What's the Best 3D Software?

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Hint: its not Paint3D

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thane5 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
you [Music] hey guys hitting a Morton here from flip normals and in this extremely elaborate video we are going to talk about 3d software's specifically which software which 3d software for games we fix animation is the best to use the absolute best one is isis poia here there is not a specific one that's gonna be turning out to be the best we want to cover the most basic and the all the use tools that are in the different industries why you should or shouldn't be using those tools and ultimately can they land you a job yeah so so hopefully gonna have a fairly balanced and very discussion here we don't rage too much about certain software and obviously I like to put a little disclaimer in there and saying there are certain software's that we know more about because those are the ones that were using day-to-day there are certain software's that we've touched before maybe we work with them for a few weeks to a few months or so so our knowledge might not be as in-depth for those but I still think our opinion on those and the field that we work in is very valid yeah so the software we're gonna cover on this one just to give you a little heads up would be three distri max Maya blender Houdini cinema4d modo and then we have C brush and then we have substance painter and designer and Mari hmm so it's a fairly balanced look at the major packages that are out there and being used in the different industries right now there's probably smaller software's and maybe some people might be a little angry that we're not covering specific softwares but but these are primarily the tools that if you want to get into even when we're in commercials visual effects games just animation whatever it might be either some of these tools you're definitely gonna be touching yeah so is some of these like ones that are major software like Max and Maya and then we have some more specialized stuff like ZBrush like you can't just be a see brush artist well maybe you can but before we have you know it's all some difference but always you become what we call a super scowl boy you don't want to be a super well you don't want to do that justice it's not a good look so let's start off with this 3d studio max here we just go into all the various websites here and just briefly showing you yeah about so so Max is one of the most used software out there today and it's made by Autodesk along with Somalians as well and this is this is the first software both Morton I actually started with like ten how was it ten well I think it's twelve years ago now time passes quickly now you had early days and it's it's really it's really a fantastic tool a lot of ways I know a lot of you guys will think that it's kind of a crap because you just said if you use it every single day but but it can do most things here and it's a fairly efficient modeler and you have amazing plugins support for so many different things that's one of the main strengths of mine yeah if you want something for it there is a plugin for it Oh starving a friend of mine whom you wanted to populate like a bookshelf and there was a plugin for books in a bookshop there I'll do is just support for everything here I think one of the cool things when I started using it was there's at some point after I started modeling a little bit I thought man I'd really like to get into some particles and I started researching particles then you had thinking particles you had implementations for Krakatoa yeah so you could you could just you could do all those things there's been really good support for render engines for 3d studio max there's just a it's it's just a really well-balanced tool yeah one of my favorite things about Max was the modifier list so the motor first act the modifier style yeah well you have essentially you have access to everything you can apply to an object in in that list in the beginning I would say it probably it might be a little bit overwhelming but as you got used to it not having that in other software actually kind of annoyed me a bit because I knew all the things I went to every single modifier just to try all them out you have some weird one who's like you could melt your objects but you gotta be useful you had amazing ones as well as like the turbo smooth one where turbo smooth you could turn on a wireframe and you could choose the subdivision level interactively and here's an amazing screen to all of us of Max which have no idea anyway this is the base that this is basically what max looks like no I guess this is a little old might be a few years old or so but essentially as to what it looks like so super useful software can do most things it's used aloft in games now so Max and Maya they're they're both used here but if you are in gaming it's probably worth learning max definitely I used to I actually used to use it for like architectural visualization as well that's that's how I got started with 3d and one of the nice things about max was the precision tools like it was really precise you measure things up and you know put it into interior into your scene get a quick render out and present it to the client really quickly yeah so we're super handy for that next up let's look at Maya so Maya is by far in film demos use tools like undisputed if you want to work in film visual effects most commercial studios Maya is the top dog here this is this is where we we modeled we UV map rig and animate render everything in in Maya that is like there is no discussion here if you want to work in film Maya is is really the place to go same with same goes with you know just animation feature animation yes most most studios also