Maximize FPS: Warzone 2.0 MW2 Best PC Graphics Settings Season 6 Update!

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season 6 just launched for war zone in Modern Warfare 2 and I'm going to show you how I gained 100 FPS going from the default recommended settings in game uh to 210 FPS 100 FPS gain here uh just from some optimized settings in Nvidia control panel your Windows settings uh as well as the in-game settings and everyone's favorite the config file settings uh which we actually have a few more settings to go over with that config file so if you seen some of my other videos you're definitely going to still want to watch this one to get those extra settings but let's go ahead and get right into it here just want to say thanks again for all the support and all the help on these last few videos man it's been insane seeing all the support so I appreciate you guys so much don't forget to like And subscribe on the video um and let's get started so first off we're going to start with the Nvidia control panel here uh these are pretty standard settings I would say nothing too crazy with these these don't affect uh the FPS too much but can help with stability and whatnot uh most of them are on default just because those are just fine the way they are uh but to start off with the ones that I personally recommend changing is a low latency mode highly recommend turning this to on um if you're running gsync which most people don't but if you do you might want to turn this to ultra uh but on is just fine for most people Max frame rate you're want to turn that off obviously we're trying to maximize frame rate so having that turned off is going to be ideal uh monitor technology we're going to go ahead and have that on fixed refresh rate so keep that there uh the next one is the open GL rendering for the GPU you're going to want to make sure you have your uh dedicated graphics card as your uh selection here min's the 3080ti so we're going to leave that there power management this one's uh a little bit interesting for some people um I leave this on normal on my global settings and then I change it to high performance um on the program settings for the individual games that way when my computer's just running or I'm not playing a game my GPU isn't completely maxed out all the time uh so I run that on normal but if you don't mind that you can just run this on high performance and it'll just run uh at Max all the time so that is what I would recommend for that uh preferred refresh rate for your monitor highest available is going to be the best best option there um next one is the texture filter optimization we're going to want to turn this on to make sure your texture filters are optimized properly uh going to go ahead and choose for the texture filtering we're going to want high performance on this one as well uh to gain a couple FPS with that um and then make sure your vertical snc is turned off we're going to make definitely make sure that's turned off because that will introduce quite a bit of uh input latency that we don't want uh so once you have those settings selected uh I don't have it here cuz all those settings were already set but you'll see a little apply button down at the bottom uh right down here you're going to want to hit apply uh your screen might Flash and flicker a little bit that's normal as it's updating the settings uh and then from here like I said the program settings I have my Cod file um set up here I run mine on Steam yours might be a little bit different if you don't see your your game in here you can just go to add um and then you can browse your files and see but usually it pops up here as one of your uh recently added or recently used files um from here the only setting I change in the program files is that power management mode I put this to prefer maximum performance that way when the game is running it makes sure my GPU is 100% utilized all the time uh and then once you do that again you would hit the little apply button down here in the bottom right uh after that we're going to go to change resolution this is a huge one for a lot of people make sure uh you have your native resolution selected and the highest refresh rate available uh selected this where a lot of people sometimes if you update your driver or whatever the case may be this might reset to a lower Hertz you want to make sure that is at your maximum uh refresh rate for your gaming monitor I have it set for both of mine um but definitely want to make sure your native resolution and your refresh rate are maxed out um as well as click on the use Nvidia color settings and make sure you have all of your settings here uh set to the same if this is unlimited make sure it's on full I have the option for 10 bit but I leave it on eight just because I don't notice a huge difference with that um but go ahead and once those settings are applied hit apply here hit yes go down to adjust desktop color settings uh from here make sure your gaming monitor the one you play on is selected uh I don't change anything here just because these are or I don't recommend anything here I should I should say because every monitor is completely different so your brightness your contrast your gamma is all going to be 100% dependent on your specific monitor so play around with these how you like uh me personally I recommend running your digital Vibrance a little bit higher I run mine at 65 some people Max this all the way out um but it just kind of looks a little goofy when I look at YouTube videos or anything like that uh so I leave mine at 65 but I know a lot of people run this anywhere from uh 65 all the way up to 100 that will make your game