Maximize Your Outward Builds With My Expertly Curated Skill Tree Tier List

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shout out to Caleb Franks for commenting first on my last video and also Caleb I just want to say thank you for being subscribed for over a year I really appreciate that dude what is up brother Bears Sean here and today I'm gonna be making a tier list of the most OP skilled trees in outwards so let's start off with the hex Mage where does the hex Mage go well uh since the DRC dropped think the X Mage has really taken over as one of the most OP classes in the game because of lockwell's revelation so that gives you an up to an additional 30 Elemental damage when you're very tired and it's actually very easy to stay very tired I use like a little hack a life hack where I kind of sleep in town and then I just repair my gear all the time I don't sleep I just say repair and then I wake up I drink and eat then I just keep doing that until I'm very tired so you can basically stay at 30 very tired and also when you're very tired you get a Mana Regen so that kind of pushes out the other skill tree whether the philosopher that also has a flat Mana region so the x-mage kind of can overshadow that one quite often and a lot of my Builds on the on the channel of X Majors which are really op that can actually solo the bosses relatively easy like the chakram X Mage I'm loving that bold it's so dangerous once you get the rainbow X off um it's just really it's game over it's game over so I'm gonna put xmage up in Opie um I think everyone can agree with that one okay so let's do speeds to next uh I like the Speedster it's all right that's cool it's got a really interesting skill tree um probe is a really interesting skill uh that the changes depending on what level of alertness you have I like that you know you've got the max stamina but the thing that really stands out for me is the Breakthrough which reduces cooldowns by 10 per alertness level and you can get up to four alertness level so you can have um to 40 skill cooldown reduction which is pretty op and then Prime which is one of my favorite skills uh that it removes two alertness levels and instantly resets the cooldown of the next skill used within three minutes so you can actually spam a really really high cost spell with a high cooldown twice so I use that usually in conjunction with Prismatic flurry so you can get off a double tap of insane damage so Speedster I like Speedster the thing is it's really bursting in damage it doesn't really have that sustained damage like you can do with a hex Mage and with torment so I don't know I'll put I'll put it a for now we can move it later okay um Primal let's talk about primal now this bad boy lets you place the dramas down right and uh I like them it's a it's an interesting uh mechanic that you can have in the game I find it a little bit tedious to constantly have to place my drums down and pick them up it's kind of like doing traps I'm not really into it because of the tedium but that's really just the subjective opinion so if we look at it objectively it's really strong I mean you can do a heel you can do damage over time you get a lot of barriers so it does help with being more tanky so you'll see a lot of tanky balls that kind of Leverage The Primal ritualist but I don't think it's as fun and as simple as Speedster now I don't I guess Simplicity doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be high on the tree because even if it's complicated as long as it's powerful so I'll go ahead and put Primal in the ATM though I don't use it as much I can acknowledge that it's got some good sides to it so Warrior monk now personally I think Warrior monk is a really really good tree if you're playing a Melee character and you're going like full on melee damage build you're going to want to consider the warrior monk definitely you can either go into the the kind of the damage side or you could go into the more of the defensive side so they're catered to both styles of play more of a defensive or aggressive and it's got some insane skills I mean okay I know that you can take brace and focus on any uh character of yours but if we look at the master motion which is really great for tankiness so while under the effect of a disciplined Boon the impact resistance and all damage resistances are increased by 10. so that and if you stack that with Primal ritualist and the barrier you already have something really crazy going on so Warrior monk even though it's been in the game since vanilla I think it's a really tight and good skill tree to have is it op it can be you know it can be is it as op as a hex Mage I don't think so but it does have a lot of more utility you can be a lot more tankier x-mage is more of like a glass Cannon bald so Warrior monk I would say that it is op if we're talking about physical damage and inflicting a couple of x's so outside hex Mage is really op for doing a lot of Elemental damage and inflicting all the x's on the elemental side of things and then we've got the warrior monk which is kind of like the physical brother of the x-mage so it's doing way more physical and it's really allows you to get up close and personal to your enemies so I would say yeah it is okay it is pretty OB okay so cabal hermit now this bad boy I think everyone knows that it's just for the Breakthrough Point that's what we mostly take it for the shamanic