DRAGON- Rigging 1 0f 7

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okay so hopefully you downloaded the model and you have this so again I'm using Meyer as opposed to max for rigging and skinning is for the sole purpose that I just like Maya benefit ringing skinning it maybe because that I don't do much rigging in skinning and I'm not too good at it in max but when you don't know that much and you just know enough to get by and you try it on liar and then you try it on max you're gonna find that Maya will get you through it a lot quicker and easier in my opinion so that's what we're gonna do I feel more comfortable in Maya and I'm gonna use it so it should have its own layer it's not just put one on there okay all right so in the side view now I usually use my own toolbar and I basically have just a joint tool select joints select hierarchy and H freeze transformation you want to do that quickly I could show you you could just go to it ik windows settings and preferences Shell's editor ain't create a new one and you can say mine and see and then you'll have your own tab and then if you just hit ctrl shift and then whatever you select you'll be able to put on the thing so you can go up to skeleton create drinks and there it is and again yours might be different than mine this is 2016 but yours might be located on the animation but in any event use that then again holding down ctrl shift to select hierarchy and while we're here we could do select select my type joints joints and again I want to put in these transformation I can find it that free transformation good and portable else you like it okay so I'm gonna start with the joint tool I'm gonna start right above the leg this would be the root joint now if your joints are a little bit bigger or smaller you can just go up to display animation and great size and you can adjust it to you feel comfortable it should be like okay so again we're gonna start with the joint tool and start right above the leg that would be like drink and trying to make a conscious effort of placing them on the edge polygons yeah now as I get closer to the tail they're gonna get closer and closer to the part again the closer you put them the more the smoother the bend will be as you're rotating and now when I get to the last joint amok and hit enter I'm gonna just hit the up arrow key and come right back to the root drink then when I get back to the root I'm gonna go in the opposite direction down slowly start to go up a little bit to follow the contour put a few on the neck and then when I get to about here actually I'm gonna do a control Z or do that maybe the last one I'll put here then I'll put one here here and again hit the up arrow come to this joint here here arrow and when I come back I want to come to right about here and then go to my for view still selected though now why hitting the up arrow keys I can keep going up and down so when I get to about here I'm gonna hit the clavicle and then I guess the armpits are on here I'm done the elbow and I actually got them do that put it wherever there I think there would be a bend you want again when I get to the end here never hitting Enter I'm just hitting the up arrow keys to get back to here this way here here I do a bear oh yeah here and here a bear oh I'm gonna get back to the center we can do the opposite back to the clavicle jump it yellow whatever this is just keep working my way back to you narrow no okay and oh okay so now we go back to let's say side view I think that's good the rest we can connect yeah okay good thank you Dan enter good I'm gonna shut off the body right this is what we got so far okay let's line up these wings actually before we do that let's just finish the rig okay so the side view I'm gonna do the quitsies so uh again hit the joint you'll dead center this foot could be a little tricky because I guess there should be a joint here I feel like there should be one here here I'm gonna resize the joints one abdominal I guess you should be one here I feel like there should be a bend here but it's kind of weird yes here and one here two three let's take that root joint slide it over actually I want it to be like I'm out here just pull this over yeah okay so now with this foot let's go to the top of you now this is interesting if you want to trace out the foot it's kind of hard to see so what you could do which I like admire is that if you hit select camera in the top view and if you use your transformation tool you can you can use the like a slicing plane to view whatever you just want to see so I want to slice it down so the only thing I see is the feet yeah that's good so now we can continue okay so I want to put the joint let's do the same thing here because here and here and then the back oh let's do the back Jesus I gotta make these things small enter first let me just resize these so if I think it means just city actually if you go to radius here you change this to say point five yeah I guess if you could select both of them still Malta same time yeah let's go down two point five one two three that's more manageable okay now this is what we have so if we look at it from we're gonna connect these guys so one to connect it to okay P on your keyboard side view okay okay let's see yeah that's good good enough okay so now we have one leg done now you couldn't just do like control D and duplicate it over okay but then again you guys thought moving the joints back into place so if you select it and you go up to skeleton mirror joints and I think it has to be set to the Y use the XE you just apply it'll just mirror it over it's already in the opposite which is pretty cool okay so we have both legs done and all you do now is parent it to the ROO trip so we're gonna select one leg too and then the joint and hit P on the keyboard and the legs are parent okay so let's take the wing the armpit actually the clavicle select both clavicles and bring them up so it's supposed to be now you can see the wings are tilted down so we're gonna have to readjust so we could probably do that respectively so you can just pull these down at the place yeah I like pulling them down as opposed to rotating them it's just an all habit of mine because when you translate them down you notice that you don't have any rotation values on the joints whereas if you rotated the joint into place you have all these rotation values which should be remaining at zero and which is fine because you're gonna hit the freeze transformation and freeze it all back to zero but sometimes