will use Maya for that yeah it's the nice thing about my is that is so customizable yes it's a hundred percent customizable you could make my your own I guess yeah there might be restrictions to what you can change in the core files but write a plug-in Python script stuff have a have an actual binary plug-in that the right to Tamiya it can do anything yeah you know has also support for particles they recently introduced some some motion graphic stuff in there as well so that's also really powerful look at this entire list here like yeah like all the shelf sir so we have my oh we're not showing screen Joe to mind because we use my a lot this is where we're sitting day to days we have a Maya here so my can just do a whole bunch of stuff and it's not particularly easy to use I think allows you to learn sorry compared to some of the other software out there but it's but it's super powerful and if you're interested in in film like it's no it doesn't matter if it's easy to use or not you just gotta you just gonna learn yeah I mean there's when I first switched from max to Maya I got I was very frustrated because it just it was different I guess like when it comes down to it they can do the same things yeah I would still say though that I think in my opinion Maya is a more powerful tool and just because of the customization and the ease of use you have maxscript and Max we can write some things but Python is just a more used language a more personally believe they've added Python too much okay so it's been a few years as we use Mac so so keep in mind if somebody information is all just correct us and again yes but I believe max that's cool that's cool then so Maya phenomenal tool one of the cool things about having about both max and mine is that as their tutor moas use tools out there there is an insane amount of training like if if you want to learn them there's no reason to go to university or anything allowed to learn technically how to use these people so you can learn that probably from free through YouTube or just some introduction courses at various websites out yeah there is so much training I mean that's because those are I would say the most dominant softwares that's what most tutorials most guys are written for the same with support if you want to do anything in max or Maya Google your problem and most certainly someone has already asked that question yeah and there's gonna be a script for raising oh yeah so with both these would both Max and I are they're fairly expensive tools so if you're if you're a hobbyist or somewhat you not gonna be able to afford that they have a free trial and if you are if you're a student you have access to it for free you just that you can download completely free if you're a student I guess Maya they recently introduced the LT version this is more downgraded version of Maya that does most of the things that you need it for yeah I will sit in beginning at least in beginning yeah that's true that's true so yeah definitely check these out if you're if you're interested in if you're interested in a commercial side of 3d like getting a job for it I would I would recommend learning max or Maya for yes there is there are a lot of people talk about different softwares and well I can do 3d why can I get a job with this yeah what it comes down to is what is the studio use yes and studios use Max and Maya yeah a lot of studios do so depending on which field you want to get into but also like the more more studios are starting to you Maya for games like Samba Heinemann's to do is they're definitely using Maya for games as well so it also depends on the studio I suppose yeah and then with this said let's look at blender so blender is a fantastic 3d tool in pretty much every single way like it it can do crazy stuff it can do pretty much the exact same thing as Maya can and it's completely free this is an open source project which is gonna be going on for ages now I mean I'd even argue that the blender is more powerful than Maya just because it's such a it's an even more complete package like there's even more things in there you have you have basically see brush integrated into blender you have nuke integrated into blender yeah video editing you can do it's basically unlimited what you can do with blender yeah it's a very very powerful tool I remember I haven't used blender a lot I've used to the bit and what my what I primarily use the for was I did some modeling stuff but but I also did you beam the UV tools there's excellent Maya but the the unwrapping algorithm and how to cut your UVs that was excellent to do it in blender they I remember we even had old tutorial how to do it how to do that so it always said though well I aren't everyone using blender well the reason is no known at the studio sorry ya know we might get comments from some blender guys here being like yeah but this trigger uses sometimes knows to do uses blender guys like as the main thing yeah nobody uses blender Astra primary think I think it's a it's obviously a shame and yes my plea you might be the best blender artist out there but getting a job in what's called mainstream the effects animation games CG you might be hard pressed to find a studio that uses blender you might find a studio that will accept you using blasters that's totally possible but for the majority of the pipelines out there that's just not the case and for every studio which allows you to use blender it's gonna be one which doesn't because you'd you have because you can't really you can't really install a list in big studios you got to install your own software because if you were allowed to everything will go crazy because people wouldn't install all kinds of junk so not saying blender is junk but it just means you can't install anything like at all so you might be able to request because it's