MATTHEW (20 of 24) - Chuck Missler

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[Music] well we are in session 20 of 24 sessions reviewing the gospel of matthew and we're in chapter 26 which includes the last satyr or the lord's supper as many people would call it and the whole section we're in of course is the second of two units which focuses on the judean ministry in the final week the first half of of matthew focus on the galilean ministry but from chapters 19 to 28 we're in the second unit and we're in the final week which started with the triumphal entry in chapter 21 and climaxes in the resurrection in chapter 28 and we're going to do look at these in parallel with mark 11 through 16 covering the same material luke 19 to 24 where he covers the same material and john which he devotes half of his entire gospel to this one week of activities which is another way of indicating how important how critical how crucial and how rewarding this particular segment of scripture will prove to be and uh last time we reviewed chapter 25 some teachings in anticipation of the big climax which included three topics the ten virgins the ten talents and the sheep and goat judgment and uh the sheep and goat judgment being the judgment of the nations or the gentiles not to be confused that's at the beginning of the setting up of the kingdom a thousand years later the great white throne judgment will be the final climax the bema seat of christ is where the believers get the rewards and we visualize that not all scholars would agree but we visualize that as occurring in heaven during the first half of that tribulation period in other words after the rapture but before the great tribulation all of that going on and the great white throne judgment of course is the final judgment at the end of the millennium subject of a whole another teaching then so the sheep and goat judgment we looked at last time now we're going into chapter 26 of matthew and he will be at bethany for the first 16 verses and that'll contrast worship versus waste interestingly enough then we're going to be in the upper room with the number of events there we're going to see the contrast between faithfulness and betrayal and then we'll be in gethsemane from chapters 31 through 56. i mean verses 31 to 56 and there will be contrasting submission versus resistance that won't be in this session that'll be in the session after next for reasons i'll explain shortly in matthew 26 we have of course predicting a suffering and death in the first five verses his anointing of bethany in the next eight verses the betrayal of judas being plotted in verses 14 15 and 16 the passover meal many people don't realize it that's a it was a passover meal for some very specific reasons and that's in that meal he institutes something new that we call the lord's supper communion coinania is the actual greek term and uh from there they of course go to the garden of gethsemane where he's arrested and accused and so forth and peter goes through his denial and so on we're only going to take the first five of those eight elements of this chapter because we want to supplement it with some perspectives from some of the other gospels on just on just that part of it before we go further in session 20 which will which we're in we'll deal with matthew 26 first 35 verses mark 14 first 32 verses luke 22 39 verses in the session following we're going to set matthew on the shelf for a moment for one session and we're going to focus on the upper room discourse in john chapters 13 through 17. one of the most phenomenal passages in the bible it's it you see you get a glimpse of the intimacy between the son and the father in this this remarkable uh discourse and uh so we're gonna we're we don't want a crowd this is all too important we're gonna focus a session on just that before going on then to gethsemane the crucifixion and the resurrection so matthew 26 verse 1 it came to pass when jesus had finished all these sayings he said unto his disciples you know that after two days is the feast of the passover and the son of man is betrayed to be crucified he has said this again and again and again and the guys don't get it the gals did a couple of the gals apparently did the guys didn't it went by them he just finished these teachings that we just went through and now he's he's announced that in two days there's the feast of the passover very important to understand god's precision it's they say that a jews catechism is his calendar you really even as christians need to do some homework and understand the jewish calendar because there's profound lessons in there for you and i as christian believers that we lose if we separate ourselves from our in effect our jewish roots and passover is the is a very very surprisingly fundamental item in god's calendar and it's going to be interesting to realize how much of this is being orchestrated in a manner that was planned before the world was created before the foundation of the world in any case then assemble together the chief priests and the scribes and the elders of the people unto the palace of the high priest who was called caiaphas and i wonder what a high priest is doing in the palace in the first place but i'll leave that one alone and consulted that they might take jesus by subtlety and kill him these are the leaders this is the leadership of the nation this is the leadership that is out to throttle eliminate exterminate this nuisance to them but i want you to notice a verse verse 5 that most