MATTHEW (22 of 24) - Chuck Missler

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[Music] well let's uh start with the word of prayer inspire hearts father we just praise you for who you are we thank you that your kingdom and no accidents no coincidences that we're all here right now by your divine appointment we would just simply pray father your purpose would be accomplished in each of our lives this night as we commit ourselves and this time into your hands in jesus name amen well we are in section 22 in the gospel of matthew in which we're going to explore the night of nights gethsemane and the three jewish trials that occur during the night before sunup where of course in the final week matthew finishes up in chapter 28. we've been through the triumphal entry the olivet discourse the last seder a few sessions ago and the next session we'll have the crucifix the one after that we'll finish it up with the resurrection but we're also taking a look as we go with the parallel accounts in mark and in luke and john and we finished now with the events that occurred at the lord at the last supper in the upper room we even took a detour and took some time to quickly skim through superficially of course but still skim through the upper room discourse as recorded uniquely in john but that now brings us to the night of nights as they cross over the book kidron and head into the place we call gethsemane we had been through chapter 26 of matthew down through the institute of the lord's supper and what we've got left is the guard of gethsemane his arrest accusation the nile of peter which constitute the remainder of the chapter that we had not gotten to so far and the night of nights gethsemane is recorded in four gospels obviously and there's elements of jewish trials actually three of them among the four gospels we're going to take a look at each one of these matthew 26 then cometh jesus with them unto a place called gethsemane and and saith unto the disciples sit you here while i go and pray yonder gethsemane an oil press and indeed oil is a symbol of the holy spirit and clearly this was a high pressure uh time for our lord and uh gethsemane was something you crushed you crushed olives with to get the oil out of them and so they took with him peter and two sons of zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy all twelve are they all all 11 of the 12 are there but three of them are closer in are the insider group he took with a little further in with it where in the in the grove there uh peter and the two sons of zebedee james and john and began to be sorrowful and very heavy strong language why is he depressed why is the lord depressed because he knows what's coming and we even to this day probably have the haven't got the slightest clue then say at the end of them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death carry ye here and watch with me simple request that's what he asked for and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying oh my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as thou wilt understand what he's saying here if there's any other way let's take it is there any way out is it does this really have to be is this the only way we're going to accomplish this thing father if it be possible let this cup pass from me he's asking to get off the hook if there's some other way to accomplish the same thing nevertheless not as i will but as thou wilt he's going to pray that intensely three times we need to understand that when people talk about universalism well there's many paths to god if there are god's prayer was not answered here jesus jesus prayer to god was not answered here and he cometh unto his disciples and findeth them asleep and saith unto peter what could ye not watch with me one hour if peter had been on his toes and did little more than just watch as he probably would have been better equipped to meet the evening's challenges which obviously he blew badly he was sleeping when he should have been praying he said watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak boy does that summarize all of us huh cups this cup that my father has given me a cup may pass for me in this the cup of salvation psalm 116 the cup of the tribulation it's just an idiom for something implicitly distasteful that you're going to have to endure he went away the second time and prayed saying oh my father this cup may not pass away from me except i drink it thy will be done same essential prayer and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy and he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words we're going to learn something about that from the doctor doctor's account we're going to read here shortly dr luke then cometh even his disciples and say them sleep on now and take your rest behold the hours at hand and the son of man is betrayed in the hands of sinners sleep on now sleeping still it's not an instruction it's just an observation and while he yet spake lo judas one of the twelve came and with him a great multitude of with swords and staves from the chief priests and the elders of the people so judas comes to do his deed now he that betrayed him gave them a sign saying whomsoever i shall kiss that same as he hold him fast and for with he came to jesus and said hail master then calm lord hail master and kissed him and she said friend wherefore out thou come then came they and laid hands on jesus and took him the word friend there's actually companion it's not the same word as calling his disciples friends it's a different word altogether that was used in the upper room discourse and behold one of them which were with jesus stretched out his hand drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priests and smote off his ear we'll learn from one of the other accounts who was that you know how you can you can guess right if you didn't know but obviously yes it is peter then said jesus and then put up again thy sword into its place for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword things though that i cannot now pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels now angels are pretty formidable creatures one angel after night for dinner as i mentioned several times has slaughtered 185 000 syrian uh army guys wiped them out that's just one and a legion is nominally six thousand twelve that's about seventy seven two thousand eight angels would have been more than enough to inch as if