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so welcome back to another fantastic episode of matrix submerged first thing i'm going to say before we get on to this week's proceedings is thank you ever so much for the feedback from last time we thought it was brilliant you guys did too wow what can we say just keep the questions coming if you want to know anything keep them firing in and we'll do what we can do out again obviously as you can see and you might recognize this place because we've been here before this is green hills up in workshop and the last time we were here was for the first ever one with jamie harrison we were looking at the feeder then i'm back this time with a different jamie of course this is the one with a much better surname yes it's jamie hughes and we're going to be looking at bomb and pellet fishing right so the big question now then is what is bomb and pellet fishing it's something that's won you an awful lot of money in the past isn't it particularly much this last year or two yeah yeah it's for match anglers it's pretty much the only way we've got of loose feeding at distance and fishing over it i mean in most situations because the the wind gets rid of a waggler on deck in most situations it's the only way we can fish on bottom over loose fed pellets or whatnot it's actually a pretty simple method as well isn't it you know it's not it isn't really that complex in comparison with some of the other things it is the setup is pretty straightforward and you're literally just chucking out and feeding over the top of it he says literally because of course that's all he does just love it i really mean it's a cake yeah it is but i definitely feel that as much anglers straight lead fishing bomb fishing whatever you want to refer to it as i think it's where without doubt match fishing needs to improve the most out of all the methods it's the one that can definitely evolve more than any others touching on your carpet side well as you know i watch an awful lot of matches and i watch an awful lot of people using this method and there's some things that immediately jump out to me in comparison with what we normally do so for example i know commercial venues are very different to cart venues and features on the bottom et cetera et cetera but one of the things that we do is we find a feature and bait to it whereas when you're fishing like this you actually bait to it and fish to the bait rather than finding a feature and fishing to it now it may be that because everybody likes to fish at 25 turns or whatever or you're fishing on the 15 meter line there is naturally a spot on the bottom there yeah but for me a hundred percent one of the ways that you guys can improve is is not just randomly chuck out baits with find a spot debate to and there's you know even though it's a commercial and seemingly it's flat you know when you're plumbing up this difference yeah there will be something there definitely yeah that's one of the key points that we can people like say we're too stuck i've mentioned this to you already this morning that we feed and then fish to the feed it needs to potentially be the other way around in many situations now this this is going to be an interesting test for you actually because i've dived this before you know we've filmed it before it is quite weedy but there are a couple of spots that lend themselves quite well to what we're going to do but you've got to find them and you're going to have to be accurate with your feet as well which actually is sort of what you would do when you're in a match situation because you don't just want to fire your pellets all over the shop no you know they ideally they want to be going down the same or very close to it aren't they yes yeah they need to be groupings a massive thing in this and keeping things as accurate and so if you only give me a bin lid to play overstay that's really going to test things and make things i mean a bit trickier than normal fantastic let's put him on test the other thing that we're going to do folks is we're going to blow one of his secrets you heard it here first we know and i should think one or two people within the no no as well but we know one of the things that he does to win a lot of these matches and he is very very kindly said today he's gonna i'll think about it we'll see how it goes you're not going back he's gonna explain it and we are going to show it later on so stay tuned because this is going to be mega [Applause] [Music] so bomb fishing for me and i'd say out of all the methods when it comes to to coarse maxwell to style fishing it is without doubt probably the the method that can be improved the most i think as much anglers we fished the bomb in not a bad way but a very unefficient way it can be made so much better by relating to many carp ways of of ledgering to make sure we hook and catch more fish i mean and that's hopefully what rob's going to really help me out with today although i might not tell you i might give that to myself so we'll see how that goes but so that the main things i want to do is focus on three sort of elements to see where we're going wrong how it could have improved and just how it looks like on the bottom when it's out there so the fair thing is going to be a feeding of the bait i mean how my bait looks when i actually feed it and also the accuracy of my feeding and casting in relation to my feed where i've got a cast to make sure i land right on top or or where i want to land depending when i'm feeding uh secondly we're gonna have a little playback with hook lengths so see the difference that um hook lengths make slightly to bite detection although that i think that's a something that's shown in a better way in it in another way and how it lands on the bottom is going to be a big thing the length of your hook length your hook in general and how it and controls the pellet and where it lands in relation to your bomb and then lastly i want to have a little play with a couple of different ways of set up on a bomb i mean i'm a big fan of fishing two different ways they're two different setups if you like one a fish a straight lead be it a little lead with a long walk length or a big heavy lead with the short hook length and it'd be really interesting to just see how those two ba when they're on the bottom how they look and whether really we should be catching a lot more fish do it in a completely different way but i'm really looking forward to this one in hopefully improving my fishing a lot more as well [Music] [Music] so first things up we managed to find a spot i mean that was the first thing to make sure we're fishing so where we can see what's going on basically so it's right but it's interesting what we'll do we just clock that we can really easily work out how deep it is and we can sort of count the turns or counting the drop of the the lead which is something that sort of never been done before no one's paid attention to sort of i understand that there's lots of different variables that dictate how your lead sinks but in this case we can have a little play so what i've got it's got a couple of leads i've got a 30 grammer and i've got a what's that one a little diddy 12.5 gram which i'm going to use and with a 12.5 gram i'll have a quick cast with it now but i know i'm roughly about four and a half seconds i mean as i count it down and i know it's seven foot i mean rob's rubs out there with his hand up in the air it's give or take perfectly seven foot out there where we're chucking which is really interesting so i know that with that what if i said 17 12 and a half grammar nice little light one if i chuck him out one two three four so yeah four seconds putting which bang on it's seven foot so it's sinking what's that one point seven seconds or something