people don't realize but they said not on the feast day lest there be an uproar among the people they did not plan to take jesus on this holiday for lots of reasons there are over a million visitors to jerusalem because it's one of three feasts deuteronomy 16 16 specifies three feasts that were compulsory for every able-bodied jew to make and uh the passover period is one of them so they're crowded with tourists this is the high season of there's one of these in the spring and there's a season like this in the fall and this is the spring season furthermore they're under the thumb of rome and rome almost didn't care what you did as long as you did it orderly what rome was concerned about was insurrection their report card got measured back in rome by how smoothly things were how much in control they were and so they didn't want to have an uproar they not only would they have a problem with their people they'd also have a huge problem with the roman leadership so the plan was to do it quietly after the crowds had left to get them through subtly and knock this off quickly and quietly and never be missed that was the concept and as you'll see it went quite differently see in deuteronomy 16 16 three times in a year shall thy males appear before the lord thy god in a the place which he shall choose in the feast of the unleavened bread the feast of weeks and the feast of tabernacles and they shall not appear before the lord empty and it goes on with instructions the feast of unleavened bread is an eight-day period which embraces three feasts actually the feast of passover itself the feast of unleavened bread which is the day following and the feast of first fruits which is the morning after shabbat after passover passover is any day of the week depending on how the calendar works but after it will be a shabbat and the next day would be a sunday morning and that's when the feast of first fruits is and so that's very interesting to realize that's all anticipatory of the christian era and the more you study the calendar the more profound it becomes but i'll leave it at that for this this pass through now when jesus was in bethany in the house of simon the leper now bethany is on the mount of olives on the east side and on the side south and uh it was a place that was friendly and quiet he's among friends this is his primary hangout when he's in the jerusalem area the city was tense crowded and full of his enemies uh this was a refuge for him in the house of simon the leper he obviously is not a leper he wouldn't be in the house he was obviously a healed leper very likely one that jesus healed okay there came unto him a woman having an alabaster box a very precious ointment and poured it on his head as he sat at meat but when his disciples saw it they had indignation saying to what purpose is this waste and for this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor we'll learn from the other gospels that it was the instigator of this trouble was judas because judas was the treasurer and so he was frustrated because this this ointment amounts to about a year's salary this was very expensive stuff and this gal obviously had spent her savings or whatever to to provide this and uh judas we know from the other accounts was the one that stirred up the the commotion among the disciples saying that this is a waste that could have been sold and given to the poor i'm sure if it had been the poor would never have seen it but the bag man would have had his piece of the action there so that's this so in any case there are at least 17 people at this dinner by the way simon the owner of course mary martha lazarus the three and jesus and the twelve disciples and lazarus had been raised a few weeks before in fact that's circulating among all the tourists they've all heard about lazarus a big deal and in john 12 you'll also learn that the the plot to kill lazarus was also a foot by the scratch and pharisees now this ointment was obviously a myrrh-based ointment and you may recall that at his birth we have the three gifts goldberg and frankincense those aren't the only gifts those are only three that are mentioned and but they're mentioned because they're prophetic gold speaks of his deity speaks of the priesthood it's mixed in the show bred by the priests and so forth it's a it's a material it has priesthood implications and myrrh when crushed is an ointment for burial and that's apparently a derivative of what she had in this alabaster box and the reason these three gifts are mentioned at his birth is they're prophetic speaking of prophet priest and king and uh each each in their order and so it's very possible that this gal connected that understood that in a case she clearly knew he was going to be killed she's anointing him for burial there's a subtlety to this that is also often missed she also may have been savvy enough to realize that he was going to raise in three days so his body would never see corruption which is one of the reasons you embalm so she doesn't need to be dealt with after his death he's being anointed beforehand and even that one can infer a resurrection motif there but moving on when jesus understood it he said unto them why trouble ye the woman for she hath wrought a good work upon me for ye have the poor always with you but me ye have not always for in that she hath poured this ointment on my body she did it for my burial so there's the underscore this isn't a contrived interpretation jesus explains it okay i think it's pretty straightforward now um an