I Hid From My Wife at Trampoline Park

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this is our warehouse and today I'm going to be building a secret room to hide from my wife recently our warehouse has been broken into and I want to make sure that that never happens again inside the secret room I hit a mystery prize for one of you in the zamfam to win but first I sent Rebecca and zie to Big Bear so let's give them their first clue okay zamfam Matt sent us on a scavenger hunt here in Big Bear and this is the first clue we have I like to be warm I like to be hot go to where you sweat a lot where do you think that is you like to be warm where do I sweat zie the gym I mean you don't sther but Mom does do you think the Clue's in the gym Let's Do It come on while Rebecca is in Big Bear I'm busy building the secret room in a perfect location and I know Rebecca will not be able to fight me okay all right do you see this it's like a paper I don't see it hey maybe it's over here Zam fam do you see anything Z not either well it should have been a clue I like to be warm I like to be hot go to where you sweat wait Zam do you think it's this sauna oh no the builders have been building the secret room while Rebecca's and Big Bear but we have a problem Z look at this the build is complete the builders did an amazing job building the secret room it's in the foam pit though I didn't think about this if someone's jumping on the trampoline look at and they go super far they could almost land on top of the secret room what if my daughter lands on that this is a huge problem I got to figure this out you ready come on oh no dad left his shoes here let's do these you ready to go out you can't step on the water too wet samam fam I really hope it's out there you think it's in the sauna okay the sauna is off so zie can go in okay help me search okay come up here do you see something no oh my gosh zie and finished this is a perfect solution all of these pieces are glued down so nobody could get hurt look at BO it just foam but now I need to quit wasting time on this and go shopping for the secret room it says Come on Barbie let's go party wee where's Barbie Zade what do you have that's Barbie what do you think oh no s just lost the clue it's down there do you have a Barbie slide upstairs upstairs that's where the next clue is tell me where it is Dave slide Barbie slides right here do you see anything come on siee dad has a big price for us look under the slide do you see anything under the slide look up do you see anything oh you found it zie it says I'll be on a rack go to where I midnight snack zie where does Dad snack Pantry Pantry yes okay let's go get a snack I'm not Target I need to get the perfect stuff for inside the secret room so I can last because Rebecca's never going to find me you saw it's plywood so I need a rug I'm pretty sure look at this gray or white you know I'm I'm just going to get both maybe they both will work but at least I have options I need a TV so I can see exactly what's going on and keep myself entertained s comment down below do you think I'm going to be able to hide from my wife I'm setting up a ton of obstacles D show me where the pantry is of course over here this way this way oh man we're not moving that fast with a 2-year-old okay zie look for a piece of paper like these okay we where are they yeah no that looks like waffle mix that we didn't close last time we came up here raisins okay that is a snack but we're looking for a clue you see something zamfam hot chocolate get this at Rebeccas amo.com you guys okay she's not help it's right here it says I like to stay cold but you eat me when it's hot a giant bear outside marks the spot STI did you get the raisins from there you're supposed to be taking a nap soon you eat me when it's hot giant bear outside zie and my's favorite frozen yogurt place bear it's like the bear frozen yogurt here in Big Bear zie oh no she's not going to be able to go she has to take a nap I see the comments you think that Rebecca's probably going to be able to find me so I better make sure that this place is soundproof I have everything I need let's go check out and get back to the warehouse so I can hide from my wife there's a babysitter here that zadee knows I'm going to see if she can stay during Z's nap hey Melissa I was wondering if you might be able to come by my cabin I have to go somewhere but Z's taking a nap are you serious now I'm back from Target it's time to finish the secret room let's get this thing going first order of business is the cloud ceiling let's go oh that's kind of fun look at okay it works okay so I found someone to watch Z but I only have 30 minutes I don't think it's going to take that long this is Barry Bliss that is the bear bear marks the spot so I'm going to get some fro yo and get back home as fast as I can here we go 3 2 1 always wanted to build a secret room and hide from my wife I hope that Rebecca can't find me that means that this is a really awesome awesome secret room but just to make it more difficult I'm going to set up some decoys this is my favorite frozen yogurt place so I'm going to get something for me and for zie to have when she gets up okay Z likes that but I like cookies and cream we'll compromise we're going to do vanilla be honestly I should be looking for clue right now but you know girls hungry plus I have 30 minutes I can do both in time now some toppings let me know if you see any papers at all kind of like making this for me but I'm going to let Z have a bite hopefully there's some left ooh Reese's Pieces sprinkles this is the