look a lot lot better and a lot more colorful um so definitely run that up there hit apply down below another one this is for adjusting your desktop size and position uh me personally since I have a standard uh 16x9 display 1440p um is as long as you don't have an Ultra stretch res or anything like that you might not you shouldn't run in any issues uh but I run no scaling um just to make sure there's no weirdness going on with my modern no I think it defaults the aspect ratio but I prefer no scaling just because there are some H hiccups and hitches that can happen um in certain games and certain titles so I'd recommend no scaling for most people but just play around with this make sure you don't have any weird issues after the fact that I would recommend no scaling uh and then adjust video color settings you're going to want to go ahead and again click make sure your gaming monitors one uh selected here click on the with Nvidia settings little button here and then click on the advaned tab here and make sure your dynamic range is set to full and not limited that way you get the full color spectrum of everything um that you need there and then go ahead as again hit apply once it's down here and that should be everything for the Nvidia control panel settings uh so we're going to go ahead and close out of that next thing we're going to go ahead and look at your window settings uh the first thing is going to make sure you're up to date check you know check your updates make sure everything is up to date for Windows um it's important just to make sure you have all security updates all that kind of stuff uh next is going to be the background apps you're going to go ahead and type in background apps at the bottom I already had it there so it popped up um but once you get into the background apps you're going to want to make sure you have this turned off essentially what this setting does um and a lot of people forget about it is this setting allows um any any apps that you have here to run in the background and utilize resources that uh otherwise would be utilized by your game you're going to go ahead and make sure this is turned off so that none of these random apps get any random updates or run in the background or anything like that so that you get the most performance out of your PC uh next we're going to go ahead and close out of that and from there we're going to go to Startup apps startup apps is another huge thing that a lot of people forget about essentially what startups are um as the name implies it's apps that start up the moment your PC starts running uh so if you shut down your PC completely and hit uh you know start and run on your PC uh any anything in here that is checked as on is going to run immediately once the PC starts running uh so if you have 30 40 50 different applications down here and they're all set to on every single time your PC starts up those apps are going to start running in the background uh hogging resources so you definitely don't want that so um anything in here that you know what it is but you know you don't need it running at startup you can turn off so like for me uh Cortana epic games launcher um overwolf anything like that Spotify everything that I know I don't need the moment my PC starts up you turn off um if you don't recognize what it is you can either Google what it is or just leave it on uh because there are sometimes things in here that you don't want to turn off um but again just go through it this is huge to make sure you don't have random apps I know steam will run in the background sometimes a bunch of different gaming launchers will run in the background so just make sure you go through your startup apps list and turn off anything you don't need so that way they're not running in the background without you even noticing uh from startup apps we're going to go ahead and choose a power plan so just type in choose a power plan down here uh for the power plan I highly recommend running on balanced um I know you can get some uh sometimes you can get some better performance um with running a higher performance one uh the issue is if you're running into thermal throttling and all that kind of stuff uh you can lose clock speeds and whatnot so I just recommend balance especially for uh AMD users especially the newer 7,000 series uh so definitely recommend balance but the the more important one in my opinion um is to choose what power buttons do uh so if you click on that on the right hand side here you're going to pop up here um and you're going to see in blue it's going to say change settings that are currently unavailable we're going to go ahead and click that that's going to give you access to these little check boxes down here um I highly recommend unchecking turn on Fast startup essentially what this does is when you have it turned on um it saves a lot of the uh system files and things that you had running in the background all that kind of stuff it saves it to uh to your RAM system memory and all that kind of stuff uh so that when you boot up your computer it starts up a little bit faster uh but what happens is if you're having constant like weirdness when it comes to packet loss um or anything like that um turning this off will actually do a fresh clean restart every single time you either restart or turn off the PC so I highly recommend it turning that to off save changes and click out of there and I believe we have a couple more settings here for the graphics settings uh me personally because I am CPU Limited in the game when I'm running war zone I am CPU limited so running Hardware acceleration um actually offloads a lot of tasks to the GPU if your GPU limited