Dave Mustaine - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction? (Part 1)

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Fucking Mustaine... I like him even more now. "Symphony of Destruction" is one of my favorite songs.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TedTheTrout 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2016 🗫︎ replies

I had know idea he was once a JW. Funny coincidence a couple of months ago my self, my boyfriend, and my friend who is also exjw went to see Megadeth in concert. I can't say I'm a huge Megadeth fan but ultimate respect.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Thebadassociation 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

Whoa... Had no idea Mustaine was a JW at one time. Awesome!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tm3fancypants 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dave_Trohll 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

Oh, wow.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/outofthefold 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

I've known this for years. Now Mustaine is some born-again Christian. I always felt Metallica would have been 10x better if they just could have kept Mustaine on guitar even.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WingCmd 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

Hell to the yeah! Livin' the real life to the max, Dave. Symphony of Destruction is my roomie's favorite song - blasting it now.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Rockin_the_Blues 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

Never listened to Megadeth before because name, even though I like metal. But now that you posted I checked it out. These guy are amazing!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Gonegirl27 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
hi this is dave mustaine from megadeth and you are watching loudwire hey everyone graham here from loudwire and it's wikipedia factor fiction time with an amazing guest mr dave mustain from megadeth thank you so much for your time today greatly greatly appreciate it all right so went through your wikipedia page megadeth wikipedia pages we're going to pull out some stuff and you can tell us whether it's whether if it's right or wrong because we believe you are a credible source about yourself i hope so yes all right they do get this stuff wrong sometimes so we'll start it out just with your name david scott mustaine that's right true born in la mesa california yeah okay they do get that wrong so yeah one point for them uh it said that you were brought up as a jehovah's witness uh not brought up okay i was baptized as a lutheran at four at seven i became a witness until i was 15 and then my mom moved out and i that's when i got into the occult right so those eight years that were formidable years and they really psychologically set me up for all the animosity i have towards organized religion so you found those to be quite strict for years well i it's you know occult is a cult is a cult you know so when you have to you're in school and the national anthem is uh played or you do the pledge of allegiance and you're the one kid standing there with your hands at your side going like okay just punch me at recess you know that kind of crap you know you can't have any friends and you can't celebrate birthdays or you know holidays and stuff like that and it's like and religion is supposed to be something that makes you better and that makes you want to be a serial killer you know one would hope uh it said that your first band was called panic but the band ended tragically after drummer mike leftwich and the band's sound manager were killed in a car crash after the band's second show that's true what kind of a drummer was mike leftwich he was pretty good what happened was we played a party in dana point and my co my um my cousin's pad and on the way home uh you know we told him don't drive just don't drive because you know we've been playing everybody's partying it's a kegger party everybody's having fun and so the guy joe decides to get behind the wheel and i didn't know because i had gone to sleep and found out the next day that excuse me guys joe had driven home mike had gotten in the back seat of the car and fallen asleep and right across the street from where i used to surf every day there was a jack-in-the-box in a 76 gas station on the south side of huntington beach pier there's a control box for the lights the signals and joe fell asleep hit the thing broke his neck and uh died on impact and mike burnt up in the car oh my god so that was really horrible oh man how do you get past something like that you pray about it you know you you try and be supportive to the family and you know i can never quantify what their loss is so whenever i get a chance to i pay homage to mike and joe and and another band member we had named tom tom quick who had uh lost his life too right after the band started to fall apart he had had a tragic car accident and i in fact i just recently heard from one of his family members his he had a big brother that's in the cia so dude dude was a good dude you know came from good family he was a good guitar player and it was very eye-opening in the beginning of my career i thought you know am i supposed to be doing this with all the strategy that's going on here yeah um it said that you landed your gig as metallica's lead guitarist without even having to audition that's true yeah were they familiar with your guitar playing already and no not at all were there actual auditions or was it just you were there and they're like just come play with us man well what