perfect snowy day to have spr yo I've seen a ton of cloud ceilings before but I've never seen a fire cloud ceiling so I'm going to make this super fire in here check this out this is going to really Elevate the secret room here we go I'm just going to kind of like sing the edges here oh it's burning it's burning it's on fire why didn't I think of this sooner the bear so right here everyone's looking at me cuz I'm getting frozen yogurt in the winter F like that's it I did it I found the clue let's get back into the car cuz it is freezing and fixed the firecloud ceiling was a terrible idea I just wasted about like 30 minutes to an hour now let's get back to the house for the next clue it says you like to shop there for toys and clothes awkward dance there and see how it goes you like to shop there wait that's another location that's outside shop where do I the kids St wearing by Z's clothes and sometimes they have clothes for me that means I have to get to the store and get back less than 10 minutes before the babysitter has to leave and boom everything is all set up inside of the secret room come here I'm going to show you a tour okay so I'm here at Michaela's this is my favorite place in Big Bear to shop for S and I need to move fast to get that next oh it's so much warmer in here look baking set this is so cute okay wait I need to focus hey hi so uh this might not make sense when I have to oh thank God that would have been so awkward yay okay congrats you did it but there is no more time to rest come back to the warehouse for your final test we going all the way back to Los Angeles I got to get zavie and uh thank you guys should check out this store when you're in Big Bear the TV is all set up and I can watch Netflix all day or spy on whoever comes inside of here looking for the secret room okay Z we have to get back to the warehouse for the final surprise but when you were taking a nap mom got something do you want a bite yes okay this is your favorite place ooh oh you took a big bite it's C we got to stop coloring on our hands okay okay after this we have to go back to the warehouse cuz Dad has a big surprise for us okay I should probably give Dad a call right Sam F every good secret room deserves an awesome sign this is SLE all day just like Ben asler a secret room would not be complete without fully stocked bridge and of course I got snacks phone springing look let see what this is It's Rebecca she's probably having a super hard time trying to find all those clues that I HIIT for her hey Matt how's it going it's going good okay well we found all the Clues here and now we are heading back to the warehouse right now isn't that what I'm supposed to do we were supposed to do the scavenger hunt and go there yeah I I'll see you soon okay I cannot wait for the mystery friiz oh my gosh they're going to be here in less than 2 hours I don't have enough time to sit up all the decoys got to get out of here all right looks like Zade and I are heading back you heard what Rebecca said she's going to be here in less than 2 hours she's on her way back from Big Bear I have to set everything up I don't have enough time Maddie you're going to be the big surprise so when Rebecca opens this door just pop her with that thing okay you got it get in there Zam famam this is going to be so epic I can't wait for Rebecca's reaction all right Zam famam the secret room is all built I have everything that I need in here to hide from my wife I think that this is the best hiding spot ever and she's not going to find me but if my calculations are correct she's going to be here in just one second I really hope this works there's no way she's going to find me okay she's arriving we're here at the warehouse Matt where are you pick up the walkie T you hear it Matt what are you doing if you want to win the prize for the Zam famam you have to find me in 10 minutes or less and if you find a punishment you have to do it wait 10 minutes s this surprise is for for the Zam fam okay Matt's doing hide and seek safe comment down below zamfam do you think Rebecca's going to be able to find me in my secret room and would you want to go to a trampoline park like this for 24 hours look this refrigerator mom built a secret room into the Barbie room do you remember samam looks like she's going to the refrigerator first I can't wait till she sees what the surprises inside of there hey Z you ready to go into the secret room to see Dad okay okay oh wait it was this side okay you ready wa oh yes yes the balloons just got out what what are those D B balloons there's more do you want to wear one dad tricked us s loves the balloons oh that's awesome Rebecca remember I said if you see a punishment you have to do it wait bacon soda wait until she tries this soda no way mom is going to drink this do tricked us he tricked us oh man do you want to try a sip you do it's bacon soda okay a very little sip cuz you're not technically allowed but I'll give you a little flavor ew you don't like that please say you don't like that do you like it more raisin more raisins yeah you got to get the bacon taste out of your mouth Rebecca you're wasting time remember I said only 10 minutes okay zie you have to get a prize for the Zam she's going to the phone but she's taking a lot of time Matt is probably in here he knows zie loves this do you want to go inside no I can't can't wait till she sees what's inside of that look it says caution I bet that's because there's something in here all right Matt where are you da dad is not in here but you know what is shock roulette have you seen this before she got