you probably want to have this turn off but if your CPU limited which is most people uh I recommend turning this on same thing with the next setting which is going to be game mode settings go ahead and turn game mode on some people have a little bit issues with this this one you can play around with me personally I find game mode on especially with streaming and having OBS open and all that kind of stuff um I find having game mode on works the best for me uh and then turning Xbox game bar off you definitely want to have this turned off as well so it doesn't utilize any resources extra Ram anything like that so make sure uh game bar is turned off so go ahead and close out of that uh so that's everything for the window settings next we're going to go ahead and do the part of the config file here this is just to get everyone kind of on the same page uh so the way to do that is open up your file explorer you're going to go ahead and click on documents here in your documents you'll probably have a bunch of different files here but you're going to look for the one that says Call of Duty you're going to double click on Call of Duty and double click on players and in here you're going to see a few different folders and files and whatnot the one we're looking for is named options. 3.22 CST uh so this is a file we're looking for it could say Cod HQ instead of cod 22 it just depends if you run it on steam or battl net um but this is a file we're we're going to look for uh I recommend deleting this I know a lot of people don't like doing that so you don't have to if you don't want to but I highly recommend doing it just to make make sure you have uh no Corruptions or anything like that um in there but before you delete it what I'd recommend doing is actually saving a copy of it first uh so we're going to go ahead and open your you're just going to double click on the file um if for whatever reason it doesn't open you're going to rightclick and do open with and from here uh you might have to click more apps or anything like that uh but you just click on notepad use this app to open CST files and hit okay and it should open up for you here um since we haven't made any changes we're just going to go ahead and select all so you can either do contr or you can go to edit and click select all here then we're going to rightclick and copy so that we copy every single item in the config folder to make a copy of it uh we're going to close out of that and open up notepad so you can just type in there notepad open up a new file and then right click again and hit paste um and then we're going to go ahead and save as and you can just type this as um really anything we'll do config copy uh just so that we know it's the copy of our original config file that way if you have a typo or any issues or anything like that uh you always have a copy of what you had before so that you can just reapply the settings uh so you can go ahead and save that close out of there um and now you can see when you go back into documents you will have the config file here uh but you go back in here open up players and then single click then rightclick and then delete uh when you delete this it's going to obviously get deleted from here and go into your recycle bin uh but once you launch the game again it will re establish itself and go back uh and make sure there's no um Corruptions or anything in your config file so that's the best way to start we're going to go ahead and close out of that and then go ahead and open up War Zone we'll go ahead and launch the game here all right once the game is launched we're going to go ahead and hit F10 what you're going to see is the Shader optimization is going to start running uh mine does it pretty quickly um so I'm just going to go ahead and kind of Breeze over that but just wait before you do enter a game or do anything anything make sure your shaders optimized all the way to 100% uh but from here we're going to go ahead and start looking at our settings so we're going to click on the little settings menu up here uh and click on Graphics once we go here we're going to go ahead and look at our first display tab uh most people are going to want on full screen exclusive uh that's going to give you the lowest input latency as well as the most FPS uh but me personally because I stream um and I Tab out a lot of the game and all that kind of stuff just make sure I don't get any uh game crashes or anything I always run on full screen borderless make sure if you do run full screen bordos so you're going to see these are locked out so before you do that make sure these are set to your maximum refresh rate that you have and then you can go on board us if you want but like I said most people are going to want full screen exclusive uh Dynamic resolution going want to make sure that's turned off unless you're really really struggling to get FPS um I'm and I'm saying if you're like 30 40 50 FPS uh Dynamic resolution might be something you might want to fiddle around with but for most people I'd recommend turning this off that way your resolution is always at the resolution that you have on your monitor aspect ratio should be automatic vsync you want turned off in both gameplay and menus uh frame rate we're going to go ahead and check this to unlimited to make sure um you just have the most FPS possible um if you're not getting over your um over 300 FPS I would probably recommend going to custom and just turning this these are my usual settings that I run uh when I run on custom just because I know I'm never going to get over that so I'll usually run it like that or you can run it unlimited it's up to you um we're going to go ahead