free to use source all that that does definitely possibility but don't don't bank on that no like I highly recommend if you're interested in in getting in making money off of 3d that you don't just use blender that you that you get a solid understanding of the other softwares well I mean it's totally find that you do most your stuff in blender and then you should use expert a to max or Maya for pipeline integration all that but no major studio will be using blender Esther Esther rhymer you running you run into the issue where some people are specialized in a tool that listen modeling packages or whatever elicits blender that are specialized in that tool and don't actually know the main package that the studio is using they are gonna be so disruptive to the pipeline because all of a sudden the studio has to accommodate and in like an artist that's supposed to be able to work independently all of a sudden they need someone to integrate their models into the pipeline or do things that basic things exactly and in the pipeline I mean oh I know we're we're hyper focused here but that's because that's our that's that's how we that's our take on it yeah we seen that that people want to maybe use motor or blender for their modeling but a lot of times you're not doing your model from scratch you take a model and it is already published in maya and now you want to have to export everything to blender and that's such a mess and you have to export everything back to it and there were tons of proprietary tags which are or just added to the models that don't have a lot of dependencies they can only be read in that specific word that the studio is using so if you if you if you this is the same with moto as well we'll get to this later you really have to use something else and and there are tons of fantastic short movies made in blender likes Intel and big bunny I think small which are they're just lovely movies and they look fantastic and they wouldn't be any better if they were made in Maya but yeah we did we just FF feel I feel like we've gone over this now you are not getting a job as a blender artist most likely I mean you know if you were to set up your own studio or if there is that does use blender then that's awesome AB singers it's such a powerful tool I have nothing against blender as a tool really one of the one of the key points about Maya and Max as well as opposed to blender is it's just that it let's say you are starting your own studio you are gonna have a hard time finding artists for your job like yeah how many maya animators can i think of or top of my head like you know there are like 40 like right away how many you know light and all that right and you can just you can give them a computer and they can just start working day one day one now if you if you need to crew up quite a lot and your main tool is blender i mean you can have to spend realistically at least a few weeks just dude for them to be able to pick it up yeah because blender is very different in compared to my own max max is maxima a fairly similarly you can have the same navigation and it's made by the same company so a lot of things are fairly similar while blender has a whole different way of working like different hotkeys different navigation models etc so you guys are going that it's not bad but it's just you might be hard-pressed yeah that's what we're saying so it's something blender up fantastic tool it's free nothing at all bad to say about the tool itself really really good it's just not used commercially in a whole lot and then we have Houdini Houdini is obvious views commercially issues commercially and is absolute beast of a software yeah so this this is also one of the main main 3d software you can do most things in this you can do your modeling animation rigging your rendering all that kinda stuff where Houdini shines is anything to do with effects like it is the king of effects here and in all studios have you worked in the Houdini has been the main thing they've had some proprietary things here and there but it's generally all been Houdini I think one of the if I would have some Houdini down and up some it up not down to like it has like it has the one core strength that it has is its procedural Ness everything is procedural everything is anode everything can be changed at any point don't have construction history that you can delete the history and then all of a sudden you can't get back to that bevel you made on your model or you can't change that color of half the particles or whatever it might be it is procedural and it's amazing yeah you and and because recently that hadn't had a massive update to their modelling tools and rigging tools for example which made it a lot more modeling and rigging friendly the deformation is a lot better now it's it's it's an amazing tool palak Henning says particles is where it really shines or sim you know whether it's muscle sim or it's making explosions yeah and what's the time you probably didn't smoke fire yeah anything to do with simulation is is amazing like it is just the de facto tool yeah in our industry here so I would say that if you know how to use 14 you really well you're set like you are very sought-after currently as an artist it's not that you're guaranteed a job but any artist who can use Houdini either as their primary tool or they have knowledge of Houdini that they use to supplement whatever they're doing yeah that is that is an incredibly amazing resource to have on your team because you can throw so many things at them yeah it's I had a had a friend of mine who he was gonna model like some destroyed glass I thinking okay you could do that if you didn't the Maya cut it up like this here and there maybe there's some generators for it he just chucked the plane into Houdini he threw on like a noise generator and then like