resonance which increases your Boon damage and resistance so like if you're playing an X major you're definitely going to want to have cabal hermit as one of the other breakthrough points but if we're talking about the cabal hermit alone as a skilled tree is it op no not really it's more of a support class so I don't think it's fair that I judge it as a single skill tree that can operate on its own because you get three breakthrough points so but if we take a look at things like conjure it has great utility if you plant a Sizzle of wind on the ground and then you use conjure you can actually cast the lightning bolt then you've got infused wind that gives you increased attack speed this is great if you're playing a big a big heavy two-handed bolt or even if you're playing the hex Mage with a rainbow hex engine you want to get off your X's faster so it's really great shamanic resonance helps a lot with uh Elemental damage and defense but I mostly use it for damage and then we've got all the basic stuff like where the dollar runs Mana push which is good for high impact and since it's a low tier skill you can use it on any class I would use Mana push for someone like a rogue or Warrior monk to kind of control the stability bar uh reveal Soul call of elements you know great support skills but if we had to rate it it's not OP on its own but it's really great at making other balls more op so I would put this Set uh seat here it's not a beat here but it's still useful so keep that in mind still somewhat useful okay let's have a look at the wild hunter so this is obviously a cool skill tree because it's the hunter skill military to have it's the only skill tree that has bow skills in it so even though you could get a majority of the skills without going through the Breakthrough you can also kind of turn this ball into like a a a range slash melee bold this skill tree also goes really well with well another Warrior Market could work well but that all depends if you're going to be using both skills right I mean I don't really use this one anymore I used to use it a lot back in vanilla because I was a big bow junkie back then that was before the hex Mage came out and I like bows in games so I might be a little bit biased towards this one it's got a lot of utility in it it's got a lot of cool Millis Spells at the end as well and it's also got a really sweet tier three shark that's called piercing shot strong shot that goes through enemies and it inflicts extreme bleeding which is always cool and I remember back in vanilla days when this was so op you could just bleed someone and then just kite them around and watch them melt I would say it's not as strong as the burst damage of a Speedster and primer I'll put this on video already about everybody's favorite Rogue everyone loves Rogues everyone loves assassins grow engineer skill tree is definitely something I would use especially if you're playing um like a dagger belt you have to use the skill tree and the feather Dodge is a pretty good breakthrough Point as well it lowers the stamina cost of dodging by 50 and allows you to dodge unimped it even when wearing a backpack so this allows you to kind of use any backpack you want regardless of does the backpack itself stop impeding of your rolling so I would say this is a cool tree I like it a lot it's got a really cool like a real cool anime assassin factor to it that Everyone likes but is it op is the Rogue op no it's not OP it's definitely not on the same tier as these two yeah you can pull out a lot of damage on open world mobs but if it comes to a boss you're gonna have to play really really really sharp on a certain on certain bosses like elixir or the immaculate bird because those guys are going to burst you down so I would say it's definitely stronger than the wild hunter for sure so I'd put it on par with speed stand primal Rogue is really good especially if you can if you really get into the groove and the vibe of backstabbing and using your skills to manipulate the stability bar and always keep the enemy staggered and yeah you can really do a lot of damage that way especially through bleeds and poison so yeah I would say Rogue 80 definitely kazit khazid kazit now this guy I think we all go to this guy at the beginning of the game to get steady arm and fitness right it's basically free HP and then some free impact resistance now I've made a couple of builds where you actually use um what's the skill called again I forgot uh Elemental discharge yeah yeah yeah so I've made a few builds especially with the Speedster right you can have an elemental discharge so you can have like a Speedster cabal Monk and you could have the Gazette Spell blade together in a three combo for a really cool build if you want to use Elemental discharge especially when speeds to all these skills on cooldown and you kind of like staying back kiting the enemy you can kind of just hang back and use Elemental discharge yeah gong strike gong strike is pretty fun you got chill charge which I really like as well especially if you are using a shield Bowl this is a must it can't eat the target twice especially if you're really close by and uh breaks through point you know it's just Buffs you Buffs your health stamina in Mana by 15h which is you know me but the infusions are pretty cool Gunk strikes and infusions are cool and gong strike on the other 30 second CD so that's awesome I would say this is more of