and make sure that theplay gamma is on 2.2 if you're on a monitor I believe 2.4 is for TBS so most people should be on 2.2 um and brightness is going to be personal preference I run mine on 55 but that's going to be up to you and your monitor on what you want to do there we're going to go ahead and apply those settings next we're going to go to Quality uh so these are all the default settings since we delete our config file it goes all automatically to what is recommended for my PC as you can see it's pretty much everything at Max have a pretty decent PC uh what I'd recommend just right off the bat to make it easiest for everybody is go ahead and set this to minimum and hit apply uh that way we're all on the same page everything's pretty much set to low there's just a couple settings that we're going to have to change um for upscaling me personally and most people that play War Zone um competitively or want the most FPS um as well as the most visual uh visual Clarity I should say um definitely going to want on Fidelity FX Cass uh this is going to give you the most sharpness as far as being able to see through uh different bushes and things it's going to be nice and sharp for you uh you do lose a little bit of FPS by running it uh on Fidelity FX Cass versus either turning it off or like AMD FSR 2.1 or dlss or anything like that you will if you if your GPU limited you'll gain FPS by going to an upscaler uh the difference is with dlss or FSR or anything like that you're essentially rendering the game at a lower resolution and then upscaling it so your game's not going to look nearly as good nearly as sharp uh but if you are GPU limited you will gain some FPS that way but in my opinion it's not worth the extra FPS unless you're really struggling for FPS um but I would highly recommend just running Fidelity FX Cass at strength 100 for most people that way you can actually see your enemies at a distance without being blurry and fuzzy and all that kind of stuff um just above that once you change this upscaling to what it was um you're going to want the render resolution to be at 100 so make sure this is set to 100 uh that way you're getting your full native resolution so everything's nice nice crisp and clear you definitely want to have that anti-aliasing for most people I'm going to recommend a filmi and the reason for that is it's going to lose a lot of the graininess a lot of the weird spots that you'll see on certain walls and textures and stuff filmi gets rid of all that so you do lose a few FPS one or two FPS by going to filmic over the standard uh but in my opinion it makes the game look way more clear uh and it's a lot easier to see a lot less shimmering all that kind of stuff uh throughout the game so I highly recommend running filmic for clarity uh antialising quality I'm on 1440p I would say anyone on 1440 or higher would run on low if you're on 1080p run normal um just so that you lose some of that shimmering uh video memory scale i' probably recommend leaving this on whatever the default is um I personally know I can run mine at 65 and be fine um but I just recommend leaving this on default for most people so that's probably going to be between 80 and 90 somewhere around there uh don't I wouldn't recommend maing maxing this out unless you have a graphics card that does not have very much vram so just keep that in mind texture resolution all these settings should be for the most part uh the same already but just make sure texture resolution is very low texture filters on low nearby level details low distant level of detail low clutter draw distance on short particle quality low very low bullet impact should be off persistent damage layers make sure that's turned off as well uh that's probably a setting you're going to have to change uh Shader quality should be on low Tes loation should be off on demand texture streaming should also be off streaming quality you're going to want to change this to low volumetric quality low deferred physics quality off water quality on default uh Shadow map resolution very low screen space Shadows off spot Shadow quality on low spot cache this one's a little uh little interesting for some people I personally run this on Ultra that's where I seem to get the least amount of stutters and the least amount of frame drops and stuff like that um if you don't have a good graphics card I'd probably recommend going on high uh for very very few people that are on very budget PCS maybe medium um but I would not recommend running on low uh medium like I said if it's on a very very budget uh PC medium might be for you but I usually recommend high or Ultra for most people uh particle lighting low ambient occlusion you definitely want to have this off scen screen space Reflections you want that off Static reflection quality on low weather grid vol volumes are going to want to change this from low to off uh Nvidia reflex low latency me personally I've always had the best success running on on and boosted uh if you read the description essentially what this does um is if you're CPU limited which is most people in war zone um if if you're waiting on the CPU your GPU is can downclock itself um running on the uh on and boosted should keep this make sure your GPU has the highest clock frequencies all the time so it's not like boosting up and down um some people find better uh better options on on or better performance on on but I recommend on and booster for most people so you might want to try that see see which is best for you uh depth of field motion blur for both the world and weapon should all be off as well as film grain should be set to zero uh you're going to go ahead and apply these