just projected that or whatever he did onto the model but it wasn't set in stone he would change the noise to change how the cracks would form like imagine doing those iterations by hand when you're modeling and because it's all procedural you can just change you go to daily they go like I like the cracks that go out in this direction as a regular modeler you would now go home and cry yeah you would but if you're using Houdini were like okay change done yeah so extremely powerful tool and would really highly recommend anyone getting into effects yeah just at least have a look at it yeah so as a word of warning Houdini is hard to learn hmm like this is this is this as hard as to learn that my on say but it's also a lot more powerful in at least in like more and say it's soap is so procedural so you can do anything in it I wouldn't say currently that it replaces Maya they've already build a pipeline today I'll probably I probably set up everything modeling animation wise in Maya rigging as well and then it would do maybe the rest in Houdini like you you can also render stuff there as well and it's really powerful I mean I wouldn't be surprised if five ten years down the line if Houdini continues the way it is now that it could potentially replace yeah yeah yeah because it's just such a powerful tool and it's very by nature it's completely different from my or matter it's sure as hell not going anywhere like this is not one nice horse is gonna be there like this is it already has a firm grasp and grasp of the industry like it's and it's just getting better and better yeah yeah for sure so next next up let's look at cinema 4d as a disclaimer here neither mark and I have really used cinema 4d a lot so this is gonna be afraid a quick one yeah but this is also one of the major 3d software in the way that it can do most things here but the main strengths of cinema 4d is by far at the motion graphics part of it like if you were starting out with if you were to do like modeling texture animation general 3d things effects all these things I would not be looking at cinema 4d I would be looking at cinema for me if I was a smaller studio or a major doesn't matter but a studio which is doing a lot of motion graphics yeah so you can you can do this by by checking out their show real so we could we can check out cinema 4d so real here and we can just see that most of the stuff they have is is very different from what you can do what you what you see in the real from max Maya Houdini all that this is way more more for graphics and super cool stuff and it's definitely really strong Matt's at this I would say also as like any mention as a small studio or maybe as a freelancer cinema4d is maybe the perfect tool for you because when you do as a freelancer like this you might be doing a lot of commercials so there's a lot of procedural stuff that you could do with with cinema 4d that just makes your job really easy yeah at least a lot quicker yeah still it's as expensive as the other packages so it's not that but it's definitely an amazing amazing software yeah it really is so like we said we haven't used as a whole lot we just know cinema 4d is a really cool tool mostly used for motion graphics today like you wouldn't probably see it as much in bigger studios maybe for motion graphics but notice uh let's say the modeling or no in the pipeline I've never seen any any major nono so just just you know again with with the other packages just keep in mind and think about which profession that you're that you're applying for what the studio is you would always inquire from the studios like well what are the packages that that did you use yeah I might not get back to you but so next up let's say good motor so motor is something I've been using now for like 11 years this this was this was my second three is softer and the first one I really fell in love with it was this was pretty much the reason I started doing 3d cuz back in 2006 I think that was was just 12 years ago 3d was really hard it was a very different field than it is today in the way that there was a lot less training you didn't have a flippin almost on YouTube you didn't even have YouTube it was so early on so there was not a whole of training and it was just a lot harder to learn so well motor was motor was like a breath of fresh air it was it was a lot easier to use and and had of it had a lot of different ways of of using or doing 3d and it's still been developed today like it's actively being developed by the foundry yeah and it's up to version 11 now super cool software it can it's not a major 3d software and it cannot compete with Maya as a pipeline true not even close to it motor II was star as a modeler and then they introduced a rendering engine to it so it's very good if you want to do those things if you want to do like high-level rigging effects some kind of simulation or general just do really high level CG I would not use motor for that there are obviously examples to contradict that because there is that for everything but as a general rule I wouldn't be using moto as my primary tool you know this is the kind of stuff words from task to get product shots yeah all these kind of things it's super useful I guess I remember when they added like I don't I don't know anything I've used it maybe half now you see me exactly and it's one of the things that really impressed me about about moto is the the speed at which you can render things like the iterative render just like do something models and things a bit on the render is fun yeah yeah I would say the preview render is purple is strongest in the entire industry you could just do so many cool things with that and it's that was pretty much the first time I used preview rendering before you had to you had to render all the time just do test renders but now you had