a foot or something like that isn't it which is nice so now i'm gonna check with a big one just to see the difference no 1.7 foot a second wasn't it was that right i'm getting all confused let me put the bigger on sunny so now with the 30 grammer see if that makes a difference i'm gonna hopefully not take rob out one two so two seconds half the time which is what did i say the first one was 12 and a half so half a lead half the time so whether that's applicable or not i don't know but it's nice to see just how quickly them leads actually do sink that when you're chucking that 30 gram lead that you think it's a second or four to two seconds a foot whatever a foot a second who knows um in this case it's sinking really really quickly potentially the 30 grams thinking about three foot a second as far as i'm concerned in this case so something that's nice and interesting to to learn from and definitely something i'll be taking for my fishings i'd have thought that would be i mean if i if i felt two seconds i'd say not about two or three foot there it's not it's seven foot so these legs really really do sink quick when you've got a big lump of lead on the bottom to find out what the depth is can i ask a question yes right jake can you chuck that again please of course again the big one rob with that one yeah i just want to look at where they land in comparison with each other right okay now let me cast them both again so i pay attention exactly as you would do right so this is the biggen coming and that landed just off camera that landed there didn't feel as nice that landing as well as my lighter one did it felt softer right stick the other leg on and what i'm just checking is when they took the bigger lead out just to do that depth test i noticed that it landed about two foot further than the other one so i'm just thinking that because it's a heavy lead when he's hitting this clip is the rod pulling forwards a little bit further because it's it's landing a little bit further out the next one the other one so here's the light one there so the camera's in the same place yeah did that hit the clip just yeah oh hit the clip yeah yeah hit the clip fine so do you think you cast the same on those two no this one that the first one definitely pulled further just the way it trajectory through the water almost how much further two foot yeah two to three foot i would say was it that much so that has a bearing if you're fishing on a tight spot just have a think about it because the big lead is pulling you further over you're either dropping your rod or the rod's compressing and when it hits the clip yeah in most lead fishing situations as well i wouldn't be clipping up so visually they're in the same spot to me yeah yeah yeah they say they're not they're going to do it again do it again with a little one and then do it again with the big one so i can see if i can get the shot again okay all right so i'm just going to step back a little bit now so this is the small one coming in so you can see where that one landed nice bit of bubbles on the top i've got a marker on that one nice one bring him back in check the heavy one [Music] so this is the heavy one coming in now yeah that is a good two to three feet difference see that there and that camera was in the same spot [Music] well jamie's just about to fire some pellets out now uh and we'll have a look at how accurate he is so here we go there he is over there look and he reckons it's going to be where all within 30 centimeters square now probably two meters square i'd love to see that pike's having to go right let's have a look two meters square fire away what i'm hoping for you need to get to the gym mate how far off the spot do you reckon that was a couple of meters i reckon it yeah easily that's a bit better that i like but still it it's amazing look if i go on camera already visually looking at it across the flat bit of water i'd be really happy with all of them i mean that first one was definitely a bit short but we fed three or four times before that just to get me eye in and rog rob's right slating but from i mean the way we do things i'd be perfectly happy with that and it's shocking i mean it's probably in what visually to me looks like it's landing meter enough to me to square you ain't even close yeah even when you're doing it well and i've got those two reeds almost as a nice little marking area there to feed in between it's such a such a big area it just shows how hard it is to actually get bites because even when you're doing it well well i feel like i'm doing it well you're spreading the fish over a massive massive massive big area and if you do it poorly or the wind's going to be in a factory and moving your bait about which your soft and does it's just going to be a mess and another thing that's weird is length if i try and push it which another thing with bomb fishing we so often do is try and push it to the maximum of your catapults which in turn does make you a little bit more inaccurate spread your bait out it's just going to be horrific it's just it's needle and a stack isn't it no you've got to be at most never go more than 80 to compensate for wind yeah but look i'm i'm six foot tall obviously solid muscle uh and if i was to lie on the surface here i reckon you're two and a half body lengths away so that's what four four and a half five meters between the nearest and the furthest pellet yeah and the problem is that when you've got when you've got lateral accuracy sideways this is going to affect you getting liners yes because you know if you're picking liners up obviously drop shorter that's where you're getting them from but you're falling bang on your line yeah so it's a long way down so it's such a big spread then go on fire a few more right you know where your spot is let's have a look and i'll go down and have a look and see what's on the deck see the furthest one yeah i reckon that just about made your spot i don't know what it looks like from there does it look good yeah i was happy again a bit further and i said they were on it said that they were beautiful were they i still think they're short you still can get a bit short right see and i'm doing this with three visual markers i've got two reeds and yourself yeah and even then i'm not right and they all look take the three elements away and i'm perfectly happy with that i feel i'm feeding it beautifully but i'm really not i reckon you're probably fed there five meters by four uh yeah five by five okay we got some wind now you have one more go rob that's a look no that was shocking we grabbed them so now i'm level on that reed but that you won't even see that there's just be nothing on the bottom and i'd feel like i'd fed a lot of bait now as well i feel probably fed what 150 pellets checking yeah i reckon they have for me 10 feet 15 feet 10 pounds yeah ago removing 150 pellets which is what a lot more than that spread out and i bet you don't even see a flipping pellet down there because it over five meters i do that so often when i'm coaching throw some bait just to show you how the spaces and that's within a meter square so doing it within five meter squares it's i mean you need a lot of fish to catch but it may be why alternative standout hook baits work so well because it is over such a big area even when you think it isn't looking at the spot we can see a few pellets of london on the clear area with jamie estimating that he's fed about 150 pellets we can only see around 10 pellets currently on the clear patch with a few scattered around the area too this is a small area of around three feet but it's a good indicator of just how much a bait can spread when fed through a catapult as we move away from the spot back towards jamie you can see just how scattered the pellets are on the bottom