ATTEMPTING 3D Animation in Blender! Maya Artist's First Time

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Wade’s pretty cool! I discovered him from his rig reviews and his animation review of Onward.

Glad he discovered blender, but either way, it’s good to see his Maya videos to see what’s similar and what’s different. He tries to keep it software universal :)

But he’s awesome! I think he worked at Dreamworks for a few years too or at least got very close!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Gredran 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how's the animation scene in blender reacted after this video?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bad_advices_guy 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's not responding anymore oh i haven't saved let go let go of my mouse get off oh my gosh that's a solid nope nothing's happened oh no look at that oh my god it's all chaos it's all falling apart so i was not expecting the first video in this series the maya artist tries blender for the first time video to go as nearly as well as it did so if you saw that and you enjoyed it thank you today it's time to dive in for part two time to try the animation tools i have never animated in blender i don't even know how to set a keyframe i literally have no idea how to do any of that we're going to figure that out today hopefully i'm going to try three things we're going to open the spring short film actual production files i'm going to try and learn what i can to apply it and mess with the rig and i'm going to actually try to animate something today for the first time first animation we're gonna render it out hopefully this all goes well i have no idea in case you're new here hi i'm suede and i am a character animator but i've only ever done 3d animation in maya so this will be it'll be interesting and if you want to hang out live ask questions talk animation live on twitch three days a week link below and also a link to my patreon if you want to support the channel if you like what i'm doing here and if you want to jump into any core rewards such as the animation tutoring i only have a few spots of that left so if you want to do it that's probably the time and if you're excited to watch this video like i'm excited to make this video please hit the subscribe button down below and ring that notification bell so you don't miss new uploads now enough talk let's jump into it let's blend alice are you ready for round two some animation by the way what time is it for you like three in the morning uh it's about 3 15 a.m okay a little bit late let's uh let's do it and before we get started we saw your comments all your many comments and uh we have since learned thank you for the feedback we will not go cuda we will go optics opt-x up whatever that is we will do that for faster things so thank you i'm sorry we are going to start off by looking at a short film which is this nice short film whether you actually watch spring i haven't actually seen spring i just realized i should probably look at it first oh ducky this reminds me of ori in the blind forest yeah i like the mystery i really like how they're not explaining everything to us i'm very concerned for this dog's safety oh no luna has come to help to participate in the blender learning what do you think what should i do first thank you luna she just said you're welcome do you hear her okay oh wow there are a lot of controls on this rig that is exciting okay so this is an interesting is this the timeline what is this sheet dope sheet all right maya's dope sheets not like super useful so this is interesting to default to the dope sheet can i hit play how much has happened will it play hey now i have to remember how to actually move the camera what was that middle mouse hey so i'm going to end it so that i stop oh there's like simulation on her hair it's interesting okay pose mode there's a mode called but wait so oh it works very differently in a blender so to move rigs and stuff you have to be in pose mode interesting let me just try moving something what is this this looks like a head control how do i do it do i hit r oh whoa what the oh that's a squash control that is most definitely a squash control make her look angry make her look angry i don't know how to i don't know what controls are what she's looking very malicious right now though there are so many mouth controls oh wow this is a good rig there's a lot of depth in this oh it's stretching her eyes whoa what the heck is that did it auto key did it save my evil face oh it did i saw it i saw it in there for a second so if i take the rotation that's in screen space and if i take the g key i can move her head if i take the scale control oh god now she's a bobble head and i don't know what that is but that's cool it's fast it scales quickly all right does it have animation on the y rotation and z the z the z the z the z the zed it does how come i couldn't what does hiding them do hides them what's the point of hiding them so you can focus on so wait so i can't just want this can't i just filter i kind of like that in maya like i like in maya being able to see all three but then just click on one and only see the one i guess i'm highlighting one but okay well how do i set a key so if i want to set a key did i right click and insert key i i can i i i captain why can't i just select the curve i don't want to