1980 Newlywed Game

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[Music] [Applause] let's meet our couples party today number one marriage in 15 must win a David Morris couple number two marriages that much stevia Jack we just love us daughter selves always Janell in the log [Music] Starlin away game [Applause] [Music] sexy lies and scintillating questions you've come to the right place we'll meet those wives and husbands when we start to do them a game where the wife secluded safely offstage is time for some five-point questions now as you know guys you'll be answering these questions as you predict your wife will answer the same question when she returns if her answer matches your prediction you get five points if you have more points than anybody else at the end of the show then you win a grand prize that's been selected especially for you and if you want to share it with your wife you can so good luck to all of you here's your first question for five points gentlemen first thing in the morning will your wife say that you usually put on your socks first shorts first or a shirt first Ron and first thing in the morning I put my shorts on put your shorts on for that's the first thing I'll be darned Charles definitely my shorts shorts first right Jack shorts Barney sir shorts o shorts all right David I'll make it unanimous shorts go ahead shorts shorts next question gentlemen what will your wife say is the funniest the most unusual gift you've ever given her ever Charles most unusual gift what is the most unusual gift you've ever given unusual gift I can think of right now is a it's a whole lot a lot of flowers most unusual flowers judges not very much imagination doesn't well Jack [Applause] pervert you dead probably a dress that she bought and told me that she bought it for me given her so a dress that she bought and told you that she bought it for you to give her her own dress what kind of a dress what colorism uh I think was brown a brown dress Ron I kind of like the panty thing to the black black panties wasn't black lace panties you gave your wife black lace very beautiful you ought to see them no I hadn't ought to see them that's true that's true last of our five point what do you live no last of our five point questions gentlemen how many different levels will your wife say there are inside your house or apartment how many different levels are there Jack one one David one one Ron one level one level Charles one one okay must be an echo in here thank you gentlemen will be right back to reunite these newlyweds we'll see how well our husbands have predicted what their wives will say first of all though here's Johnny Jacobs and John does have some gifts for our runner-up couple it's Johnny I they run around couples who receive now you can go places with a rental certificate some Hertz number one in the country with more cars and low economy fares you're always doing her with Hertz and from the show van perfume collection for women musk oil sex appeal VSP sports ended woman Bajoran and some giant Amon the natural choice was snacking in the gourmet touch for everything you cook there's something good under the Sun Sun giant almonds and the shower in your toilet bowl with new D fresh help spike bull ring build-up that makes every flush in the authorising shower now back to Bob Eubanks and the newlywed game [Music] okay gentlemen we recorded your predictions on cards and now have them in your laps now every time that your prediction matches your wife's answer you'll be given five points so one couple with the most points at the end of the show wins a grand prize that's been selected especially for that ladies we're glad you're back with us here's your first question girls first thing in the morning now first thing in the morning does your husband usually put on his shirt first his socks first or his shorts first first thing in the morning when what does he put on first shorts pardon me shorts he puts his shorts on fortunately no kidding take a shower and it goes right in foot fetish shorts he feels alone barest walking around he feels embarrassed walking around front of you why all right David said first thing in the morning he puts his top guard his shorts on first TV his shorts really which is shorts on first I thought yes he does I thought he put his shirt on but he's got a push shorts on why does he have to well he's gonna so he can tuck his shirt into shorts you mean he tucks his shirt into his shorts shorts yes this underpants no you know well why does he do that because then if he bends over with his pants on then his shorts show rather than his shirt showing this chart okay he said he puts his uh his shorts on [Applause] John his shorts or whatever you want to call him definitely someday someday well his underpants depending some days he doesn't wear anything you know but wild and crazy no doesn't worry any shorts depending what pants he's wearing you know sometimes he likes showing his that's really vital bring a bit more so yeah alright Charles said the first thing in the morning puts his shorts on first right definitely is shorts I never watched him get dressed but I'm sure it's a shorts you've never seen him get dressed well maybe once or twice I'm always gone in the morning oh I see okay he says first thing in the morning he puts his shorts on first right next question girls tell me what's the funniest or most unusual gift your husband has ever given you funniest or most unusual Stevie the to be with with that the little bird hugging