Matt loses control of his players | Very Serious DnD RP | Critical Role C2E96 Highlight

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I'm going to take four underwear that I find and just leave it in weird places in the house a subterranean temple to the wild mother the south end of wild mountain you gather within a short time of searching the people here probably not that into underwear there's just none they're probably free-balling I don't know what that means all these people with no undies you not know yeah of course what of course I'm not answering this question are they are they like huggers I bet their hungers I'm gonna Majan huggers yeah me too you know if she went to a huggers you know it would hug their baby - we're huggers if you want it - you do you do you rock it Kim oh I don't understand Sam oh I have pants on yeah why would you need pads under the band so what do you need an extra extra piece for it's a really good question I didn't want it's just poop your pair like an extra pair of under pants pants underneath I mean if technically what they are yeah I am already back to Caleb I'm going to draw statue of the traveler about like this big and I've realized if I draw it just right yes with the hood and the Cape you can make a nice little thing out of it somewhere the silhouette that be thick and then with the Cape I'm going to make it open up just a little bit the bottom so it looks like the road going up and I'm going to make the archway like in gray I'm gonna make it look really beautiful a really pretty thick statue of the traveller so very quietly yeah I want to see if I'm very gently going to try and find where where Calliope is is is sleeping and it just to see if she's asleep which I'm very quietly you go and kind of walk across the area keeping an eye out and you pass by the exterior of the central temple structure and you see a figure kind of sitting on the edge of the water and can they look closely and you can tell from this distance which isn't too far and with kind of the glow from the water the temple faith and base water itself this appears to be a Calliope kind of sitting along the edge toes kind of dipped into the pool it's kind of looking into it quietly as I'm as I can I'm going to very very gently quietly walk up to her without disturbing her okay yeah you approach and you can see the she's so they were just kind of holding this single crystal she's kind of like looking at the water and looking at the crystal structure above her sighs very heavily there's no one else around at the moment no other than no one who's not petrified at least I'm very quietly so slowly get as close as I can and remove the bone flute from my pocket well Estella check for me seduces waiting so long for this Oh nineteen or you were not the most quiet individual you in your life you've you've frightened times and with destruction you've been you've been helpful and in this moment this soft smile the wild lover who looks upon there as your feet touch soft and earth just enough carried on the bottom that when you touch the stone of the interior the temple Neriah sound is made alive he is none the wiser of your presence as you approach but a foot and a half behind her she sits there her token of curling in the water you can hear she begins to whisper a silent prayer she throws I run she gets better than pol she chases you I got you something I'll stop at the path the front of the cave because I definitely know she can everyone okay ethics check nine he knocks your ass to the ground she full-on like tackled charges you you fall on the ground you both kind of tumble a bit you fawn deer back and she stands up and puts her foot on your chest wet just her hair just so done in front of her face look I've been carrying that things were so long I was gonna thank you was you enjoyed that it's coming back to you it's all coming back to you it's like I hold it up the crystal no I hold up actually hold up the bone flip the bone clue she takes it where the hell did you get this oh around it's mine now until you earn it back be a shame if something happens to Colton tomorrow and I start to get up pick up the crystal just saying make string save intro 12 table she sweeps your legs out from under you you fall right to the ground again this is gonna oh oh oh man I've missed you she reaches down and puts her hand out and picks you up I missed you too Clark she hugged back and then I kind of a side hug but like kind of gives into it he's such such a you I think I've gotten a weirder I know all right what have your friends done to you is they're very strange especially the blue one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nico Neilson
Views: 395,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Map, Vlog, Funny, opinions, Weird, awesome, creative, confident, random, topics, Critical, Role, CriticalRole, DuneonsandDragons, Dungeons, and, Dragons, Matthew, Mercer, Marisha, Ray, Travis, Willingham, Liam, Obrian, Sam, Riegel, Taliesin, Jaffe, Ashley, Johnson, Laura, Bailey, Vox, Machina, Talks, Discussion, Highlight, Death, Grog, Fjord, Beau, Keyleth, Caleb, Vax, Tary, Scanlan, Nott, Molly, Percy, Jester, Vex, Yasha, Pike, Taldorei, Wildemount, d20, Roll, sibling, family, prank, dick, parents, episode, 96, highlight, bone, flute, loud
Id: 5tdrBWp3ByE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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