incredible act of love and devotion by this gal which was obviously not of means and yet she's really she's really uh done a good work here it's interesting how mary martha's sister is always misunderstood her sister martha misunderstood her when mary sat at jesus feet to hear him teach the word back in luke chapter 10. judas and the other disciples misunderstood her when she anointed jesus here in this passage that we just looked at her friends and neighbors misunderstood her when she came out of the house to meet jesus after lazarus had been buried if you recall that back in john 11. it's interesting she appears three times and each time she's misunderstood when we give jesus christ first place in our lives we need to expect that we will be misunderstood and criticized by those who claim to follow him not just the unbelievers don't be surprised that you may be criticized by fellow believers i'll put that in quotation marks jesus said unto them verily i say unto you where wheresoever this gospel be shall be preached in the whole world there shall also this that this woman hath done be told for a memorial of her wow that's pretty cool and that remark is in each of the gospel accounts as we'll see meanwhile the scene now shifts then one of the twelve called judas iscariot went to the chief priests and said unto them what will you give me and i will deliver him unto you and they coveted with him for 30 pieces of silver and from that time he sought opportunity to betray him okay you'll learn as we go here it was not the plan to take him that night but jesus forced him to and that's very interesting because he's following a tight agenda it's interesting we could go on and on about judas he was the only one of the 12 that was not a galilean he's a judean and the 30 piece of silver happens to be the price of a slave to be redeemed and uh there are 30 silver coins we really don't know how much that is that 30 pieces of silver was the price of a slave and yet was that the whole deal or not there's there's discussions about that issue too back in zechariah some five centuries earlier zechariah records in chapter 11 verse 12 i said unto them if you think good give me my price and if not for bear so they wait for my price 30 pieces of silver and the lord said unto me cast it unto the potter a goodly price that i was prized out of them and i took the 30 pieces of silver and cast them to the potter in the house of the lord strange prophecy but we'll learn when we get to matthew 27 that judas will try to give the money back and they won't take it he throws it on the floor and goes out and hangs himself and the priests see the cash there they can't put it the treasury it's against the law it's blood money but they have good accountants on staff and so they they can use it to pre-pay anticipated expenses and one of the burdens the temple had is when someone died in their precincts that wasn't covered by a near relative the temple had to deal with the funeral costs and take care of a stranger that might have passed away for some reason and so they there was a bargain piece of ground available from a potter that they could take the silver and buy the field so they could to cover the expenses they know they're going to have every year there's a few that die and they have to deal with that so it's a way of prepaying expenses well what's interesting is they go and do that but by buying that field who ends up with the money the guy that owned the field a potter the potter's field and it's all embodied here this little prophecy the 30 piece of silver it ends up in the potter's hands and where does the transaction take place in the temple in the house of the lord all there five centuries before the fact i think that's kind of fun passover how glibly we use that phrase we all associate passover as that ceremony that feast day that commemorates their flight from egypt when the death angel passed over the homes that had the blood on the door posts the egyptian passover on the 14th of nisan the 14th day of the of that month it's interesting that if you go to the time of abraham and he's told offer his son isaac on mount moriah and as they're going up the hill isaac says to abraham here's the fire in the wood where's the lamb and abraham says god will provide himself a lamb and whenever i read that i always think well he's just giving the kid a stall until we get up on the hill no god will provide whom himself a lamb abraham knew he was acting out prophecy that's why he names the place in the mount of the lord it shall be seen he may not have realized that two thousand years later on that exact spot another father would offer his son as an offering for sin i believe abraham was doing this on a place called golgotha there's a jewish tradition that he did it where the temple stands but that's just a jewish tradition without in my opinion adequate support but be that as it may it's interesting that john the baptist when he introduces jesus for the first time he does it twice he says behold the lamb that taketh away the sin of the world that's a passover label when jesus is first introduced publicly by his forerunner he's called a passover lamb the lamb that takes away the sin of the world he says in verse 29 also verse 36 of the first chapter passover is indented of jesus christ and paul used that same thing for his epistles speaking jesus is our passover there are all kinds we could do a whole evening study on the subtle symbols that are involved with passover the fact that they go through