a support tree like the cabal hermit it's not something you would really want to just focus around itself more to supplement the other skill tree so I'm prepared Cydia that's not the greatest but it's definitely not the worst okay let's have a look at the mercenary oh yeah right he's the gun guy so you can get some cool skills from him as well uh especially if you're using a gun build you're going to want to go with this dude obviously you can use uh Armor training on any class and I recommend you do so but if we go look at his breakthrough skill Swift foot your movement speed is increased by 10 is that it is that it this is basically useless because you can get this so easily with items or potions even so I think what what's really beneficial of this skill tree is the upper tier three of the tree so like marathona sprinting consumes less stamina which is always useful especially if you know how to avoid enemy attacks without dodging if you just like tap the Sprint sometimes you can avoid enemies so this is pretty useful a shield infusion blocks an elemental attack when when you next block an elemental explosion will burst from you now I don't really use this to be honest I don't I find it very situational so you won't be using this a lot yeah I'm sure you could find ways to use it but I don't think it would be as useful as another tree blood bullet I really do like because you can't heal yourself with it it's one of the coolest skills in the tree but if we look at it alone uh I don't know about this one guys I would have to say it doesn't have the support that these two Gazette and cabal hermit can provide can't stand alone with the wild hunter so I'm gonna have to put in detail I'm sorry for all the mercenary Fanboys out there okay philosopher so this bad boy is really great if you're going to be using chakrams like with the chakram expold you need to take philosopher because the chakras will let you fight multiple opponents at once which is something you do quite often in the game so you can't just run around hexing one guy at a time you need to have some alternative that can deal some insane damage so philosophy skill tree is pretty good I've never been a fan of the what's that spell called Sizzler of ice yeah I've never been a fan of that I've never been a fan of sizzles as a whole to be honest especially with having like some type of resource Stone attached to it that I have to farm to be able to use it and fire Affinity isn't that amazing either unless you are playing a fire build but it's only 15 so the chances of you really utilizing it is very slumbly well actually the the defense can help especially in like the Soraka region where everyone's using fire against you but if we have a look at the Breakthrough Point Leyland connection now this bad boy gives you a flat metal region so it's really good for that and the chakrams chakroms and then the mainland region so this is more of a support class as well I would say a can kind of function on its own because it does have chakrams so I would say it's a it's a little bit higher than the Gazette and the cabal hermit I would put it by the wild hunter I don't see it being somewhere up with the Rogue in the Primal and the Speedster but not as low as these two over here so I would say philosopher it can be a good support skill tree but it can also be a good damage Tree on its own whenever you use philosopher and you utilize the skill tree to its full potential with regards to the Mana region and then the chakrams it's a really good tree all right so we've got to ruin Sage now back in vanilla this was actually a really insane skill tree to use um I never used it personally in back in vanilla I wasn't really a fan of you know having to kind of like memorize the skills and I know there's not that many and it's not that difficult but it's just I don't think it was for me so it's more of a personal choice objectively though it's got good damage right it's got some really good spells that you can combo in with the different ruins the Breakthrough Point gives you Max Mana then we've got Arcane syntax this gives you more access to better Rooney combos for these and internalized lexicon so you don't have to hold the Lexicon in your hand but then you have to choose between that and runic prefix and obviously it's better to take rooning prefix and then sacrifice your offend and hold the Lexicon this bad boy can actually stand out on its own it can heal it can cause the barrier that can spam lightning bolts it gives you fat manner you don't have to sacrifice too much at the at the wildlife manner um yeah so this is a really good skill tree actually but back in the day back in vanilla days it was pretty solid so but is it as Opie as the warrior Monk and the hex Mage I don't think so I think it's definitely an atheist kill but can definitely run with the best of them I would put it at number eight but anyway okay so let me have a look at what else I've put here let's see Primal what do you guys think of primal should it be an a skill 3 tier it's also kind of a supporty class but it's also not just pure support it can also kind of function on its own and usually you're going to want to have uaf to kind of like hit your drums in battle all the time so it's not something you can just kind of like just drop down and revert to your Mage spellcasting style so I'm I'm feeling like maybe we should drop it down to be what do you guys