christ needed any help at all we'll see that but he makes his point obviously but how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be in that same hour jesus said to the multitudes are you come out against a thief with swords and staves for to take me i sat daily with you teaching the temple and you laid no hold on me but all this was done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled then all the disciples first took him and fled and they that laid hold on jesus led him away to caiaphas the high priest where the scribes and the elders were assembled but peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace and went in and sat with the servants to see the end big mistake big mistake for lots of reasons he wasn't prepared to do that now the chief priests and elders and all the councils sought false witness against jesus to put him to death but they found none yea though many false witnesses came yet found they none that that is that would agree at the last came two false witnesses and said this fellow said i am able to destroy the temple of god and to build it in three days that's not exactly what he said but that's the whole point the high priest arose and said unto him answer this thou nothing what is it which these witnesses against thee what is it which these witness against thee but jesus held his peace which incidentally was prophesied by isaiah in isaiah 53 you want to read that as part of your background here as the lamb before shear is dumb so he opened not his mouth and so on but jesus held his peace and the high priest answered and said to him get this now i adjure thee by the living god that thou tell us whether thou be the christ the son of god the high priest is putting him under oath it will be required under the law for jesus to answer and he will if you want this is the if you want the full wording i adjure thee by the living god in whose office i stand under whose power we all are before whom thou also stand us who know us the truth and judges between us and thee that thou tellest this holy sanhedrin now here as before god the truth jesus was required by law to respond leviticus 5 1 first kings 22 elsewhere jesus said to him you said it buddy mr translation sent him thou hast said nevertheless i say unto you hereafter shall ye see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power coming in the clouds of heaven this is jesus saying this under oath in this trial jesus never said he was god have you heard some jerk say that if they if he didn't say that why did they crucify him what was the charge then the high priest ran his clothes saying he hath spoken blasphemy what further need have we of witnesses behold now ye have heard his blasphemy what think he they answered and said he is guilty of death then did they spit in his face buffeted him and others smote him with the palms of their hands saying prophesy unto us thou christ who is he that spoke thee continuing now outside now peter sat without in the palace and the damsel came on them saying thou also west with jesus of galilee but he denied before them all saying i know not what thou sayeth and he's gone out into the porch another maid saw him and said to him that we're there this fellow was also with jesus of nazareth and again he denied it with an oath i do not know the man and after a while came unto him they that stood by and said to peter surely thou all sort one of them for thy speech bereth thee revealed he has a galilean had a unique accent if you will then began here to curse and swear saying i know not the man and immediately the crew man that must have shook him up peter remembered the word of jesus which said unto him before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice and he went out and he wept bitterly can you imagine peter he re suddenly realizes what a deep holies dug himself he as the lord predicted the fact that he did is bad enough but then he also realized that's exactly what jesus predicted he would do i'll bet you that that was probably the lowest that peter ever felt in his entire life now that the day will come in a few days they're going to be up in the galilee and jesus is going to restore him by the sea of galilee after breakfast but that's gonna be a long time be a long wait till he gets there mark 14. let's shift over to mark and see what mark says about the same thing here jesus said to him backing up now all ye shall be offended because of me this night for his written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered but after that i am risen i will go before you into galilee and peter sent him although all shall be offended yet will not i and jesus said in them verily this entity that this day even in this night before the crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice but he spake them more vehemently and if i should die with thee i will not deny thee in any wise and likewise said they all marks the shooting script mark adds details when they sit on grass it's green grass and so on and mark picks up the fact that before the crows twice he'll know me three times and uh so if you're going to do the movie you know you got to stick to mark's scripture that's cool and they came to a place which was named gethsemane and he said to say i will sit here while i pray and he'd take it with him peter james and john began to be sore amazed and to be very heavy and see if my soul is exceedingly sorrowful unto death carry you here and watch he simply wanted them to be with him but he was alone he was alone ii corinthians 5 says for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him you and i have no capacity to imagine what it means to have jesus christ a holy god made to be sin for us and we can't begin to grasp that galatians 3 13 christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed as everyone hangeth on a tree heavy stuff jesus knows what's coming he went forward a little fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass from him he said abba father all things are possible unto thee take away this cup from me nevertheless not what i will but what th what thou wilt you come with finding them sleeping senator peter sleepest thou because not watch one hour watching pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit truly is ready but the flesh is weak and again he went away and prayed and spake the same words and when he returned he found them asleep again before their eyes were heavy