him he gave you a Snoopy with a little bird that's a stuffed toy all right Jack said he gave you some a pair of sexy panties with the oh you did she forgot [Applause] on his head hold it committee met what color are they blue keeps my ears might you are her panties get over my hip you're weird aren't you Zeus the wonder there Zeus the wonder bear he said punish the most unusual gift was flowers actually you just don't hit me please I couldn't think of anything and Jenelle probably the black lace panties alright he predicted you would say he gave you the black lace panties when there my husband romantic Amy a pair of dr. Denton pajamas dr. Denton pajamas you'll be warm at night with her feet in them yeah but his about drop bottom drawers he enjoyed that David says the finest most they give you a brown dress that you bought for yourself and gave to him to give back to you oh yeah yeah here's the last of our five point questions girls how many different levels are there inside your house or apartment how many different levels are there Don one one level your husband said there's one level all right one level sure one all right he said one Stevie when everybody scores okay we'll be right back with just a wise to see how well they predict that the husband's will say let's bring us [Music] newlywed game by the way if you live in the los angeles area or you plan an extended visit to our town you'd like to audition to be a contestant on the newlywed game then heck we'd like to have you do that why don't you give us a call weird area code two one three four six seven one three seven five that's two one three four six seven one three 75 that's Chuck Berry's home telephone number he'd be glad to talk to your ready ladies these are 10-point questions here's our first one girls what will your husband say is the strangest or most unusual thing he's ever done to your toes listen I beg your pardon is that right for me sure he rubs them he rubs your toes is Stevie your real name yes yeah brother named Mary mm-hmm no Stevie you owe me though okay Gwen kiss him he kissed your toes okay Janell nibbled at them I'll call that devil next question girls will your husband say he has or has not ever played peeping tom in your neighborhood as your has and not ever played peeping tom Stevie in your neighborhood I hope not you don't think so he's a little strange remember right into my bedroom window but into anybody else Oh Gwen definitely not he hasn't yeah I'm really surprised Jenelle no no way your husband hasn't either no what dawn no I don't think so you hesitated dawn well it depends if you say looking at an old lady across the way from us c'mon I didn't say who they had no no the answer's no he's been peeking at the lady across the way he looks at us too but we stuck we got an air condition so she can't look in she's just sitting her chair in front of the window and watch us she's weird what can I say huh so now you got those air conditioners you can't begin anymore yet that's too bad an old lady of that apartment she got really upset I'm sure she did here's the last of our 10-point questions girls what will your husband say is his favorite gourmet French dish you must say it in French please his favorite gourmet French dish when please give me your answer in French beef bourguignon beef bourguignon okay Janell crepes pardon me ma'am crepes oh I thought you were angry you want more more than crepes Oh in French how would you say it in French crepe A's Adam I know guy wears one of those yeah crap a sewer John I know what it is I can't give it you to me in French though me French oh god I don't remember the name of it I can tell you what you can't it has to be in French yes for sure Oh lasagna lasagna filet mignon filet mignon okay only five point bonus question girls at night will your husband say the main closet door in your bedroom is usually open shut or a jar at night is it open shut or a jar Janelle shut shut okay dawn shut open open open I'll make up your mind open get it's open definitely open all right Stevie open it's open fine Gwen shut shut I want those easy questions okay we'll be back with the husbands if we can find them and we'll compare answers on the newlywed game in just a moment but first I want you to meet my father Johnny Jacobs because John does have some more gifts for our runner-up couples Johnny are three runner-up couples receive the new Proctor Silex lady light self cleaning super steam iron that irons out the problems you've had with ironing Proctor Silex lady light Plus enjoy all's well mr. mrs. tea mixes each combining the right ingredients for making the perfect party drinks every time the convenient foolproof mister Mrs T way plus Turtle Wax the world's largest selling liquid car wax please polishes protects and Turtle Wax super hardshell car wax kit cleans wax the seals in the shine plus shout longer a soil and stain remover tough stain out saturated penetrated shout it out now back to Bob Eubanks and those unpredictable newlyweds now gentlemen let's see how well your wives have predicted what you will say it remember these questions will now be worth 10 points you ready fellas here we go first question gentlemen what's the strangest or most unusual thing you've ever done to your wife's toes jack the strangest a most unusual thing I jerked on it she broke it and I said it for she broke her eyes she broke her toe volleyball game and you just grabbed hold on yes kind of show me how you did it no don't all right Stevie said the strangest is that