the house and get rid of the leaven leaven is a type of sin why is it a type of sin because it corrupts by puffing up pride is the source of sin the fact that not a bone was to be broken a roman centurion would fulfill that unknowingly by violating his orders a couple of chapters from now and it goes on and on and on we could go on make long lists of the symbolisms that passover is prophetic of the events that we're going to behold here in this in the next couple of chapters the timing is maybe a surprise to you that the passover is being offered three days before he leaves the tomb and he will leave the tomb on the anniversary of noah's new beginning when he leaves the ark on mount ararat in genesis 8 verse 4. on the 17th day of the seventh month they leave the ark the seventh month in genesis is was the seventh month from tishri which is nizon in exodus 12 god has them revised their calendar they have two calendars they have the original genesis calendar of course but the rosh hashanah as being in the fall they have nissan in the spring and the 14th of the sun is when passover was ordained and it was ordained so that jesus our new beginning in christ would be on the anniversary of the world's new beginning under noah so it's interesting when you start getting into that it's just astonishing so matthew verse 17 now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to jesus saying unto him wherewith thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover feast of unlimited's an eight-day celebration all that but i'll get into all that here there's a big preparation they have to get a lamb it has to be approved by the at the temple and it has to be slaughtered properly and so forth so there's a lot of preparations he said go to the city to such a man and say unto him the master saith my time is at hand i will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples and the disciples did as jesus appointed them and they made ready the passover we will as we get see the different accounts of this you'll get the feeling this has all been prearranged and there's there's some that believe that it was the father of john mark that provided the home he did come from a wealthy family uh who knows but in any case there is some pre-arrangement going on here and they're following through now when even was come he sat down with the twelve and as they did eat he said verily i say unto you that one of you shall betray me that must have shook the the table and they were exceedingly sorrowful and began to every one of them say unto him lord is it i he answered and said he that dipeth his hand with me in the dish the same shall betray me judas was on his left and john was on his right and act strangely enough the one on the left was a place of honor and that's where judas was sitting sharing the same sock the son of man goeth as it is written of him but woe unto that man by whom the son of man is betrayed it had been good for that man if he had not been born then judas which betrayed him answered and said master said i he doesn't call him lord he calls him rabbi interesting is it i he said unto them thou has said or as we might say it you said it now i said it's ambiguous in the old kingdom we don't pick up on that but it's if we were writing in the bottom right you said it you're right now you need to get the picture here judas was not prepared because this is passover this is the big holiday of the year this was not the time that the chief priest would ever had planned to take this on jesus now announced that he's going to be betrayed and he also indicates by whom what he in effect has done he said to judas you got a fish or cut bait he forces him if you're going to do it you got to do it now you can't do it tomorrow the next day because the word will be out you know you're he's jesus himself is forcing the issue not forcing him to do it but forcing the timing you're going to do it as we would say it you got to fisher cut bait or the cat's out of the bag or however you want to put it and now there is a big debate among many who do not understand this problem of the time dimension the time dimension is a physical dimension and this whole debate that has gone on for many thousands of years about fate versus free will are things predestined are they predicted that means the predestined or do we really have free choice let's take judas as the classic example it was predicted that he would do this did he have the choice to do this both are true from the divine point of view and that's a point of view from outside the dimensionality of time not limited by the constraints of mass acceleration or gravity any of those things it therefore is free of time outside time judas treachery was predicted in scripture and he was included in the plan of god god was not surprised he knew he would and from that you and i might erroneously jump to the conclusion that it he had no choice not true not true from the you see we see it from the human point of view from being within that time domain judas was guilty of a base crime and was completely responsible for what he did the fact that god is outside time and can see what choice he was going to make doesn't relieve him of the fact that he made the choice it's only a paradox when you try to view it from within the time domain one of the techniques of paradox resolution that you get into if you get into these things is to get outside the box stand outside the time dimension it's not a paradox at all and this is one of the classic cases of