think beat here Primal with philosopher and wild hunter problem is really good like the skills are fun they are practical so um I don't know I'm having a bit of a dilemma on this one I don't know if it's as good as a Speedster Speedster has an insane burst damage Rogue also has insane burst damage with backstabs and bleed then we've got the ruin Sage that can just hang back buff itself with barrier spam lightning bolts and if you use a ruined Sage with a cabal Hermit you can have lightning a bolt with your conjure so you can have like a double lightning oh yeah you can also drop a lightning trap so yeah I don't know man I don't think it's on point with the ruin size like if a ruin size and a primal had to come into battle I think the ruined side would win it would just hang back spam lightning bolts stand on and strap stay out of the range of your drums so yeah I'm gonna put Primal down at bit here yeah I think it's looking pretty accurate now Opie we've got the hex Mage which is obviously op Warrior monk which I think actually can be op and it can also be in the eight tier depending on how you build it with the other skill trees assisting it so if you if you do build it like really you fine tune the Bold I think it can be pretty hard here so I'm gonna say it's op for sure Speedster this bad boy is definitely eight here I would never put this thing any lower than eight tier but I wouldn't call it op per se it can be but it's not hex Mage op it's not worry among OB same with the Rogue the Rogue is also very situational you can't just run in and think you're a warrior monk you know you gotta you have to kind of think about it it's kind of like the Speedster but instead of using firsts you're using daggers ruin Sage as well it's I think it's kind of like these guys but it's like the real cast of the game you know glass Cannon clothy armor you can't really take a beating like a x major or Warrior monk could but it can heal it can put a barrier on itself so yeah I think this is fine betia wild hunter should the wild hunter be eightier ah I mean it could be I mean it could be the thing is the wild hunter does offer a lot of utility and a lot of damage as well it could definitely stand out on its own as a build you could have your bow skills and then you could swap over to like your you know your ex on your Shield if you need to you know the Breakthrough Point gives you extra HP to handle some more encounters some more difficult encounters so I don't know guys what do you think am I being too generous by putting it in a am I thinking too lowly of the wild hunter I think I'm gonna put the Wild on to 80m [ __ ] it put it in the eight year yeah I think it's on par with like the Rogue and the ruin sage and plus it is primarily a changed skill tree I think ranged data does definitely I think bump it up from B you know if you range yeah you do have the advantage on certain enemies you can get the drop of them the drop on them so yeah I'm Gonna Leave This Here B philosopher primal I think this is fair I think this is fair indeed indeed philosopher is still great for the chakramas right so I don't know I'm feeling like I should maybe move it up to a chakrams a no I mean you can't compare chakramas to like Speedster or like a backstabbing Rogue or like a wild Auntie they can just take pot shots from out of the ai's distance so no better than the the Support classes it's kind of on the level of parable so I like this where it is so there's no if gears there's no fds guys should I put ruin Sage down here I think I should leave everyone says down in FDA just for the memes yeah ruined Sage we're gonna have to have something at FTR it's definitely not going to be any of the other classes so you know what let's leave Rune stage down here because we already have a x Mage who's the ultimate spellcaster whoever took the ruined Sage back in the expansion so Your Glory Days Are Over buddy but just for the memes let's leave this guy down here okay uh mercenary yeah this guy is definitely dead here I'll say d hell I would even put him in F but yes okay he does bring a little bit to the table and they are these two bad boys sit here because they do provide a lot of Boons to the other skill trees if taken so yeah this is perfect I think this is going to be my skill tree tier list of outward obviously this is all subjective so let me know what you got away what you guys think and where would you have put your skills uh based on this because I'm sure some of you might have some opinions on where things should have been like someone's gonna obviously tell me who would say it should have been op bro hell no bro roadside belongs down here anyway brother bears and yeah thanks for watching guys I appreciate you this is me Sean I'll see you guys next time
Views: 16,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rpg, arpg, open world rpg, best rpg, fun rpg, coop rpg, outward, outward tips and tricks, outward definitive edition build, outward definitive edition, outward tips, outward builds, outward build, outward op build, outward tricks, outward hexmage, outward hex mage, OP Hex Master Build, Outward OP Build, outward op builds, outward game, outward dlc, hex mage, outward rogue, outward class tier list, outward tier list, outward class tier list 2022, outward tier list 2022
Id: 4sqCmTvG3NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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