Street thugs confront a tattooed guy, unaware he's the toughest war veteran

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this movie kicks off with this guy named Frank Vega Frank's been through some tough stuff in his life especially because he's a Vietnam war vet one day he's just riding the bus minding his own business when he spots two Troublemaker kids causing a ruckus on the bus it kinda takes him back to when he was a kid living a simple life with his folks as he grew up he had a sweetheart and they promised to get hitched once he came back from the war but here's the kicker Frank had to spend a whole 10 years in the Vietnam War when he finally got back home he found out that his girl had gone and married another guy and had two kids man that must have hurt so the heartbroken Frank decides to give the police academy a shot thinking his military background would help him out but they turned him down which is a real bummer he couldn't find a job anywhere so he ends up selling hot dogs for most of his life that's how he made a living just slinging those dogs but then things take a turn for the worse a fancy new hot dog truck rolls into town and steals almost all of Frank's customers so he's left with no choice but to become a Drifter wandering around with no real home or job tough breaks for Frank Vega that's for sure now let's fast forward to the present day there are these two Troublemaker kids on the bus causing a big scene and even trying to harm an old guy but Frank steps in and saves the old man giving those troublemakers a good beating some folks on the bus recorded the whole thing and shared it on social media all of a sudden Frank becomes a big deal after his heroic act goes viral online they start calling him badass and everybody thinks he's awesome people even start making t-shirts and graffiti with his face on them the police even give him a ride around town but that's not all folks Frank and his mom get invited to a talk show and he's in the spotlight sadly his mom passes away three months later and she leaves in her house and pet dog now here's where it gets interesting Frank's buddy and fellow Vietnam vet Klondike Washington moves in with him and hands over a USB flash drive this flash drive is for Frank's late moms safe deposit box but Frank doesn't have a clue what's on it so he sticks it in the safe for safe keeping so one night Klondike heads out to grab some cigarettes but he runs into these two troublemakers Terence and Sebastian they're after the flash drive Klondike had given to Frank but Klondike he tells them a fib saying he doesn't have it with him while that doesn't sit right with those two thugs and they get into a big argument sadly things take a dark turn and they end up killing Klondike those guys make a quick getaway too when Frank hears the news about his best friend's death he rushes over to the morgue to see klondike's body he's pretty shaken up and asks the police to dig deep into klondike's murder and catch the guys who did it now here's where it gets tricky one night Frank's pal officer Milwaukee who's a cop swings by his place officer Mellark tries to reassure Frank that the police department is really trying hard to find klondike's killer but later Frank watches the news and sees that the cops have solved other crimes way faster that doesn't sit right with him especially when he catches them hoofing off at the police station not doing much about his best friend's murder so Frank decides he's gonna take matters into his own hands and figure out this mystery himself he's had enough of the police dragging their feet Frank's on the case now he starts by checking out the alley Where Klondike got shot after poking around a bit he finds some empty bullet casings and a locket with a lady's picture inside Frank thinks this could be a clue he takes the bullets and the locket to a pawn shop and the guy working there tells him that the locket belongs to a felon named Terence inside the locket there's a photo of terence's wife now Frank's got an address for this Terence guy so if he hurries over there but Terence ain't home and according to his wife he hasn't been home for a whole week Frank hands the locket back to terence's wife and asks her where he might be terence's wife spills the beans and says he used to play basketball with some buddies at a park so Frank's off to that Park in a hurry when he gets there he finds a bunch of guys playing hoops and goes up to them to ask about Terence Frank goes up to those young fellas at the park thinking they might know where Terence is but instead of being helpful those guys start making fun of Frank well that really ticks him off and he ends up giving them a good thrashing turns out those guys were actually terence's Pals after Frank gets them to quit fooling around they spill the beans and say they don't really know where Terence is but they mentioned a guy named Ronaldo who might have the scoop because Terence and Ronaldo were tight Buddies so Frank makes his way over to Ronaldo's place and meets Ronaldo's roommate this roommate tells Frank that Ronaldo's hanging out at a bar across town Frank heads there but runs into some folks at the bar who don't want him there he's not having any of that so if he has to put a couple of them in their place finally Frank tracks down Ronaldo