grab a key i just want to grab the curve can i not just grab the curve hey an enter keyframe i don't want to have to choose delete okay don't ask me if i want to delete yes i hit the delete key assass it's getting in my way trying to be efficient can't be efficient with all these menus i there's got to be a way to not have this little menu come up what if i don't want to have to choose every single time i'm going to look up the documentation so what's the deal with this dope sheet let me see what we got so right here between 134 and 140 i see a change so what do i see here 130 4 and 140. oh okay i figured something out so this means that this dark area is when there's no change between these keys that's just flat this area doesn't have the dark area which means that something's happening so that means that these dark areas are held keys okay interesting i like the visual feedback but i still don't know what these other shapes mean so apparently all these keyframe types are tags someone in the comments let me know do you manually do these just for organization or does blender know when you put an extreme somehow and it like self tags it and it's for your convenience like do i need to do this does it do it you know actually there is something interesting about the way the dope she's laid out the way it's dropping down to say fk and xyz and different like things the dreamworks animation software it kinda does something similar but also not similar there's a whole system of being able to have really big keys that apply to a lot of things or smaller keys only apply to certain things and to change the way that that's viewed maya doesn't do that and it seems like blender kind of has that through the dope sheet and you could technically do that in maya's dope sheet but you would never use maya's dope sheet to animate i don't know what else to look at in this file so i think it's time to open the rig and try to just do a pose there's the rig now what the heck do i do with it so i'm already in pose mode what the heck so what's the difference if i'm in object mode what do i see so it's like the rig is an object and the geometry has all different pieces actually i want to change my camera so i've learned how to do that right i go to here i want to change my focal length to 85 there we go what the heck what the heck let go let go of my mouse get off it's a little chunky can i switch to a proxy mode is there a proxy version of this rig do you know with like you download is there not a readme or did you see one are you eating your pen yeah uh what's blend rig 5 on the right oh this thing whoa oh it's a picker she has seen bad things so what do we have in here armature layers oh those are the layers oh that's okay so i can turn off different control groups what does in front mean that's x-ray view oh that's nice head fk oh it's really it's really struggling maybe this this has an option can you like scroll down wait can i can i like downright the geometry it will stay connected wireframe what is wire gone what does wireframe do oh my gosh that's a solid nope i don't know you can make it not subdivided in the viewport the the geometry of the character how do i do that select the properties bone one wait go back to step one is a properties bone go to step zero ah so if i hit zero that unsub divides supposedly oh we got it yay we got it we did it that's it still looks the same it doesn't even look like it's gotten any lower resolution or anything so that's nice i guess i'll just do happy i'll just do a happy expression i don't even know what the hotkeys are for these things r g oh well the thing i don't like about this is i'm not trying to like i don't want to hit the g button and automatically start moving something i want to hit a button that gives me my translation control and then i can move the translation like i want to go very specifically i just have to use this thing i guess oh my god hey how's it going so can i easily oh i can't just wait so i can't just like can i multi-select these this seems weird can i not multi-select all three of these to zero them all out at once some people are gonna watch this and be like maya is so much better than blender and other people gonna watch this and be like yeah this is the best you're not even scratching the surface yeah they're both good i don't know i'm excited to be learning this but there are pieces that i'm already missing from maya but there are things i'm excited about too so covered yourself while we're yeah blind rig 5 face picker oh that's nice oh what the heck whoa that's a little harder than a lot of things that's not super intuitive i don't love the design of this i don't really know what i'm looking at here what about this one nope that's it is there not a way to open the mouth maxie what is maxi oh whoa that's a really weird default place for the teeth to be but okay i why is it called maxi what does that mean i need to change the sensitivity of this i need to be able to make the ball more or less sensitive it's really hard to do the posing there's just so much going on what happens if i go to shade look at those eyes did you see it like almost decided it wanted to crash for a second yeah it was like oh that's nice it doesn't seem to know that i want to look at the textures i clicked on the texture button nothing's happening oh no oh we're good oh wow that looks so nice look at like all the fibers in her