interactive rendering which is fantastic so you can do like sculpting and texturing and all that this is not replacing my and this is not replacing see brush or Mari in any way but the rendering is the render engine is super nice I fortuitously in just be really really good in general so tons of cool stuff in moto and you could do rigging and animation but but yeah I wouldn't recommend it for these things the deformation system is still rather slow compared to something like Maya and also Lobo who talked with force well you're not gonna find good modo animators for this kundo moto is fantastic in a way that is also relatively easy to learn compared to the other software modeling is super fast and very artist friendly so I I recommend modo for maybe if your modeler or if you are a smaller studio or if you're freelancer it's like the perfect freelancer tool and wait because you can just get very you can get fairly high quality very quickly it's like this might be a bit controversial but I would say that moto is is fantastic if you want to get up to like 80% in quality really really quickly you can get it up to 80% a lot faster than can in my I'd say but if you want to go for a hundred percent and 100 percent I mean you win the Oscar for Best VFX well you know like it looks completely photo-real and you're able to fool the human eye but if and if you're not going for that I would say moto is fantastic if you are I would say I would say something like Maya Houdini max there's a screen shot from order for your to this is this is super such an old version but it looks the same very nice friendly interface here very artist friendly so I'm there's been a reason I've been using motive for quite some time they were find myself using Maya more and more as when I start with with the motor motor was objectively better at modeling than Maya but when I get into 3d I downloaded a trial of moto I mean I never installed it definitely helped this task so yeah that pretty much sums up moto moto is like it's cheaper than max but it's it's not a terribly it's not an incredibly cheap tool anymore so like I said I'm using more and more mana just because Maya and Max have just improved a lot recently so next up we have C brush okay this is a I think I would like to put a disclaimer out there like we talked about this the whole like ZBrush being a superstar boy and that kind of stuff it is possible to only do work when you only do see yes if you're in a pipeline working in real production like a real person I would highly suggest that you learn another software package as well because otherwise you will be it's not that you useless to the production it's just that you can slow people down significantly if you don't know a real 3d software yeah then you're not as useful as someone who does and as an example to know if you are a super Scout boy if we say we topology and you go see your measure yeah then you are receivers cowboy then you need to yeah get your stuff sorted out yes like there are there are tons of really really good use cases of Sivir ZBrush is a fantastic tool here and and honestly that's probably tool more than I said most and it worked as well yeah it's and we've more we've been using for so long now but it's it's not it's not the only tool you need to use if you know if you are using if you're if you want to be a well rounded 3d artist you have to learn something else than just ZBrush like it's it's nowhere near good enough to to be a main software draw some guys who render in it and do all the kind of things in it but can't do that in production you not know like the latest transformer movie is not right that we except though ZBrush is an insanely powerful tool yes it is by far the best sculpting tool in my opinion I would say open I would say objectively objective let's say objective let's just take the opinion of everyone in the world say it's the best sculpting tool in the world ZBrush is amazing for sculpting yes it's it had the feel of see brush I feel like it's unmatched yeah like you can't and you don't get that same feel anywhere else yeah and in terms of the features it is crazy feature-rich I would say it's to feature it gives you too many things but if you just worry about the sculpting you are definitely set I mean you have other things that you can do in here as well you can do texturing with you have the lightbox yeah it which is you know it totally works if you have just a simple project that you want to like really slight I mean you could try and do a photorealistic thing with it but it's just gonna be a not real amended no but it's good for simple texture painting we might get hate from this as well but but it's not a texture painting tool as I mean know this guy here mister fernman from our other video as well yeah he was sculpted completely see brush and read apologized in moto important to say this is not see a mesh topology here there is literally no way I would I'm going on a limb here mmm I would I would challenge anyone to get this kind of topology using only zremesher hog do I mean yet you here's the thing though this is how I used to read apologize you can you can do manual to poultry topology in ZBrush you can it's uh not I don't know if it's tricky it's just a strange but it's definitely possible yes um so you can do all of that in terms of your modeling do all that in in ZBrush even added the new C modeler features yeah it's really powerful for modeling I will say though I don't think as many people have said oh it's gonna replace traditional modeling it's not it's not you can't rely you can't get a job as a modeler no modeling in just ZBrush I mean C modeler is amazing it's such a powerful tool especially for hard surface but I would be hard-pressed like you come into the studio like I don't know Maya but I can model everything in super job