Mausoleum nightmare

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a crumbling Mausoleum is still haunting the city of Harrisburg more than three years ago the city started to remove bodies because the mausoleum at Sunset laon Cemetery was falling apart there were nearly 90 bodies inside at the time many have been removed since but 18 sets of remains are still inside as that building continues to deteriorate news3 is Ryan Krueger's here with an update and Ryan what's taking so long there's no way to track down relatives Eden these bodies have been inside that building for decades and there is no sign that they'll be removed soon you don't often see a maum under lock and chain but you don't often see a mausoleum in such Dreadful conditions it's crumbling down it's uh falling apart I don't want to go inside because uh I don't think I would like it very much Harrisburg city councilman John mCP is the newest person in charge of mitigating the maalum problem which has lingered for years in November 2007 the city public properties division led us inside the building at the time the city was urgently trying to get out the 85 bodies I think most people believe there's no bodies in there but there still is bodies in there some of them are from the 1800s and the early 1900s so they go back you know many decades if this structure housed living inhabitants it would have been condemned years ago the people inside would be forced to leave but since the residents are deceased you really can't move them they cannot be moved until the families agree to have them Reber but you can't find a lot of these families corre that seems to be the problem the other problem is money moving the bodies costs about $300 per person throw in court fees and you've got an expensive project with a limited City budget definitely need some repairs of some sort I don't know if there's some grant money out there available for that but uh it's got to have some work done to it but it would be thousands of dollars to get that thing repaired mck Peak says demolition is the likely answer new Harrisburg mayor Eric Greg says the mausoleum is on the list of important issues he would like to solve he says he would like to see the council look into the issue in depth this summer okay Ryan thank you
Channel: LandmarksIllinois
Views: 98,077
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Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2013
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