Maya Layer Texture

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hi guys today I am going to create this scene this scene I am going to show you some texturing techniques how to improve the texting quality okay so I'm going to create a new scene and create a nobs plane so I am going to create a ground just scale it up and I'm going to give patches 5 that's fine a 6 and the kibo go to vertex I am going to push the vertex just making it random now I don't want to so the horizon flat just wanted to make randomized so this is down and this one I'm going to that alright so now I'm going to create a texture they're fine now we want to do the texture in photos are see holders up I'm going to create a new document okay right and I need a texture just double click I have a grass and ground texture I am going to make so first I am going to take this texture mode shift and click and drag and I need to reduce the size of the text because we need more tile so ctrl T I can scale this down I can keep it like that I can press Alt key I can duplicate duplicate like that instead of doing like this we can create a pattern overlay so select this document control a go to edit define pattern and I going to give a name grass here okay and we make this and this dark one create a new layer and you can fill any color and double click to open the layer style and go to pattern overlay and I am going to choose this grass here I can reduce the scale so that it can reduce the scale of that grass again going to leave this next I want to create the ground and I am going to create a new layer fill it with any color same thing and I am going to create a pattern this ground-controlled a go to edit define pattern I can set this ground alright ok and go to this layer document double click and make it pattern overlay and select this one and reduce the scale now we are facing the problem with scene so we need to avoid the scene so and one cancel this I need to remove the scene to do that this ground document I'm going to offset so first duplicate this layer it ok and go to filter other offset now this dark mode size is thousand six Center 2200 so we have to give 50 percentage in horizontal and vertical so I give 800 600 so the seam will be exactly in the center I hit OK now this layer I am going to create a layer mask layer mask and take up a random brush just pick the brush go to press palette and choose any other brush like this so I'm going to pick this one and enable shape dynamics this shape time dynamics increase the size Zita and increase the angle jitter to make need a random let's just enable the scattering the scale to regain I just I'm going to leave this that's fine and I'm going to increase the size brush size and just paint - why so random the just do it approximately because it's not going to be so much this is fine I'm going to remove that area yes alright limits morality okay and I'm going to merge this control D control a and define this this pattern ground say to hit okay and minimizes now I am going to apply pattern overlay but an overlay at that one and I'm going to reduce that somewhat we have managed this is fine okay because I am going to put this ground below the grass so this is going to be just I want to rename this sand grass put the sand behind the press and first you need to avoid that layers just create a new layer and select both layer and merge it okay do the same thing for the grass budget sorry grass sand excuse me okay and select the grass create a layer mask and this same press I am just a freezer opacity I am going to paint whatever you like just I'm creating the path all right that's fine okay and then I'm going to reduce opacity I just wanted to make a nice blend this side also need a nice blend so okay after that select that st. layer and I'm going to make a bond tool I'm going to take the on tool with the same press and reduce the exposure very light very slightly the skarner I just want to paint to make some little bit darken that area too so some random bright brightness I just painted okay and that grass also I'm going to pick that grass mask and this same dress would increase sorry actually I have to pick dress just to some random paint paint it so can even increase the scattering and you can paint it with anyway this is okay for me so nicely look all right you just keep it dry and I'm going to save this file save us I keep a name test okay okay now I am going to apply that texture to this plane right click assign new material and create a Lambert material file texture browse and open this now this fine but that there is a issue you know it looks very blood textile is getting very blur so think about if I apply the grass texture assign new material Lambert file browse this original grass and if I increase the tile how much no if I q10 and if you zoom in the texture quality will you we are not going to lose any quality this texture but if you scale it in folders up will get the problem right so what I'm going to do is in Maya if I increase the tiling we are not losing any quality so I am going to do that path in my itself okay I will show you how to do that so first right click assign new material I am going to make a Lambert okay in rendering may know there is a 3d paint tool using this 3d paint tool I am going to create a mask Pat mask okay and after that I am going to use a layer picture and I am going to mix it fine so if I go to 3d paint tool option box very first we have to define a brass what kind of brush we need and in file texture assign a date texture just click we have to create a new texture so here I am going to make a thousand 2048 and make and it's going to be J per that does not matter and hit assign then only we can able to paint okay here I have here I have simple press round brush you can even import any brushes you can browse and again paint any process like I'm going to open this see I can paint it now this dress I'm going to create my wall in photos up so I am going to create a new document control in and I'm going to set this 256 256 I don't want to have high high resolution takes it just wanted