Maya 2016 modeling tutorial : Glass Jar with Lid

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hey guys my tiramisu toriel's and welcome back guys I've been asked to demonstrate how to model a glass jam jar with a lid on it or with a lid and that's we're going to do today all right now the tricky part here is that the top of the jar is going to be around but the sides will be nuts around so octagonal or something like that okay so we're going to start off with a simple polygon cylinder in our polygon menu and we're going to do is we're going to let's see we're going to go into our attribute editor hit ctrl a to pull that up we're going to go into our poly cylinder one and we're going to set caps to zero like so that's going to be our initial shape that's okay then we're going to right click at a face select that go to edit mesh and extrude hit R to scale it in a little bit and then hit W to pull that up slightly like so we're going to G to repeat and W to pull up to have that jar edge right there maybe a bit more than that that looks alright and we're gonna leave it at that and then on the bottom here we're going to hit G to extrude that as well hit R to scale that in and G once more and W to pull that down just slightly alright now what when I quickly do is right click at an object mode and we're going to do a pre hew smooth so we can see where we need to add edges quite a few places but we'll do that later first we're going to go in we're going to right click on a face select the top and hit delete and get rid of that okay now we're going to do next is we're going to approach it from the top and we want to take out number of edges on the sides here okay so we're going to do there is we're going to right-click at an edge sorry to edge and we're going to take these and just follow the gridlines and we're going to hit ctrl Delete to delete those not quite there yet we need to delete some more so we're going to do left and right on that one left and right on that on and here as well and again we're going to hit ctrl delete okay that will give our jar somewhat more of a square shape if you will okay and then we're going to right click and go to face select in these faces and we're just going to hit our you know actually let's not do that let's let's do that slightly different what we'll do here is all right click an edge and I'll take these edges in fact the remaining edges all right and we're going to hit R and let's get the right control here okay we're going to make that a little bit more square and depending on the shape that you're going for as you can see this gives slightly odd shapes so we're going to pull that down like so that looks about right okay now keep in mind we're going to smooth this out so we should be okay alright so then the next question that I'm going to get from you guys is what about these n-gons okay because this is a huge and gone right here and we've got some over there and so forth now I answer this question a couple of times are and gums bad well not always typically you would to avoid them but the consideration here is that this will be one solid material being glass so that's not going to create an issue as far as UV mapping is concerned and secondly m'gann's create issues when you are animating an object so stretching squashing and so forth this is going to be a static non-deformable non deformed object okay so we're not going to have an issue there so that's why I am I'm aware that these are n-gons and I'm going to leave them in here okay just to avoid a lot of comments okay so now that we have this right I need to have a screw top at the top there but first I want to give the sides some thickness so I'm going to right click at object mode come on right ComTech mode and we're going to go to edit mesh and extrude let's do a thickness of 0.1 that's a bit much maybe 0.025 that's better okay now for that we've got a little noise there I said ctrl Z and you 0.34 still not enough just have a quick check to see if there is a specific issue right there doesn't seem to be okay let's do 0.5 oh that's a little bit too much 0.05 and sit 5 on our keyboard okay it looks like we need to do a manual fix there right-click vertex that's that little vortex right there we need W that's going to be on the inside of our jar so we're just going to pop that back in there okay okay so we got that next we're going to do is we're going to create a helix so we're going to go up to create polygon primitive and helix there we go I'm going to pull that up we're going to go into attribute editor and I want let's say five coils I want the height to be 0.2 I want the radius to be 0.1 let's just bring that up a little bit not quite there yet let's see we'll do let's try and decrease that that will measure on a sec radius is 0.01 that's better we're going to hit our to scale that out and we kind of want that to cut into our edge so we're going to W to bring that down and make sure that that is positioned correctly I think it looks okay maybe we'll do three coils let's do four four looks okay alright now that's that looks okay we're going to select that and we're going to right click on object mode just like that it ctrl H to hide it for a sec we're going to take this guy and we're going to go to mesh tools enter page loop single set let's add a few one at the top there one down here and on the top will do one there and one there just to kind of hold that shape then we're going to go down and we'll actually not do one there we'll do one up here I'll do one down here and at the bottom we'll do one here and one here okay a Q on the keyboard let's give this a try we're going to right-click go to object mode hit three to preview smooth and see what else we need to do it's not too bad I just want to have a little bit more visibility of the shape that we got so what I can do there is right-click go to face one two three and four go to edit mesh and extrude 0.01 and then we're going to right-click a table you what again and once again hit three to preview which will give that corner shape there and I kind of like that okay so that's good so instead of a preview smooth we're going to go to mesh and actual smooth all right subdivision one is fine and again don't mind the end gone so we discussed that then I'm going to go up to display and show all to add that element right there which looks cool and then let's create a lid for that so we'll close that out we'll go with a let's see a polygon cylinder it W to pull that up it are to flatten that and then from a side view I'm going to kind of see how deep this should be say W to bring that down F to zoom in and for for our frame mode so it's going to go down to about there we're