the shock roulette there's a one and three chance that she's going to get shocked right here please don't get chocked oh that's got to hurt oh my goodness don't worry Zade I'm okay okay let's keep seing there is no way that she's going to be able to find me inside of here you want me to climb in there she's going to the tent perfect she hasn't even gotten close to where I'm at yet I do not think that Matt is inside this tent but Zade wants me to go so I'm going to check it out just in case I really hope there's not a punishment okay Zade look Z nothing's in here at all oh my gosh oh my god oh the spider got her spider don't worry Z it's not a real spider wait a second she doesn't see the punishment Rebecca what I think you're missing the punishment in the back this is going to be good the punish stop no way a skura of bugs I do I I don't actually have to eat these do I only if you want to find me oh oh she's eating them oh oh that's a beetle zie where's Dad there in the boxes okay come on let's find him reminds me delicious good thing I put that fridge in here you know what s okay she's going over the boxes Daddy's hiding I'm going to trick him and I'm going to hit the boxes okay St back oh my God Who come out man she's really going after those box what is that oh what is that smell bab not going to like what's inside of here this is going to make her angry smells like fart spray that was fart spray I guess Dad is not here and that definitely was the punishment I am so glad I'm inside the secret room right now and not out there you know what Satie there's two places over here that we have not looked and the first one is that coffin okay oh she's going to the coffin this is my biggest surprise yet I can't wait to see your reaction Kane Z keep searching that mat is definitely hiding in this coffin and I'm about to get you guys whatever the surprise is 3 2 1 Maddie what are you doing here got you but if you want to reverse one of MTH punishments use this she got the wait Maddy gave her Uno reverse card no can you help me shut the door oh yeah I didn't talk about with Maddie that wasn't part of this what does the Uno reverse card mean this is great it's a reverse card but I have to use this wisely because I only have one of them so Matt get ready cuz you might get pranked soon look Sam famam Rebecca you only have 4 minutes left Z wait right there let's go to the bathroom 3 2 1 one got you hey that was an epic surprise Matt is an impostor understand that she doesn't like the decoy but she's not going to like this punishment lick the toilet oh gosh where do I lick I I'm not moving this thing this thing is is creepy this is like a creepy female version of Matt and I am not here for it okay you know what I'm just going right here 3 2 1 is that poop oh like the toilet I've had to do that before I think that's fake oh my gosh I'm glad zie wasn't in here for this zie mom's coming Rebecca you have 3 minutes left can I make a deal with you zie I put you in the box and then we go through Locker here quickly we are running out of time to find dad you having fun yeah yes right there I'm going to check lockers right here it's a locker they're getting close now let me see in here oh my I think we might have found dad just walk right through there there's no more spray I think Mom got the punishment just climb on through wo dad wo W wao look at all the balls baby okay careful Zade good girl okay wait the trampoline Okay Zade look this might be it has dad been hiding under the trampoline oh no Truth or Dare tick Tok Rebecca 1 minute left what's a truth card why is there a pregnancy test show the results of your last pregnancy test I'm sorry uh zum I am going to do the Dare survive the pregnancy simulator you know what I have my reverse card so I'm going to take this for when I find and he's going to have to do it I didn't see you do the punishment we're not having much luck maybe you can help me find Dad zie if I were a 2-year-old where would I look for my dad does not look like she's going to make it in time let's surprise her 10 9 oh no8 where seven okay um 5 I don't know what there is pck two 1 I don't know where there is stop the ultimate secret room oh my gosh Zade was like pointing I think zie knew did you know how did you no no finish look at this this is the price for the Z famam if you would have found me in time no that's not fair I did my best I had a 2-year-old with me well I agree it's not fair I built the most amazing secret room that is awesome check this out but since I'm a nice guy I'm going to let the Zam famam win this prize right now what what is it check this out it's a brand new iPhone stop okay before you find out how you can win this Max I got the reverse card and I was doing a lot of punishment so looks like you're taking a pregnancy simulator to come on okay Matt it's on five this is the strongest it can go let's test this out this is what it was like with zie oh is it that bad it's bad it's bad tell them how to win the iPhone okay all you have to do is to be subscribed have notifications on and comment below the best way to contact you on social media I can't wait to see which one of you wins that I hello can I get out of the coffin get me out of this stop it
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 701,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: built, secret, room, trampoline park, hid, from, dad, mom, daughter, matt slays, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: ZQicEvaIue0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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