with only a few pellets visible on top of the weed further away from the spot we find a pike laid up let's go back to jamie and find out about his rig choice so rob's about to go under and what i've done i've attached the standard hook length on i mean a 12 inch hook length that they're pretty much the standard way that i'd fish this sort of bomb i mean light bomb sort of stuff on me free running i mean the normal standard bomb setup that everyone's going to do so it's free running because that's what we've got to do with 99 officials that we go to as much anglers and i've whacked the little red pellet on just for for visual so rob can find it a little bit easier and we're going to see how it goes down and also how it lands on the bottom as you can see here jamie's first cast lands perfectly on the spot the hook bait however gets caught in the weed at the back of jaime's spot something that wouldn't be a problem on most commercial fisheries though you can see just how much the red pellet hook bait stands out against the fine green weed same again could you do it six inches shorter and six inches that way yeah literally just you could go up to about a foot that way oh that might have been in the muck i don't know we don't have these aggro do we without when we go to our commercials these carp anglers need to put more fish in the lake it'll sort this weed right out if you look closely you can see the lead coming down through the water column after the lead hits the bottom it takes the eight mil red pellet hook bait about three and a half seconds to hit the deck with only a 12 inch hook link what we really should note here is just how accurate jamie's casting is we asked for six inches back six inches left and that's pretty much exactly where the leds landed the hook bait's fallen around four inches away from the lead this is something that we've seen before in previous episodes of matrix submerged so we just had a quick go with the red pellet i think rob's just filmed how it how it's descended wants to let it at the bottom so now i've had a quick swap and i've gone to pretty much the same pellets that were that we're chucking out there that we're feeding a match of the hatch just to see if there's any difference so we've still got that 12-inch hook length on the standard bomb sort of auckland just to see how that that bait's coming in so where's me spot where did he want me he wanted me there i think that's just off jamie was right to think his cast was off and you can see here that the lead lands at the left hand side of the spot the movement of the swivel as the line is sinking has attracted the attention of small perch that are hanging around the hook bait's fallen in the weeds so we didn't get a sink time yeah it must be less than a second wasn't it i'd expect it to be less than a second the way that once your lead's gone down how it lands but i don't know maybe not here i've picked the hook bait up from the weed to get a guide on how long the match the hatch hook bait takes to sink you can clearly see just how much the pellet stops when the lead impacts on the bottom the pellet takes around two and a half seconds to sink let's get jamie to have another cast and see what happens once again jamie's lead lands within 12 inches of his other casts the hook bait is just hidden from the camera's view behind the weed and you can clearly see here how much quicker the normal pellets sank when compared to the red pellet jamie's casting accuracy is extremely impressive and you can see here that every cast is landing in a 12-inch area the size of a large blade now let's head back to the bank and let him know what i've found out right there we go what are you thinking i'm rubbish with a catapult is it you or is it the casper it's it's neither i'd be happy yeah so for me looking at it yeah i'd be happy what do you reckon you were doing distance-wise i'd like to say i was doing two and a half three meters i'm going to say four before i reckon i think it was four meters wide possibly slightly less wide but certainly on the length yeah and it was interesting because being down at water level like my eyes are literally water level i'm looking at how far apart they are whereas from a distance you can't see it as much no but it was a good twice me without any shadow that's a massive massive area isn't it however looking at your catapult grouping when the when the the pellets are coming in sometimes you get really tight grouping what would be the tightest tightest group would be probably i'm going to give it a big hug yeah a meter square big probably yeah maybe a little bit more let's go one point two one two yeah so you know a big hug and every now and again like i don't know how many patches you put out people watching the different ones going in there someone will land in a clump and every now and again some will just pick up yeah why wind me being a little bit it's nigh on impossible to create that perfect group every time at that distance i i think it'd be worthwhile looking at the stack in the in the pouch as well because the pouch has a big difference yes on certain patches as we know are better than other pouches you know it might be worthwhile looking at how they're going rather than in the heat in a moment shoving the load in they might twang all over the place but if they're stacked in there slightly better yeah spending a bit more time loading the catapults yeah that's something that no one would do so looking out at the you know on the deck you've got a nice little spread out there i've got to say j your casting is as usual it is absolutely bang on you got a little smile there but genuinely once again the accuracy on it was incredible casting was happy but again we have just admitted when we mentioned it before i'm casting that hard because i know i'm i have to be because of the spot yeah i wouldn't do that i wouldn't i wouldn't try and be as perfect as that which is a fault of mine definitely does do you think it matters though because if you think about the spread of the pellet you know you're trying to get your accuracy as much as possible and i see this in the cartwheel loads of lads ask me when you put the marker float out and you know you're directly above the spot where do you spawn behind it and the answer is well actually as long as you're accurate and you're getting a drop it doesn't really matter because the fish move yes and you know you're trying to get it within that all the time but actually your bait is within that being accurate it's not a bad thing but being flexible is a good thing yeah if you're as long as your spot and your drop is right and i think you're getting good presentation then then that works for me i think the rest of it the fish are going to move around they're going to pick the bait up um what was interesting was seeing how long the lead took to drop so you were counting what three to four seconds yeah four seconds so with it with a 12 gram 12 yeah previously i said i reckon it was about seven foot deep when i went down there i couldn't get my arm out the water i reckon it was another arm length again so it's probably eight foot just for your records but the lead's hitting the deck the pellet is coming down behind it so you imagine it's falling down it looks like it's falling like that when it's landed your pellets more or less directly above it when the pellet sank to the bottom with the red pellet it was taking around about three and a half seconds in my head weekly time exactly on the camera but i'm counting to between three and four to land from there today and it's only what 12 inches yeah so yeah you've got a bit of bike time opportunity there it's definitely slowing the fall down isn't it that that amazes me that it takes four seconds three to four seconds to think