I would be super impressed if you could do that yeah if you could do it but if you say that I'm gonna be like you can't and then it the evidence burden is on you to disprove it I don't see anyone who can do that so example here like this is a maybe a bit of Cisco for this but like you see how all these these scales here are in topology and they're in super clean topology this here is yet this is impossible to do in in ZBrush I by itself but so see brush is a fantastic tool in a way that it's the best sculptor out there like it is by far the best sculpt and application out there and it's it's dynamic and you can do all kinds of crazy stuff in it so if you are interested in digital digital sculpting get ZBrush there is the alternative is Mudbox and one box is dead yeah for some reason unbeknownst to anyone in the world Mudbox just had an update after what four years yeah it likes I don't know they might have been some minor updates but they just added automatic tessellation yeah like essentially like a different version of dynamesh in into it and so came out of nowhere so my box mod box is a lot easier to use and see brush like it's significantly easier but it's also a lot less powerful yeah we're not specifically covering what box you know because it's I feel so this best way I found to describe the difference between severs and Mudbox Mudbox it literally feels like you're sculpting in mud yeah it's like this so don't control and really we're using our hands here to describe you cuts but we are using our hands yeah I'm waving my hand in front of the microphone so ZBrush is it's just that is by far the king undisputed king of sculpting of organic modeling if you're doing like mr. Ferdinand here or if you're doing it if you're doing like nature rocks trees whatever it's it's absolutely fantastic after that it is hard to learn we recently introduced had a video on on our youtube channel which is for beginners it's like an hour long and it's everything you need to learn about ZBrush so please check that out but it is it is very alien compared to most 3d software out there but it I mean if you're a modeler and you're into doesn't matter if you're into environments if you're into characters yeah you definitely need to pick up ZBrush it's just something you need to know yeah it's part like here like they have amazing like the insert meshes for doing this is how I would describe it is that it's also really good for doing organic hard surface like I feel like there's been a change and hard surface models after see Bush was introduced like before it was very rigid it was all boxy now you have smooth curves and smooth surfaces with crazy inserts and it has this very specific see brush organic hard surface feel to it like this like that one right it would make Soph like you see the soft shapes here with a hard shape yeah doing this and other software might be really tricky yeah but also getting a production model out of this is also really tricky you probably have to go in read the polls is by hand or something like that afterwards yeah yeah don't don't read apologize with hard service with zero mission kids I guess they added that they have like a feature to like preserve things but it's very inefficient yeah yeah I like we we all we will also get hit because this but if you're saying that you can't use it you can use it for certain things but the level we require is at least for our job is yeah it's high level you need to control everything but to some see brush up it's a fantastic tool for sculpting it is really the standard for sculpting here but you also need to learn something like max or Maya depending on what you're doing if you're if you game artists and you only not you superest you're not a gamers you're a sculptor so you definitely to learn that yeah for sure so next up we have a substance designer this is a tool I personally have not used whatsoever so I'll give it over to Morton yeah used it substance designer is I think substance the package of substance painter and designer is probably my two favorite softwares that have sort of let's say not come out in recent years but hit the limelight in recent years because they've been out for awhile I don't actually know how long they've been around for but the the updates that they've started to do to their tools just really makes it shine so designer by itself you don't have to use a signer or painter in conjunction with each other but they makes it more powerful designer by itself just allows you to create super I'm gonna say hyper realistic really realistic materials that are you can make them tileable really easy it's all procedural it's kind of like when we're talking about Houdini yeah you go in you change one one little aspect of your material and all of a sudden you have a completely different material it's really easy to work with in terms of generating masks for your objects or sort of your shaders to get more variety when you then import it into something like painter it's I think anyone starting today doing modeling texturing getting into shading lighting and that kind of stuff I would definitely recommend getting and getting familiar with both substance packages yes it's I don't know how to explain it other than Mari is a great technical tool yeah that can do anything with texturing substance let's go with painter now is a more artistic artist friendly doodle I would sensitively and combining the both painter and designer just makes you a more well-rounded texture artist yeah I would say that yeah if you were interested in becoming a texturized today or general 3d artists learn learn substance if you're learning substance designer this is fairly hardcore you can see the graph here you know that this is this is to make the materials this is cool if you're interested in that yeah if you but if you if you