cloth that would make playblast look very very nice i mean it'd look nice like this it still looks like a good rig but can i animate with this can i have it no i can okay how do i hide all the rig controls if i just want to see the character is there a hotkey so i can just hide all the controls it's in the overlays hey wireframe's there as well oh wireframe oh there we go i think that's broken that's probably supposed to fade it and i would love it i would love if that worked how do you turn off the controls with this it's probably bones oh nice okay that's better that's still something i'd like a hotkey for probably can't make one yeah i would love to have a profile to be able to switch like different overlay profiles one that's like with wireframe at 50 without the overlays like i'd love to kind of like be able to hit one or two or three buttons that gives me specific settings of overlays well i've looked at the short film i've looked at the rig it's time to animate something i've i've tried a pose it went man okay it's time to do a bouncing ball though it's just i need to animate something and that is the easiest thing i can think of to just do that's not a ball i remember though shift a mesh ooh circle uv sphere what's the difference a circle is 2d oh sphere okay i wasn't i thought it would just say sphere don't click anything do not touch anything what the bottom left add uv sphere with segment subdivisions oh it is shift a mesh plane scale okay got it how do i do backface culling i saw it earlier is it in the when you go on the render view when it comes with all the options ah yes ah perfect thank you so i need to go to the animation thing and then i move my camera look at you i'm learning lighting i need a shadow so i need a light so shift a light sun it's a very depressing environment it's so gray so boring put some color what the no the button do you remember how how to do what i add materials i know how to have materials oh i can make it a cool material let's make this look nice material ball new oh we should glow it should be colorful insert keyframe okay so then block rot scale lock rot lock rod scale there's got to be a way to just how do i just have one button to just do that i don't want to have to specify every time all right i'm just going to hit the button oh so it's translate y no translate z now oh that's gonna that's gonna drive me crazy let's do uh super short 32 frame what's the button to zoom in on the on that range it's g in maya oh it's not g in blender okay now i'm gonna have it i'm gonna have to do this sit squash bounce and then land and then kind of jiggle it needs to maintain its volume so if i go 0.5 we'll just really push it down 0.5 so it needs to be 1.25 and 1.25 because that volume has to go somewhere i'll reset this that's 9 frames up 31 would be the down point can i copy paste keys yes it can nice up and down ultimately that's going to go here i'm about ready to start messing with the keys play it through first play through first all right so here's without yeah okay this interface i'm just having a hard time like looking at it and like knowing what to do how do i shift a key how do i just ever so slightly move it i guess like that you know there's different ways to view the graph editor in maya absolute stacked and relative do you have that in blender i hope you're asking the audience that because i have no idea also i've never used that in my bruh no you bro me oh i'll bruh whoever i like to bruh bruh all right i need this i need how do you grab these how do you grab the tangents you just grab them no i want to grab both of them it's only doing one side how do i have it scale evenly what happens if you press s to like scale it i think you got to split them how do you split them right trey three three oh i don't really want to split them but v free oh i see and then i can go away i can't believe that's how you do it it's so much better for so many reasons you scale them like in you have to it's the only way that makes any sense because if you if you point them up in the right direction you're gonna have to like aim it in the right place and that's what i used to do but the problem is if you ever adjust the height of your jump you have to go back and adjust that later but if you scale it in it has no influence over the curve as a whole and it's almost procedural in a way that it doesn't affect the jump overall pro tip bouncing ball video coming soon z scale z scale yeah zed the sunset sky you non-american you mate if you want your own language then go invent one yeah you know fun fact about me this is i'm going to incriminate myself here uh when i was in elementary school i tried to make up my own language and language yeah it was like me and a couple friends and literally it was just like nonsense we just speak nonsense it wasn't actually even there was no thought you know what we called it what perfect for this context we called it stupidian because it sounded so stupid so we called it stupidian you know what sir i think you talk stupidium quite a lot i wanted to explode out and then very quickly go back to normal that's my goal here g-z z are you talking a language no it's okay i'm going to try and dial it back do i have a lattice can i use a lattice on these scale it well i don't want to scale it this guy doesn't scale it's kind of stop it it's not letting me scale there's got to be a lattice where's the lattice