maury - The Newlywed Game, pt. 2

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we're talking to five events about the funniest moments on the newlywed game now it's interesting because you know we always look for the most outrageous couples and obviously you have a lot of people you know I don't know what you call that but I mean a lot of people want to come on and you kind of read them out don't share in generous of the bed how do they show how how good and spontaneous they are do they do that in warm-ups how does that go baby they see the couples twice before they put them on the show and it's not always the most outgoing couple that's the funniest couple I mean I've got great humor from from very quiet you know I asked a lady one time she was a very quiet lady I'll ask her some benign question I forget what it was and she says my husband's having an affair and I saw all the blood leave his face you know she says you didn't know I knew did you shall wonder wait to national television to tell every way would you yeah and would you please give me their phone number so I got that sounds like a very good topic for us now you do I mean you do talk I mean you had a great knack you have a great knack at this Bob you know how to talk romance to couples in a in a in a subtle way and they come up with some Lulu's for answers yeah I romance has always been my thing on camera for sure and somebody described me once as a professional rascal I guess if God gave me a town I can extract humor from people but we're going to yeah we're going to watch it yes take a look this is a romantic thing about what gears your husband in and you'll see when we're talking about romance now romantically speaking which of the following gears have you been in lately we've been in forward reverse or neutral that's what are you shaking your head we're man white all the way forwards he says all the way neutral yeah what about leverage all right yeah what my stud city I see yeah he thinks he's the hot lover yeah laughs sama means hot lover he thinks help here's it is that your answer he went sounds like the girl we had on from Pittsburgh all the time to filter lover girl singer yes Carter the honker oh shoot oh good now I mean if we looked at the phrase makin whoopee now makin whoopee goes back to the 20s I mean that's where it first came in the song but yeah but you kind of you made that phrase for TV yeah I wouldn't say make love this is back in the 60s and I just didn't think you should have to explain what make love means to your children to your ready to do so so we came up with makin whoopee and Whoopi's become a four-letter word since then love watch how many times in his life as your husband made whoopee and how many of those times were with you Deloris oh um I would have to say at least 3500 3000 many times with you three thousand five that said two hundred and two hundred you gotta be kidding we've been married for months there's more than two hundred days what did you say 3,500 I've only known you for years how many does that figure out to be there's 200 days and your month not in my month in her month maybe 3,000 give me a rest what is it I mean Dan's hair used to be straight before he got married see here's the problem everybody has to know what makin whoopee is all about in order to answer the question well not always and I've had some older couples on the show that didn't really know what the word meant no one couples were fun by the way what watch it comes to making whoopee will your husband say he's got what it takes or it takes everything he's got after everything you said some about making poop you know a good memory but what is who have a reasonably good memory poopy he goes yeah but in poopy I wasn't the only kind of secret that was revealed on the show now a lot of contestants yeah I mean they just like blurted out things I mean they didn't even hold back you know and and you know once again let's go back to the 1960s this is not the 90s here this lady reveals something that she didn't want to read yeah because you know back then you never talked about what you did with the person before you got married ever never watch the only thing I can think of is a while back I had a rubber spider and I put it in the shower you put a rubber spider in the shower she hates spider what happened she came running back out this was before we were married oh my gosh now they live with each other before they get married times have changed item oh boy have they ever watch the news Oh times yes yes now you also try two times to get contestants to reveal other secrets about their sex lives I mean really deep secrets I tried that for years ah nah I'm still trying about watch girls what base did your husband get to on his first evening date with you yeah it's your turn crystal oh I know oh oh that's right you want me to answer yes yeah the way we work this joker so every time I call your name usually I want you to answer I don't know right okay uh it's so much briefing first base first base yeah hey crystal guess what what he said that never home run yeah know what he told you that now let me pay me take know what I was thinking about now I was thinking it was love at first sight and we knew it was gonna be us from then on that's a homerun with me Oh you silver-tongued devil you see I like I'll try to guess when that year was and I'm saying that had to be late 70s early 80s what do you think it could be but that guy should have been a politician he was a silver-tongued devil and he will be back right after this
Channel: thewhammy83
Views: 295,923
Rating: 4.6337776 out of 5
Keywords: The, Newlywed, Game, game, show, maury, Bob, Eubanks
Id: swIm4-3V-cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2010
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