this this kind of thing and so we have a briefing page called the sovereignty of man which deals with the predicament every one of us has we have responsibility we have the sovereignty of god of course there's also the sovereignty of man one of the most staggering terrifying gifts that he's given us is our sovereignty our ability to choose knowing that by choosing we'll get ourselves into trouble that nothing less than the death of god will avail to get us out of that trouble so who's in but the point is who's in control judas isn't who's calling the shots jesus christ and you'll discover that happens at every step of the way the guy that's actually in effect in charge is our lord back in chapter 26 verse 5 they're not going to do it on a feast day they're going to end up doing it on a feast day in fact the biggest feast of all how ironic that the biggest crime ever perpetrated on the planet earth was done on their most holy day kind of interesting it's one of three days that were compulsory deuteronomy 16. so judas now had a fisher cut bait as i would express it and he had a lot to get made he had to get with a high priest to make their arrangements they couldn't just run up the pilot they'd have to schedule an audience with him in the morning that took some pull and some minute maneuvering they had to muster the troops and that's on it goes so judas you know jesus says did you what you do do quickly get on with it in other words and as they were eating and i believe not all scholars agree on all the details but i do believe judas left before the lord's supper i do not think he took the lord's supper but i may stand to be corrected and as they were eating jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat this is my body and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink ye all of it this is the blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins for him to say this is my body is not an unusual idiom for them to use because it's passover they speak of the body of the lamb and so that but this is he's saying this is my body the emphasis is on the my and there's all the big debate is this grape juice or wine this is too early in the season for unfermented grapes uh candidly and so but this whole event we don't we spent all evening talking about the lord's supper but it's important to understand it looks ahead to christ's return that's really the intent of this we will observe this ceremony until he comes that's really it's it's it's to fill this gap the bread and wine that are introduced here have a deep history in the scripture when abram comes back from his victory in the in the battle of the nine kings he encounters this strange character called melchizedek which administers to him bread and wine interesting in genesis 14. when joseph has encounters these guys in prison again we have a three-day interval involving both a wine steward and a baker the wine steward uh who is reinstated after three days as joseph predicted by interpreting his dream for him and the baker same thing three days but he gets hung and and he was hoping that they would remember him and years go by he spends 12 or 13 years in prison hoping to get taken care of jesus uses a whole john 6 most of that chapter is on the bread of life where was jesus born bethlehem bethlehem the house of bread and the wine at kana in john 2 and so forth in exodus 6 we discover a passage that has its roots the passover has its roots in um in exodus 6 verse 6 says where wherefore say unto the children of israel i am the lord this is god talking to moses and i will bring you out from under the burdens of the egyptians i will rid you out of their bondage i will redeem you with a stretched out arm and with great judgments i will take you to me for a people and i'll be to you a god and ye shall know that i am the lord your god which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the egyptians these were the instructions the early instructions the passover occurs in chapter 12 of exodus chapter 6 as part of the preparatory passages but i want you to notice here in the passover observance in among jews today there are four cups of the passover after four i wills i will bring you out from under the burdens egyptians i will rid you out of their their bondage and deliver you from their bondage i will redeem you with a stretched out arm and i will take you to me from these four commands come the four cups of the passover the cup of the bringing out the cup of the delivery the cup of the redemption or blessing and the cup of the taking out so these classic jewish cups have labels what's fascinating to realize is jesus only goes to cup number three he administers the lord's supper as we call it with the cup of redemption or paul calls the cup of blessing he does not touch the fourth cup in fact he's going to make a statement that he's not going to touch the fruit of the vine until we're all together with them in heaven interesting he's taking a nazarite vow in a sense so the cup of blessing is then that paul talks about it's cup number three jesus says but i say to you i will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when i drink it new with you in my father's kingdom you realize it's the day that we're going to hoist a glass with our lord that's wild and when they had sung a hymn they went out into the mount of olives and most scholars believe that they sang the hallel psalms now there's several groups of psalms called the halal psalms they typically mean some 115 118. the egyptian