Max Cavalera - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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hello everybody max Cavalera here so flight and you watching Loudwire hey everyone its Wikipedia fact or fiction time once again today we've got the one and only max Cavalera thank you so much for coming man I really appreciate it awesome to have you here so we're going to clear up Wikipedia so basically I'm gonna look at some stuff that you know I got from your page as simple tourist I'll fly all that stuff all the album's all the songs and you can give me a factor fiction and elaborate if you'd like so first of all you're born massive Milian Oh Antonio Cavalera in Belo Horizonte Brazil mm-hmm that's that's ah that's all good that's all good okay perfect they do even mess that up some time so it's good okay one fact it's as your father grazi know Cavalera who sadly passed away when you were nine years old was an employee of the Italian consulate in Sao Paulo yep yeah what do you what did he do there he was a kind of fun diplomat you know you some some form of diplomat and because he was Italian you know sure came from the war the family came from the war oh really yeah they escaped escape the war and went to some Paulo right before he died the next year we're all gonna move to Rome the whole family or we're going to move to Italy and start a whole new life there you know so probably if he wouldn't die I probably maybe would even become a musician it would have been a whole different life you know so it's very what happened is very crucial in my history you know the fact that he died and we he didn't set up any kind of fun because he was very young he was only 41 so my mom got just a little bit of money but not much so we end up had to move back to where we live in some Paulo but to move back to Bella rosante and live with my grandma in a you know back room in her house which was only like one bathroom two rooms very small and we didn't have any money and from that depression from that pissed off environment that's what meadow comes in 1991's El Pollo show local military police expected 10,000 people to attend but 30,000 ended up coming making the crowd management nearly impossible it says six people were her 18 were arrested and one was shot and passed away he almost everything is true on that except the person got Cutex there was a scheme oh my god so some skinheads came she goes as a free show in front of a soccer stadium and skin has do not like metalheads you know and they'll come and cause trouble whenever they could and this guy came looking for trouble that day and yeah he got one of our fans and with ax right in his chest and it was all the news next day it was all about the violence that we promote of course that always goes back to the myths they blame us for it you know of course but it was a just an idiot skinhead just being a skinhead you know just causing you know and but everything else is pretty anchored all right that's interesting because I thought you know when they said shot I thought it may have been one of the police and I know that your music has been an anti carpet at times but this kind of gets into it a bit because on the chaos a detour in Berlin the police said that what Wikipedia rather said that the police received a false tip claiming that simple tourist tour bus was loaded with a major cocaine shipment yeah yeah and it said that after you know what you considered to be an unjust search and seizure seizure procedure you rewrote Antichrist as handy cop I fix it was about the same time we were what happened was it was it was a bus driver that just got we fired a bus driver Helen and I he got mad at us and called the police in Germany and give it a tip that were not a rock band that we were actually Oh South American drug dealers traveling in Europe you know with the tour bus and everything like go figure you know and it was scary man you know because it was a 3:00 in the morning right after the show and they stopped the bus and they came on the bus weed no no copy in front had regular clothes civilian clothes you know so I my first thought that were being robbed I thought that's what was happened that we were getting robbed by these people you know he got had a gun in his head on the back of the bus and like they even look at a glorious our baby who has Diana with us since only like one-year-old they look at the formula dictate they tried they taste the form let's see there was cocaine in the baby form like God so and we were there for that kind of two hours outside and freezing cold they didn't care and very unpleasant so naturally you know we had to song Antichrist and I thought well has changed to anti-cop and change all the lyrics talk about the police on the lyrics you know oh my god so that's pretty occurred Wow okay there's a constant influence for your music even today just be untimely passing in your stuff some Dana was a you know we had a strong bond musically was really always telling me about new bands and music and stuff actually listen you know he's first one that told me about the Deftones really know I never knew with