if this is too hardcore for you yeah substance painter yeah it's like with designer you try to go back to that tab they're like the the node graph there might look pretty intimidating and it actually is but if it would have breakdown the material right you have just you have a shape might have two or three shapes that you have a spaceship she just draw a triangle or you generated if you have if you have one of those shape generators that are in substance in designer it's even more procedural because not something you've drawn right you can always just change the seed value to make it different you pop some noise in there you merge a few things crunch some some some values and then you overlay some color all of a sudden you have a material that is that rock of this but you changed two or three seed values and all of a sudden look completely different so it is pretty hardcore I would say getting into designers hardcore yeah designer is not I think it's user friendly but it's difficult to you yeah not because it's not user friendly just because there's a lot of stuff you have to wrap your mind around yeah but then you do have this as a as a replicable pattern yeah if you were to sculpt this this is hard and if you want to make ten versions from this this just takes time to do yeah so this designer is fantastic for that to create libraries yeah offers things and you can then take these substance materials and import them as smart materials into painter which allows you to propagate your model with whatever material you just created whether it's this rock material or if it's a sort of like a car paint shader or whatever it is painter makes it really easy to just texture its I don't know how else to describe there's a roll of texture paint yeah exactly substance is more about creating materials and authoring materials while painter you're actually painting yeah like if you directly on your 3d model you can see what you're doing it's all alive unlike Mari which we'll get into in a bit it's all you don't need nothing is stored in a buffer nothing is projected it's just life you can project there's nothing you can't protect but the base way of working with it is that you just paint yeah I would say how you the most efficient way to use to use this is maybe you have a smart material and you've generated some like the mention I hear you add you generate some smart masks that are based on me curvature maybe it's dirt you know from the dirt you can or from the curvature you can generate a dirt mask that you can sort of rode away we're okay here paint would be chipped off of your model for example so achieving realism in in painter is it's not easy but if they make it a lot easier okay yeah we say that it wasn't a big difference is now we have to talk about a bit more a bit by tomorrow as well because they are fairly direct competitors substance is smart it is Martin well Mari is dumb and I don't think dumb in a in a bad sense I just mean dumb as in substance will set up a lot of stuff automatically for ya you know you like you can see here you have all these smart masks materials and all that and you can get something like not saying this here it's done fairly quickly but you can get you can get a first pass vertical hell of a lot quicker than if you were doing more that's for sure definitely because here you can drag some presets up and if you baked Lee your masks like your cavity I mean occlusion curvature all these kind of things it will just look at maybe it wouldn't just look at the curve here and just break it up a little in there saying this is a rusty material or chipped material it will just it will just add this like chipping on off the paint here and you can get up to a fairly decent we're sold very quickly yeah yeah I mean you you put in the rest of the work and you have a 100% finished material that you made in either you know you made in painter yeah and I would say you know traditionally substance has been focused on the games industry yes but in the past couple years trust me they have made an insane effort that to adopt it to the visual effects industry you know they meet with companies regularly to discuss things how to improve it what features to the VFX companies need that kind of stuff and I mean they are adding all of it yeah you know they have so I'm not entirely sure on the UM support as it stands right now but I know they just released the new version and there is you them support somehow I'm not I'm sure if it's full udimm support yeah yeah so you know don't take my word on that because I'm not too into it but what I will say is doesn't matter if you're in games animation effects commercials any of these these painter or substance tools is an amazing thing to have in your little yeah pouch of skills yeah it really is so let's now talk about Mari because Mari yeah is it's a different beast all together so substance is I would say substance is absolutely fantastic say this kind of same with with Motorola MOTO as well as substance is absolutely fantastic if you want to get up to like 80% really really quickly yeah but if you want to go to 100% like true hundred-percent again now we're talking oscar-winning stuff here mari is really the way to go because Mari is Mari allows you to have a proper YouTube support we have another video on that out as well which it just allows you to get into texture resolution which is literally impossible to get in yeah like in in Mari if you have a good graphics card you you can have like a hundred YouTube's per character and it can run smoothly like that's a hundred for k-map per character per channel so you might have ten channels you can just do the math there's that's you know that's a hundred 4k maps times like maybe ten if you had ten channels here and it's gonna run fairly responsive to that yeah so much there's