hillel is 113 118 slightly different grouping there's the great halal which is 118 to 136 which also includes 119 which is a huge thing but the the halal psalms are the ones that most scholars presume they sang and when you read i encourage you to read those psalms in the context that you're with the disciples you're walking from the upper room through the city to get to gethsemane the base of the mount of olives and so there's some things that are going to go on along the way we're at verse 30 here i suspect they got to get 70 about verse 36 as i recall but they as they're walking they say they're singing a song and as they're walking then saith jesus unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad but after i am risen again i will go before you into galilee now he's telling him all this but it's clear they had no grasp of what on earth he's talking about they remember later what he said but they obviously are bewildered group of guys but jesus quoting here from zechariah 13 7 where zechariah creates a wake o sword against my shepherd and against the man that is my fellow saith the lord of hosts smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered and i will turn my hand upon the little ones now when jesus says that peter answered and said to him though all men shall be offended because of thee yet will i never be offended boy that's dangerous do you realize that we're all going to stumble and when we stumble it'll be in our strong suit not a weak suit as the pride is the root of that here's peter he's brave peter and yet he's the one that's going to cower and deny the lord three times before the crows that morning yet will i never be offended she said unfairly i say unto thee that this night before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice three times peter said though i should die with thee yet will i not deny thee and likewise said also said all the disciples now they're all murmuring the same thing not us you know we're going to stick with you yeah we'll see so let's take a look at what mark says in mark 14 just to pick up his perspective of the same section after two days of the feast of the passover on unleavened bread the chief priest of scribe sought how they might take him by craft and put him to death but said not on the feast day lest there be an uproar of the people same as matthew recorded and being bethany at the house of simon the leper as he sat at meat there came a woman having alabaster box appointment spy card very precious and she break the box and put it on his head there's a record in luke i think it is where she pours it on his feet she actually did both but they're emphasizing different aspects and there were some of that had indignation within themselves said why was this waste of ointment made for it might have been sold for more than 300 pence there it is a year's worth of salary and have been given to the poor and they murmured against her she said let her alone watch her her she hath brought a good work on me for you have the poor always with you and whosoever you and whatsoever you will may do them good but me you have not always she has done what she could she has come a forehand to anoint my body to the bearing verily i say whosoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her so this is mark's account obviously perlin matthews uh mark being the secretary for peter really and jesus carried one of the 12 went to the chief priest to betray him unto them and when they heard it they were glad and promised to give money and he sought how he might conveniently betray him so these are parallels so far and the first day of the unleavened bread when they killed the passover his disciples sent him where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover and he sent us forth two of his disciples and it was peter and john by the way and saith unto them go ye into the city and there shall you meet a man bearing a pitcher of water follow him that's a little weird men didn't do that that's a woman's job so that's obviously a sign of recognition and by and some scholars suspect that it was john mark's father that set this all up for some reasons at the conjecture and wheresoever he shall go in say you to the goodman of the house the master saith where's the guest chamber where i shall eat the passover with my disciples and he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared there make ready for us so it's obviously there's some pre-arrangements here the disciples went forth and came into the city and found as he had said unto them and they made ready to pass over this is non-trivial it's a crowded city many many tourists it's hard to find a spot that would be findable anyway let alone have the security they really need to have some privacy for their uh observation here in the evening he cometh with the twelve and as he sat and did it he said verily i send you one of you which eateth with me shall betray me and they began to be sorrowful and sent to him one by one is it i and another said is it i he answered and said it is one of the twelve that dippeth with me in the dish the son of man indeed goeth as it is written of him but woe to the that man by whom the son of man is betrayed good were it for that man if he had not been bored so so far they're very very parallel there is a prophet uh psalm 41 9 speaks of a prediction of judas what's regarded by most scholars prediction of judas is actually it it arises from a case of a hidden fell hitfield was that the old man that when absalom