the Deftones war and Dana show up one day with a cassette and like check this out and clutch I never watch before then show me what Tommy about clutch and so he was very involved in innocent up in fact I think he wanted to be a in in our guy you know was was a lot yes true and I think he would have been a great one because he really he's giving you Deftones tapes and like obviously and before I fight for anybody new to Deftones you know I fell you before they got big you know so just that's when we came we went to see them play there was like 50 people in Phoenix they had a had a Winnebago four tour bus they didn't had a tour bus a Winnebago and we went in a Winnebago and met all of them it was awesome really cool Wow yeah it says in July 2006 you received an unexpected phone call from Igor and by the end of the conversation you had invited Gore to come visit you in Phoenix and this is before a time where you're somewhat estranged to perform with you at a Soulfly show and after the show you suggested you begin a new project and Igor accepted you have fact pronounced Cavalera conspiracy that was the birth of Cavalera conspiracy very cool yeah he did call us but he talked to Gloria first and apologized to her for everything that happened oh wow which is really big of him and really cool of him to do that true and then and then she gave me the phone which almost gave me a heart attack because I have not talked to him in ten years you know I was joking darling you could have give me a heart attack you know I got it you just don't attend to the Father he's your brother you know after 10 years like what the hell you know and Wow but it was really cool and I invited him to Phoenix and he flew over to Phoenix and we had a show a Danish Oh Dana memorial show that we do every year yeah and we end up jamming I don't remember what we I think we play refuse to resist in roots but the crowd went absolutely crazy it was just like wow so intense that at the dressing room backstage after the show I told him bliss we have to continue making music man we have to keep playing together you know and so I actually lie to him and say I got 10 songs already written I got a whole record brother yes it's all good you tell me when you want to do it it's it's ready to go and I only had one song it was it was inflicted you know which was going to be a soul fly song Wow which actually got to put out on an Internet years ago okay so the demo version of inflicted and so after doing that Tyler had to go back and write the rest of the album which I did you know what a cool way to reconnect man that's gotta be that had to be so nice well okay last one for you the inflikted album was inspired by Sepultura is 1992 visit to Indonesia where you saw in quote a crazy ritual which included self-inflicted pain knives blood and fire yeah you know that's what gave the name the record name inflicted Wow we saw this ritual called Debus in indonesia and it was quite amazing Ygritte got a lot of video and it was a lot of crazy things that night you know Gloria drank snake blood Oh she was pregnant with Zion which I explains a lot of his whoa that's a lot of how he reacts today I think goes back to the snake blood Wow they don't have warnings for that today and no it's not a big deal really she was doing the shots and I look under the table and I was all these little heads jumping still moving and I was like aah it's just creepy crazy I am NOT doing that what was what was this ritual for exactly what we were invited that by a mutant air whoa okay this has got ten times more weird yeah was that was a millinery guy was part of the show use he has something to do with the show and he was one of the richest guys in Indonesia and he had a hole it was like weird was like Pablo Escobar's house you know it was like a snow a messed-up neighborhood unknowing unpaved road and you open the gate the guy got his own Zoo inside the house you know it's like surreal and so he had the whole ritual set up for us you watch and it was always kind of crazy kid things people putting needles through their face and a little kid the fry an egg on the kid's head they set his towel on fire and and then he had a jam room with all like Jimi Hendrix eddie van halen guitars on the wall you know that he bought it and he had a jam room set up for us to play so i think we went into jam like troops of doom or something you know yeah you guys can come here and play and so we did like one song for him just him as one person you know watching our show and it was a crazy night definitely one of the craziest weird things I ever seen thank you so much this is so it's such a good one thank you so much max Cavalera everybody
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 577,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Massimiliano Antonio Cavalera (Composer), Sepultura (Musical Group), Soulfly (Musical Group), Cavalera Conspiracy (Musical Group), Loudwire, Wikipedia (Information Source), Wikipedia Fact or Fiction, Interview (TV Genre)
Id: _c1CvzSCqzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 12 2014
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