a reason why something like you can run substance on hobby software hobbyist software but you can't run Mari on hobbyist software it's it's a different piece like Annie says and it's it's the standard in the effects you can definitely make materials in a substance package that you then use the tile across in Mari that's a really good workflow actually yeah but Mari and it's it's it's a it's a different kind of piece yeah it's so this is this is Mari for so Mari Fulton this is a latest version of Mario which came out fairly recently Mari allows you to have tons of youtubes here like every single map here is one extra map this is this is a it could be a 4k map an 8k map and you could have like I love them here which is is like it's not even up for debate even you cannot get this in substance not even close to this so Mari is fantastic if you have to just go into the paint tool here not gonna be a market Oriole but Mario's for tasks if you want this pixel right here to be a specific color then it's absolutely fantastic if you want this right there to be black then you need Mari yeah and a lot of times you need that you don't necessarily it may be any effects you don't necessarily care about to speed as much as you care about the quality what we care about this that you have ultimate control to make these pixels here exactly the same color you want yeah and I guess the the primary difference here where with something like painter and and Mari is that here everything is stored in the buffer then you project it onto your model like I said you could do the same thing in in painter it's not that but more it's just it's it this is primarily how it works so what what Morton is saying here is that currently this is all in a buffered we're painting on glass here so this means that this is this doesn't wrap around the model this is currently one glass and then we can project it this is both awesome and infuriating beyond anything let's say you want to paint you want to paint like his finger here you're gonna see that claw this crocodile finger you can see that we're gonna get some good we get some errors here well if you were to paint this in in something like maybe see brush even it's actually gonna the brush is gonna conform to the surface yeah there is absolutely no correlation here between what I'm painting and the surface and what I'm painting on glass and it's being projected onto it which means that it's a lot slower to hand paint I find in Mari compared to something like substance when I'm painting masks like oftentimes you have to just you again you you paint a mask you have to make this entire foot here black because this is gonna have a separate shade or something to it I mostly do that honestly and Sieber sometimes we're taking into Mudbox or something like that this because painting this kind of stuff in Mari is a real pity but Mari is also the most powerful undisputed king of texturing if you want 100% quality like that is like that is not up for debate yeah like if you if you want 100% you have to use Meyer for that but turns out most people don't need to 100% most things getting up to 70 80 % is is moored enough or maybe that you can get 100% of certain objects like this is something I've been talking to people like be like look are under room where do you need crazy textures like we have like a Wacom but I'm holding the Wacom pen right now do you need 60 mediums for that and crazy stuff now this is enough to it's enough to just apply a smart material on it and just may be able to add a little break up to it yeah so Mari is if you need a hero character where you are this close up to an on screen in the cinema and Steven Spielberg is watching and it's critiquing it you can't be like you can't have seams or anything or like you can't you can't have blurred textures or you need perfect control so that's really where Mario's piece being used I mean can you get a job with more most definitely yes as a texture artist you need to know more yeah you you're absolutely no more like if you're if at least if you were applying for film or commercial yeah you you need more just because we do require that control well substance issues like Martin said before like that's that's used a lot in games today so frankly it is starting to become more and more popular absolutely film definitely because they are making a big effort to update the software yeah so I would definitely say I'm both yeah if you can I would say I would say learn both because like I said Mari is smart oh sorry substance is smart well Marius dumb and again don't interpret that as good or bad it just means it can do stuff automatically and not automatically yeah so you can totally get a base in make a base of materials in substance designer and paint this up in a substance painter and then use this as a basis to really go crazy or new on your on your textures in in Mari that that's that's the workflow which has been used in film for maybe a few years now yeah so that's an incredibly powerful way of working so with all this said I hope this has been a fairly sort of fairly long but hopefully a very informative session on this I don't know how unbiased all of it was no you know it's it's hard to be unbiased when you know thing more about some things and usually I think absolutely hope it gives you a good idea at least of where to start with whatever field you want to get into yeah you
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 248,638
Rating: 4.83429 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, twitch, mjthehunter, flippednormals, henning, morten, creature, character, modo, hourdini, 3ds max, MODO, Cinema 4D, Houdini, Substance Painter, Substance Designer, Painter, Mari
Id: -RQ7lxph72I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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