Opensubdiv VS Chamfer for High Poly

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hello in this video show you how I can use open some live and chamfer to subdivide the meshes and create high poly versions so let's just create a cylinder right here and I'll just Center this and let's say it's got 32 sides right here all right now just apply it a poly alright so then I can just select these end guns here inset here and then let's say bridge let's say McLain this kind of detail right here then I want to select these outer polygons and I will bevel by polygon here alright and get this kind of detail right here so this will be our low poly let's create two high Poly's when using champ or the other using open subdiv here so i will give these a gray color here to represent they are high Poly's it's a good idea to color coordinate your different objects here and we can just apply chamfer right here alright so i'd like to use quad chamfer right here said attention to be 0.5 and you want at least two segments probably more so we're creating a high poly want it to be enough smoothness to get a good bake so basically the whole point of a low poly here is that only we get additional detail so in this case we're using it that way but you can use a higher power to get additional detail for example in the flat areas here in these areas right here but in this situation we're pretty much using a higher poly to smooth out these sharp edges here so the further away you are from the game assets the less the door map becomes visible and important so that's why it's a great idea to perhaps sometimes exaggerate how much smoothness there is that once you bake it into the low poly you can see your details and smoothness from a further distance away here so for example this may be a good amount this is too much so probably you don't want to go there sharp although this may be a realistic amount the real object would have pretty much this kind of detail this will not capture well at a distance at all here so at this point you may just want to even have a little map here so that's why you want to kind of exaggerate this little bit and make a little bit smooth like this so one issue here with chamfer that you notice this is being trampled as well we can fix this by scrolling down here and just increase the minimum angle right here and in this case we need to increase it to at least looks like about 11:45 and then this is fixed right here but of course in other more complex meshes you can go ahead and change this value so for the crease set open subdiv we can just apply crease set go into edge select this is to lower value let's try 45 this is not being clicking so let's increase this like the increases by 10 increments 10 new increments right here so there we go 55 captures at all if you have a angular arms you can just press ctrl-a it doesn't really matter but in this case we have smooth parts here so we don't want to do that create set and then we can try let's save 0.1 see what that gives us so the way the system works is that when you enter in point 1 and we perfectly sharp at one iteration right here if I go above 1 it starts to smooth out if I set this to be point 3 it will be perfectly sharp up until 3 iterations here so it may be difficult to see because the smoothing here but if I apply a smooth modifier notice how it's perfectly sharp right here the smooth modifier allows us to see it without any smoothing right here open southern not only so divides it also creates this kind of smoothing effect right here which is not where as I'm having with a geometry here so notice that 3 it's perfectly sharp here once we get to 4 it starts to smooth out I'll just delete smooth here so with open subdiv here Oh point three is probably too sharp here so we can try let's say so point one five is also too smooth we can try something like point two three or maybe a little bit higher here all right there we go and with open something you want to make sure that you are at a high enough iterations right here so probably at least five right here so one down set about when subdue is that you have much more polygons in your mesh right here we have 260 mm as opposed to the chamfer which is just under ten thousand around nine thousand right here so in the situation chamfer may went out so on this kind of object it's a great day to use chamfer right here so real quick let's create a more complex object here so let's say this is our low poly right here now I can create some high polish and of course for low poly we want to remove these loops and we want to just select this and edge constraints and just move this or remove it like so and then just lick and weld there we go this is a much better little plane right here optimized and so now we can create the high poly here so first of all in order to get a good high poly I will want to actually simplify this so we're not going to use chamfer here because we don't want it to be chamfered here if I apply a chamfer and actually let's just copy these same settings on this object here there we go so notice on this situation we get this champion right here so in this case we might have to increase this that will higher okay so if I use chamfer to subdivide this the problem now is that we get a lot of complexity here and it becomes harder to add certain details here for example I will just turn off chamfer here and here I would just quickly apply creases here all right just crease right here open subdiv two iterations move without a poly here all right so in this case notice how there is no complexity on the edges here which means that if want to add details such as this right here I can easily do so whereas in the chamfered mesh right here I have to deal with a lot more complexity here and it just becomes a bit more difficult here to add that kind of detail now in this case I don't actually want this kind of detail because deviates too much from the low poly right here and I probably won't make payroll because it's pretty much just going straight down here if I really want this detail to bake well I'll need to make some modifications such as perhaps scaling this maybe not having it be so far down and doing the same for this as well so having something more like this and this will bake a lot better here because I have a lot more surface area to capture right here and perhaps I can select this and scale out a little bit so this will capture a lot better here we have a lot more surface area as opposed to previously what it was going straight down here all right there we go so let's say for example that I want to boolean this out real quick here so I can just create another cylinder here and then just shift a and then just rotate 90 degrees there we go so just position it right here and let's increase the heights all right I'll just do a quick proboolean right here all right so if I was using crease set I'll have to do a good amount of fixing up here to make this work but perhaps chamfer how it worked much easier here so we're able to really easily boolean this and chamfer