twelve inch it must be that the influence of the hook length instead of speeding up must be slowing it down i i don't know imagine i don't know it's almost like bump it it's been traveling quick it's almost braked itself to a stop and then it's going down slowly but the other pellet traveled down quicker i reckon that was two so the match the hatch one dropped a lot quicker than a red one yeah so the red one had been in the water a little bit longer yeah i think we'd had some casts with that but that that would mean it should be heavier because there's less air in it there's more water in it um yeah potentially so think about your different types of pellets you know if you chuck them in the edge what do they do does one seem quicker than the other one yeah so you know that's something else to think about the other one which is a key one is how far away did the bait fall from the lead itself with the 12-inch up length idea where i could expect it to go down which it never worked going back to the previous feeder one we did with jamie harrison here yeah i'd expect it to be nigh on on top of the lead every time more or less a fist length and the test was done a few times and it was around about my hand and a glove is what that so five inches yeah maybe four inches five inches that's more or less what it what it landed now a couple of times i actually picked it up and dropped it as well to see if it would do the same thing yeah and on all bar one of them one of them it landed a little bit longer uh apart but that was probably because i was fattening around a little bit more doing it when you pick it up take your time and drop it straight if you think about it naturally it's going to drop down the pellet is going to be above it and then it will sink down to more or less by the side could we kick it out a little bit more i think we could do but i think you'd have to use such a thick hooklink material that actually it's not worth doing yeah i think i think that was okay you don't need that yeah that was decent hot glue for a match angler yeah we wouldn't go much heavier than that i couldn't see it i had a really really good look around eventually i found it looped up so it was sticking up and looping around a little bit yeah i don't think that matters too much i don't think the fish feel it that much i don't think they're overly bothered by it because it's slack yeah if it was tight enough it would make a difference but it's slacking them so i don't think it makes that much difference do you think just the slackle cost me potential bites because it's alleviating that bolt effect i don't think you've got a bolt effect and i don't think you've got a bolt effect because you run it on a running rig yeah so there's not enough bottles i've done it anyway but i personally i don't see the point in using the hook link that long no if you can use one shorter why not use one shorter now you don't want one too short because you don't always want the hookling to be really straight i think it's always good to have a little bit of curve in it because when fish come in to pick it up you know and certainly from the carp side of things a lot of the time they talk about laying everything out but if you're laying everything out if the fish comes to suck it up there's no movement then it might miss it yes it's all natural and yeah so yeah you want a little bit there but you know i don't know do people use six and triplings yeah that's the next step with a different but that would be the shorter tuck line oh yeah getting towards the short talking through yeah if you're saying it it's spanning out that five to six inch yeah yeah then hopefully the potential eight inch might be the the optimum length might make a difference you might get that bit of bite indication quicker um also you're going to get well the fish are going to take it in anyway whatever whatever length of fog like they're going to pick it up aren't they it's just how quickly you get the indication at this end yeah so you know a heavier lead and a tighter line is going to make the difference for the bolt effect there's nothing at all to do with um the fact that it's a longer hook or not yeah so it's all about moving that lead or tightening through the line isn't it yes yes definitely that's the next step isn't it to swap to a heavier lead and a short rook length yeah and see how it one one thing that i have we haven't looked at one thing that we haven't looked at yet that i'd like to have a look at as well is how long it takes for the pellets to fall through the water right yes and also in pellet sizes as well because you know we've seen where they're falling and actually there's quite a few fallen on the spot quite nicely so i'd be interested to see how long it takes them to get down because if you're getting bites and then suddenly you're not getting bites are the fish coming up in the water yes you know that's something we always think about when i'm zigging in particular if my bites dry up then the fish have done one of two things you know certainly they follow the bait but have they gone down to to get the heavy stuff that's landed or are they coming up to intercept and a lot of the lads think when they're their bites dry up when they're zig fishing the best thing to do is drop down on a pva solid bag actually what i do and you guys can't do it but what i do is i put floating baits out right and and in the next spot if i put surface baits out you'll see whether or not the fish have come up or gone down and almost always they've come up for me almost always the safest option for themselves they're getting quicker yeah so oh yeah we're not having bites they've moved now they haven't they're going to be on that column somewhere are they down already up and most of the time they come up so you know when we're fishing uh in 10 foot of water if we're fishing a six-foot zig rather than going down we should be coming up right and and the reason i say that to you guys is that if you're regularly catching and then suddenly the bites dry up you might think the fish are gone but actually a pellet wagon might make a difference yeah because those fish might be further up in the water so if you chuck a pellet wag over the top and you'll know straight away you'll know within two or three casts and you know what it's like half the time you can see them swirling anyway but if they're swirling a foot or two foot below the surface you're not necessarily going to see that indication it's only when they're right on the top that you're seeing it yeah this would be a perfect example as well an eight-foot there's a lot of water between visual on the top and bites on the bottom where they could get lost and it'll be nice to see how long it takes for them pellets to pass through that area you imagine if it takes six seconds to get down well it's going to be longer than that because we know the pellet takes four seconds just to do the last foot so if it's 20 seconds to get down they could be clearing you out it's a long time before they get to that bottom foot yeah that'll be really interesting to see that sort of situation you know and it sounds a little bit alien but actually you could fish a three-foot pellet wagon on there on a slow drop there and you're getting loads and loads of time and that might make a difference but you know let's find out how long it takes for those pellets to drop and also i'd be interested to see different sizes as well what's the difference between sixes now yes yes definitely worth a lot interesting so about a quick change and i'm on my next sort of the way i'd set up it were very positive and for me hopefully we're touching this in a bit but this is the way i'd fish if i was fishing over a lovely lovely hard bottom which is what we've got in this case i'm not