settings and then go over to the view tab uh from here these are mostly personal preference field of view I'd recommend turning this up I have mine on 120 uh but most people run this anywhere from 95 all the way up to 120 so that's personal preference whatever you prefer but obviously you're going to see more um the higher you go up uh if you do raise your fov you're going to want to change this to affected instead of independent uh weapon field of view and vehicle field of view again these personal preference I have mine on wide and then third person field of view I have this on 70 um mainly that way when you're flying in the air in war zone uh and you look in third person you can actually see further down and see if there's enemies uh by zooming in closer and instead of having this on like 90 uh two huge very important settings that a lot of people don't realize this is on Console as well um your first person and third person camera movement make sure these are on least which is 50% they default to 100 uh this is going to remove some of the screen shake and and vibrations on the screen when you're shooting your gun and explosions all that kind of stuff uh so go ahead and make sure all those settings match here um another settings I'm going to recommend you can kind of see it on my top left here is in the interface tab uh we're going to scroll down to T elemetry from here you're going to see a whole bunch of different options that you can choose from um I normally run all of them on uh but I'm going to recommend running having FPS counter the graphics card uh time as well as the CPU time um those are the to be able to tell where you're limited in your game so when your game's actually running um and you're actually in game you'll see what your GPU time is and what your CPU time is uh right now since I'm just in the menus these aren't very accurate but you'll see my GPU is generally lower my CPU is generally higher this is actually how I am in game and that tells me that my CPU is a limiting factor essentially what this means is when the CPU is at seven or eight milliseconds it's that's how long it's taking to render each frame whereas a GPU is able to produce frames at 4 milliseconds so the GPU is actually rendering frames faster than the CPU can handle so that's how I know in game my FPS is limited to my CPU whereas if you run a benchmark uh if I like pull these um these benchmarks photos up again right um it'll show your bottleneck or where you're limited it shows in The Benchmark that I'm GPU limited for both before and after where actually in game this is flipped I'm 100% CPU bottleneck um and my GPU is running fine where my CPU is the one holding me up so The Benchmark isn't 100% accurate on the bottleneck uh the The Benchmark is very Graphics uh limited so just something to keep in mind that's why I recommend running those um running CPU and GPU time so you can actually see where your limit is um and and how you can how you can fix that so for me since my CPU is a limit um I can either upgrade my Ram which won't do a whole lot for me because I already have really really good Ram or I'd have to upgrade my CPU to get um to get a a bit more FPS and faster faster performance essentially um more on RAM I actually do have a video that I produced uh a while back that actually shows how much RAM uh can affect your FPS and shockingly it's uh you can gain up to like 70 80 FPS uh just from RAM upgrade so something to keep in mind uh to look at there but that it should be everything in the game itself so we're going to go ahead and close out of that the next thing we're going to look at is the config file everyone's favorite which there's a reason for it it gives so much performance so from here again that file that we deleted the way to go into it is to click on your file folder go to documents click on Call of Duty click on players as you can see the options. 3.22 CST is back after we launch the game and it's got all the settings that we just appli to it uh so again to open it up you can either double click or right click on it open with and click on notepad uh this will give you the config files here and all of the settings we're going to change which is actually more than we had um a little bit ago on my last few videos uh these are all the settings we're going to go ahead and change so it seems like a lot but it's actually pretty quick and easy um the easiest way I found to do it is you can either do uh edits and click find and then type in whatever setting you want to find and it will like scroll you straight down to there I know where most of them are at so I'm just going to scroll down um you can see the first one we're going to change is the Clutter max distance um we're going to set this to 100 so the easiest way to to look at that is on the right hand side of where the setting is you can see what the minimum and what the maximum setting can be we're just going to go ahead and highlight right click and copy or contrl C uh that uh that number there and then inside of the quotation marks in here we're going to highlight the old value we're going to go ahead and hit delete and then we're going to go ahead inside those two quotation marks we're going to go ahead and hit paste so that way the setting in here is going to match the lowest setting here so that's for the Clutter max distance we're going to set that to 100 and then the setting just underneath that is the corpses calling threshold we're going to go ahead and do the same thing we're going to copy the lowest setting here and then we're going to insert it into the quotation marks there so that should match as well um so we got the first two settings