Max's New Remesher is INSANE!

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I could watch an 80s montage of Arrimus poly modeling any day of the week. Especially Fridays.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Nar1117 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for the video!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/t0b1as 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello this is a dedicated video for 3ds max's new remesher the read topology modifier the first thing to understand is that this topology modifier is not standalone it comes with other new and improved modifiers to work with it better so to give you an example here's this little project i'm working on so here is this object right here let me just close off to the side you can see how i'm using my topologies to quickly reach apologize and just turn this boot on this fly so we get that nice smoothness here of course i can also use an edge chamfer shader but sometimes i just want to go ahead and subdivide so here's this object and i'll just make a clone off to the side alright so it's important to understand that you should not just apply with topology you should use the subdivide modifier first to clean things up and get things ready for weed topology so essentially we have three main modifiers subdivide mesh cleaner and re-topology let's take a look at mesh cleaner simply apply this and click on detect problems and let you know how many degenerate edges you have faces non-manifold as well if you do have any simply click on the repair selected and that's pretty much what it does so mesh cleaner is a new modifier but we also have certified which is kind of a an improved upgrade modifier so it has actually four different modes here and so which one you should use depends on pretty much what kind of problems you're having with your mesh so with this mesh right here i'm not going to use some of the to read topology and i'll give this 1000 and compute you can see it does the job but we've got some changes happening here the edges are kind of distorted here especially on the side so as you can see even though it's apology will still work without subdivide although sometimes it won't work in some situations it doesn't give us a good result now for this one we're going to subdivide and let's use something like variable curvature notice how it really kind of changes the topology of the mesh and now i'm going to click on topology let's use the same settings of 1000 and compute notice how we get a much more superior result than on the left so as you can see subdivide is there to help you and you should use it in many situations all right so let's do some more examples here that was using this object let's for example let's say i'm ready i'm done bullying this and now i'm ready to re-apologize so one thing about three to page modifier does not have a symmetric by default but that's okay because you can get it yourself what you can simply do is use edit poly for example and you can delete a half of it however you don't have to use at a poly we can also do simply apply the slice modifier and it will be applied in the center of your pivot and simply click on remove top or move bottom and there you go i can simply right click on this copy paste it again this time go into the slice plane activate angle snapping right click here set works down 22.5 and simply rotate this until you remove the half that you want there you go it's pretty much we removed that and i've got the signature modifiers let's copy that all right so once again let's subdivide so let's take a look at the difference of divide modes we've got subdivide we've got delaney we've got adaptive pretty good one and also variable curvature so when you apply so divide you should always check out the holes here and see how they look so for example let's say i have a large box here and i'm going to create cylinder or on top and we're going to boolean subtract there we go so now let's say i want to re-topologize this let's see the difference so with this one we're just going to read topology and then compute all right you notice the kind of problems we're getting so read topology does work and the fact it actually works very well on all these sides but over here gives us a pretty bad result you can see not only do you have this kind of warping happening obviously this situation is not a big deal because it's just a very simple object but for more complex situations you would want to deal with this right here we have some warping happening here you can see the edges are not going straight down here so for this one let's apply subdivide in fact let's have let's have three more examples and let's just apply difference to divide modes so for this one let's use subdivide for this one let's use delaney looks like a similar result for this one let's use adaptive and for this one let's use variable curvature so when you activate one of these certified modes you want to go in here and make sure you're not getting this wizard right here so for example notice how with adaptive with the default settings we're getting this kind of bad result here that's going to give us messed up topology as well so what we can do is go in here and decrease the regularity and the threshold as you notice that bad effect is fixed all right let's retopology all of these just using the default settings we'll see which one gives us the best results all right so right away these two are pretty much the same so we can just delete one of these so obviously with no subdivide we get really bad effects so we should always usually apply the divide modifier using the regular subdivide we get a pretty good result but not perfect notice how we have some irregularities and distortion happening here using adaptive is pretty good but you can see how these lines are not perfectly straight and as you can see variable curvature even though when actually applied it looks really strange here is actually giving us the best results you can see how clean and straight these lines are so the first ruler topology is that you should use mesh cleaner to clean things up especially when importing cad objects the second rule is you should always use certified modifier it's going to help in most situations so with this object i've chosen variable curvature read topology we can use the default all right as you can see we get very nice results at this point for example let me just clone this out here just to make sure i have the original object as well if i need it at this point i can collapse this paste those two switch modifiers back and here we go really nice results so as you can see guys really nice results happening and so the reason would like to re-to apologize is i can then go in here and add some more freeform type details by just selecting this and just kind of moving it so you get these kinds of soft details [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you can see how i use booleans to subtract certain details using splines fill up the splines to get this then after a quick retopology i was able to go in here and add more freeform details using more basic polygonal modeling here so you can actually very easily combine booleans as well as freeform details being able to do things like just select any group of polygons here regularize you know get this kind of freeform detail just like that so you can very easily with three topology combine more strict boolean modeling as well as softer freeform modeling as well being able to do things just like select polygons move them out here you get these kinds of softer details which can also give you nice designs as well so now that i've showed you a quick example let's rewind a little bit and let's look at the first part of this process and how you can work with splines as well so let's say i've got this object here all right so what i want to do is just kind of create a nice space to fit this in here so what i did first of all just kind of scale it a little bit so it's not like this maybe it's a bit smaller alright now what i can do is go into the top viewport here and then use let's say a circle i'm just going to create it here i'm going to press shift a to move it right here all right what i can do is i can either scale it to be smaller or use the parameters here which allows you to enter in solid numbers like nine for example all right now i need to do is to create either lines or rectangles to get the rest of this so what i can do is