and gives him a little scare saying he'll Spill the Beans about where Terence is in the end Frank gets the lowdown that Terence is seeing a gal named Tanya now we switch over to this big shot gangster boss named Panther he's actually the guy who's the boss of Terence and Sebastian those two troublemakers Panthers having a real serious chat with major Williams who's the Crooked mayor in town the mayor's putting pressure on Panther to find that flash drive Klondike swiped real quick turns out that flash drive has some proof of the mayor's Dirty deeds and Corruption during his time in office turns out Klondike used to work for Panther but he decided to quit and did something sneaky he grabbed major Williams super important flash drive and ran off with it betraying Panther in the process so Frank's on a mission and he gets some help from his neighbor a kid named Martin they want to figure out what's on that flash drive one evening Frank pays a visit to Tanya who works at a massage place he asks her about Terence but she's not too helpful so Frank decides to tail her quietly when she's heading home from work after sneaking into tania's place Frank finally tracks down Terence he gets kinda rough with him to squeeze out info about who ordered the hit on Klondike Terence being a bit tight-lipped wasn't spilling the beans so Frank decided to take matters into his own hands he kind of forced terence's hand onto the kitchen trash can hurting him a bit well that did the trick and Terence finally spills the beans turns out Klondike got himself into some serious trouble he got on the wrong side of a drug Big Shot named Panther seed Klondike swiped that flash drive we've been talking about and it had some secret info about digging in oil well in the neighborhood for major Williams Terence even tells Frank where he can find this Panther guy but before Frank heads out to face Panther he goes home to get ready but he hears a Ruckus at Martin's Place Amber Martin's mom is having a real bad time with her abusive husband Frank steps in and saves her from the mess because Frank's the hero Amber invites him over for lunch Frank doesn't waste the chance so he puts on his fancy clothes cleans up nice and smells great during lunch things get pretty cozy and they're about to share a kiss when Martin Jr walks in on them Frank insists that Amber and Martin stay at his place until he fixes her front door the next day Frank hands over the flash drive to officer Mellark and then tracks down Panther to his hideout Panther got wind of Frank coming for him and told his crew to Ambush Frank if he didn't bring that precious flash drive so Frank ends up in a real tough spot Panthers gang overpowers him and he passes out they capture him and start doing some terrible things to get him to Spill the Beans about where the flash dried is hidden they even hook him up to an electric shock Gadget trying to make him talk but you know what Frank's one stubborn guy he doesn't give in even when he's getting hurt real bad Panther gets pretty frustrated with Frank's silence so he snatches Frank's wallet and finds out where he lives thinking maybe the flash drive stashed there with his loved ones Panthers got his men torturing Frank while he rushes over to Frank's house thinking he's gonna find that flash drive but Frank manages to wriggle out of his bindings he had a little match he got from Amber Frank lights that match and throws it at some oil drums lying around setting the whole place on fire causing a big explosion Panther makes a run for it but Frank's not letting him get away that easy they both swipe buses and start this wild Chase causing a whole bunch of damage to other vehicles along the way eventually they wreck both buses now Frank's not giving up he keeps chasing Panther on foot along the way he bumps into those two troublemakers from the bus earlier these guys thinking they can redeem themselves trying to record a video of them beating up Frank on their cell phone but Frank shows them whose boss once again and keeps after Panther Panther finally gets to Frank's house and finds Amber there he threatens to harm her if Frank doesn't cough up the flash drive but just in the nick of time Frank shows up to rescue Amber these two start fighting and it spills all the way out to the front yard just when Panthers about to pounce on Frank again Amber jumps onto Panthers back trying to slow him down this gives Frank the opening he needs to take down Panther for good the cops finally catch Panther and things get even juicier when they arrest major Williams too see the media spilled the beans on their Shady business as for Frank Amber and Martin they all live happily ever after the end so the moral of the story is sometimes all it takes to uncover corruption and defeat bad guys is a hero in a hot dog suit and a Little Help from your neighbors [Music] thank you [Music]
Views: 4,174,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film recap, fox recap, king recap, mystery recap, recap, recap king full movie, recap king anime, movie recap korean, movie recap sci fi, movie recap horror, movie recap superpowers, recap king assassin, recap king chef, recap king gangster, recap king korean movie
Id: OH1yRzA8dew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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