neither was they what to answer them they didn't have any they had no excuse they hadn't didn't know what to say you come to the third time and say then sleep on now and take your rest it is enough the hours come behold the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners rise up let us go low he that betrayeth me is at hand immediately while he yet spake cometh judas one of the twelve and within a great multitude of swords and slaves from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders and he that betrayed him and given them his token saying whomsoever i shall kiss that same as he take him lead him away safely and as soon as he was come he goes straightway to him said master master kissed him and they laid hands on him and took him pretty straightforward one of them stood by to a sword sword of servant of the high priest and cut off his ear jesus said are ye come out as against thief with swords and saves take me i was daily with you in the temple teaching as you took me not but the scriptures must be fulfilled and they all forsook him and fled and there followed him now this is unique to mark here and there followed him a certain young man having a linen cloth cast about his naked body and the young men laid hold on him and he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked and if you're doing this in hollywood i'm sure they'll include this scene just now some suspect that this young man was mark himself he's the only one recording this particular detail the upper room some scholars believe was the belong to john to his father john mark and that's probably where judas led the soldiers first until he got here and uh he may have hastily put on a outer garment and uh followed them out to the garden but then when he fled he had just his outer garment that he left in their hands when he ran but that's just a conjecture by some scholars it's colorful but who knows and they led jesus away to the high priest and with him were assembled all the chief priests and the elders and scribes and peter followed him from far off even under the palace of the high priest and he sat with the servants and warmed himself with the fire and the chief priests and all the councils sought for witness against jesus to put him to death and found none and many bear false witness against him but their witnesses agreed not together they were at rose certain a bear false witness against him saying you heard him say i will destroy this temple which is made with hands and within three days i'll build another without hands but neither so did their witnesses agree together and the high priest stood up in the midst and asked jesus saying answers thou nothing what is it which these witnesses against thee but he held his peace and answered nothing and again the high priest asked him said on them art thou the christ the son of the blessed jesus said i am and you shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and the coming in the clouds of heaven mark's gospel is probably peter's summary and many people believe he's the secretary for peter in this gospel that's why the matthew account since he took shorthand and he's also a levi is has a more detailed eye journey by the living god and so forth anyway the high priest ran his clothes that's against the law by the way but he did and said what need we any further witnesses you have heard the blasphemy what thank you and they all condemned him to be guilty of death and some began to spit on him to cover his face to buffet him and to send him prophesy and thy servants that strike him with the palms of their hands and it says peter was beneath in the palace there cometh one of the maids of the high priest when they saw peter warming himself he looked upon him said thou also was with jesus of nazareth and he denied saying i know not neither understand what uh neither understand i without sayest and he went out in the porch and the crew and they made saw him again and began to say to him that stood by this is one of them and he denied it again and a little after they stood by said again to peter surely thou art one of them thou art a galilean and thy speech agreeeth thereto but he began accursed to swear saying i know not of this man whom you speak and the second time the crew and peter called to mind the word which jesus said unto him before the crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice and when he thought thereon he wept slight difference subtle differences in the account which if nothing else certainly seems to indicate a lack of collusion between them exactly they did a crow once or twice and when was the second time you can you know fill libraries with those conjectures but in any case uh he wept jesus death was no accident his words at the last supper make no sense at all if he was not the master of his own death let's understand that he maintains sovereign premeditated precise mastery at every step he's in charge we'll see it here as they try to arrest him and so forth a god who is in control when the foundation of his own earthly existence are crumbling is the god who can be trusted to sustain us when it appears that our life is tumbling in to really understand that even in these dark times jesus is in control it's important to really understand that let's take a quick snapshot of luke slightly different perspective when he was at the palace he said to them pray that he entered out into temptation he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast kneeled down and prayed saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thine be down there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening him the others don't mention that luke does luke emphasizes angels in both his gospel and the book of acts interesting aspect of luke and being in agony prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground dr luke's remark there's not a layman talking here this is dr luke hamatidrosis i guess i understand pronouncing it properly it's under great emotional stress tiny blood vessels rupture in the sweat glands and produce a mixture of blood and sweat it fascinates me that the rabbis in passover to this day they add warm water to the wine and the rabbinical literature is full of speculations they don't know why they do it they have speculations why they think they do it but they add warm water to the wine and passover if they're doing it in the orthodox way and we really won't understand that