happened was we'd gone to uh ron mcgovern's parents house where he was living and she they had a uh little area i don't even know what you call it because i'm not a realtor but you know when you have a bunch of condos next to each other there was like a driveway that went back and there were several houses that were duplexes that were lined up down the street and so ron had his own uh duplex with a garage that we had uh for rehearsing and i went in there and i set my stuff up and i was just tuning my guitar and and i came in and i said okay so you know we're gonna do the audition they said no you got the job and and i was just warming up so i think what they heard pretty much impressed them to the point where they didn't need to do that and james wasn't playing guitar at the time too i don't know if you've seen those pictures of him where he's got its mic stand and i'm the only one with the guitar so it's a pretty pretty big load to take being the only guitar player in a band yeah uh it said that you once poured a full can of beer down ron mcgovney's base which gave him an electric shock that blew him across the room that's a lie that sounded false to me yeah and what happened was ron who i'm friends with now had had someone who was an acquaintance of mine jumped through his window and take a bunch of his records and um ron was right to be mad but he blamed me for it and and i was so offended that i'd poured a beer into his guitar yeah and i didn't do it to hurt him and anybody with half a brain cell knows that if you pour liquid into an object that you know is not plugged in at the moment and it wasn't because why would ron be wearing a a guitar and let me pour beer into it as soon as you do that it stops working yeah exactly yeah it's not just gonna fly across the room and plus don't you think you would have heard that story before for me this was the first time i heard this yeah i mean i would have said something about it it would have been a great story yeah it was possible what's the stuff that i've done in my past if there was something i did that was not cool unless the guy deserved it you know i've made amends to people for it i mean some some people are and they just need what they have coming to them but you know if i've done something in my past where you know it's done something to somebody who didn't deserve it you know i've cleaned up the wreckage of my past pretty good pretty good i'm sure there's still some people out there that you know i've done stuff too that i don't remember yet but you know we've got a really great way of our paths crossing and us being able to make stuff up like i saw something from ricky rackman recently and and uh he had said something and and i i was kind of bummed because you know he had said that um that he thought that i really didn't like him and and i like them the whole thing we did with mtv was a gag you know okay um because whenever we were off camera what people never saw was you know ricky and i laughing and and yucking it up and stuff like that so so that's the guy that i remember i don't remember the guy that um you know i would pick on because that was it was like you know gag for tv sure so yeah that's and that's a cool thing too to be able to you know clear that up and let them know that hey you know what i really didn't dislike you it's just a a thing and and you know i'm actually excited i'm not excited because i think that's but i'm happy for his success because you know all the guys that we were part of this little clique in hollywood you know and to see any any one of us you know slash and david used to hang out together and ricky and all those guys there was a circle of us although some of us were a little uh different we all were part of that circle so it was made me happy to see that he was still doing stuff uh it said that your musical partnership with david ellison began after he asked you to buy him cigarettes you refused but a few minutes later he knocked on your door again and asked you to buy him beer he said now you're talking and you guys spent the night talking music together we spent the night drinking yeah okay not not talking music so much uh no i was listening to him talk music and i just wanted to drink his beer okay so he paid he did he did he uh you know i had just come back from being in metallica and started over again so i was living on my own up there and he'd come out and he still had his dad's credit card from minnesota and his dad was very very supportive really great man he's passed away um so you know dave it was easy for him to go and get a case of beer sure you know you just had to kind of you know not not do it too often or guilt would come in and you know his dad would call up and you know say hey you know you guys need to tone it down a little bit so so there was always that parachute there you know for him which was great and you know i gotta tell you honestly sometimes i wonder why he stuck it out because you know he had a place that he could go to i didn't you know so he could always have gone home he could always you know have said hey dad you know what i'm gonna quit i'm gonna you know go do something different i'm gonna get another band you know no more you know absolute living in a car in los angeles but he stayed and that's big testimony to dave and who he is as a person and his his integrity and his belief in this band you
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 1,501,745
Rating: 4.9444556 out of 5
Keywords: Megadeth, Dave Mustaine, Loudwire, Wikipedia Fact or Fiction, Wiki, Interview
Id: czF_UZMxQ1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2016
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