Maya Christmas Tree Tutorial

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guys welcome to my video and in this video I'm  gonna show you how to make a Christmas tree in   Maya so this is the scene I made and this is how  it looks like in the render view so I'm gonna open   up a new scene and I'm gonna be using mesh most of  all to distribute branches and leave so I'm gonna   create a new scene I'm gonna start by making  a cylinder I don't really need those caps at   the moment so I'm gonna delete that I'm gonna  stretch it out and maybe just make a bit more   sling now this is gonna be the branch and now  I can make another plane for the leaf and you   don't need any subdivision so let's leave it like  that and go stretch it out as well unless we will   relocate the pivot you can do it by pressing D by  the way and now we are ready to distribute this   leaves on this cylinder surface by using batch  so select the leaf and create mash Network and   if you go to mesh one distribute you can see  distribution type and I'm gonna change it to   mesh and now I'm gonna grab this cylinder mash  and drag it to empty mash now it's connected   and at the moment the plane mash is hidden so  I'm gonna press H to get the show up again and   apparently the orientation seems to be a bit  wrong so let's make the right so I'm gonna   go to the face legend mode and rotate it and  move it to just make a stick to the surface   properly yeah let's get it down and you can  now model this object and the changes will   be applied to all of these distributed man so  it's pretty handy and that's why you smash for   modeling branches and tree so now I'm gonna go  to the vertex selection mode and let's raise it   up something like that and you can add curvature  and basically can add as much detail as you want but I think that's enough for this tutorial  so if you're done just exit the edit mode   and go to the mash Network again and you can  increase number of points like that I think   something like 100 seems to be okay and by  the way if you don't want to see that black   shadow you can go to lighting and two-sided  lighting and just enable it there we go now what I'm going to do is go again and select  mesh and I'm gonna assign a random node actually   we don't need to randomize the position acts  I'm just gonna randomize position Y and probably   rotation just a little bit and scale can just  see how it changes as you adjust all the values I think that looks fine so if you think  it's okay you can delete history and   until later national network as well and  let's hide the reason source match now and assign a material before we merge them together  so sign you material I'm gonna call it a I'll   leave and make it win or something or then you  can apply a color texture and not a material for   the branch a ie branch or whatever and make  it something like dark brown or gray fine   so now I'm gonna combine those two objects and  delete history and maybe freeze transformation   and relocate the pivot as well so now we're done  with one branch per seems to be a bit short at   the moment so I'm gonna duplicate one and just  add one another on top of it so now we've got   two of them and combine it again right relocate  the pivot again so now I'm gonna distribute this   match onto another object let's create another  cylinder and scale it off and delete the calves   make it a bit taller now let's rotate it before  we create another national network they'd freeze   transformation before you go now let's go  back to FX preset and create another mash   Network again change the distribution type to  mesh connect a cylinder oh we got this looks a   bit weird less fun if he didn't be branch mash  unless move it all right something like that your rent asian seems to be wrong  again but you can just improvise   something like this okay now I seem to be  fine and we're ready to distribute again   let's scale it down before you before we  go select everything and scale it down relocate there we go and select mesh network again  I'm gonna increase the number of points probably   200 maybe even more and as we did before another  random node and and a little bit of randomness and rotation as well lastly the scale looks a bit messy at the moment but is totally  fine so for done with um randomizing the scale   and everything you can again delete history or  showing it if you just want to keep this for   you know further editing you can just duplicate  one and hide the original one so now we have it let's duplicate one of these and make it taller  let's rotate it or be more randomness there we   go and I'm gonna combine it delete the history  and now I'm gonna add a deformer you can go to   the forum and nonlinear and flare the  former to create a pyramid shape and you can adjust and flare x and z to  make a pyramid shape and also the   low and high belt they could let's  take a closer look you can make the   bottom a little wider as well since  you can make whatever shape you want if think it looks good you can  select a match until it is great   now the controller's are gone now this  is the tree model of face clay you know   let's select the cylinder and we need to  make it taller get the same and we got   this original source match made before  and I can actually bring it to the top here to fill the actual tree and it looks a bit  distracting so what I'm gonna do is grab an eye   tool and grab the very top vertexes and just  merge it to Center okay that was less visible   the final render you're not gonna be able to  see this because of the shadings so basically   almost on finally I'm gonna distribute another  piece of object which is the light decoration   so you can simply model the light by making  a sphere and I'm just gonna make it a bit casual looking so let's fill it by  extruding and merging into the center and relocate the pivot as well to the smooth  shading by going to match this play insulting   partner notches and also apply a new material a  iolite and go to mission and that emission wait now I'm gonna create another match Network  and do the same process as we did before   this is read read from s3 so we can just bring  it in it's gonna take some time because it's a   very high poly match now almost there so we can  increase the number of points probably a warrant kanna's add as much as you want only 500 seems to be too big at the moment so  let's get it down now basically the model and   don't fall now improve the model a little bit  you can make a little lag for the tree I'm just   gonna extrude the cube and extrude it again  something like that this is what I did for   the previous scene I remember exactly what  I did but um yeah I did something like this model it something like that and assigning new  material for relax and make it something like   gray good now it's on to the rendering process  before we go let's save the scene before I do a   test render I'm gonna create a ground plane  something like that sign a new material let's make it less shiny and probably no  subdivisions make a wall that's gonna be   not I smoke it out before we go last week  the material a little bit for the branch   just less specular and I rock this will  be point for the leaf you can add a bit   more roughness and you can add subsurface  scattering with green color but it will   slow down your render so it's not mandatory  but we'll make more realistic so let's test   enough a little extra tip for randomizing the  color of the lights can select the material and go to base color and click this icon and select  Arnold and search for a color jitter there we   go ai College you don't know and you can  add for example any base color you want   and change the type to object and you can  add hue randomization something like that   doesn't appear on the viewport but it will  in the render view so now finally we need a   light for the scene so I'm gonna go out with  AI sky dome light unless add color you can   probably add of HDR I'd file but I don't have  anyone anything at the moment so I'm gonna go   out with rank and I can simply change the type  to circular wrap and add a little bit of noise it will be enough for this so let's render  this out crawl is too dark at the moment   probably should rotate it let's do this  again I just wanna randomize the color   of the lights and I select the lights and  go back to the AI JIRA node I don't think   it's working at the moment Oh actually  I had to make this 2 emission color not   the base color let me pick this real quick  I can go to hyper shade and bring up the   network just grab the line and connect it to  an emission color these are fates there we go so right now you see a little  bit of colors you maybe not at   all so let's increase Hume ax now we see something actually as you go it face type  since it's all merged and one   object so I'm gonna increase you again there we go you see more vibrant lights so I can  frame up by going to the render settings   and choose whatever resolution you want  and set the sound things frame this up and add depth of field and other  environments and other props you   want and render yourself and that's all  I get for the this friend right here and I think that's it for this tutorial so  thanks for watching and Merry Christmas
Channel: SYIA Studios
Views: 2,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, maya, houdini, mash, rendering, vfx, animation, textureing, tree, christmas, 3dsmax, cinema4d, blender
Id: i1GdQWuIlII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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