and of course we make sure that your cylinder has a good amount of science to it if it just had for example six sides this may not work as well but of course notice there's still some kind of distortion right here that may not bake variable here so you noticed some kind of issues right here so if I apply a turbosmooth we get this kind of really bad effect here however we can go back to proboolean and just go into Advanced Options and have no edge removal on and this should fix them the problems right here those are looking better or we can also do this just apply a relaxed modifier on top all right let's in turn a good value here and increase number of iterations here and this can actually help to solve a lot of problems here so this is after and this is before so before and after notice how there is a much better effect after the relaxed modifier they fix a lot of these issues right here there may still be some kind of really small issues you have to kind of zoom in really far to see maybe a little bit of surface distortion here but it's barely visible here and maybe with Taurus will let me look in better right here which it does here this is before and after looks a little better right here so notice how this gives you the power to do a quick boolean chamfer relax turbosmooth I don't have to spend any time fix anything up here and I can even apply symmetry to get the left side right here so this is an example of hiking really easily boolean and not even have to fix up at all whereas if you were doing this with crease set so I will delete all of these modifiers here so we're back to after the boolean operation here so now if I crease set right here let's increase this right away I'll have to increase it maybe 65 there we go and turn on ignore back facing and I want these to be creased as well all right there we go let's create assets let's try point 25 here symmetry and then open subdiv notice how we get some serious problem is here so in this situation you can see our chamfer also wins over open subdiv increasing right here is that we'll have to spend a lot of time cleaning this up depending on how fast you work but you have to spend a good amount of time here whereas with the chamfer method just apply symmetry it was both then again this real nice result right here especially with the boolean right here so going back this object let's try some non boolean details right here so a very good way to add details here is to use your topology here and work with it to add some details here so for example click these vertices here and then hold shift and left-click and we've got this kind of detail here you right there we go so let's say we have this kind of detail on ad here so let's see if open subdiv or chamfer works better here so we'll just click on champ right here this is the result we get and then turbosmooth here and you can see we have some issues right here we can see what causes that it may be because this is not being chamfered here so another thing I can do right here is I can actually tell what needs to be chamfered by using the smoothing groups here so I'll just press ctrl a and just Auto smooth right here alright that takes care of a lot of the problems here but I still want to fix up some areas right here so for example I can try to decrease this value here the lower this value goes the more will have different student groups right here so this may be too much here let's try 15 see what that gives us so pretty much I want this to be a service willing group right here as well as this here so if I click on this you can see this is 1 this is also 1 so this needs to be a separate one right here I'll just go to the bottom right here 32 there we go and in this case I want one of this to be a separate group right here as well 31 all right there we go and then I can symmetry here and then chamfer here so even with unsmooth edges here even though I gave this all separate through the groups right here you can see it's not work for some reason and that is because I have still got minimum angle on if I turn that off now you can see the actually chamfers right here and then open subdiv and then turbo spool takes effect as well so you notice that we're getting some issues in various places here what I find is that with chamfer there are some situations where we get a kind of a bad result here so you can see for example right here I can try to activate quad intersection here well that causes some other issues here and then maybe a little bit effect here so you can pair out the settings here maybe you can try to decrease the amount that might be causing a problem here all right so let's look too bad but we're already getting some issues in various places here especially this kind of object right here so perhaps in this situation we might be better off sticking with preset here so here you can just enter in the high value here let's try 65 let's try 75 here maybe 85 all right there we go maybe you select some edges here all right maybe you want this to be creased here as well and then create a set here in other words how I get a very clean result right here so you've seen two situations here where Chandra may be a better idea here because it keeps your poly count lower here which is increased performance here as a policy open subdiv which gives a much higher amount of polygons here now you can see how with crease set with open somebody needs to clean this up in order for it to work properly otherwise you get bad results here whereas to a chamfer you can just apply relaxed herbals food and get a very smooth those over here ready for baking here in this situation here it's also very close move it open something of increase said there's a little bit better here especially have more complex curves here this situations very angular here but the upside here is they can easily just change this right here just these like those and remove those and then update here and then you've got a much smoother result right here just by changing some creases here so of course if you're making something for film for example or cinematic quality you will want to use crease sets here you don't want to have chamfered objects inside of a film for example here does it make it much harder to work with and unwrap and texture here so this is the default choice for cinematic quality but for video game assets it may be a good idea to use chamfer here and you can easily blue in with it as you've seen right here here is our original boolean rose over here you can see it's very messy here triangles and guns the works but with chamfer and relax it looks a lot better here and it's ready for baking right here thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 57,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, walkthrough, arrimus, 3d, 3ds, max, model, modeling, topology, mesh, geometry, low, high, poly, polygon, chamfer, opensubdiv, video, game, asset, realtime, fast, quick, easy
Id: Bw5Ey1VlUPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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