until we get to matthew 27 when the sight is pierced and water and blood come out together so this is all part of the all part of the syndrome that being involved here and when he arose up from prayer and was come to his disciples he found them sleeping for sorrow and he said to them why sleepy rise and pray unless he entered into temptation and while he had spake build a multitude and he that was called judas one of the twelve went before them do near unto jesus to kiss him and but jesus said unto them judas betrayest thou the son of man with a kiss when they were which were about him saw what would follow they said on them lord shall we smite with the sword and one of them smote the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear and jesus answered and said suffer ye thus far and he touched the ear and healed him it's a good thing too you see this is peter i suspect he missed the swords they had about 24 inches weighed about five points was designed for splitting a skull that was wearing a helmet and he apparently missed this guy and it got his ear and he was sleeping when he should have been praying but in any case uh jesus saves his life by healing the hype the the sir the servant of the high priest's ear otherwise they would have taken there probably would have been four crosses that next day on the hill jesus said of the chief priests the captains of the temple and the elders which would come to him be come out as against a thief with swords and staves when i was daily with you in the temple he stretched forth no hands against me but this is your hour and the power of darkness then took they him and led him and brought him into the high priest's house and peter followed afar off and when they had kindle a fire in the midst of the hall they were set down together peter sat down among them big mistake but a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire earnest he looked upon him and said this man was also with him but unite him saying woman i know not i know him not and after a little while another saw him said thou art also him peter said i i am not about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed saying of a truth this fellow was with him he is a gal galilean peter said man i know not what thou sayest immediately while he had spake the crew and the lord the lord turned and looked upon peter we assume that he was being led to the other place because the lord somehow had a distance the lord could look and turn and peter saw that he was seen and peter remembered the word of the lord how he had said unto him before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice and peter went out and wept bitterly i imagine he did six trials and uh the jewish trials take place before sunup we'll take a look at them the men that held jesus mocked him and smote him and when they blindfolded him they struck him on the face ask him saying prophesy who is he that smote thee and many other things they blasphemy spake they against him and as soon as it was day the elders of the people the chief priests and scribes came together and led him into their counsel saying art thou the christ tell us he said unto them if i tell you you will not believe and if i also ask you you will not answer me nor let me go hereafter shall the son of man sit on the right hand of the power of god. and then said they all art thou them the son of god he said to them ye say that i am that would you said it and they said what need we for any further witness we ourselves have heard of his mouth self-incrimination was prohibited under their law virtually all the aspects of all six trials that jesus endured were illegally administered now the religious trial is now over the next step will be to take the criminal trial before the civil authorities the romans in other words because only they could execute him for death and interestingly enough even though it's prophesied in the bible all through the old testament the method was invented only a century earlier even though it had been prophesied 800 years earlier in psalm 22 and elsewhere it's interesting to understand that the scepter departs let's talk a little bit about archelaus was the second son of herod the great the older son was murdered in the family because that was very commonly done it turns out archelaus's mother was only a was a samaritan one quarter or less jewish so he's they therefore archelaus was never really accepted and after the death of herod and four bc archelaus had been placed over judea by caesar augustus but he was broadly rejected and so he was dethroned and banished between 6 and 7 a.d and a roman takes charge a guy by the name a procurator by the name of caponeus this is before pilot obviously and the legal power of the sanhedrin was immediately restricted and the adjudication of capital cases was lost there between the 6th and 7th a.d this was normal roman policy you can see this in josephus wars of the jews and also in the jerusalem talmud and he is recorded now it's interesting because when the members of sanhedrin found themselves deprived of their right over life and death they did an interesting thing that's recorded in the talmud they covered their bodies with ashes and sackcloths and they marched around jerusalem bemoaning saying woe unto us for the scepter has departed from judah and messiah has not cut not come what's bothering them is genesis 49 10 jacob had prophesied that the scepter shall not depart from judah until the messiah comes still shall come and they recognize that was a messianic prophecy the scepter now had departed because they under juice gladiator they can no longer administer uh capital punishment and that was the so they they literally thought the word they thought the word of god had been broken what they didn't know that there was a young boy being raised up in nazareth at that time okay let's look at john's account when jesus spoke in these words he went forth with his disciples with the bulkhedron was in the garden in which he entered his disciples and judas also which betrayed him knew the place for jesus often resorted thither with his disciples judas then having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and pharisees these are temple guards these aren't roman guards these are jewish guards in effect cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons now there's two gardens in view here the original garden eden was delightful this is all