to make our press create a elliptical marque you I'm going to make seven feather and sift it will create a proportional sphere I'm going to create a new layer and fill with the black color fill with black color and control D deselect and this layer blend I'm going to change into dissolve so you get an icy little bit nice the corner keep it you can press alt on the keyboard okay just move but I am going to match this to just merge it and again go to filter I can give little bit of Gaussian blur I don't want to get more sharp sharp noise and after that I am going to flip something like that just keep it light and save us JPAC you see the surplus image save that okay next I'm going to open this over to browse to go to browse yeah that to source images so on I'm going to paint it see not getting anything just giving a very flat breasts actually we have to invert that so go back the folders up I just close this he'll open the brush were to invert this image just meant invert and I will save this file now I'm going to load that press in 3d paint tool before that I want to make the surface white make the flood color to white and hit floodplain and browse I'm going to open that so you know this one so she may just that brass and I'm going to paint roughly size is little bit small and go to increase the brush size right like that okay fine and after that I'm going to browse some random breasts you know I'm going to click to make some and just okay fine it's enough now I'm going to save the texture before that I have to save this file let's say country see - and it will automatically save go to 3d paint to lop sandbox and hit save textures and this will be stored inside the 3d paint textures folder and if you go to hyper seed you can able to see the texture if I go to textures and this is a one double click open that and click this we can able to see the sample here now this is going to be my mosque mosque or mat I can name it now I'm going to create the ground now create a lamp bat so first I'm going to create the basic ground so I'm going to create a ramp just keep it like that open the ramp sorry I am going to create three file texture I am going to mix three file two three select that now I'm going to browse the grass then the dark okay and after that [Music] I will save that file which I made a terrible I'm going to save this No see and I'm going to open that file yes now first red color select the red color client released middle click and drop into that and select the green one I'm going to keep this dark texture and select the blue make connect this light texture why I'm going to increase the tiling file enable mirror and I am going to connect this to color and assign this to now we have to randomize so create a fractal and take this factor middle click and drop into the ramp go to other open up the connection editor take the out alpha to UV coordinate now we get the pattern okay and I am going to increase the coverage selected look seven for me fine by enable high quality our egg Walton under I can see that ground how it's placed I am going to invert this factor select this fact I'll go to effects going to invert this will get more grass we want more grass just open this ramp you can increase this again play around get more yes okay now I want to create that path okay just rearrange the graph and I'm going to break this connection delete this this time I'm going to create layer texture 8 layer texture and I'm going to keep it here and I am going to create a one more okay I'll leave this I am going to take this middle click and drop into the layer you can see that and I am going to keep that texture below the layer texture and open up that mask this middle little can drop into here and this past has to go to this ramp alpha see my middle click and drop into the alpha for this and make it over you can see that fat getting you we'll click on test color and I can see this getting that path but if I do a render you can see that path we're getting so I'm going to increase open the ramp and increase up grass more getting more gas right and I need to increase the tiling for the grass so on the 2d I am going to make five now surrender you can see getting this back okay three now if you zoom in and if I end up will not lose any quality in the texture you'll get perfect clean texture it will not will not lose any quality okay then I am going to put that tree I'm going to import that tree which off the high quality go to file import or import that one and this tree I have done I have done the base model in Maya and after that I've made some sculpting okay this one just everything control g3 and I am going to central power I'd keep that private in the bottom person DNV or tech snap I'll keep it somewhere here okay right and it looks very big I'm going to scale this down okay and here for this leaves I'll show you what I have done just made I just made one leaf and I duplicated in randomly and I just made it combined and I think you know if I move this out you can see okay now I'm going to apply a texture for the leaves go to window I appreciate clear the graph create lamp at material I just simply make the color green so on like that some green color and assign this material to this all leaf just like that sign material and see what I got now if I render this tree actually this tree is having some displacement and I made this we were to grab this grab this see have create a normal map and diffuse map and I have a displacement I'm going to delete the displacement now and say this and you going to do a render now the tree is looking this leaves are looking same color we need to randomize the color so select the material material leaf material just drop it here I need to clean up to the same create a Lambert material so leave now over leaf material and create a nice create noise as projection make it as projection create noise and I am going to connect this projection to this leaf diffuse so again take out alpha diffuse it's very simple and then we have to choose that projection node and make it spherical and you notice you get a projection node