revolted against david a hitterfell deserted david and espoused the cause of absalom a shocking disloyalty absence leading the revolt and this grand old man is is advising absalom david sent his old friend hushai back to absalom in order that he might counteract the council of a hittaphil on ii samuel now a hit of phil finally realized it was a lost cause the end was so far gained that a hit phil saw that he had no longer any influence and accordingly he had once left the camp of absalom returned to gallow his native place where after arranging his world affairs he hanged himself and was buried in the sepulchre of his fathers and so this is in effect he is a type of judas there's a pro a psalm that relates to this that is also applied to judas that's where psalm 41 9 the minor from your friend in whom i trusted has lifted up his heel against me is what psalm 41 9 says there's something about a hit of phil that most people don't realize and i'll just share with you this is kind of interesting why would this old man turn against king david and betray him the answer is buried in the genealogies it turns out if you do your homework you'll discover that a hitfil happens to be bathsheba's grandfather he never forgave david for what he did in effect to his granddaughter apparently anyway psalm 41 9 is often quoted as a prophecy of judas and it is but by type if you will let's move on as they did eat jesus took bread and blessed it break it and gave it to them and said take eat this is my body he took the cup and when he'd given thanks gave it to them they all drank of it and he said this is the is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many verily i say to you i will drink no more of the fruit of the vine until that day that i drink it new in the kingdom of god and when they had sung a hymn they went out in the mount of olives so mark is again very very essentially the same as the matthew account and he goes on he says saith unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered and after that i am risen i will go before you into galilee and peter said to him although all shall be offended yet will not i he said verily i say to you this day even this night before the crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice but he spake the more vehemently if i should die with thee i will not deny thee in any wise likewise also said they all they came to a place which was named in gethsemane and he said to his disciples sit you here while i pray and we'll pick up that in a subsequent session let's take a quick snapshot of luke because we'll pick up some other subtleties there now the feast of unleavened bread 29 which is called the passover the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him they feared the people then entered satan into judas sir named iscariot being the number of the twelve very interesting point because satan enters into judas here early judas will later go before the scribes and pharisees trying to give the money back and say i've betrayed innocent blood i'm always fascinated with that remark because satan's in judas and satan's own words declaring christ innocent i think that's kind of interesting and he went his way and he communed with the chief priests and how he might betray them unto him and again it wasn't planned to do this night they were glad and covenanted to give him money and he promised and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude then came the day of unleavened bread when the passover must be killed he sent peter and john saying go and prepare us to pass over you me these are the two guys peter and john are the two insiders setting up the upper room thing where will thou that we prepared he said and then behold when ye are entered into the city there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher water follow him into the house where he entereth in you shall stand to the goodman of the house the master saying thee where is the guest chamber where i shall eat the passover with my disciples and he shall show you a large upper room furnished there make ready and they went and found as he had said unto them and they made ready the passover and when the hour was come he sat down and the twelve apostles with him so far so good pretty much in parallel the preparations are non-trivial they'd include an approved lamb that was roasted appropriate wine that was a specific kind unleavened bread and bitter herbs and uh all all in designed to commemorate their bondage in egypt he said to them with desire i have desired to eat this passover with you before i suffer for i say unto you i will not anymore eat thereof until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of god and he took the cup and gave thanks and said take this and divide it among yourselves for i say unto you i will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of the god shall come he took bread and gave thanks and break it and gave it to them saying this is my body which is given for you this dude in remembrance of me and likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the new testament in my blood which is shed for you but behold the head of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table now luke's account wouldn't imply that judas is among the communion and there's some debates about that and truly the son of man goeth as it was determined but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed they began inquiring themselves which of them it was that should do this thing and there was a