terrible adam and eve parlayed with satan last adam sought the face of his father adam sinned the savior suffered adam fell redeemer conquered contrast here one by day one by night adam fell before satan the soldiers fell before christ the race was lost all of them were none lost adam took the fruit from eve's hand christ received the cup from his father's hand adam hit himself christ boldly showed himself god sought adam the last adam sought god adam was driven christ was led the sword was drawn and the one sword was sheathed and the other interesting contrast anyway move on jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him went forth and said to them home seek ye the answer is him jesus of nazareth he said to him i am he and jesus also which betrayed him stood with him and as soon as he had said unto them i am he they went backward and fell to the ground now by the way this is not being slain in the spirit despite the foolishness that you see going on in a number of places there's there's no connection if you will that's all i'm going to say about that um yeah we'll leave that alone then i ask you them again whom seek ye and they said jesus of nazareth he's answered i have told you that i am he if therefore ye seek me let these go their way who's giving the orders i thought they were in charge i thought they came to arrest him who's giving the orders see before they bind bind his hands he binds theirs that these go their way that the saying might be fulfilled which you speak of them which thou gives me have i lost none then simon peter having a sword drew it there it tells us who and smote the high priest servant and cut off his right ear the earth servant's name was malcus which implies that john must have known the guy then said jesus unto peter put up thy sword and thy seat the cup which my father hath given me shall i not drink it then the band and the captain the officers of the jews took jesus and bound him led him away to anna's first for he was father-in-law to caiaphas which was the high priest that same year i'll explain the differences here in a minute uh band of men by the way uh well let's not get in let's keep moving now caiaphas was he which gave counsel to the jews that it was expedient that one man should die for the people previously in in the meetings when they were talking about planning to take jesus caiaphas made a prophecy he said it would be expedient for one man to die for the people he meant it in one way he probably had no concept that how how prophetic what he was saying really was annis served from 86 to 15 he was deposed by pilate's predecessor valerius gratis although he's still very influential he's the one that the jews really look to as the leader i'll explain why in a minute he's still he's the vice president of sanhedrin he's the patriarch of a family that held the office of high priest as late as a.d 62 that's when james gets killed later and so on including five sons and a son-in-law and he probably it was his family that had the graft the money changes and all that going on we'll get to caiaphas here in a little bit and seven peter followed jesus and so did another disciple and that disciple was known unto the high priest and went in with jesus into the palace of the high priest most people assume that this was john i don't happen to think so john was a poor fisherman of galilee he was not from jerusalem in the first place and as in fact as a galilean he would have been recognized as peter was as a galilean and john also always referred to himself as the the disciple that jesus loved and according to acts 4 13 the high priest was not personally acquainted with either peter peter or john so i suspect i don't know that this other disciple might have been joseph of arimathea or even nicodemus perhaps because he's obviously a follower and yet um coming forward here we'll see so but peter stood at the door without then went out that other disciple which is known unto the high priest to spake unto her that kept the door and brought in peter so whoever that is that other disciple apparently had some some leverage some clout some access then said that damsel that kept the door unto peter are not thou also one of this man's disciples he said i am not the servants the officer stood there who made a fire of coals for it was cold they warmed themselves and peter stood with them and warmed himself and the high priest and asked you sleeping inside now the high priest asked jesus of his disciples and of his doctrine jesus answered him i spake openly to the world i ever taught the synagogue and in the temple whether the jews always resort and in secret have i said nothing why asketh thou me ask them which heard me what i have said unto them behold they know what i said why don't you get your witnesses and when he had thus spoken one of the officers which stood by struck jesus with the palm of his hand saying answers thou the high priest so he's answering if i have spoken evil bear witness of the evil but if well why spider thou me now annas had sent him bound unto caiaphas the high priest simon peter stood and warmed himself and said therefore unto him art not thou also one of his disciples he denied it and said i am not one of the disciples of the high priest being his kinsmen whose ear peter had cut off said did not i see thee in the garden with him peter denied again immediately the crew apparel to the previous accounts then led they jesus from caiaphas into the hall of judgment that's the roman hall and it was early so now we're early morning here and they themselves went not into the judgment hall unless they should be defiled but that they might eat the passover they can't enter gentile property they can't observe passwords they can have this illegal trial condemning a guy to death and they don't mind that at all but they don't dare violate these little rules that they can't cross that threshold because they then wouldn't be eligible to observe passover bizarre really but sanhedrin had a quorum of 23 and only needed a majority of two required so as few as 13 people could have decided this the fate of all of this now caiaphas was the guys that the romans appointed uh each year they appointed him on acts 4 6 in contrast to the law which says that it would be until death in exodus 40 and so on but many jews resented the roman interference into the office so even though caiaphas was the official appointee by rome into this job his