here just keep it right here like that and scale this up proportionally and scale scale it and cover now take a look at this we get random brightness directly hi let me save this file now next I am going to create light so lighting go to use mental ray light so render settings and I'm going to change this mental ray I am going to use indirect lighting we're going to create physical Sun and sky just hit create so you get a Sun sunlight so just you need to position this that have a position and take and you can see this is more accurate you get a more accurate sunlight so now getting some problems looks very bright right so very fast in the horizon we have to move this down and we have some needs you it looks very bright so go to render settings click this output connection physical Sundance skylight R is an height I am going to make minus one and saturation I need more saturated C and what else I have to adjust the gamma value oh okay now you take a look at this we don't have that path this path the mental ray will not support that layer picture you know you have to convert this into normal normal texture so what you need to do is go to clear this graph and select this one graph Network hello / all right now this I am going to convert into simple color so select the shader and sift and select the ground and go to edit convert file texture Maya software good option box I am going to say that just leave this whole thing I'm going to say 2048 image resolution again choose what kind of what former texture you want just convert and close now it is converting here it will take some time okay now you can see this texture is converted into simple let me see we got this we have a one single texture we have combined everything this texture is assigned to this plane now if I render this getting that path right still I need to reduce that our is a night I'm going to make - to done and I am going to go to this three I put that into the tree I'm going to move this place the camera place the camera to see just place the camera and select the camera and press s and the keyboard set key means if you move the camera and if you rewind get back to that original position fine so now can see next or we have to adjust the gamma value so go to render settings and go to quality go to frame buffer sit this gamma value 0.455 and select the camera and I have to adjust the exposure if I render this see getting this is too bright right select the camera and go to shape go to mental ray and there you can get that lens shader exposure just open that I am going to set the gamma value one instead of two two point two I can reduce it now we will get the contrast looking image this is nice I will say point three little bit brighter if you only can give bump for the ground okay I'll adjust the light little bit down leaving I need more right so select the camera will export so select the camera good exposure get more bright the heart is in I have to so minus 1.5 okay fine then I am going to put some rocks here and I'm going to make some birds flying to the two so the scene scaling so what I did is in Google I searched in Google I got this image this image I just made it white and black let me show you so on I made it white and black and here I have created the Alpha Channel okay just simply select the magic wand tool pick the black color area just create the mask you get the Alpha right with this go to Maya I am going to create a mouse plane go to this just move up and for this plane I'm going to assign that material right click assign a new material Lambert in the color file sorry actually we have to assign as normal texture file browse I will take that one which we have you see that I'm going to scale this direction fine and I'm going to keep the pivert and right here press D on the keyboard and just move this pi word somewhere here exactly and we'll duplicate this ctrl D rotate this the other side okay I'm going to move this just create a now spear and reduce the scale I'll isolate this select is everything and make isolate selection so we'll get some select this in rotate 90 degree and let us kale this direction let's scale this down that world increaser spans like that and I can scale this go to vertex you can scale this down I'm going to take this on and hold this some kind of load I don't know this one or two so just I'm going to show the shield out B not going to so complete detail but just keep it like that and this thing I am going to right click assign a new material make a Lambert make it black so select this everything control G group it and put the PI word in the middle just keep it I always go to modifies and reply back so next I am going to duplicate this so I'm going to align the wings do anyway let's keep this + J on the kibo J is a snap rotation every 15 degree Schottky all right and I'm going to duplicate this get up arrow control D and move this keep it here I just want to make random J okay duplicate 2d rotate make random duplicate so more birds control-d so we need to have [Music] oops right plane so select that all select the group control G make group it is laid off I can keep it there in rotate dirt the relay we can skate this down so can the arranged okay as you can see that now rewind and hit render you can see so we are getting a little bit of a white color under see if I render this there will be a slight white color outline will be there that is because we have to adjust alpha so go to photos of and find that we need to delete that alpha take up magic one tool pick this go to select modify contract I'll make two and now we can create channel just click and save this file and go to Maya and reload that image sheet reload then after that I can add some rocks you can create model can add racks and you can apply some grasses I hope you enjoy this video thanks for watching if you liked it give me a comment
Channel: Maya Tutorials
Views: 52,186
Rating: 4.9693093 out of 5
Keywords: Maya Layer Texture, maya texturing
Id: tz2UinRvk64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 17 2014
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