Matt Gillman with Ramp Worship | Live from the Ramp in Cleveland TN | 10.10.20

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[Music] in your own words in your own song just begin to bless him and you get to look at him through the eyes of your understanding ephesians 1 paul prays that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened lord i pray for the enlightening of our eyes tonight that you would take us to a deeper place than what we've been before come on just all across the room just begin to lift up your voice lift up your own song your own words your own melody it doesn't even have to be words just make a sound just make a sound because he's worthy of your sound he's worthy of your sound oh we want to take see deeper take us further take us higher oh [Music] be behold and bless the lord behold and bless the lord we bless your holy name we bless your holy name we bless you we honor you we worship you we love you we love you jesus we love you jesus oh we love you jesus we love your presence [Music] hallelujah unicorn you come home we love you we love you all [Music] um we want to meet with you [Music] to see your face to hear your voice [Music] [Music] if the altar is where you meet us take me there take me there if you're looking for an offering it's right here my life is here and i'll be a living sacrifice for you cause you're a fight you'll reflect [Music] you take whatever you [Music] [Music] you take whatever you desire lord hears my singing again i wanna be i wanna be dry by fire pure if i you take whatever you tease lord here's my life here's my single one more time i wanna be dry purify [Music] oh you take whatever you desire lord hears my love and if your glory wants to come in let it fall we want it all lord your fire is consuming [Music] sacrifice for you [Music] [Music] i [Music] lord he is i wanna be [Music] the lord hears my life [Music] [Music] until [Music] only for you take my life as a sacrifice only [Music] you [Music] i wanna [Music] when i first heard this when i first heard these lyrics i said god that's a beautiful song but i don't want to sing that it's a scary prayer to pray it's a scary prayer to pray to ask god who's an all-consuming fire to burn you and you know when you sing it he's going to answer you i said lord that's a beautiful song but i don't want to sing that because i know you're going to answer me and he answered me so tenderly in that moment and he said don't you understand holiness is not just gritting your teeth and beating at the air trying to resist sin until you get there [Music] he said be holy as i am holy and i said lord yeah right how that's not possible to be holy as you're holy well he said he goes i wouldn't have commanded you to do it if it was impossible and he said the way into holiness is not just gritting your teeth and beating the air until you get there the way into holiness is simply to look at the one who's holy until everything else burns away the reason the seraphim are called the burning ones that's what seraphim means they're called the burning ones because they're so close to an all-consuming fire that they themselves have caught fire he said the way into holiness is to look at the one who's holy the way into holiness is to get as close to the flame of the all-consuming fire as you can get because then everything else just kind of falls to the wayside your desires change your heart changes the the movements your your passions change and you say god i just want to be like a seraphim i just want to be like a burning one i want to be as close to the flame as i can possibly get i want to be holy as you're holy i want to get to the throne i want to spend as much time in your presence as i can possibly be there god would you take me closer and i promise you tonight as you sing this song [Music] as you sing these lyrics don't sing it from a place of resistance don't sing it from a place of oh god i don't know if i mean this or not just sing it because he's gonna answer you and it's gonna be a beautiful journey into his heart into his holiness into his beauty into his fire into his passion so i want us to sing this bridge again clean my hands purify my heart god i want to burn for you take my life as a living sacrifice i want to burn for you sing this [Music] sing clean my hands purify my heart i wanna burn fear [Music] only for you take my life yes as a sacrifice only for you [Music] won't leave for you take my life as a sacrifice [Music] purify my heart [Music] sacrifice want [Music] jesus [Music] by [Music] is lord hears my [Music] [Music] [Music] sacrifice for you i wanna for you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] for you only for you [Music] this is [Music] oh burn away what hinders life burn away what hinders love this is a moment of surrender this is a moment of surrender say god burn away when hindus live inside my heart search me and know me and see if there'd be any wicked way in me [Music] i want to burn for you i want to be pure for you a pure and spotless bride for a pure and spotless come on would you just give him those things in your heart give him those things in your life that hinder love give him those things that you know you need to let go of those things that he's been knocking on your door for you to get rid of for the last several weeks or days or months tonight's a night of freedom we're saying it tonight tonight tonight a breakthrough tonight's a night of deliverance go ahead go ahead just give it up go ahead just give it up be free be free be free be free say yes to the fire say yes to the god who's in our consuming fire [Music] i feel the lord doing something so deep in this room tonight and those watching online i want to share something real quick because i feel like tonight is going to be a night that you will never forget and you will also never be the same so this this psalm keeps coming to my heart and to my mind i believe that a lot of these lyrics come from this psalm psalms 51 and if you are or if you've been walking with the lord for a number of years you know that psalms 51 and psalms 32 are your repentance psalms psalms 51 was penned after david fell you know uh sleeping with bathsheba and then having her husband killed but it starts off like this and this is what this is what the lord's really impressing on my heart because the first thing that david does in the psalm is deal with the actual sin the next thing he does is deal with the sinner listen i feel like that tonight how many of us come into church and ask for forgiveness for the same sin over and over or is it just me that we've come to church and we say