just let's say create a rectangle activate snap right click on this make sure it's set to vertex you can start right here all right now i'm going to apply edit spline or you just right click and convert to editable spline this will allow you to select the vertices segments and splines then what i can do is just snap this vertex to the right there we go so now if i isolate these objects and notice also that when you look in the wireframe mode you get this nice kind of interesting diagram effect as well so once you combine the colors here kind of gives you a nice look here like a nice schematic view i'm going to isolate that and so these objects are now on the same plane because we made them in the top viewport it's important to realize that when you use the splines be sure in some situations not to use auto grid because if i were to create the circle using auto grid you can see it would be not perfectly planar it might be rotated a bit so for example if i create it right here you notice how it's a little bit rotated here however if i didn't want to use this what i could do is just let's say create a grid helper alt a make sure orientation is on as well so notice how without orientation it moves here but got the wrong rotation if you actually activate that as well and also as i click on these it's gonna have the correct rotation as well i can now right click and then activate this grid right here what will happen now is that anytime i create something it's going to be on that custom grid which as we saw is aligned to this object so it's all going to be perfectly aligned there which makes for nice spline creation here and it's all going to be aligned to the grid which is aligned to the original circle but in this situation let's say i did not have this grid and then let's say i was using the top viewport right and i created this circle and i created a rectangle thinking it's all going to be working well together well as it turns out first of all they're in different positions and they've got different rotations as well so that's something you want to avoid and you can avoid that by not using auto grid or if you're going to use auto grid set up a custom grid and create all things on that so sometimes your scene gets cluttered and we need ways to simplify things what you can do in the top left here is actually activate shapes and this is referring to the spline so now when i make rectangle around this it's only going to select splines not all right anything actually going to need to move this here to the right all right now what i would do is first i'll just go into interpolation you notice how it's a little bit angular right here so when you're using boolean it's a good great yet keep things as smooth as your computer can handle all right edit spline we're going to attach these objects then we're going to select let's say the circle and we're going to use boolean and boolean this together we also in the creation tab have shape boolean which is pretty much like pro boolean or boolean but for splines you can use that as well or you can always of course use edit spline as well so now that i've got this i want to switch this back to all and i'm going to isolate these objects and i'm going to apply extrude all right you can have a high amount here move it down and there we go i also just need to move this let's say back a little bit but let me see how it looks all right before i extrude and the fact we can just keep extrude on here we can always go back to edit spline select these vertices and just fill it which i've said to a hotkey there we go and we can even fill it while extrude is visible here so i can select this activate shown result i got that set to the space bar and now i can just fill it i can see the final result with extrude what this allows me to do for example is i want to have a nice fillet so that's these curves kind of match a little bit here so now what i can do is just fill it and i can see what kind of result i'm getting let's see something like that all right now i can select this and just go back to pro bowling and then subtract this now i've got that so i like to use a script called fastbool but if you don't have that you can just copy this select the newest change we've got here switch to intersection and change operation so now we have two objects here i'm going to turn the pivot and there we go now we have two objects at this point you can for example changing materials as you're setting up your materials and your different color schemes so what i can do is apply a quick smooth modifier so smoothing groups is one of the ways that we can use to control the sharpness so notice how right now because of this value the entire top here has a single splitting group which means if we apply the topology right we can scroll down here let me just turn this off so auto edge is what controls the sharpness where are the sharp edges this is how you tell the topology modifier which are the sharp edges in your mesh so right now we're using smoothing groups which is the default it's a pretty good method for many situations but if you compute right now notice how the top is not really sharp as i may want it because it does not recognize those edges because they don't have separate switching groups so what i can do is either change this value right here and lower this until that becomes a separate within group here but you want to be sure that you don't accidentally go too low otherwise everything will be a separate swing group and 3ds max free topology will see this as sharpness here if you cannot get the correct smoothing using smooth you can always apply the poly and then select polygons yourself and give it a custom smoothing group here so that we've got this let's apply subdivide let's use variable curvature read topology compute and there we go we have a nice three topology here you can try to get risky and go for a lower number here and as you can see it worked out fine so after doing that i can now collapse that and i can begin to use more freeform modeling so i can do things like sometimes you need to correct a few little things here for example face control is going to move this to make it more even i can then do things like just hold shift and extrude there alright select this set flow or just edge constraints so as you model here you want to think about how you want to read to apologize this and where you want the sharp angles to be then create the student groups based on that so for example i can select this right here and if i want this to be smooth here i can have this be a single splitting group or if i want to be sharp here i can give this one and then this one right here you can see now i'll get that kind of sharpness there also as i'm modeling here i want to think about how do i want this to work here so probably i want this to have the simple group here so i'll give this 4 as well here so now i know how it's going to apologize it's going to keep these edges sharp just things to think about as your boolean and modeling subdivide let's see if variable curvature will work in this situation so let's try for example adaptive or maybe delaney i think in this case adapter will be a good one to try and what i can also do if i want to maintain the symmetry is to delete the right half here i'm going to apply symmetry and then turbosmooth real quick here i can do the same for this as well so i can apply smooth lower this there we go but still want to make sure this is smooth right here i probably want this to be smooth as well so i'm going to apply it apply on top and give this the same smoothing group all right then a quick turbosmooth of course i'll probably want crease sets and open subdiv but for a start we can just use turbo so that you can see it gives us a pretty nice smooth result so i am now ready to collapse that and begin doing some more freeform modeling here [Music] so [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right this is an example of how i use sweet topology to reach apologize quick bullying meshes and then do some more free form modeling on it thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 124,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrimus, tutorial, 3d, 3ds, max, model, modeling, remesher, topology, retopology, insane, new, feature, beginner, fast, easy, simple, how to, best, modifier, poly, polygon, boolean
Id: CD2GiaEu9ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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