down next one is the particle lighting setting which should be here you'll see the default for me is two we're going to go ahead and delete the two and place a zero to match the lowest one here uh underneath that we're going to go ahead and look at the pixel per light map Texel here uh defaults at 64 we're going to go ahead and copy the lowest value and place it in there which is going to be that one value uh the next one after that is going to be the reflection probe relighting we're going to delete the four and place the one again to match the lowest value there then we're going to continue uh to scroll down a little bit here until we find the subdivision level we're going to go ahead and replace the three with the lowest value which is zero again right there um and then one of the biggest settings highly recommend if you don't want to do any other settings this would be the one to do we're going to copy the low option uh inside of this bracket inside of the comma there so we're going to go ahead and highlight and copy that and replace inside the quotations again so that it matches the low one Cascade which is the lowest option this is by far the one that does the most for most people uh underneath that we're going to look for the texture filter we're going to copy the texture filter linear option uh so you'll notice when I replace this in here it's not the lowest option there's actually a lower option which is the nearest you do not do not run nearest it's going to make your game look like it's got eight pixels so do not run nearest you're going to want to run linear that will give you the best FPS there uh so make sure you copy the linear and replace it inside the quotation marks there um and then we're going to go ahead and scroll down and to everyone's most asked about question uh is the at the very bottom the renderer worker count so for me I kind of I have a breakdown here of all the different ones that I've tested uh for me personally on my system I have a 10 core 20 20 thread system uh for me seven works the best I'm going to go ahead and replace that with a seven so I know I have the best one there um I went through and tested a 10 core 20 thread 8 core 16 so on and so forth these are all the values that you want to uh change if those are your system specs this is for Intel CPUs without ecores so these are the older Intel CPUs um that don't have ecores the way to tell what your system has you're going to go ahead and right click on your taskbar and open up task manager from here we're going to click on the performance Tab and click on the CPU tab to make it sure it's tabbed up let me go ahead and full screen this uh so click on CPU and then from here you're going to see exactly what CPU you have up here at the top right of the 10 850k uh from Intel and I have 10 cores and 20 threads or 20 logical processors uh so that's how you tell exactly what it is I recommend probably Googling to make sure you have the same number of cores um and threads that your CPU should have because sometimes those can be shut off uh so just double check that but once you figure out exactly what you have uh then you can go ahead and look at this chart and see what you need for newer Intel CPUs with ecores I haven't been able to test a whole lot but I did test a 12600 K that my buddy had he was kind of enough to go through the testing with me um his 12 600k his default number was eight six worked the best um which is I believe how many um performance scores he has so running either two under the default number which would be six for for this particular instance or the number of performance scores that you have that's what you're going to want to put in here um like I said I've only tested on one CPU so I can't say that's 100% accurate for all newer intels with ecores uh but I would just test it see what see what works best for you for AMD I haven't been able to test too many uh for these as well um I did have my buddy test the 5600x for his which is a six score eight thread six was the best for him um and then another buddy I had had a 5800 x uh which eight was the best for him so it seems like like that the number of cores that you have for AMD is the number that you want uh for your render or work account so just look at in your task manager if you have AMD CPU how many cores you have and I would put that in there see if that works best for you um and go from there but once you have all those settings inputed you're going to notice up here there's little asteris um at the very top of the file next to options that's how you know you haven't saved yet so you're going to want to open file and hit save once you do you'll see that's gone you'll see that everything should be saved uh you want to close out of that as well before you run the game because that can cause issues so just close out of that and you should be all set to go uh but I believe that is everything uh that you need to know to to gain all that FPS so if you have any questions please feel free to drop a comment down below um again like subscribe everything like that thank you so much uh we'll have another settings video out once there's any new updates but I appreciate you guys so much thank you have a wonderful rest of your day and take care
Channel: BrandonNINE
Views: 105,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MW2, WZ, WZ2, MWII, WZ 2.0, best settings for modern warfare 2, mw2 season 6, warzone 2 fps boost, how to get more fps in warzone 2, warzone fps boost, best graphic settings for warzone 2, best mw2 graphic settings pc
Id: jNuWwvcnj44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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