you forget to do that and in the event that you do forget at least your joints are at zero if you are counting on freeze transformation be all the joints and for some reason you forget you're gonna be definitely screwed if you've rotated every one of these joints and again you want these joints at zero so that at any time you can return to the initial position by just typing in zero on the rotation values if you have all different numbers you're gonna be screwed you should never be able to get back to your original position yeah so I want to put now an additional control aren't this wing here you see this edge here I like to have control on this flap on these flaps so that gets from the top view we could do this but let's strain out this okay so let's joint tool here see and I could just mirror that one's gonna be a little tricky because it's a very thin piece of geometry so all right so let's parodies to to one of these rib cages like one two and then this joy peak and now we can adjust these two it's so did see I like to bring this stuff sticking out these two oh and we can make these two joints small or too by the way I think that's okay okay so this is our skeleton okay now you this would be fine this would be perfect for a forward kinematics ring we're just going to be rotating the joints which is fine as a matter of fact we don't need to do it we could just put Iko on the legs let's do that right now let's go to the skeleton create ik' handle their attribute editor and just make sure that stickiness is set to sticky again the same thing like your handle here there and make sure our sticky is yeah okay good now again if you want I've seen rigs where you could put an AI K on here like this but I didn't do that I kept it where I just had the freedom to rotate on my own and that's what I'm gonna do you want to do an I can rig go ahead knock yourself but for flying I kind of like to treat them to just rotate myself now speaking of rotating there is a way to make your life a little easier where you can just set up a control so that both wings won't slap at the same time you know you gotta do is just set just turn a dial and you'll just flap around but when you do that you're gonna wind up with a prop and the problem is is that if you do a set driven key on these any joints that a set up the set driven keys you cannot set a key on them yourself by you know rotating it to a different position and pressing s on the keyboard you won't be able to set a key if it's kind of control I said to have a key control already assigned to it okay so here's the rig set up with set driven key okay so by just using a slider I can make the wings do exactly what I want to do okay but there's also a downside to this and the downside is whatever you're using on your set your key all those joints won't be able to be manually key so let me show you give me a little example okay so let's say that at this point here I want to rotate the wing into a different position so if I select this joint and you can see this a connection on X Y & Z if I set a key for seeing s on the keyboard and I will say rotate the wing to another position and it's not another key as soon as I press play it pops back out so no matter how many times I bend it into a different position it won't hold my P frame so anytime you have a set Rafiki assigned two joints you cannot just select that joint again and set the key the easiest workaround and it requires less thinking it's just adding additional joints right next to the joints that you're going to edit the center of the key to so if you want to have a century to keep rig and also have the freedom to animate them then what I did was I added additional joints which is we could do an insert joint click and I added one joint right next to this joint I need to join here and I want an extra joint here so I have one will be for the set driven key and the other one you'll be able to rotate and again the same thing on this side here okay and not to be or not to get it confusing we could select this joint just make it a little smaller and thank you okay so now the smaller joint could be either you can assign the set driven key to them or vice versa you could set the set driven key to the main ones and the little ones you could rotate yourself this is how I get around this is of my work around to having control over the set driven key and control over animating setting your own keyframe on the joints as well okay so for those of you who might have doubted my rig setup here's a quick setup of the rig with the small joints set into my set driven key and I have it set to a controller so right now I have it that the whole wing is bending up and again if I were to select that one joint that would have been the only Johnny and I went to go set a key and press s it would never work but because we now have the additional joints we could select when the wing goes up like this I could select the other joint and rotate it like this and perhaps set a key or take this one key and now it stays into the position because we stood the hell away from the set driven key joints undo it so that's the reason why I'm using these additional joints in the record because wherever you plan on using a set driven key this isn't very easy quick workaround to get around that so okay so let's say getting back to this okay I think we're good with the rate and again if you you could do a set driven key on the tail I see people doing it all the time but it's such an easy thing because if you just select the tail bone right all you do select one the one bone that you want to start with and then just hit the hire button and it selects all the joints and then you can rotate des yeah like I want to just grip from here and then hit the hierarchy you know like it's not really that big of a deal well so to me I'd rather have the freedom to do whatever I want with it you know the wings it's a little bit you know you want a little extra help you know but the tail to me it's just too easy and I'll need to be to deal with that worrying about that I can't key it because of the central key okay so I did this is it for rigging in the next tutorial I'm going to show you how to set up the set driven key and to add the controller's so it makes it easier to select yeah I think that's what good
Views: 14,030
Rating: 4.9268293 out of 5
Keywords: Dragon, set driven keys, maya, animation, Rigging, dragon rigging
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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