a big fan of fishing this over silt which we get in many commercials because i don't think you presented it right but this would be me me bolt effect sort of rig that i'd use in many many situations at hayfield laughed whatever else where i still could have an inline lead but i can get a really short hook length just to try and just try and get hook themselves when they're being a pain i mean this would be the next rig that i revert to but it's really interesting see in that case i've got a six inch hook length on and it's going to be interesting just to see if the 12 inch was kicking away six inch is that sort of the way it goes all the time or is this going to land right on top i'd imagine it's going to land within two or three inches of it but you never know it's worth having a look at just to see if this is creating the same form of presentation but it has that benefit of being able to hook itself on the leather a lot quicker than the little light 12 inch up length would have so we'll have a chuck of this and see if it's any better where are we going that was me mark right i'm on it so that felt lovely so i've got a slightly heavier lead on now so from chucking about at the start just gonna hit me clip a little bit further back i'll hold my rod a little bit further back to make sure it lands on that little tiny spot not something i do if we had a normal bottom without any debris or a little hole to chuck in holding the rig back has definitely paid off coming down towards where the rig is landed you'll see jamie's inline lead sitting perfectly on the bottom of the lake with this inline setup the hook bait has fallen about three and a half to four inches away from the lead a very similar distance to the longer 12 inch hook link but with much less slack line once the fish picks up the bait so i've had that first cast and it lands nice it's landed on the spot so it felt lovely and but the hook length that's a six inch yoke length and rob reckons it's four fingers away so i'm giving myself a good four inches away from me and from my lead which i'd say for the form presentation i'm trying to achieve i'd say it's about perfect it gives it a little bit of flexibility for the fish to be able to pick it up but in that case it's very very very quickly going to hook itself or that hook's going to go in with the light of the bomb that's going to help them hook them and hook the fish a lot easier so definitely for immediately after looking at that when fishing over the right sort of bottom a nice hard i mean not too silty bottom straight away that the inline lead with the shorter elements gonna outscore it nine times out of ten as far as i'm concerned it's gonna have a little chuck again and just see the same thing happens where are we going over there i have to get rob [Music] yeah i'm dead happy with that jamie's second cast with the inline lead has virtually landed in the hole made by the lead on his last cast again you can see the natural coloured hook bait sitting around three to four inches from the lead if we look closely around the lead you'll see the indentations and the drag marks in the lake bed from where jamie's lead has landed on previous casts another indication of just how accurate his casting is so last thing i want to check that's a couple of casts with the the inline one again now this time for the first time i want to tighten up to it i mean i'm going to set me rod help as best i can how i'd set it waiting for a bike just to see if i move that light if i drag it at all once it's been set and whether i change the presentation by by setting my rig so let's try and get it back in where we going it's just off that one might get away with it yeah we'll get away with that so i'm just gonna sink me line and what i'll do is never ever turn the real me hand lightly tap my reel around with my finger tap me bail arm round and just hold on to it nice and slow there's never ever any rush sinking that line as far as i'm concerned she'll just make a mess so i'm just waiting for those two picture lines touches your neck and then once they're set wacky on wrist and same again never ever touch me and let me reel actually use my fingers just to tap it around so i never put too much on and just keep tapping it around a little inch at a time just to get it just right and there so we've got no no toe or nothing at the minute it feels really really calm to win i think i'm pretty much set already sometimes you must keep doing it just to pick that line up there's no movement to the lead after it's hit the bottom the careful way of tightening up to the lead shows that your lead will not move if you take your time [Music] the short hook link on this rig only gives a small amount of movement before you reach the lead once the leads move this will register on the rod tip now let's give it a pull and see if jamie's paying attention oh well [Laughter] can i strike can i strike please boss it's really really on with jamie well and truly woken up let's do a proper indication test and see what he thinks is happening below the surface so just have a little look so this is with the bolt accentuated rig that short hook length and i'm going to let rob know when i strike or when i'd lift off i mean i'm a big believer in when one's on on this it's on there's no striking that indications and he's going to see just how far he has to move that before i think right yeah i'm going in on that one though she'll have a look and actually it was a great big 20 pound calf i'll lift up just so rob knows i've lifted see something's happening there he's having a little tweak of something so i wouldn't strike at them not a chance because it's constant now that'd be one of them big clever ones as far as i'm concerned that keeps add lift up now i mean that's just like one's picked it up and it's almost wobbling that lead that's what i'd be thinking now it's dropped back i definitely lift up on that now so he's dropped right back on that and all the time you know that there's one on but it's constant movement but there's no i don't believe he's pulled at a distance yet because it hasn't gone right round i really want to strike there's a rub on the end though so i'd say he's moving it probably moving the lead two or three inches either way and then obviously that's a big pick up now see if we let him know that was a proper i imagine he's pulled it a good six inches 10 inches really gone for it then yeah with them bigger leds i think you you see things very very quickly what's going on what was happening i'd like to think i've said i think you picked the led off and you were moving it two and throw probably two inches either way yeah um quite often you're slacking quite a lot off yeah same again the other way it's as if one had picked it up but it was trying to get rid of it right and then finally you've given a pull excellent that's not far off is it that what we're going on apart from the two inches is probably 12 to 18 inches what the just the movement sideways about a foot and a half so the the sideways movements are nothing to me the it's crazy yeah barely like i'd say inches a rather than was it really yeah yeah i i said it was one that picked it up and it was not in his head so just a slow swing though just have a big head the amount it was nordic this one here rob right in between us now there's one well it's really interesting seeing carp underwater they're always incredibly inquisitive whenever i go below the surface the first fish that comes up to me the perch but carp are amazingly inquisitive they'll come up have a look disappear come back again and some of them will swim right up to the camera genuinely they're normally not afraid of me at all so what i'm doing now is just trying to dictate or try and understand how long these pellets