you rubbed them red watchos every night you're tired to do anything else you have an advanced age yes I thought older fellows were better lovers not as often [Applause] Charles I occasionally lick them she said you occasionally liquor that's right okay [Applause] a world's falling apart the other generation it must be rah well I I kissed her toes no you did she said you know what you did she said you you nibble them if it is in a bad mood David are you okay Guin predicted you would say that you are you kissed them almost the same why I'm glad that questions over with that next question gentlemen think about this one have you personally mean you guys have you personally or have you not ever played peeping tom in your neighborhood have you have you not charles ever played peeping tom in your neighborhood no we live in an old Jewish area but all the ladies were about oh the average age is about 75 now I'm really not much to look at so I'd say no all right she said no it's right you get the points okay [Applause] Ron no I have not my interest as well occupied at home I don't understand what you mean I don't need to keep in the windows oh oh now I understand what you mean so you have not played peeping tom in your neighborhood all right she said that no you have not played go out here to a weird David and see what he says yes David yes yes you have the truth comes out I love it she said no you haven't or the defense next door we peeped over the edge and look and see at the hand what you do David ppl a peeping tom and know what we did we had some trees cut down and we well he shouldn't say our neighbors aren't very neat they never cleaned it up so we just kind of peeped over you peeked over into their yard I blew it weird things I don't understand what peeping just means peeping doesn't agree not to me I was thinking like with binoculars and really checking it out by in your neighborhood to check out no maybe they know maybe the people across the street Jack you've never played peeping toms she said no you have it ok and you get the point [Music] there's the last of our 10-point questions gentlemen what it what is your favorite gourmet french term favorite gourmet French dish and you must say your answer in French if you don't say your answer in French then somebody will come up and paste you want across the head so please keep that in mind because I'll do anything to fill time right now Ron let me say it again what is your favorite gourmet or French dish say it in French please crepes say again please crepes crepes crepes oh good she says it's crepes that's right yes now David he didn't say his answer in French and he came close to getting pasted so David what's your answer all that or Mesa what is it good that's Spanish Oh bleh oh oh oh oh when predicted you would say you got the paste yeah no it's beef bourguignon well let me check with it what's the judge say about that one yeah is that a match or not Oh Jack how's your French sharable let me hear a little terrible French your favorite French gourmet dish escargot escargot good answer not correct but it's a good answer he said filet mignon charlie she doesn't know how to speak French I speak French and my mother is French I I say escargot oh you have a good accent too yeah so dig in for me escargot oh good she said lasagna [Applause] [Music] alright gentlemen here it is your big 25-point bonus question for 25 points gentlemen at night is the main closet door in your bedroom usually open a jar or closed let's go first a couple number 1 David and Gwen you've got 10 points 25 to give you 35 David if you get it right you're gonna be tied for first place if you miss it you shall go home in last place a main closet door in your bedroom usually open a jar or closed closed closed she says it's usually shut that's right okay come over to Jack and Stevie with bunny 25 and give you 45 Jack what do you say open open she says it's open [Applause] he has changed hands you're in first place now as we go to a couple three Charles and Dawn they have 30 points 25 would give you 55 Charles same kind of a situation if you get it right you're gonna be in first place if you miss it you're going home in last place probably be in serious trouble - yes open open she said okay bonza now you've got 35 points 25 to 30 61 you led throughout most of the game to get this one right you might win a grand prize depends on how we feel in the judges in the bad mood as you know that if you miss it you won't win a grand prize so what is your answer a char a jar she said it's usually shut that means it couple number three Charles and Dawn [Music] [Applause] nobody is a little bit gay [Applause] just for you your very own brand-new quality crafted piano Oh Charles you wonders Batallion brother Joe during her piano from southern island Cressman featuring furrier coat the exclusive finish that protects against scratches scrapes and water damage but there's more dawn and charles you also make beautiful music together with these graduates and there's boat man if you travel Europe you'll known by sex the european standard for quality leisure products because quality counts at indoor and outdoor entertainment all yours from the newlywed game Johnson congratulations servers in our the next time how about you back to see them goodbye for now [Music] you
Channel: Gwen Morse
Views: 396,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Newlywed Game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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