tool where's my lattice i need a lattice i need to be able to just just shift these around luna she's just yelling she's just as mad as i am luna help me find it come here where is the kitty cat point to it animating with a cat animating weather cat or animating with a cat animating whoa oh i see with a cat here come here uh you're not helpful at all there's not a lattice is there it's all chaos it's all falling apart this is ridiculous i don't think they have a lattice how can they not have a lattice how are you supposed to use anything i'm googling it blender craft at the door there's not a lattice no one no one uses a lettuce anyway i have words i have words about that the graph editor with a lattice best combination best combination there okay now to finish this off something very important that needs to happen is i need a cool material on the floor you've got to change your uh eevee settings it's not showing like the reflections and stuff so yes noise texture color roughness what did they say that i control alt click on a node or something someone told me in the comments last time how did it oh you need the node wrangler did you enable the add-on i did in the last version of blender do i have to do it again wrangler troll hey thank you youtube commenters if i scale that like there and bump up the detail so if i go contrast up whoa just made a there we go there we go now that's looking kind of cool i bet you're done proud of yourself oh you know i am you know what else i'm gonna do i'm gonna do something sweet no volume volume density look at that whoo it's just can i just render in titles it's not responding anymore oh i haven't saved bruh i'll let it i'll let just let it be because i haven't saved ah look it's okay it survived we lived back to animation i should save shouldn't i yes shave blender scene files ball balance show me the magic blender oh i probably should have gone into the compositing tab and put on a denoise compositing nodes search d noise hey that looks that looks great let's look without it oh yeah that's that denoiser works like magic now i'm done render render animation does it automatically apply my my compositing as i render well if i'm doing something wrong the comments will tell me i'm counting on you watching this video who know things and can share knowledge in the comments so this is going to render a riddle at this finish and uh thank you for your help it's okay i wasn't very helpful at all but i was here for support you always know things that i don't know yeah we should probably start using blender for like real projects that way we know things huh hey that would be an idea that would be an idea that's an idea right there it's so good i will talk to you later get some sleep good night good night good riddance and it's done i'm taking these off because i don't want them on anymore all right here we go that's cool i think either it's slower than i remember it being or i just didn't preview it well enough it feels really slow i'm assuming that's my fault either way that's still a pretty cool looking ball bounce and that would have been really hard to do in maya to look like this as quickly as we did so i'm pretty happy with that okay well it's clear i have a lot to learn when it comes to blender's animation there's a few things that i just i don't even know if they exist i don't know where to find them and i'm just stuck there's a few things that i'm just very slow at very bad at that i need practice that's like posing a bunch of other stuff and then there's some things that i really like the presentation and making it look good and you know involving other parts of the pipeline that's pretty sweet there's a lot i have to figure out and there's a lot i have to learn and i'm going to learn it i'm going to continue working on this if you want to hang out with me live bless you in general if you have blender video ideas for me let me know over on discord or come hang out on twitch and we're going to do a lot of this learning live three days a week i'm doing animation stuff on twitch so link below if you want to be a part of that and also link to the patreon as well if you're enjoying this content if you want to support the channel and if you want to jump in on animation tutoring there's only a few spots left for things like that or there's lots of other rewards anyways thank you so much for watching this video i hope you've enjoyed this i hope you're enjoying watching me struggle as i learn blender i'm like way late to the game and it's a pretty amazing tool i'm excited to get deeper in so if you haven't already subscribed to this point please hit the subscribe button so you don't miss new videos and i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Sir Wade Neistadt
Views: 334,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender animation, blender vs maya, maya artist uses blender, maya artist, maya artist blender, blender for maya, blender animation tutorial, blender animation short film, blender spring animation, blender ball animation, blender ball bounce, first blender animation, first time using blender, blender vs maya tutorial, blender reaction, blender for beginners, blender animation tools, 3d animation in blender, blender character animation, blender 2.83, blender character rigs
Id: VkvRBvKHFek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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