take to fall i mean so i'm constantly feeding some eight bills just so we can hopefully zoom in on a group of them going in i'll try and work out so he'll have a timer on his gopro he's going to work out pretty much exactly what they take to think the the eight foot of depth that we think we've got there if you watch the pellet in the middle of the screen you'll see that a small bubble has formed as the pellet hits the water this is quite a common occurrence and i've seen it before we also tested some six mil pellets with very surprising results but you'll have to keep watching to find out the time that they took to sink right back again so we're gonna we're we're laughing because we've had a little bit of a test which we'll come to in a minute but first things first sinking pellet rates so we got some sixes we got some eights yes uh sync times really really interesting what do you think they are yeah quite surprising as i said they were timing and what we got eight foot yeah i always say like three seconds a foot okay so three seconds 24 odd seconds yes big pellets 18 seconds eight mils yeah so eight mils were going down in 18 seconds through that got a little bubble of air on the top of them as well which is interesting yeah yeah when they go in they hit flat ended attach a little bubble of air start sinking slowly bubble disappears a little bit quicker okay yeah right so they were going at 18 seconds then tried some sixes and the sixes were very very different oh we had this conversation before but i'd have said a little bit slower yeah but it's exactly the opposite it's exactly the opposite you'd think that a 6mm weighs less than an 8ml so therefore because it doesn't weigh as much it's going to drop slower because effectively it's 25 lighter isn't it but because it's denser archimedes principle is the science behind it i miss that level if you want to but basically it's all about water displacement so even though it's not quite as heavy because it's smaller it sinks quicker and it actually sank in 12 seconds so if you think about it that is two-thirds of the time yeah so let's change them into quicker that's you know exactly that so the practicality of it is that if they're feeding on the way down then you know what eights are better yeah because they travel through slower if you want to get the bait on the deck faster right they were the same pallets as well i mean they were all yeah yeah same nice dents yeah they were all cutless spots of impellers really dense proper pellets yeah yeah so i wouldn't there was no deviance between the type of goes to show you how much difference there is between uh you know it's two mil but actually there's a big practicality difference between the two isn't there about what you want if you want that slow sync then be interesting you can see tens and twelves i suspect that when you get to 12 actually they'll get really heavy so they will start to go a bit quicker but you know i might be wrong as well no absolutely so when i'm feeding with the bomb what it's all about is for me is keeping them on the bottom yeah the last thing i want to do is ping all the time and get them to come off so my normal feeding regime routine you know what i want to call it is i literally feed my bait my big hit one or two pouches of bait depending on what you want to feed and then shortly after i want to throw my bait in i'll chuck my lead in and get it to land just on top of them pellets in the ideal world my bait would be landing just after they would so i'll be attracting the fishing with my bait and then i'd be putting my my rig right on the dance floor with a bit of luck so hopefully i'm gonna have a little play now i've got eight foot of water up there which is very very regular sort of depth i'm going to be casting this in i'm going to see if i can feed my bait and then put my bait in just half there or i'm going to make a right mess of it let's see what happens so i'm going to be quite a bit just to make it nice and visual i'm going to get my poucher pellets i'm gonna put that right on the spot hopefully yeah i'm up with that right one three let's have a go i need to hold that quite high up we're gonna have a look at delayed that a little bit longer than i probably would for i'm gonna have a little look i don't need to set me up let's have a look at how they land if my pellets were nowhere near the bottom and they came down after it they've landed on the same time or whether my bait's in there three months before them your timing was pretty good yeah your accuracy of your casting was absolutely incredible we feeding was shocking was it did any land on the spot did any land on the spot no i'd probably give it a big as well your cast landed on bullseye with nothing around it right there's something on the go so attempt number one our useless yeah although i'm perfectly happy with how my bait went in it was nowhere near me spot i mean i thought that rob's going under now so i'm not sure how far away it was i'd imagine it was short yeah but crazy i've been so happy with how that went in so thinking i've gone in just right so we've gone down again take two and i'm just going to feed them a little bit further this time so i think i'm dropping just short of me of my spot i think so so i've got me me lead ready to go again i think rob's down let's feed them again yeah let's have a go of that i don't think many went on it i'm only looking at four or five that went on the spot i reckon well i've landed in unison with demo just after another cast bang on the money but there's no pellets landing on the spot let's go back and break the bad news that's how did that look better not many pellets on the spot again probably four or five on the spot well your casting was absolutely impeccable bang on center of the bull's eye again yeah couldn't see a pellet where are they are they landing this side rob i couldn't see any one more let's have one more go and i'll probably give it a million pellets if we get something right take three we go to happy recast again no feed i don't know why i'm perfectly happy that there's bait going where i think it's going so this time i'm going to give them lots just to give rob something to see i'm going just there i don't think it's gone far enough i'm just gonna guess it this time and hope it's gone i think my bait's landing short and that time i definitely didn't do any counting didn't feel as nice either that the third attempt sees everything come together the lead lands hook bait sinks and right on cue a pellet drops into view absolutely absolutely oh dear cast one accuracy absolutely bang on timing questionable accuracy abating shocking didn't see any no literally didn't see any second one a little bit better the the grouping came a little bit over what did it look like from the back because i don't get it i felt i was short but i'd have thought about a foot short a few of them i'll land on but in reality they're probably two meters short possibly so because my line of vision is is probably what i can see there yeah and i just couldn't see anything at all so if they land behind me obviously it could be really close but if it's just me on my head i can't see yeah but if it's outside of that then i'm you know no i just can't see it the third one bang on i've got to say i don't know what you were doing how you were counting your time against your bait and then you cast but literally on the last one it was only one pellet that that landed very very close to it i mean very close like that but yeah the grouping was close enough but literally i heard it and then there's like a 10 second gap and i can see them coming down thinking any minute any minute any minute and then you hear the plop of the lead the lead overtakes them landed and literally the one pellet was falling