lord i did it again i blew it again i looked at this thing again or i had this bad attitude again or whatever listen i feel like that once you get the forgiveness then it's time to deal with the actual root issue psalms 51 starts off like this have mercy on me have mercy on me oh god according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions and then he says against you and you alone have i sinned and done what was evil in your sight so he dealt with the issue i sinned i repent of this sin but it doesn't stop there and this is when i feel like this this prayer for uh this cleanse my hands and i just cleanse my hands purify my heart i don't want the the the even the temptation it's like well can we get free from temptation i have gotten free from specific temptations in my life so yes you can then he goes on to say create in me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me purge me with hyssop and i shall be clean cast me not away from your presence and take not your holy spirit away from me here's what i'm trying to say is that i think that the days of us coming and asking forgiveness for the same thing over and over and over are done listen i want you to ask for forgiveness for it but i want us to go deeper lord change me on the inside not just purify what's with the defiled above defilement of my hands but my heart changed my heart purify my heart joel 2 says yes that you would rant your heart not just your garments not just the outside but what's on the inside come on i declare over you tonight the generational curses and cycles of sin are broken because we're going after the root not just the low-hanging fruit come on not just the fruit of sin but the roots of the sinner change us lord purify our hearts james 4 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts come on on a hard level pray this for my heart level not just a hand level from a hard level let the blood of jesus come and purge me purge me it is a prayer that we can pray change my heart come on let the fire of god touch you tonight [Music] take my life as a sacrifice [Music] oh hold me [Music] by [Music] by i want [Music] lord hears my [Music] yes [Music] come and take whatever you do lord hears mine have mercy on according to the multitude of your tenders purge me and i will be clean wash me and i'll be [Music] and i will be clean come wash me and i'll be whiter than snow sing purge me and i will be clean come on wash me i will be whiter than snow oh purge me and i will be glad [Music] if i [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh and i will be [Music] and [Music] a pleasing sacrifice in your hearts give me the fear of the lord [Music] and search me and know me god and see if there'd be any wicked way i want my life to be a pleasing sacrifice in your eyes give me the fear of the lord give my me to be a pleasing sacrifice in your eyes give me and i want my life to be a pleasing sacrifice in your eyes give me the fear give me the fear [Music] you take whatever you lord hears [Music] pure [Music] [Music] is purify [Music] take whatever [Music] it's just [Music] come to me if you're wearing come to me if you're wearing [Music] my art is easy my burden is [Music] can you feel the weight lifting off your shoulders [Music] can you feel the burden lifting off your back cause you're free from this momentum [Music] you're free it's a renewing of your mind [Music] he's washing you with his word with the water of his word right now oh you're free [Music] [Music] some of you are experiencing freedom for the first time tonight [Music] some of you are even just able to take a deep breath for the first time tonight it's the refreshing of the spirit some of you are feeling an actual physical burden being lifted off your shoulder or your back at the burden of shame there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus if anyone is in him he is a new creation never going back we're never [Music] going you're free he's doing something [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus i have decided [Music] to follow jesus no turn [Music] to follow jesus i have decided [Music] to follow jesus i have decided [Music] [Music] one more time i have decided to fall i have decided [Music] i have desired to follow jesus no turning back no turning back i'm not turning back [Music] you're turning back i remember when all i knew to do sing your name and i remember when all i longed so jesus [Music] was all [Music] [Music] i couldn't wait to tell someone [Music] i was lost within the joy and gratitude for all that you've done jesus jesus where with you again [Music] was you again [Music] come and come and be sing jesus just like the first [Music] jesus [Music] is with you is jesus is is is with you again [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah with you again is oh so jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] with you again [Music] was all about one [Music] with you again with you again [Music] just you [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] cause i [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] all that i want is found in you lord i'd lie ideal i is so only you can satisfy [Music] only you can satisfy [Music] [Music] [Music] cause you are the greatest jesus i delight [Music] because i think [Music] is i delighted that i want is found in you so only you can satisfy [Applause] only you can love me too i'm home because you are the greatest [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus name jesus jesus jesus jesus oh [Music] yes you are you are holy oh [Music] is [Music] starts a call on god [Music] [Music] you are making [Music] you are breaking i don't need to understand so make me a vessel make me an offering make me whatever you want [Music] oh make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be god i came here with nothing but all you have given me jesus sprang through jesus come on lift those hands up to in church is come on [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] make me an offering make [Music] make me an offering me whatever you want me to be oh i came here with nothing but all you have given me new wine out jesus jesus bring new wine out of me jesus jesus bring new wine out of me jesus jesus bring new wine how to make jesus jesus there is no freedom [Music] to carry our new fire today is to carry your new there is no freedom and the [Music] today oh
Channel: The Ramp
Views: 6,880
Rating: 4.9745221 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 13sec (4093 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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