also a strife among them which of them should be accounted the greatest so they're murmuring about how they're sitting around the table they're not the first time that this has taken on he said the kings of the gentiles exercise lordship over them and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors but ye shall not be so but he that is greatest among you let him be as the younger and he that is chief as he that doth serve and for whether is greater he that sitteth it meet or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at me but i am among you is he that serveth ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations i appoint unto you a kingdom as my father hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on the thrones judging the twelve tribes of israel how interesting it is that those 12 are directed to the 12 tribes of israel another apostle will emerge that will be the apostle to the gentiles paul in acts chapter 1 because judas is gone they draw lots to replace him with the 12th guy matthias and a lot of people figure that was a mistake it should have been paul no they're missing the point those 12 are to israel paul was the gentiles that was that was it was introduced by in acts 10 by peter uh but it was it was acknowledged by both peter and paul that paul wanted to be minister to the jews his own brethren but he recognized he was called to minister the gentiles there are distinctions you want to be sensitive as you go but anyway the lord said simon simon behold satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat the word you there in the language is in the plural it isn't peter alone that satan desires it's all of them we often read this in the english and assume that this is a special prayer on behalf of peter and it certainly was don't misunderstand me but it doesn't it's not restricted to him the the the satan desire to have all of them and that he may sift you as wheat but i have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen the brethren he's not talk he's already a saved man it's not his salvation that's in jeopardy it is his discipleship we're going to see in another passage after the resurrection go tell the disciples and peter you know it was that that's that distinction you want to be sensitive to strengthen the breath and he said to them lord i am ready to go with thee both to prison unto death he said i tell thee peter the shall not crow this day before thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me he said to them when i sent you without purse or script or shoes locked you anything they said nothing said unto them when i sent you without purse script and shoes like you anything he said nothing then said he unto them but now he that hath the purse let him take it and likewise his script and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one wow that's an interesting verse things are going to get rough and self-defense is an issue to think through self-reliance is certainly an issue and self-defense is part of that so you can pray that one through for i say unto you that that this that is written must be yet be accomplished in me and it was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me have an end and they said lord behold here are two swords he said it's enough he came out and went as he was one to the mount of olives and his disciples also followed him enough already huh okay we have another passage but i've i'll postpone that for a separate session next time that i think you'll find remarkably rewarding where we'll go through john 13 to 18 just specifically just that because it fills in a extensive discourse that jesus presented the disciples and it's recorded by one who is present john himself luke is picking up editorially from you know later from these guys but john was present and there's a very very revealing number of insights he'll talk about the rapture and he'll talk about all kinds of things that will surprise you and in preparation of next time i have a test question for you it'll be on the final exam name someone that god loves and did not pray for so we'll go next time we'll go to the upper room discourse john 13 17 which some people would call the job description of the holy spirit jesus is leaving he's leaving the description a job description of the one that's going to take to step in on his behalf that's next time let's stand for a closing word of prayer so father we just thank you for your word especially the events that are recorded of this final week this climactic week we pray father that you would help us understand more fully this very special remembrance that we've referred to as koinonia or communion we thank you father you have bonded us together with him through this observance we pray father that each time we do it every time we take advantage of this we'll do so reverently and with a little further insight as to what it portends for each one of us we thank you father for these very very special chapters we pray father that through your holy spirit you'll help each of us to better apprehend just what it is you would have of us in the days that remain as we right now commit ourselves into your hands without any reservation whatsoever indeed in the name of yeshua our lord our savior our kinsmen redeemer in whose name we do pray amen [Music] you
Channel: Adam Champion
Views: 145
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: F93SlEHnlEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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