almost at exactly the same speed as the one that is the other part 10 seconds so that's it that's the key then which is quite nice actually isn't it cast right get ready well too quick just enough time to get sorted yeah yeah and you know sometimes there's a bit of a rush isn't there i know when i'm pellet bag feet and i'm sort of you want to cast and then get it straight on top of it almost just to make sure that you're in that drop yeah within the feed yeah i think with the bomb you want it just behind because not so much if you're fishing one spot but certain venues that you fish multiple spots and you might feed cast over it fish that out and then feed someone else and cast over it then it's important to give it time to to hit the bottom and cast over it how many times do you get a bite actually on the drop or on the hang or are you getting them as soon as they've hit the bottom or is it just the case if it's down there so yeah probably on days definitely it can happen just on the mix yeah quite regularly you can get a pull as you're sinking your line when they're feeding yeah yeah and so if you can get your timing right so it'll definitely improve you i think the you know if they're on it and they're close enough then the visibility thing of it moving is is a good thing isn't it because if they you know and that's why i think the red ones are even better than normal match the hat style because they stand out a little bit more because they're darker and they're silhouetted so you know when you're watching this guys when you look down the water looks absolutely crystal clear but have a look at the bits where i'm looking across water and you'll see that the color is very very different you know it's sort of a greeny blue color but also anything that's dark stands out in there whereas on the bottom obviously you've got something that you can silhouette again not against but it's something you can see against whereas when it's in the water it's silhouetting so on the drop a a darker pellet like a red one is much better than that yeah they've got more chance of clocking it on the way in absolutely and then eating it on the bottom yeah yeah i think you can make it out a lot quicker yeah double the attraction sort of isn't it fantastic well yeah there we go hopefully you've learned a few things from that but certainly we have it's been a real eye-opener and it's also confirmed some of the things that we knew now a little bit earlier on you remember that i spoke to you about a little secret edge that jamie has got well we can blow this now jake do we have to yes we do i promise is a promise let's just tell them exactly what it is i've been a big fan of definitely in may but not something i can take credit for it was one of me me mate to let me into this one but using expanders on the bomb it is a massive massive edge for me that it saves them messing about of trying to prepare pellets to look like they've been in the water for a long time or whatever also by using double pumped expanders i've already prepared the knife before so they're nice and tough so for me it's been probably it's the bait i have most confidence in when i'm fishing up on she just seems to get more bites on it whether it makes any difference the way it's presented the way it goes in who knows what i don't know but for me this is in my mega edge well we're gonna find out you know who are we to question this man i've said this before when we've been out doing different things with him whatever he does works so i'm not going to try and second guess why it's good let's just go out and have a look at it because it obviously works so rig back on out in the water this is what jamie's edge looks like below the surface for me when i'm fishing a bomb a massive massive big advantage not something i'll come up with myself i owe that to one of my little mates but fishing and expanding on the bomb is just unbelievable it's been a massive advantage for me and today we get to see why it may potentially be a little bit better so i've got two eight mile expanders on that have been pumped and these things lovely and we're gonna try and put them right on spot where am i going it'll be just interesting to see i think i felt beautiful just how they land because i'm a big fan with the expansions you can take quite a few fish just after it's settled so whether it's any difference in the way they sink whether it's just that it's a big bait that stands out who knows but hopefully rob will come up with a few answers for me but i might not let him tell you a lot but see how it looks on the bottom the expanders especially with two on the hair are really obvious bait they sink slowly around the same time as the normal eight mil pellets i'm sure this will help grab the attention of the fish and part of the reason jamie thinks it brings quick bites looking at the expander pellets on the bottom it's clear to see that they look like a pellet have been in the water for a long time another contributing factor to the car picking them up quicker than a fresh pellet so definitely while we're out here bomb fishing the last thing i want to do is come on without having a little go with a big load of bread on the end just to see how it looks i mean we've got the perfect environment to have a look at how it pops up whether it doesn't pop up at all it's just just how the rigs look in general where we're chucking that big lump of bread out there that we do so often in the winter when we're all convinced it's going to go round when often i think it's not doing what i think we think it's doing so firstly i've just gone with four discs i mean not something i'd really use myself i'm not a fan of just bread on its own but we're going to chuck four discs first so it's a decent sized rook we've got a size 12 hook on that may influence it a little bit whether it wants to come up or not we're gonna have a look how that looks that's probably a little bit of a heavier hook than i'd use if i were fishing bread but still see what goes on so back on me spot where we going dragonflies attacking me bread you get happy with that dunk beautiful the bread discs on the way down sink extremely slowly great for attracting the attention to fish but there's one thing clear here the bread's not popped up jamie mentioned using a slightly lighter wire hook normally but even with that this bait would still be on the deck so quickly to put my bread on say i'm a big fan of compression it locked me so i'll have my bread in my hand i don't do it on the base and i want to push every single piece so it's nice and flat on my finger so it is really really really well compressed nice and tight the other fateful warby's toasty and then once i pop me me bait out before i compress it again so i'm almost making a pellet because although you think it's nice and tight now you put that in water for 10 seconds and it's like a lovely big flushing fluffy marshmallow it pretty much doesn't matter how far within reason how much you compress that so that just allows it to be nice and um durable sort of to withstand the cast still get down to the bottom but swells up really nice and quickly when it gets there as well that's a very important thing for bread for me so next up so this is the way i'd like fish but as long as boilers are allowed whatever fishery i've got my little half moonie boy on there me four pieces of bread underneath it i said i just believe it gives it a bit more buoyancy so i know it's doing what i want it to do if i want to pop it up so if you want to fish it on deck oh natural maybe but let's see if this is any different to the other where am i chucking where's my spot there's my spot with the addition of half a pop-up to the bread the bait sank even slower taking seven seconds to sink twelve inches but the