going to right-click go to vertex drugs like the top there and bring that down to about there and we're going to right click at an object mode and come on like object mode we're gonna hit our and we're going to scale the whole thing in just a little I think that kind of looks a bit better so that's okay then we're going to do is we're going to hit W we're going to bring that up I'm going to go to the bottom there and we'll right-click and go to face and we'll select these faces get four for our frame mode to make sure that I didn't select anything by accident so we're going to delete on that we're going to five to go back now I want this to have a little bit of body as well so I'm going to right click at object mode edit mesh' and extrude let's do 0.02 that looks ok and then we're going to go to insert edgeloop tool' and we'll put one end down here put one in up here but not all the way up and we'll put one in here as well and one up there okay hit Q on a keyboard right click object mode and it 3 to preview smooth and it kind of looks ok alright so again instead of preview smooth we're going to go to mesh and actual smooth so we got our jar and the lid for our jar ok now what we're going to do here instead of putting the cap on because then you wouldn't see the screw part and so forth we're going to do is we're going to take all of this and we're going to move it up so I hit W it's kind of sitting on the floor like so and then we'll just take that cap pull it eetu rotate it hold on J to snap it to about 45 degrees actually it's exactly 45 degrees we're going to add W we're going to move it over and we're going to have it lean on to the side here so you have to zoom in make sure at the same level as our jar so raise that up slightly and bring that in until we're sure that that's actually touching it looks like it is okay cool so now that we have all that we're going to do is we're going to apply a color ID map so we can texture it and it's not the purpose of this video per se but I just usually want to finish up with a texture and quisha but it's about the modeling so you don't have key shot that's fine so we're going to select this guy and we're going to go to mesh and combine and looks like it already is yeah that's right so we're going to assign new material let's do a lambert and let's do yellow that's fine and this we have to sew as well there we go and then this will do in two parts so older there is well right click and go to face let's see what the quickest way is to do this okay I'm going to hit shift period to increase that selection and that looks pretty much the entire outside so I'm going to right click assign new material let's do another Lambert and we'll do blue so the insides gray the outsides blue and the glass is yellow okay so now that we have all that I'm going to drag like everything hang on right-click object mode direct like everything go to edit delete by type history modify and freeze transformations and then I'm going to go up to file export selection I'll call this jar FBX and I'll save that on my desktop there we go and now we're going to pop over to key shot and put some texture on it see in a sec all right guys just get this out of the way so we're now in key shot we're going to go to file import my desktop I'm going to look for my jar there we go let's use the default okay and let's apply some material here all right now for the top of my jar I'm going to go to materials I want to have a kind of gold ish looking probably some type of aluminum so we'll go with the basic here we'll apply that and then I'm going to go in to just double click on that to my material I'm going to click on that and I'm going to increase the yellow level until it looks a little bit more to what you would expect as one of these lids here maybe that's a bit much let's bring that back a little bit okay now the inside is typically coated with some sort of white-ish plastic-looking type of deal so let's see what we can use for that we'll go with let's see we'll use plastic will use cloudy I guess and this is white kinda so that looks okay and then we're going to go to glass for our jar so for that go to glass and here we have to kind of choose so we're going to go with clear first let's try refractive and let's put that on and that always looks amazing so I like it it's looking at a right angle here it's kind of a cool angle I think okay so go with that now we're going to do first is we're going to go to background and let's see what we got here we can go with a white solid and that even makes it pop more so I kind of like that as far as lighting is concerned we're going to go to environment and let's try a couple of options here I typically want to use the overhead panels let's try that that makes it pop that's nice let's try one more well do you let's do an indoor interior and not so much let's try this one although that adds some realism it kind of takes away from the end result so I guess I'm going to go with my overhead panels here yeah I like that and then we're going to go to lighting we're going to select full simulation and then let's see if we need to tweak that a little bit okay we're going to turn up ensure your mode yeah that helps okay now hopefully we're going to get rid of that noise when it renders so we're going to do now is we're going to go to render okay and we'll call this jar render I'll save it on my desktop I will save it as a JPEG well do 1280 by 720 and 300 dpi that said I'm going to pause the video hit render and see you guys when it's done well guys here's our final render turn that okay I think and I must say I did cheat a little bit what I noticed is that the the screw part of the lid I forgot some outlet in so I just jumped back into my added that in came back in the key shot and render it but besides that I didn't change anything so this is the end result hopefully it works for you if you have any questions let me know as always if you are a patron to my site then you will find this file in the share drive and if you want to become a patreon you can find details below alright well guys thanks again and see you guys the next video bye you
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 105,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, mike hermes, mh tutorials, 3d animation, 3d modeling, autodesk maya, maya tutorial, animation student, free tutorials, lid, screw lid, jar, glass jar, how to model a glass jar, how to model a screw on lid, how to model in maya, how to render in keyshot, maya 2016 modeling tutorial, mike hermes modeling in maya 2016
Id: biPYxYh6oQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2016
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