father-in-law annas was they felt was their real high priest but they're both in cahoots here anyway so and they both are going to stand someday before jesus christ can you imagine that scene now caiaphas says his real name was joseph held office from 18-36 and according to josephus and other rabbinic writings he had reputation for intrigue bribery and love of money and what have you we have some lessons for peter let's just summarize it as we go here the danger of self-confidence that was probably his primary thing the consequences of prayerlessness boy both of these should be pinching each of our shoes we all have a tendency lean on self-confidence in our nature and all of us in this room could pray more in fact should be praying more than we do could he not watch for one hour there's another thing he even there it it's foolish to be hanging around with the wicked he's going to get himself in these confrontations that he's not going to be able to handle and then of course the influence of the fear of man the fear of man bringeth the snare but who's to put his trust in the lord shall be saved how we need to cling to that one to trust god not ourselves but i want to talk about these six trials before anis then before caiaphas and and then before the sanhedrin as we've just seen profiled in the uh sessions we've seen we're going to see as the day breaks three more before the romans and that's going to be in the next session but before we get there i want to summarize the legalities that we've just traced through here the binding of a prisoner before he was condemned was unlawful unless resistance was offered or expected jesus offered none so the very binding hymn was against the law it was illegal for judges to participate in the arrest of the accused there are no legal transaction no legal transaction including a trial could be conducted at night that was illegal the very fact that it was at night was illegal the arrest was affected through the agency of an informer and a traitor while an acquittal could be pronounced the same day any other verdict required a majority of two and had to come on a subsequent day that's the way the law worked all these things are being violated no prisoner could be convicted on his own evidence these are we take these things common in our legal system because we derive from what's called english common law and the english common law derived from the judeo-christian traditions that preceded it and they these are all entitlements that were operative or should have been operative at this time it was the duty of the judge to see that the interest of the accused was fully protected that's what he's all about that's the concept preliminary hearings before a magistrate were completely foreign to the jewish legal system they had to adopt that because they didn't have the power to execute the judgment that they had already decided on before the trial took place namely death the judges sought false witnesses against jesus that's against the law in a jewish court the accused was to be assumed innocent until proven guilty by two or more witnesses didn't happen here the jews failed to find two witnesses agreeing against jesus obviously when the witnesses first disagreed the prisoner should have been released the trial in caiaphas took place in his home rather than the council chamber where it should have been held technicality but still operative the court lacked the civil authority to condemn a man to death and we just went through that with caponeus and all that it was illegal to conduct a session of the court on a feast day a guilty verdict was rendered without evidence the balloting was illegal it should have begun by role with the youngest voting first the sentence is finally passed in the palace of the high priest but the law demanded it be pronounced in the temple in the hall of hume stone the high priest carries his garment that itself was against the law he has never permitted to tear his official robe leviticus 21 10. and if he hadn't on his priestly robe he couldn't have put christ under oath we know in other words because he put christ under oath he had to be wearing his robe and because what he told he was wearing his robe the roby-tor was one it was against the law that's anyway so that's the quick snapshot of the the night of nights in our next session we're going to talk about the crucifixion the trials before pilate and the crucifixion and so i want you to read the matthew 27 mark 15 luke 23 and the rest of john 18 for the crucifixion and i guess john 19 2. i forgot put that down and i also want you to read if you get a chance put your notes read psalm 22 it reads as if it was dictated while he hung on the cross and isaiah 53 which some people call the holiest of holy of the old testament only 12 verses but it'll blow you away what we'll discover there so that's for next time let's stand for a closing word of prayer i've resisted the temptation to synchronize all of those into just one narrative i realize it's a little repetitive but i think there's a value in going verse by verse to each of the accounts to get as full of picture as we can the night of nights let's borrow hearts father we just thank you for your word we thank you father that jesus went all the way for us we thank you father that you allowed him to endure these things on our behalf we thank you father for a gift that we can't possibly fully imagine but we thank you that you've gone to such extremes on our behalf we pray father through your holy spirit you would just increase in each of us a hunger an awareness an appetite for your word that we might more fully comprehend these wondrous things we also ask father through your holy spirit through your word you would help each of us be obedient to your call help us to discern to hear to understand what it is you would have of each of us individually in the days that remain help us father to raise the bar on our personal walk to increase our sensitivity to your heart help us father to identify and shed the baggage that encumbers us from being more effective for you as we just commit ourselves without any reservations whatsoever into your hands in the name of yeshua our lord and savior jesus christ amen [Music] you
Channel: Adam Champion
Views: 147
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: rS5CPqSLxbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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