure how that looks but Lola check that later we've got one face sticking out here so we're just gonna take this object here okay it was just checking what the issue was looks like we need to extend this guy I'd like edge alright then we're gonna take our logs like like object mode come on so we can see what's going on there okay pulling out actually should have done this first but it is what it is okay let's take that guy sign your material Lambert check a box file folder and bark there we go probably do it in one go so I'll take these three right click assign existing material Lambert eight and depending on the level of detail well do the ends as well okay but for now it's just gonna take that guy bring that back that's this guy that's that guy after zoom in press that back a little okay now let's create some light so we're gonna go to our render settings we're going to go to mental ray indirect lighting we're gonna set up global illumination final gathering we don't need caustics in quality let's do 1.5 we're gonna make sure that ray tracing is set and we'll increase these values so eight eight twelve six three and three let's see I'm gonna do image based lighting as well actually first I'm going to create a physics on the sky okay we're gonna minimize that I'm gonna go to window outliner and just see where some is that right there so we're gonna hit W we're gonna move that we're gonna pull that up and right now it's pointing right down and we don't really have a ceiling going on here so we'll just create a quick plane pull it up for a ceiling I'll create a bookmark so we're gonna set up our render window here we don't necessarily want that window in our screen maybe I'm just gonna pull it up a little bit to put there if you bookmark edit bookmarks we'll call this new and apply so we can save that we're gonna do a quick test render with the settings that we have so just close that out and what give the second okay as you can see we still have quite some tweaking to do but that's okay so we'll do that now I'm gonna hit escape close that out first we're gonna rotate the angle a little bit so we're gonna just tilt that like so let's deal with this stuff here all right click face we're gonna take that one that one that one that one that one well just see as we progress I'll just hit four so we can see it better that we've got all those come on I click sign your material lambert check a box file file folder and i think no no back fireplace open let's hit five here at this guy okay as you can see it needs it doesn't need a lot actually maybe just this right here so we'll just actually go to my bookmark and see how that looks it's actually not bad we're gonna add some additional light here so we're gonna go to create light and we're gonna go to area light we're gonna W gonna pull that back and we're gonna raise that up we're gonna we're gonna rotate that kind of towards that corner and push it down and then we're gonna pull this over here and let's check the intensity it's one let's do 0.65 and maybe let's tweak the color too we're gonna take her yellow and we're gonna push that down until it's quite soft and then we're gonna go back to our bookmark and you let's go back to our render settings and I in the common tab I'm going to increase the size to 1080 let's give that another go alright I'll just pause the video during remember guys you know alright we can do a little bit more on the lining side so we're gonna minimize that I'm actually gonna create a point light and has kind of a ceiling light okay I'm gonna hit seven on my keyboard so I can see what's going on light wise and I'm just gonna bring this out here which will probably make quite a difference and I just want to add one element because it kind of annoys me that's not there so we're gonna create a polygon cube and we're gonna give it a little height and we're just gonna move that in and we'll hit 4 on the keyboard here after zoom in we want this to sit next to our wall let's see here and I'm gonna write like cut a vertex pull that in right there right-click object mode ctrl D to duplicate move that over and writing it ctrl D once again pull that out hit e to rotate and rotate that by 90 and we're gonna hit W we're gonna push that towards a wall I have to zoom in right click vertex push them out into that corner right there and this is probably not going to be in our scene but we're gonna pull that out as well okay we're just gonna right-click go to object mode and we're gonna take one two and three sign the material Lambert check a box file folder and we have let's see where do you go hard words okay open hit our check box much more detailed going on now with you bookmark new and let's see with our additional light source how it looks this time okay here we go right guys so this is our final render now I need you guys to keep one thing in mind normally when you're modeling and Tatian machine like this we're talking hours and hours and I would really want to encourage you guys to spend the time to do it properly right it doesn't all fit into a one single tutorial but you know use mapping displacement Maps tweak your lighting get your you've ease in order and so forth and that will benefit you in a great way this tutorial is intended to give you some a general idea of how to approach this okay and I have I think like 275 videos online right now and a lot of them are detailed explanations on how to approach the individual sections okay so that said hopefully this is an enjoyable video for you guys if you've got any questions as always just let me know and thank you guys for watching see you guys next time bye
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 12,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: texture, render, light, autodesk maya, 3d modeling tutorial, maya tutorial, how to model a fireplace in maya, blender, 3dsmax, zbrush, renderman, mh tutorials, filter forge, Tutorial (Media Genre), Fireplace Mantel, Animation (TV Genre), Autodesk 3ds Max (Award-Winning Work), Blender (Software)
Id: PHp6EWvN2g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2015
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