bait still sank this is what i would class as a critically balanced bait with a hook bait wafting just off the bottom with fish feeding with less vigor in the winter it's a good way to ensure your hook bait flies straight into the fish's mouth but if you're hoping for a popped up bait this isn't the way even with a light hook this bait would still be on the bottom try that again yep [Music] i asked jamie to put the other half of the boiler on top of the bread discs just to check out what would happen as the lead hits the bottom of the lake the hook bait instantly starts to rise back up popping the hook bait up the full length of the hook link this rig needed more buoyancy which is what the addition of the other half of the pop-up achieved so after looking at that footage i don't think i'm ever going to fish bread again it just doesn't do what i wanted to do but no it's quite a surprise really definitely i thought the bread would have a lot more of a hulk a lot more of an impact on the hook than it actually was having so the first case was just the four discs of bread on the um on the hair i wasn't convinced it was going to pop up like a cork but i thought it'd be so much more i thought it would move about so much more than that i never thought it'd be anchored so that was a decent hook we had on we had a size 12 on but even so it i expected it to be far more buoyant than it was with that rig in the bread the way it was so second way so rob seriously spoiled my bread fishing with that one because i was convinced that was working yeah it's something i've done for a long long time is have me me half boilie on me four lumps of bread three or four lumps of bread a slightly lighter hook but that speaking to rob we definitely don't think the hook could have an impact it's not showing enough buoyancy to lift anything off there even with that that size 12 it's well well anchored on the bottom it's only the bait that wants to move so it definitely need a little bit more buoyancy if you want bread to be completely popped up off that hook length then i didn't say that the whole boilie the whole um dumbbell whatever you want to put on something really really buoyance required just to get that hook length right above it to make sure it's vertical to make sure they can see it to make sure your hook bait is where you want it so for me that's probably one of the biggest lessons i've took from this legend video that we've done is that the bread fishing definitely needs to change to make sure i'm presenting things in the right way instead of my bait not quite doing what i wanted to do well there we go another one done as that's been probably the most enjoyable one that for kicking me bum a little bit yep and i was just for learning just i thought it was always going to be as well i said ledger ins without doubt the match angler's worst the thing we do worse it's got it's got room for the most improvements highlight understanding how it's worth spending time casting accurately okay i mean don't just cast willy-nilly half-heartedly oh that'll do yeah paying a bit attention and potentially i'll get me some more bites all the way through your casting has been absolutely bang on and that that level of concentration on it showed because i would say you were probably landing in somewhere maybe a little bit bigger than a shoebox you know on that bearing in mind how many times we've cast out because obviously guys you've seen quite a few casts in the course of what you've seen but actually there's been a lot of other casts as well and they've all landed absolutely bang on so you're casting without any shadow without is is just off the scale uh so that's highlight low light um how poor feeding that i'd have assumed was fairly good actually was right how wide my bait is actually spreading and how i'm reducing my chance of a bite because of that i'm not paying enough attention and not doing enough things you mean i'm settling for all right instead of perfect it's good i i think a lot of the time it's the different view being able to see off the cameras that we're taking how far out it is we're being told it is a different one because you know when we started doing it oh yeah i'll be happy with that yeah but actually when you're on water level it looks very very different yeah the actual truth is i think that grouping and we you know we've all seen one of the things i have a massive amount of respect for in the match angling scene is how accurate you are your attention to detail and your accuracy i think is what sets you guys apart from some of the things that that we do and you know the more accurate it can be the the better so that's highlight that's low light uh the next one biggest eye opener or lesson learned um biggest eye opener the fall of the pellets probably yeah not too much to follow the individual individual pellets as we were feeding them yeah that was quite interesting how the sixers sink a lot faster than the eights and use them in the right applications i was surprised how slowly my hook bait sank yeah do you mean once it's raced down on the lead that final 12 inch or six inch whatever it is still three four seconds yeah it really surprised me how long the fish are getting to clock it yeah i mean and actually see it which for me that means i could spend or be more concentrate more on when i first cast in yeah pay attention to it because that's when your bike potentially comes that's the when it looks it's best there's almost that opportunity that you really pay attention for the first 15 seconds after that that's when you should settle everything and then you should start paying your normal attention doing whatever you know you process after that but that first little bit there is the opportunity for me the biggest eye opener i've got to say was the bread because genuinely i thought that when you're fishing four discs of bread i thought you'd have been fishing off you know like a pop-up off the lead fishing twelve eighteen inches off the deck i genuinely thought that was it i didn't think it was gonna lie on the floor no and it would say it really was a bottom bait as well it didn't want a couple at all bread on its own did it it moved around you know it was it would it would waft but it 100 wasn't a pop-up which surprised me because if you chop bread in then you know it's up yeah and if that might be something to do with you know the way it's going in the punch uh it could be all sorts but no sunk yeah big surprise big surprise definitely something to take into winter and speaking of something to take into what we need is more questions from you guys so we're out again all the time next year we've got loads and loads planned don't forget to follow us on social media on facebook on youtube loads loads of stuff you've got any questions fire them over but also if you've got anything that you'd like me jay or whoever to look at do let us know because we love doing it don't we mate it's a real eye-opener for us so uh yeah the more you guys can send in the more information we can get for you
Channel: Matrix Fishing
Views: 75,096
Rating: 4.9126821 out of 5
Keywords: Preston Innovations, Tackle Guru, MAP Tackle, Sensas, Fishing, Angling, Match Fishing, Coarse Fishing, Garbolino, Fishing Tackle, Fishing Products, Pole Fishing, Feeder Fishing, Waggler Fishing, Drennan, Winning Ways, Jamie Hughes, Spotted Fin, Dynamite Baits, Bait Tech, Maver, Cadence, Daiwa, Fish Matrix, Matrix, Steve Ringer, Des Shipp, underwater, rob hughes, bomb and pellet, bomb and pellet fishing, straight lead fishing, bomb and bread, popped up bread, pellet fishing, pellet
Id: QJhY0bcrIVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 32sec (3692 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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